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Everything posted by dcmo

  1. dcmo


    In the imp, this smells very green and herbally, but wet the iris takes centre stage. As this dries, the sandalwood and myrrh balance this out so that it's not really a floral scent, but the iris still keeps this from becoming too dry or incensy. Very beautiful blend.
  2. dcmo


    WET: Dandelions and only dandelions. I never pictured them smelling so good but they do! Crisp and outdoorsy. DRYDOWN: As it dried down so did the dandelion part of it ... it became more boozy as I smell mainly the hops, and a small tinge of tobacco. If this scent stayed true to the dandelions, I would really like it but unfortunatley the hops stage doesn't really work for me.
  3. dcmo

    Grandmother of Ghosts

    I've always sort of avoided the woodsy scents thinking they wouldn't work for me, but Beth is such a genius and I'm finding whole new categories of scents that work with my skin chemistry. This is very woodsy while in the imp and initial wet, but as it dries down I do get the lillies and poeny popping through which really balances this scent so it's not too woodsy and not too floral. Very pretty and soft, but definitely long lasting.
  4. dcmo


    Bottled gloom; the essence of oblivion. Blackest opium and narcissus deepened by myrrh. This definitely is a dark scent! From the imp, this is quite harsh smelling and I was almost afraid to try it but I have learned that on and dry, Beth's creations can smell quite different. This dries down softer and smoother, to be a calming beautiful incensy scent. I really like this.
  5. dcmo


    I wish I was getting the fruit that others are mentioning. To me I just smell something sharp and strong, and not really pleasant. Something here isn't working with my skin chemistry. I gave it to my mom who says it smells like gum. Yes I think my untrained nose is hereditary
  6. dcmo


    I've been sort of leary about this one because I don't think of myself as a watery or ozone scent type of girl. Glad I got to try this out as a free imp from the lab. Thank you! It does definitely bring out the association of a storm, thunder, and lightening, perhaps at the ocean or on a beach. It is nice, but I don't think it's really me.
  7. dcmo


    Very masculine, crisp, clean. I would associate this as the male version of Dirty.
  8. dcmo


    Smells very sharp or harsh in the imp, but does dry down softer. Lavender and jasmine are the key players here, unfortunately does smell quite soapy. Sorry, not for me.
  9. dcmo


    I've been looking for a lilac scent because they are one of my favorite flowers, and I was lucky enough to get this as a gift in my recent order from the lab (Thank you so much!!). This is a gorgeous blend of lilacs and violets. It is haunting and dreamy, and does feel a little sad. The scent is too beautiful to even describe though. I just love it!
  10. dcmo


    Smells so lovely in the imp, but unfortunatley fades away to nothing within a very short time on my skin. Love amber though and for those whose chemistry this works for, it would be great. Unfortunately, it didn't like me
  11. dcmo


    Luckily no reaction to this one, but have had the red angry welts from a few other oils so I feel for those of you who had it with this scent. Gorgeous red hot cinnamon, pretty much straight cinnamon. Love it!
  12. dcmo


    Gardenia, tea rose, vanilla and jasmine. Gardenia and jasmine well balanced, with a touch of vanilla to sweeten it. I don't really smell the tea rose at all. This is light but long lasting. Bubbly and playful. A really nice blend
  13. dcmo

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    The Sacred whore has become my sacred perfume! Sweet, heavy, smokey, spicy florals that lasts and lasts. Very seductive, slinky, and makes me think of a strong, independant woman who definitely knows she's calling the shots.
  14. dcmo


    Light, airy, soft sweet flowers. Very feminine, and good for an everyday scent.
  15. dcmo


    Musky, sweet almonds. This is very light though and fades quicky. For a smokey almond I much prefer Hellcat, and for a sweeter almond I prefer eclipse although that fades quickly on me as well.
  16. dcmo


