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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Entries posted by tastycactuar

  1. tastycactuar
    I said earlier in the SW list that I'd make a list of the About Face eyeshadows I liked from the Shespace, so here it is.
    Here they are, in order as you look down her complete list on the site:
    - Killer Bees (i'm covered in bees!)
    - Bright Outlook
    - Aphrodite Screams
    - Fire and Brimstone
    - Looked and Leaped
    - Acid Reign
    - Far too fabulous
    - Euphoric Madness
    - Pinch of Magic
    - Twisted Psychic
    - Firecracker
    - Powder Burn
    - Kitty Cat
    - Root of Evil
    - Art of Noise
    - Mesh and Lace
    - Tear Jerk
    - Reap and Sew
    - Moral Enemy
    so, yeah. There it is! Loads of fun colors.
  2. tastycactuar
    I've been thinking lately that I really want to try a number of the TALs, and I know a number of people on the SwitchWitch boards do too. So this is just a note to myself to consider running one.
    TALs I'd offer decants of:
    Caliph's Beloved
    Block Buster/Road Opener
    Aunt Caroline's Money Draw
    Brass Balls
    Nine Muses
    So they'd be 5.50 per imp maximum, to go with the lab's price cap thingie (although maybe just $5 sounds better). It looks like I could only order 4 bottles... hmm. This is hard to start out with. But there'd be 5 slots for each TAL bottle. Which is exactly the price of the bottle. That sounds nice, 'cause I don't want to screw anyone, but at the same time, I'd have to buy all the decanting supplies and shiz....
    Maybe I'll just put this on the backburner for now.
  3. tastycactuar
    So. I started out with BPAL the same way I think of all perfumes: foods. Fruits. Nummy. It's the way I've always been with perfumes- I hate florals, I hate musky stuff. I'd rather smell like a meal then smell like perfume. So when I began collecting, I started with the same things. I picked up anything that I thought had a dominant fruit note, and avoided anything else like the plague.
    Here's the weird thing though: I've been finding (through frimps. Hooray frimps!) that there is stuff that is NOT a foody scent predominantly that I love. Like La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente. Myrtle? Rose? WTF, I HATE rose! And yet I love this scent. It's fabulous. Or Blood Countess. Yeah, it's got plum and berries, but there's opium! and rose! and lilac! Crap, I thought I hated florals?
    Also, there's foody scents that I've discovered I don't like. Wow. Like 13. I've got a bottle of it, but it's so bitter and yuk - like a bar of chocolate that sat out on the counter for a month and is now all dessicated and gross. Every single ingredient in there sounded delicious, and I just can't wear it. What a shame. And then there's Ventriloquist's Dummy - there's supposed to be apricot in there, but I can't even stand the smell in the bottle enough to try it out on me.
    But then, there's the obvious: I LOVE Titania. Love. and I love Yemaya, and Fruit Moon....
    It's just neat to see the other notes in there that I could have sworn I hated.