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Posts posted by tastycactuar

  1. Prototype: no scent description.


    I wasn't sure whether to post this in the Copper I thread, but it clearly says "Copper VI" on the label.


    Anyway, thanks to someone BRILLIANT, I got a bottle of this from DD. A couple friends and I sniff-tested it, and here's what we thought:


    There's almost an alcohol note in here, like something mixed with ginger ale, along with a citrus and - one of my favorites- black pepper!


    I haven't skin-tested this yet (I'm on meds that might change my skin chem), but I'm so excited to.


    This blend reminds me really strongly of something - I'm just not sure what. It's great, though.

  2. I got my bottle of Gluhwein, and smelled exactly what everyone else is describing: hot red wine. Not hot as in spicy, but hot like it's been warmed. It's an amazing smell.


    Unfortunately for me, I knew my godmother would absolutely LOVE it... so I didn't test it on myself, but gave it to her as her Christmas gift. She was ecstatic.

  3. DCLXXIV (674)


    In the bottle this is all oranges and cloves - a wonderful, warm, tart and spice scent.


    Sadly enough, when I put this on my skin et the orange, but the clove stays behind and is still lovely. Eventually the orange comes back, but the clove has good throw and the orange stays close to the skin.


    Deeelish! I got this from another forumite, and I'm so grateful to them!


    Previously reviewed by GirlInDenial.

  4. Eisheth smells wonderful in the imp. I'm pretty sure it would smell wonderful on me too, but... well... it disappeared as soon as I put it on. If I put my nose real close to my arm and snort like crazy, I still get a whiff of deliciousness, but I have to literally place my nose on my arm.

  5. Daiyu smells amazing in the imp, and just as good on me, which is fantastic because the other grindhouse gals seem to dislike me. The acai berry is definitely the strongest note (which I like 'cause I'm a fruit sort of person), but everything else rounds it out very nicely. I loves it.

  6. From the notes, I would have assumed that this would be my favorite of the Grindhouse ladies. Unfortunately, it's not. It smells like fruits, yeah, but fruits layered on something rotten. It's the patchouli and frankincense, I guess. :P Even sniffing the bit on my arm makes my head hurt and my stomach roil.

  7. This is a great blend. It goes on nice, strong and fruity. For about 10-15 minutes there's an odd note I'm not particularly thrilled with - I'm assuming it's the oak and the leather. It only lasts another ten minutes or so, and then it's back to the fruity deliciousness. This has great throw on me and lasts several hours, which doesn't happen for almost any other blend. Other than those couple odd minutes, I love it.

  8. I didn't even order this bottle, because I saw the notes and thought "there's no WAY I'll be interested in that". I got frimped the empty bottle of it from my decant circle and it's so incredibly interesting that I don't really know what to do abotu it. I know I want at least one imp, but do I want a bottle? Who knows?


    The upshot is that this is, like someone else said, all green and spice mixed and mingled together. I can't really separate out any of the ingredients (noob is me) but it's something that I just want to sniff over and over until I figure it out. :P

  9. I was nervous to try this scent, as I've heard a lot of people say that vetiver can be tricksy and overwhelming, and I tend to really dislike the smell of tobacco. Luckily for me, I got a fruity but incredibly spicy and complex blend from Three Gorgons. I bought this as a partial, but I may add a bottle of it to my next order!

  10. In the bottle, this is all sweetness and pop - it reminds me more of champagne then white wine, to be honest. And the scent keeps going once I put it on, and stays deliciously the same, a nice fruity tart bubbly smell. This one lasted the longest of all the scents I've tried. I immediately sought a bottle. :P

  11. In the bottle: sharp and fruity.

    Wet: same. Delicious!

    Drydown - 1.5 hours: an interesting smell. Very sharp and sour... to be honest the real scent memory I get is of the sour apple BubbleYum gum. It's deliciously sour and fruity.

    1.5 hours on: a little more mellow. But still delicious!


    Throw: you know, after all the scents I've tried, I think that my skin just EATS them. I haven't tried anything that has a real good throw, so that might just be me.


    Result: Totally bottleworthy. I love it. :P

  12. I got a bottle based entirely on the fact that there was tangerine in the blends. Unfortunately, I opened the bottle to sniff and it was insta-headache. I think I blame the vetiver. It just smells... dirty. And not in a good, clean, dirt way - in that "moldy used book with pounds of dust on" way. I couldn't even bring myself to try it on.


    I wanted to like all the Lovecraft scents... but I fear it is not to be. :P

  13. I'm very definitely a fruit smell lover, so this would have been perfect for me - and it is, in the sense that I love the way it smells both wet and on me.


    The only problem here is that it doesn't have much throw, and that it fades so gosh darn fast! I'm afraid to wear it for a whole day, since I'd have to reapply it so often I'd run out, and then where would I be? I'd be Fruit Moon-less!


    I wish that this had better throw and staying power, I'd wear it every day.

  14. I purchased this on a recommendation from someone on the LiveJournal forums whom I'd told that I loved fruit and foody smells. When I looked at the ingredients (after I'd purchased it, of course, since I'm practical that way), I went "PEONY? EW. Bamboo? Willow? WTF? I hate these floral smell things!" Luckily for me, none of those came to the immediate forefront - they all blended really well to create a scent that I can't really define, except to say YUM. :P


    Now that I have it, it's the one scent that I can count on to consistently smell BEAUTIFUL on me, and I've gotten a number of compliments from coworkers (including those who routinely complain about others wearing too much perfume). All I want is MORE. More bottles! What will I do when I run out of this?


    The throw isn't wonderful, but the scent is great - smooth, mellow, and comforting. It's a very happy blend for me.
