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Everything posted by joseybird

  1. joseybird

    Beachy, Tropical Scents

    I'm not hot on my bottle and have it up for swap... Hmmm...Shanghai I'd also reccommend =) It's tea and honeysuckle and lemon...beautiful...like fresh, sweet water to my nose! So glad I have a 5 ml coming my way
  2. joseybird

    Beachy, Tropical Scents

    Tarot: The Star...lime rind and shredded coconut. And...Jolly Roger is like...like...being in the Pirates of the Carribean movie!!!
  3. joseybird


    Minty, icey...and something sweet and florally...on my skin it very much smells like a Hall's cough drop, as has been pointed out. This gives me the impression of very very cold water--not murky depths, but the sort of water that's so deadly because you're more in danger of freezing to death in it than drowning. An interesting oil, but not one I'd want to wear, especially with the medicinal smell.
  4. joseybird


    At first the blast of sharp juniper and bitter walnut scrunched my nose--I don't like juniper! But in drydown the scent mellowed to a yummy musky dark chocolate so I think I'll be keeping this one.
  5. joseybird


    I got no rose from Venus...just a sharp, minty, slightly powdery greeness, very much like Belladonna, which stayed linear through the drydown =(
  6. joseybird


    Dandelion! And honeysuckle! This is a sunny, summertime bouquet, and a floral scent I can actually get along with. This is a girl in a yellow gingham dress in the sunshine...sunny and delightful and the epitome of bright, breezy summer warmth =) me likey
  7. joseybird


    Poisonus smelling and herbal...like Belladona...but with touches of orange blossom, making it a bit more feminine. A well-named scent, but not one I could imagine anyone wearing as a perfume...
  8. joseybird


    Sassafrass!! Smells like bitter herb root I smell a bit of vanilla, but it's waaaaaaay in the background. Couldn't stand this one =( ADDED July 15: Sweet, fresh cedar, light pine, and sassafras (root beer!) are the first notes that pop out in this blend. It’s a causal, laid-back masculine scent—the scent of a rugged man who lives in small, dusty town surrounded by a beautiful old-fashioned wilderness. The vanilla bean comes out soon after, rich and creamy. This is a rootbeer float slapped down on a freshly-sanded small-town bar, handed over by a blowhard but kindly barkeeper. Wonderfully evocative, but I can’t really imagine this worn as a perfume!
  9. joseybird

    Empyreal Mist

    Soap =( Sharp green, then soap (the florals perhaps?). I wish I could say more, but this scent was a muddle to my nose.
  10. joseybird

    March Hare

    I love this blend because it is so simple yet so twisted and chirrupy...so appropriately named! Sweet apricots, mellowed with spicy clove. I usually hate fruity blends, but this is a treat! The clove prevents it from turning to kool-aid on me, like most fruit blends do.
  11. joseybird

    Anne Bonny

    Yeap--incense and salt water! I had been hoping for something breezy though...this doesn't remind me of the sea at all (not like Jolly Roger). I have heard that Anne Bonny improves with age, and I just swapped away my lab-fresh imp, so I may end up trying for an aged imp someday... EDIT: I just aged a new imp...the red sandalwood mellows with age, and the slightly sweet patchouli pops out =) very nice!
  12. joseybird


    On me this is about 80% pure coconut--coconut flesh (which smells plasticy to some people), not milk. It seems like every time I wear this different notes come out...sometimes the chocolate, sometimes the mint, sometimes the rum (which is nice and sweet and doesn't go all play-dough), but it's always mostly coconut. I don't smell the cookies, unfortunately, but, strangely enough, Spooky doesn't strike me as insanely foody...maybe it's just that it's so complex, or that it doesn't smell like any one particular food.
  13. joseybird

    Snake Oil

    Incensy vanilla, of course! The incense is pretty sweet--not dry at all, like it is in Morocco and Anne Bonny. I have an experimental blend that's snake oil with a bit of amber (or more amber) and licorice Snake oil is just fabulous mixed with other notes! Perfect for layering
  14. joseybird


    The spirit of temptation, the essence of lost innocence. Apple blossom, rose, ylang ylang and golden honey. At first: Heavy rose, slightly powdery, with a hint of something else...smells a tad fruity? Sweet? Maybe that's the honey... Drydown: Oooo that apple blossom is coming out! And the honey calms down! Eve can be overpowering at first--very bold and heavy, but the drydown is exquisite, when the rose shares center stage with its mellower notes
  15. joseybird

