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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by ebonykawai

  1. I was just reading up on carrier oils and came across this post. Can someone correct me if I am wrong? BPAL oil blends are NOT just pure essential oils but are blended with some sort of carrier oil. I've come to this conclusion because essential oils never go bad and have an infinite shelf life. It's the carrier oil that doesn't last forever.


    I'd like to know what carrier oil BPAL uses. I know jojoba is really a wax and never goes bad. There is also something called fractionated coconut oil that also never goes bad. What would be the best thing for me to purchase to extend my oils that would blend perfectly (no separation)?


    Any help would be much appreciated!



  2. Reminds me of what my Dad smells like when he's fresh out of the shower, in fancy clothes, and ready to go out someplace special. It has to be something like one of his colognes, But he has hundreds, so I'll have to have him sniff it and tell me.



    That's it exactly, Boo! I smelled this on the skin yesterday and I immediately thought "OMG, this smells just like Boo's DAD!!"


    Now I'm really curious...we must investigate.


    I love this, BTW.



  3. I have 5mL of this in its pretty green bottle, sitting in the back of my oil cabinet to keep it safe until the cold winds and snows blow again! Anyway...


    Lush, ripe, red berries are what strike me as soon as I apply it. I can almost taste how juicy they are. After about 15 minutes on the skin, the scent becomes a bit more subtle and a faint floral comes through. It's a very "alive" scent, not melancholy to me at all, and makes me feel almost giddy! Just gorgeous.

  4. I absolutely LOVE this!!! It's almost nothing like it seems in the bottle, which at first sniff is SO STRONG. But I agree with the other reviewers, once on the skin, it calms down quickly and evolves into a gorgeous earthy fig and I swear, a bit of clove or something (the cardamom??). I don't know, but it's amazing. I've worn this nonstop for two days.

  5. I think it's just been very hectic because Nella is on vacation. I'm sure things will straighten out again when she returns. I've sent some emails as well and haven't heard back just yet. My June 1st orders came in but with missing imps, and I haven't heard anything about my June 8th order yet. I'm sure they will get to the emails as soon as they can. I will be grateful, though, when Nella returns and the work is more evenly distributed.


    I never thought to "add on." All I want is what I ordered to begin with, in a reasonable amount of time. I think that's all anyone wants.

  6. First Impression:  A sinister smoky, masculine version of O.


    Second Impression:  O's sadistic male twin...a leather-clad master of the chamber ready for action oozing smoke, booze, amber and musk with a touch of sweetness perhaps to catch his waiting slave off guard. :D


    Final Analysis:  I didn't think it got more sexual than O, but this is.  I want my husband to wear this, I've driven myself wild with it tonight.  I can't wait until he returns.

    I put this on tonight and layered a bit of O on top...


    AMAZING!! Andrabell, you were right on about this one!



  7. This is absolutely beautiful but for some reason, I can't smell it on me!! :D With most other scents, if I'm sitting still just minding my own business, I can smell them pretty well. I cannot smell this one at all unless I press my nose against my wrist. It's WAY too light on me.


    My skin appears to eat it, which stinks because I love the scent! :P

  8. In addition, you have to keep in mind that the USPS will do what it wishes with the shipments, and your order is at their mercy once it leaves our hands. Please allow an additional six months once you factor in the possibility of USPS incompetence, customs poking your order, alien abduction of your mail carrier and your package being struck by lightning. Thank you for your patience. You'll see the box eventually."



    OMG, I almost peed myself!!! ROTFLMAO!! Beth, you should just throw in the old "acts of God" line and be done with it!



    :P :D :D

  9. Another fan here! I got a ton of compliments on this today and it's really growing on me. The spice and the dragon's blood are an awesome and extremely interesting combination. It's one of those scents that makes people say "Wow, what is that smell? That smells great!"


    I wore it because I wanted to feel cold-blooded today. I'm going through some crap at work with another person whom I need to pretty much ignore (read: "pretend he doesn't exist"). I always choose my scent of the day based on what I want to project.


    Needless to say, this is definitely working for me. I feel very confident wearing this.


  10. Vanilla was the first thing I caught when I smelled it right out of the bottle, and for a minute I was a little unnerved because I thought it seemed like pure vanilla to me, as in the extract. I wasn't sure I wanted to smell like vanilla all day, lol.


    Then I put it on. Oh. My. Goodness. It went from vanilla to SEX in about 10 seconds flat!!


    It seems like there HAS to be some kind of pheromone in here, a musk, some kind of weird combination of DNA, something that totally gives it that scent of pure sex.


    Amazing. Of all the scents I've tried, this one was the biggest surprise for me. I definitely see a 10mL bottle in my future.
