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Everything posted by dcmo

  1. dcmo

    The Apothecary

    Reading the description of grasses and herbal medleys made me slightly nervous as that's not really me. This though is not at all what I expected. This is light, crisp, clean and calming. I mainly get the tea scent with a big of fruitiness from the fig, but it's completely in balance. This reminds me of Severin but without the lemon scent. This is perfect for summer.
  2. dcmo

    Dance of Death

    Wet, patchouli is the dominant note with myrrh and musk playing together in the background. As it dries the orris does pop through to sweeten this, which is nice, because if it stayed in the wet stage this definitely wouldn't have been for me. I did get a touch of a headache from this one though, but smelling good is worth a lil pain
  3. dcmo

    Silentium Amoris

    I'm wondering if someone at the lab is secretly reading my reviews and sees how much I love ALL of Beth's rose blends! I am so glad I received this as a gift in my last order, which I would never expect seeing it was discontinued. I'm so sad this was discontinued before I got a chance to try it, because now I'm in love! I add this to the long and growing list of Beth's roses that I've fallen hard for. Wet this is lush, full red roses, very sweet and heady. As it dries down, the roses also take on a drier, less lush scent, but still gorgeous. The ylang ylang does balance well with the roses without overbearing or turning soapy. This is so beautiful, it just filled me with emotion when I smelled it from the imp. It does definitely give me the sense of yearning, unrequited love, or love lost. Just amazing!
  4. dcmo


    I also got this as a gift from the lab in my most recent order. Wow, I'm in love - thank you thank you thank you lab! In the imp, it's really an aquatic floral, with the water lillies being the main note. On my skin, while still wet, it's still the water lillies but sweetened by melon a little. As it dries down, the violets and rose makes an appearance which makes this scent get better by the minute. I haven't picked out any wooden notes or clover. I'm so glad I got to try this. It's perfect for summer. Now I'm on the hunt to see if I can find more of this because I don't think one imp is going to last me very long. Thank you again lab!!
  5. dcmo


    This is an earthy, grounding, green scent, but also feels clean which suprises me. I didn't expect to like this one from the ingredients listed. It's nice, but not a favorite. I'm mostly getting the patchouli and myrrh with a slight wood scent underneath..no moss or roses on me.
  6. dcmo


    This is something I would have never picked out for myself, but it was included in my last order from the Lab. From the imp, this is very strong, acrid smokey, and yes grey and gritty. I'm always amazed how the lab's descriptions are so bang on. On me, it does mellow down a bit to not be so take your breath away strong. This does soften, and sweeten a little. This is really nice. I will still stick to my sweet and spicey scents as my favorites, but this is something different that I never expected to like. It really brings back memories of sitting around the campfire. This is a scent of my childhood. I think this might be a nicer scent in the winter since it does have almost a warming quality to it, I guess with the association of fire, wood, smoke. I'm really glad I got the chance to try this.
  7. dcmo

    Blood Pearl

    This was a scent I was wanting to try, but hadn't got to order yet. Thank you lab for including this in my last order! I really like Black Pearl so I was interested in comparing Blood Pearl. On me, I'm not sure if my skin is just amping up the musk, but that's pretty much all I'm smelling. Maybe a bit of the orris as well. Unfortunately no coconut, which sucks because I love Beth's coconut! I do like this although it wasn't quite what I was expecting. I'm definitely keeping the imp but just wish the coconut would come out and play!
  8. dcmo


    Severin is light, clean, and fresh smelling. Really nice for this unbearable heat we have! I do pick up the tea scent, as well as lemon and as it dries, just a touch of leather underneath. This is really nice and think it could work for a male or female. Unfortunately not as long lasting or as much throw as I would like.
  9. dcmo


    Although I do like fruity scents, I don't normally consider fruity as sexy. This has changed my mind. The plum is the main note here with the wine just balancing it nicely. This screams out sexy, sinful, and ready to play to me. It doesn't fade fast, but doesn't have much throw either. That's the only thing that would have made this scent a perfect ten for me. Really glad I got to try this!
  10. You could maybe try Pele, Kali or Dirty. Hope you find something that works for you!
  11. dcmo

