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Everything posted by Digital_Hypoxia

  1. Digital_Hypoxia


    Clean, crisp, and vaguely soapy. I found Lightning to be very sharp in the bottle; however, it softened beautifully on my skin. It reminds me of a mix of smells: rain, mens cologne, and a soap from my childhood whose name is evading me at the moment. I usually really go for gourmand scents (and occasionally bright citrus and green tea based fragrances), but I can really see myself buying a big bottle of this.
  2. Digital_Hypoxia

    Gingerbread Poppet

    My boyfriend was kind enough to enable my addiction with this oil, and boy am I glad he did. It has quickly become my favorite. Wearing it makes me feel like I’m wallowing in gingerbread cookies (in the best possible way). It’s sweet and spicy at the same time, and dead on the gingerbread. My dog was bent and determined to lick it off of my wrist when I first put it on. Using this sparingly will definitely be an act of self control.
  3. Digital_Hypoxia


    My first impression of Gluttony was just how fitting the name was. The smell of butter and hazelnut leapt right out at me, and thoughts of baked goods filled my head. On my skin the smell was much the same. The vanilla and buttercream that intrigued me in the description were both locked in a wallflower role, smothered by the hazelnut and chocolate. The smell was absolutely edible, and gloriously calorie free. The cravings it elicits, however, are not I’m going to have to be selective about wearing it. I think staying at least 500 yards away from a bakery will be necessary.
  4. Digital_Hypoxia

    layering with Angel?

    Boy am I glad I did this search. I love Angel in an almost obsessive way, and go on kicks where everything has to smell like it (closet, pillows,car, me...even the dog's grooming spray). It's just a touch pricey for that sort of thing. Xiuhtecuhtli will be in my next order
  5. Digital_Hypoxia


    A decadent, deep perfume, lusty and luxuriant. The scent evokes images of velvet-lined Old West cathouses, tightly laced corsets, rustling petticoats and coquettish snarls of pleasure. Bawdy plum with amaretto, burgundy wine and black currant. I was instantly sold on Bordello, even before it hit my skin. When I was a teenager, my mother used to buy me an incense called "Vampire". I loved thescent, and burned it so often (to saturate my clothes and hair with it) that a lot of people assumed it was perfume. Bordello smells just like that. Sweet and berry with just enough amaretto to nix the coug syrup for me. I have no talent for pickingout notes, but there is a definite smoky, incense aspect to it. I've already ordered a big bottle....ah, addiction
  6. Digital_Hypoxia

    Dana O'Shee

    I seem to be lucky with scents smelling the same on my skin as they do in the bottle. That said, this is definitely milky/almondy goodness. It smells like it should be spread on something, like a cake or muffin. I'm also surprised just how much it smells like the hand Honey & Almond hand cream I picked up at Target (which I love-so sweet & clean). All in all, a very nice, soft scent.
  7. Digital_Hypoxia


    Whooo…first review (what better way to delurk?) I absolutely loved this scent, though I should add that I am a die hard sucker for foody smells. Jack jumped right out of the imp at me, very strong and very delicious. My room and Statistics textbook even picked up (and held) the scent. On my skin it stayed much the same, very warm and pumpkin-y, with a spiciness that almost reminds me of Chai tea. I will most definitely be getting a big bottle.