    The Star

    *SOB* Dark, heavy lime rind =( only the barest sniff of coconut on the late drydown...the notes just don't blend on me at all! I love BBW's coconut lime verbena, so I thought I'd adore this, and I bought a bottle unsniffed...up for swap it goes...*weeps pitiously*
  16. joseybird

    Dana O'Shee

    Honied almonds, bottled--very marzipan. A lovely, warm, snuggly scent...that lasts all of 30 seconds on my skin =( I'll proly swap this, as even though I love it a scent that lasts less than a minute on me is pretty useless ;_: *sob*
  17. joseybird


    Dear Mother, I've told you about some of the most important women in my life--gentle Snow White, regal Rose Red, charming little Alice, bewitching Eve, motherly Dana O'Shee, but Mother, although you may be shocked at my involvement with so many women, I think you'll be happy to know-- --that I've totally fallen for a MAN Now mother--I know what you're thinking!! But this is a man who loves women--loves to embrace them, treat them right, make them feel incredible. Sweet tea with a touch of lemon and the barest hint of musk, he smells like, with a side of snickerdoodle cookies. He is charming and unassuming at first glance, but the undercurrent of warm sexuality is irresistable. I never thought I'd commit to the full monty without having experianced him before (I'm bad--I know it!) but...*sigh*... I would never have been satisfied with just a touch--a taste! I want him forever and ever. I'll never give up my female relationships, but I think I've just found the man I want to marry Love, Josey
  18. joseybird

    Bon Vivant

    This scent is pretty dead-on...not insanely fizzy (not like Fresh's Lemon Sugar!) but nice...definately champagne, and maybe strawberry candy (doesn't smell like the real, fresh variety). Not sure if this is FBW yet though...
  19. joseybird


    An exquisite scent The rose and lilac mesh beautifully, and I can detect the rosewood and manderin. Even though I generally don't like florals, the woods mellow them and prevent them from getting soap. Definately FBW!
  20. joseybird

    Jolly Roger

    Mmmm! Salty (but not too salty) marine and...is that coconut? Maybe the rum just smells sweet on me This would be incredible on a guy, but a girl could also wear it. It really is an awsome scent =) Reminds me of Pirates of the Carribean! ADDED April 21: First of all, the bottle ROCKS SO Captain Jack!! I can smell tobacco, big tropical leaves, salty sea air, rum, and damp woods Maybe I'm just not good at detecting leather? Although I can definately see why Jolly Roger is considered masculine, I think the right chick can get away with wearing it =) Of course, I'd sooo jump a guy who smells like a pirate... at least, one of the BPAL variety
  21. joseybird


    The orange blossom and patchouli are instantly recognizable--like Ravenous and Vixen. The powder of carnation is discernable (becoming stronger during drydown), and gives it a bit of a mellowness that Vixen and Ravenous certainly do NOT have. This scent is mysterious and compelling...I picture a masked lady in a dark gown smiling enigmatically down at my small-child self when I smell this fragrance.
  22. joseybird


    The frankinsence is deep and rich and almost bitter, and lent a slight spiciness by the cinnamon. The violet comes out a little later on, but I couldn't identify it as such--just as a floral. A dark, bold blend, and feverish, but I can't get over the bitteness of the blend.
  23. joseybird

    Horn of Plenty

    Bitter! With a citrus twang...like fresh lime leaves. I can smell a touch of almonds and vanilla as well, and some murkiness that reminds me a tad of Creed's Vetiver. The bitterness dissapears into the slight creaminess lent it by the almonds or vanilla. Not something I'd wear, but I can see it as a great meditation blend
  24. joseybird

    Storm Moon

    When I first read the reviews, I thought I'd hate Storm Moon. "I HATE when scents go soapy on me!!" I thought sadly, so I wasn't awaiting its arrival with any enthusiasm. I barely smell any ozone in storm moon, though, and it smells more like "pure, clean, cold florals" to me than soap...well, I suppose it could be called soap, or detergent, but it's a very high-class one! I differ with many reviewers when I say that I can see a girl wearing this just as easily as I can see a guy wearing it. Unfortunately though, Storm Moon isn't really my kind of scent...but I will hang on to it, maybe to trade for another LE I'm desperate for. Update: It became very soapy later in the drydown =/ pity
  25. joseybird

    Beth's Experimental Blends

    I've never smelled Snake Oil, but I'm certain this blend uses the Snake Oil base. It's vanilla, spices, amber... and a note I JUST NOW identified... SWEET LICORiCE!! HOLY HERA! I love thee, I love thee, I love the...