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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by dcmo

  1. dcmo


    I've been having trouble sleeping for the past few nights which isn't all that uncommon, I seem to go in stages that way. I had forgotten I had a 5 ml of Somnus but when it hit me I should try out that and see if it will help. Definitely the lavender is the dominant note, but I do get the scents other posters have mentioned too, like lemon, rose, and jasmine. It is very sharp for the first few minutes but softens and is very calming and relaxing. I put it under my nose and on my wrists because I usually have my hands up somewhere near my face when I sleep. I did feel calmer and more relaxed within a few minutes of deep breathing the scent. My legs started feeling heavier and I did fall asleep fairly quickly. I woked up a fwe hours later though and the scent was completely gone so I put on a quick touch up and went back to bed. Even after two applications the scent was completley gone when I woke up this morning, which is good so I could apply a new BPAL scent and off to work I go! Overall, I think this worked really well, and I will definitely be trying this on a more regular basis.
  2. dcmo


    Although supposed to masculine, I find this very feminine and very flirty. Floral, creamy and soft. Light scent but stays for a very long time. I like this one a lot
  3. dcmo

    La Petite Mort

    Freaking awesome!! Smells like you only better. Like wearing a second skin, drizzled in baby powder. Soft but long lasting.
  4. dcmo


    Uncontrollable passion and insatiable sexual desire: red musk, patchouli, ylang ylang and myrrh. Beautiful! Lust is very feminine, long lasting and reminds me a little of Siren.
  5. dcmo


    Skuld is gorgeous. Wet this smells of grape, but dries down more like lavender or lilac in my opinion. Slightly powdery/creamier scent after wearing for several hours. After many hours I get a smell similar to Hellcat. I love this one
  6. dcmo

    Queen Mab

    Oh dearest Queen Mab, how have I lived without you? This smells soo beautiful, I want to bathe in it! Floral and musky with amazing staying power. One of my absolute must haves!
  7. dcmo


    Very light, clean, watery tropical flowers. Beautiful scent, but too light for my taste.
  8. dcmo

    Black Pearl

    Black Pearl is gorgeous and decadent. It's very creamy but soft and floral. Coconut and hazelnut blend really well here. Great staying power which is always a plus in my books. One of my favorites
  9. dcmo

    Blood Kiss

    Lush, creamy vanilla and the honey of the sweetest kiss smeared with the vital throb of husky clove, swollen red cherries, but darkened with the vampiric sensuality of vetiver, soporific poppy and blood red wine, and a skin-light pulse of feral musk. Blood Kiss is beautiful...vanilla, cherries, wine. I find this dries down softer and creamier than the initial wet or smell in the imp. This seems to have really good staying power and reminds me slightly of Hell's Belle.
  10. dcmo


    To me, Velvet is the cross of Bliss and Hellcat. Two scents that I like very much. Initial wet is very chocolately but dries down creamier and smokier. Long lasting as well, which is a big bonus in my books!
  11. dcmo

    Anne Bonny

    I experienced the same thing as Nadirah. Within five minutes of putting this on, I couldn't smell anything, even sniffing my skin directly where I put this on, and I wasn't skimpy in my application. I was so looking forward to this one because it smells so good in the imp.
  12. dcmo


    Pure Milk Chocolate heaven!! Chocoholic as I am, I'm not sure this is something I'd want to walk around smelling like. I used the imp in homemade bath bombs that turned out to die for. What an amazing scent. I want to order it by the gallon!!
  13. dcmo


    Have to agree with everyone else. Initial wet, is straight sticky bubblegum from my childhood, seeing who can blow the biggest bubble (with about five big pieces in your mouth). Once this dries down though, it is a much more mature scent that is really hard to pick out the individual notes, but it's really nice. It's playful and flirtly, and yes very girly. I like it alot!
  14. dcmo

    Bon Vivant

    I get a stronger scent from the champagne than the strawberries. Very decadent scent, but not too heavy or strong. This reminds me of New Years Eve for some reason. Very nice, and great staying power. Lasted the whole day without reapplication...which I love!!
  15. dcmo


    Although it smelt really nice in the vial, this went to straight soap when I applied it on me. Even after drydown. Thing is it lasted for less than an hour and then I couldn't smell anything at all. Unfortunately this didn't work for me, but I think it would be really nice on a lot of people. I'll try this out as a room scent or it's off to swaps for me.
  16. dcmo


    Delightfully playful, delicate, with just a touch of "mreoww" thrown in for effect. This is a very comforting scent. Very feminine, and sexy without being over the top. Thumbs up for great staying power as well. A definite winner!
  17. dcmo


