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Posts posted by Digital_Hypoxia

  1. On me (and, to my nose, in the bottle) this smells exactly like Irish Soda Bread from Heaven & Earth Essentials (which smells not a dang bit like Irish soda bread). Sweet and sugar-fruity, like the pink glaze on doughnuts minus the doughnut, with a hint of orange cream.


    I've become less fond of gourmand scents in my old age - good grief it has been forever since I posted here - but am using this happily as a room scent.

  2. At first application and well after, this is all marzipan and booze. Not wine-y booze. Not spicy booze. Pure brandy booze.



    I do like it, but will take care not to wear it to work or at all during the day, lest passers by think I have a drinking problem.

  3. On me, this blend is all Nutella and spiced orange tea with an implausible bit of rosewood tossed in. Generally, my chemistry seems neutral (if such a thing is possible), but there is a definite, delightful, quirk between me and the oil here.

  4. Sweet Georgia Brown!

    This stuff is creamy coconut heaven.


    It’s just a bit tangy, a whole lot sweet, and makes me crave a Pina Coloda in the worst way possible.

    The initial blast of coconut dies down after about twenty minutes, but the oil holds on to the creamy sweetness. It reminds me quite a bit of Milk Moon; they seem like variations on a theme.


    I am very glad I bought a 5ml instead of an imp. I can see myself plowing right through this bottle.

  5. From the bottle forward, Peony Moon is a clean, bright floral.


    It reminds me very much of Dirty, which I love, but ever so slightly more feminine.

    I guess you could call it Dirty's older, prettier sister.


    The Peony note really dominates the blend for me, and its spot on enough to be almost indistinguishable from the blooms in my yard.


    I love it. I wish I'd bought more.

  6. Red Lantern, for me, was a case of falling in like...and then out...in the space of a few weeks.


    I love Amber. I love coconut. Both ended up overwhelmed by the other notes. It was sweet and astringent, but far too overpowering for me. It had amazing staying power (I must have the most innocuous chemistry--few scents morph on my skin) .

  7. Smut smelled exactly like Scherezade on me, from start to finish.


    This would have been awesome if Scherezade didn't remind me of a certain overindulgent night (and subsequent two day hangover). Kinda makes the boozy notes a funny sort of apt.


    I so wanted to keep it--just for the name alone :P

  8. Beaver Moon = Jello brand cheesecake mix in the box, before it's assembled into an actual dessert.


    It's creamy, milky, brown sugary, and has the slightest tinge of sour cream-ness.


    It made me absolutely ravenous both time I tried it. I'm dieting, so that was a BAD thing :P


    It's very, very foody--which is usually a great thing in my book.


    ...just not when I'm dieting :D

  9. The gas station near my work had the most amazing pumpkin cappucino this fall.

    I never drank it, as sweet + creamy= heave to my taste buds, but the smell was amazing.


    Maple-y, sugary, pumpkiny, candy-y...


    Trick or Treat captures it perfectly. I found it too much to wear, but burned through a bottle (quite literally) as a home fragrance.

  10. Have mercy...


    I'd read countless reviews extolling the rose-ness of this oil, but was ill prepared for the actuality of the stuff. Wow.


    If I managed to take all of the roses from my garden, and could capture the way their scent lingers on hot, humid summer nights, it would be this oil.


    The throw is amazing--I had to readjust my heavy handed application to counter it. It also lasts for hours without reapplying.


    I think it has surpassed Ophelia as my go to rose scent.

  11. When I tried this last year, all I could smell was the sickly sweet tinge of maple syrup, a scent that summoned up a world of Sunday morning breakfasts after church.


    The 2005 version, however, is heaven.

    Sweet, dark, rich, and altogether amazing.

    Like burned sugar and vanilla liquor...


    It has good throw without overpowering, is sweet without being sickly, and mainatins just enough edge to avoid the dreaded girlie trap.


    I wish I'd bought more.

  12. Fruit Moon is undeniably fruity, which for me, is usually a good thing.


    At first sniff, however, I realize that it smells entirely too much like Flower Moon (and therefore Mi Go Brain Canister) to ever go near my skin.





    My luck is taking a decided turn with the last few LE’s.

  13. Chaos Theory DCXLII / 642


    I guess, as they say, the third time is the charm.


    This is just lovely, and very much a me sort of scent. It is soft, sweet, and not at all cloying. It reminds me of cotton candy, grenadine syrup, and whisper soft florals. I cannot sort all of the notes out, but the sugar is undeniable. It seems like it could be Pink Moon’s sweeter cousin.

  14. In the bottle Strawberry Moon is definitely strawberry- like my Body Shop Strawberry perfume oil, the smell of my Strawberry Shortcake doll (from childhood-the one that blew scented kisses), and the glade candles my mother just loves swirled into one. There is no complexity or mystery about it. Fruit + cream = the end.

    The green tea never showed, nor did the sage. The other notes were faint and whisper like.


    On my skin it stays much the same, with the smell of Pink Moon poking around in the background for the first half hour. After that, almost everything fades except for the cheap lollipops of my youth, the kind they always handed out at church and the doctors.

    I don’t dislike this, but I am sorely disappointed. Chemistry?...maybe…and maybe I just suck at picking blends. My last three orders have been absolute failures; perhaps that’s a sign to give up.

  15. Honey Moon is very mild on my skin; baby mild to be exact.


    There is a certain greenness to this scent, which I’m assuming comes from the thyme and gardenia (for me, the jasmine is AWOL). The ginger is there … but it’s even so faint it almost doesn’t bear mentioning.


