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BPAL Madness!


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About DoomSayer

  • Rank
    wrist-sniffing wench
  • Birthday 08/15/1989


  • Location
  • Country
    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    Few things smell sickly sweet on me, so the best oils for me are noticeably (but not too foody) sweet with solid, complex low notes to shine through. Honey is good on me, as well as rose, pomegranate, citrus, honeysuckle (and most wildflower smells), and pale musks. Headier florals are a bit much on me, as are incense notes. My favorites? Fae, Glasgow, and Kali.

Contact Methods

  • ICQ
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    I have a B.A. in history and am working to attend graduate school for archaeology in the near future. As such, I really freaking love history. Also science, but that's a new thing for me.

    My other pastimes include reading, writing pot-boilers and fantasies, making art, and playing with animals (usually my own).

    Er, what else do people like to hear? ...I am an ISFP/ISTP, Gryffindor, Leo? I prefer DC, Coke, PC, and Nickelodeon? But I like both dogs and cats, than you.
  • Mood
    Bright and shiny.


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign
  1. DoomSayer


    Oh yay! My first review! I actually got this scent about a month ago so I've got some good experience with this scent now. This smell stays pretty regular on me, not a lot of morphing. The blackberry is less sweet blackberry on me and more of a watery sweet, blueberry/mulberry scent. The heather (which is a scent I'm not familiar with) is a very soft, herbal rose. I can't decide which note is more predominant and the two tend to fight for attention throughout the day. Occasionally, I'll get a weird soapy smell, like most florals do to me, but it only last the duration of the wet stage when that happens. Overall, I love this scent. It's dove grey, midnight blue, sunrise yellow, and lavender-colored and it makes me think of Heathcliff and Catherine walking the moors before a heavy rain, or of picking berries barefoot on a dewy, misty morning. Ahh...