    Two, Five & Seven

    Bought a 5 ml unsniffed based on the description and the fact that I love everyone of Beth's rose blends that I've tried. 2, 5 & 7 did not disappoint. This is gorgeous! Feels like I'm having a bath filled with rose petals on a hot summer day and then getting out of the bath and spritzing myself with rose water. These are sweet, sugared petals that are just lovely. So glad I got a 5 ml!
  12. dcmo

    The Red Queen

    Wooden sweet cherries. Interesting combination. This doesn't go cough syrup on me, but also wasn't instant love. This is nice but think it would take some time to grow on me.
  13. dcmo

    Tiger Lily

    Honey kissed lilies. Soft, creamy and sweet. Very light and doesn't really stay too long, but well worth frequent application. This is gorgeous and perfect for work.
  14. dcmo

    Baba Yaga

    I agree with t3andcrumpets that this is similar to Mi Go Brain Canister. I also get something reminiscent of a Pink Sugar type scent. This is sugar sweetened pineapple, with a touch of something creamy and a little bit musky. This is really nice.
  15. dcmo


    I'll just add this one to the growing list of amazing Rose blends that Beth makes. This is soft, sweet, innocent, calming. For me the main scents I pick up are the Rose and Orris. Really feminine and pretty.
  16. dcmo

    Dragon's Milk

    Nothing really that I can say that hasn't already been said. This is just pure perfection! Cherry-touched vanilla and honey when wet. Sweet, warm and smokey as it dries.
  17. dcmo

    Dragon's Bone

    This was my first of the Ars Draconis blends. It smells very dry, but sweet. The sandalwood and orris blend really well to keep this from being too sweet, but also from being too floral. This is really a great scent.
  18. dcmo

    Tzadikim Nistarim

    I would never have known what to expect from the ingredients list, but I got it in as an extra in a swap...and Wow this is gorgeous! I get a sweet golden fruit scent that is clean, smooth and very calming. A great scent for everday and when you need that little extra special pick me up. I never expected to love this but I do!
  19. dcmo


    When wet, I do find this smells quite masculine, but it dries down softer and almost a powerdery scent which I'm thinking is the myrrh. This makes me think of lazy sundays staying in your pj's and just watching tv and eating junkfood. I didn't expect I would like this from the description but I do.
  20. dcmo


    Light, airy, clean, refreshing..like a dip in the pool on an extremely hot day. This is gorgeous
  21. dcmo


    Sin is mainly amber and sandalwood with a slight touch of patchouli. I can’t really smell any cinnamon at all. It’s absolutely lovely. Long lasting, and strong but not overwhelming. It really doesn’t take much of the oil to get a good scent in the air around you. Warm, spicy and way sexy!
  22. dcmo


    Refined, austere and graceful. A recipe gleaned from Classical Rome: cypress, juniper, chamomile and rose. I don't really like this scent when it's wet. It's very green, herbally and sharp smelling, but this dries down to a lovely soft rose that is just beautiful. As long as I can make myself wait through the wet stage, I love this! I love every one of Beth's oils that have Rose it in though. Just gorgeous!
  23. dcmo

    Lex Talionis

    When wet this is very harsh and masculine smelling, but on this dries down much softer and really well blended to be a scent that could work for males or females. The violets soften the scent, and the pepper comes out more as well. Woodsy also. It always amazes me the way Beth's scents can morph from one thing to something completely different on drydown. This is really pleasant and a grounding and calming scent for me.
  24. dcmo


    Dry and incensy. Initially when wet it does have a sweet smell but this disappears during dry down. Not really my type of scent but I'm glad I got to try it.
  25. dcmo

    Ave Maria Gratia Plena

    This is very floral (mainly jasmine), and although it's a light scent the flowers pack a punch and are slightly headache inducing. As it dries, it does take on a slightly soapy scent as well. Unfortunately not for me.