    This is subtle, like honeyed herbal tea, and not at all unpleasant.

    -Its just not what I was hoping for.

  16. The lust incense of a corrupted Astarte. A blend of ritual herbs and dark resins, shot through with three gingers and aphrodisiacal spices.

    This was love at first sniff, followed by an immediate sigh of relief when I remembered that I’d picked up two bottles.

    In the bottle, on my skin, and afterward: Sublime, citrusy, ginger- something like Gingerbread Poppet-but with more oomph.

    GP was my #1 scent for a good long while; I stalked ebay, slathered, and mourned it’s looming demise. SN is just as good, if not better. I can’t wait for fall; this will go great with a fluffy sweater :P

    ETA: Huh...

    Over the past few days this has taken on a stale food smell on my skin. Kinda like old fried chicken, oranges, and ginger.

    That's damn disappointing...

  17. Wow…


    This is probably the most difficult oil I’ve ever described; the notes are so shadowy.


    I absolutely love this scent; it is an unmistakable wisp of ozone tied down by a complex and mysterious base. It is clean (somewhat soapy) salty, and unmistakably nocturnal-like the woods after a nighttime thunderstorm.


    I almost wish I’d ordered two!

  18. Salt water and sea air, with just a bit of soap mixed in. Crisp, cool, and very clean.


    I love ozone scents, and this is no exception. It’s a bit softer than what I usually go for, and it screams clean, but I think it will make a nice work perfume (I work in an animal hospital) or poking around downtown in the heat perfume.



    I really like this :P

  19. I bought three of these, two of which came today.




    In the bottle- color seems more apt in describing this smell-it is a soft grayish green. It smells faintly medicinal and minty.


    On my skin- Mint is the only note that holds it’s own, although it is a weak showing to say the least. I smell like I spilled mouthwash on my sleeve and didn’t quite rinse it all off. There’s something poking around in the background, keeping the mint subdued, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. It’s almost herbal, and reminds me a bit of anisette. I guess you could say that this smells like watered down mouthwash & Ricola cough drops. Oh well.





    In the bottle- all mint all of the time.


    On my skin- Ground up Doublemint gum-a sweet, sugary mint. This reminds me a bit of Juke Joint.



    Unfortunately, I don’t like smelling like mint in the least. Hopefully my yet to arrive bottle will be sweet or spicy.

  20. I should preface this review by ‘fessing up to the fact that I have no skill in identifying floral notes. If it isn’t rose, lily, lilac, jasmine, or wisteria, I cannot pick it out.



    That said, I eagerly dabbed this on my free wrist and was struck by just how much it smells like Mi-Go on me :as in almost indistinguishable.


    As others have said, it is very floral and green. I quite like it- though not enough to ever use the two bottles I bought.

  21. I finally got this today, and slapped it one as soon as I got it out of the box.


    It is decidedly smooth & creamy (and minty), and very much like Chaste Moon. I have to add that it reminds me here and there of The Star / Spooky as well, though it does have a decidedly different personality.


    All in all- a nice, soft, scent, not too bold or heavy-perfect for this time of year.

  22. It seems that the words spiced and amber paired are enough to sway my bank account; few bottles purchased blindly have worked for me, yet I was compelled to buy a 10 ml of this.


    I love amber; Haunted is one of my must haves. Brisingamen went south on me.

    The Lion, it seems, is destined to fall somewhere in the middle.


    It is much softer than I expected, the amber, the spice, all of it. In the bottle it’s rather dull, like the faint whiff of cinnamon on a gum wrapper in the bottom of your purse. There’s a sweetness behind it all, not heavy or terribly foody, but very obvious. It puts me to mind of marzipan.


    On my skin, The Lion is initially the same unremarkable smell. After a few minutes, however, it begins to develop an intriguing spicy-sweet tinge. Other reviews mentioned the cake-ness, and I have to agree. The middle stage of The Lion smells exactly like the cake a Sunday school teacher made for every single church function/birthday/etc. It was not good cake by any stretch; I wouldn’t want to guess what she intended it to taste like, but the smell of it was always comforting to me.


    I doubt I wear this blend often. I even debated listing it on ebay for a few minutes after testing…but I think I’m going to keep it, if for no other reason than nostalgia.

  23. I’m probably going to be the patron saint of redundancy here, but so be it.


    The Star is amazing; cool and crisp and bright. It’s like Key Lime pie, fresh mint, and the creamiest coconut you can imagine swirled into one perfect scent.



    It’s sweet, and sharp, but never cloying. It’s clean and foody at the same time, without becoming too much of one to exclude the other.


    I’ve had such bad luck buying things unsniffed; this is such a pleasant change.

  24. I love me some coffee. Black coffee, fancy pants coffee, Michael Jackson coffee….

    There isn’t a word to describe how much I love this coffee.


    I put it on the car, and the warm foody goodness filled the whole cab. I wanted to inhale my skin- and stop for coffee. Sweet Georgia Brown I love this stuff!



    The dry down is no less amazing-soft hints of coffee with a decided bookish note. If I’d been allowed to drink my coffee in the library on campus, this would be the smell of studying. Luckily I wasn’t, so Miskatonic U is more novelty than nostalgia. I’d hate to think of vile stacks of Corups Juris Secundum and the Annotated Code every time I wear it :P


    If you walk into Starbucks/ insert coffee shop name here; inhale deeply and love it-this is the scent for you.