    Received this as a gift in my latest order. Thank you Lab! Very fruity - watermelon, cantelope, honeydew, with a hint of white florals in the background. Very summery scent for me. This is really pretty. Seems to have good staying power as well, which I wouldn't expect for a lighter scent like this.
  17. dcmo


    Jasmine is the dominant note here but it's softened and balanced by the honeysuckle and buttercup. This is a golden yellow or white light surrounding you type of scent. It does remind me of childhood. Really nice for spring and summer. This thankfully did not go soapy or powerdery on me like some florals do.
  18. dcmo


    Wet, the dominant note is almond/cherry, but this dries into gorgeous amber and spice. Soft, exotic, slinky, sexy. Along the lines of sherezade and morocco. Just gorgeous!
  19. dcmo


    This isn't the type of scent I would normally pick. I've now received two gift imps of Shadow from the lab so someone is trying to tell me something Initially this is just lemon like most other posters mention. It's a very calming scent though, great for summer especially in a very humid climate. It gives me the scent of a cool breeze, sitting out on the cedar deck with a cold glass of lemonade. Not something I would have initially picked as I tend to go for the sweeter or spicier scents, but this is really nice.
  20. dcmo


    Dry, spicey, musky, very sexy and excellent staying power! I feel like I'm in a long flowing skirt, walking through an open air market in the middle east with each vendor trying to lure me in to buy their wears. I do really feel transported in this scent. It's a favorite
  21. dcmo


    I've had this imp for quite some time but for some reason kept passing it by for other scents. When I smell it from the imp, I really just get the wood smell, nothing else, so I didn't think this was for me. Now that I've had a chance to try it on me, what a difference. On my skin when still wet, yes the wood or cedar is the dominant scent but the cocoa starts to push it's way through. Drying and dry, this is much more balanced than I initially expected. Between the wood scent, cocoa and fig, this dries down really nicely. I think of this more as a fall or winter scent because it's very comforting and enveloping..similar to velvet. Glad I gave this a chance, but why did I wait so long??
  22. dcmo

    Dana O'Shee

    A calm and soothing, makes you feel good scent. Love all the aspects of this..what's not to love? Milk, honey and sweet grains. Just amazing! Sweet, soft, light, airy, great for summer because it's not heavy, but still has very good staying power..which surprised me. I thought this would need frequent reapplication, but it lasted the whole day on me.
  23. dcmo

    Blood Rose

    I love all of Beth's rose scents, and this one is definitely no exception! I think the wine and dragon's blood really balance well with the rose that it's not overpowering rose. I think even people who aren't rose lovers would really enjoy this. I would say it's a cross between Spellbound and Black Rose. Gorgeous! Not at all powerdery and not overly sweet. Just lovely!
  24. dcmo

    Black Lotus

    In the imp this smells very sweet, but on and in dry down, it is really balanced out from the myrhh and sandalwood which give it a smokey darker feel, so it's not out and out sweet. This is a soft scent to me with pretty good lasting power. It's nice but sorry, not one of my favorites. Definitely keeping the imp though. I think this might be nice on an oil burner.
  25. dcmo


    Maenad is girly, fruity, sweetly floral and almost candy-like. I do pick up the grape vibes that someone else mentioned, even though there aren't grapes in this oil. I picture this as a bright purple. Maybe its the hibiscus or poppy that reminds me of grapes. Sorry not an expert nose at picking out individual notes like many of you are. Funny thing is I've got quite a bit of attention today from some males which is interesting seeing I've wore Come To Me, and Follow Me Boy and the like with no reaction. I wear Maenad and I had a very cute guy following very closely behind me sniffing loudly this morning. Once he realized he was caught he smiled and winked. Very cute! This has excellent staying power on me as well. Six hours later and still going as strong as when I first put this on. I think this is the first scent that I haven't completley agreed with Shrieking Violet on, which suprises me since I find normally I echo her thoughts exactly (although she puts it so much more eloquantly than I do!!) Definitely a keeper and sneaking it's way into my top ten as the day goes on!