    From the imp and in the initial wet stage, all I'm really smelling is the almonds. But this dries down very nicely blending with the other scents like the mead, rum, etc. It's a very heavy, sweet, sexy spicy scent. I am wearing it at work, which might be a big much, but overall I think this is just so beautiful. ETA: The more I wear this the more I love it. I think it is completely sexy and I love the way it dries down. Funny thing is the first time I wore this I swiped it on my wrist and some of the oil got onto my watch band before it dried in. Now everytime I move my wrist around my face, I smell Hellcat, no matter what else I am wearing, and I always immediately think Damn Hellcat is some gooooood stuff! Definitely 10 ml bottle worthy!
  18. dcmo


    In the initial wet stage, I'm only picking up the green scents. Which is not really me, but thankfully when this dries, it is softer, sweeter, and more of the berry scents coming out. Thankfully I didn't give up on this in the early stages, because this is really lovely.
  19. dcmo

    New Orleans

    Reminiscent of hothouse blooms on a humid night, ripe, but touched with decay. Sweet honeysuckle and jasmine with a hint of lemon and spice. This is the first Wanderlust scent I have tried, and wow it's beautiful! In the initial wet stage this did smell very soapy but has dried down so nice. Very floral, humid, sexy, southern scent. I'm definitely getting the imagery of sitting on a screened in veranda sipping something cool on a very hot day. Big bonus points on throw and staying power as well. Definitely in my top five.
  20. dcmo

    Sudha Segara

    Clean, airy, light, but comforting. Unfortunately, this is way too light of a scent for me and has no staying power at all. I agree with other posters that this would be a nice bedtime scent. I think that's how I'll finish my imp
  21. dcmo


    This one I wasn't crazy about the smell in the imp, but I've learned not to judge by that alone, so I put it on. On initial drydown, I couldn't smell ANYTHING at all! I started to think I hadn't put enough on, but thankfully I didn't apply more as many other people mentioned this is quite potent. About an hour later, the smell started wafting up to me, and I notice it's scent quite strong. Actually giving me a slight headache, so hopefully it's going to soften a bit. I'm getting the smell of straight rose, but yes a mature rose. Very sophisticated. It also definitely gets points for it's staying power. I have to agree with other reviewers that this feels like an elegant evening out kind of scent. Frankly, I think I'm not really that classy For a lovely rose scent, I think I'll stick with Harlot.
  22. dcmo

    Love Me

    LOVE this scent! But I usually love anything with cinnamon. Unfortunately, this one does not love me. I found my first oil I have a reaction to. I swiped this against my wrists with no problem, and then on my neck, and moments later I was feeling burning, and found big marks when I looked in the mirror. Funny thing is my hubby came in and said you have two huge hickeys on your neck, what's been going on? Interesting a few days before valentines. Alas, it was my only my "love me". I've read of certain people having this affect and that it goes away in a few minutes so I tried to wait it out but ended up with more intense burning and big red welts that just grew larger and larger by the minute so I had to wash it off. I was so sad because I love the smell. Thing is I've tried quite a few other oils from Beth with cinnamon with no problem, so not sure why the reaction with this one, unless it's an issue with something else in the blend. Very unfortunately not for me.
  23. dcmo

    Hell's Belle

    I have to agree with everyone's previous postings that this is a very sensual scent. It's softer than I would have expected with a name like Hell's Belle which brings to mind some little wildcat firecracker woman This is beautifully floral, but also very creamy, and just lovely. I could see this being an everyday scent.
  24. dcmo


    This is the first BPAL Rose scent I've had a chance to try. I'm not really getting any scent of cinnamon which is sad for me seeing I LOVE cinnamon! Very pretty scent. On first drydown I seemed to be getting wafts of a lemony scent. Don't know where that was coming from since no one else mentioned that. Had a bit of a migraine this morning so maybe that affected my nose. This is a very feminine, floral, but yes - knock your socks off sexy scent, that I really like. Reapplication would be required though. Overall, thumbs up!
  25. dcmo


    Here is another scent that I wasn't particularly raving about when I smelled it from the vial. But ON? Wow, that's a whole other story! Out of all the oils that I've tried so far, this is the one I imagine being my signature scent. It's a lovely smell, with just the right amount of throw, staying power, and just exudes power. It's floral, sweet, spicy, but just that feeling of cold clean "I'm in command". Love it!! Here comes an order for a big bottle from me!