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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by darklorelei

  1. darklorelei


    This one is kind of strange, but has the potential to be absolutely magical if you have the proper chemistry. It's really interesting, because Ulalume so clearly has two levels. There's a sweet fruity-floral flavor on the top, which must be the lilies, but the bottom level is very herbal. For me, the two layers never really merge, and the aquatic note really doesn't do it for me. However, I think this is an absolutely fascinating scent. The aquatic note just always turns into Dial handsoap for me.
  2. darklorelei


    Cathode was really, really interesting on me. I love it wet, but I don't like it as much on drydown and as it's drying. Interestingly enough, when I first put it on, it smells almost like pear, vaguely mint-scented pears, sweet and light, but definately fruity. Seemed to be a lighter complement to Megaera. However, as evidenced by my experience with Envy, I like mint ok, but it loves me. And swiftly eats anything else in the scent, and it ends up smelling exactly like a less intense version of Envy.
  3. darklorelei

    Comparing Alice to Stella McCartney Stella

    *Shrug* I avoid commercial perfumes like the plague because of the alcohol. I'd just assume that if the "note" was in it, they'd say so. Of course, most people don't like (or think they don't like) anise/licorice. edited to take out snarky bits.
  4. darklorelei

    Comparing Alice to Stella McCartney Stella

    Amber is definately not like licorice. And I can't figure out what was licorice-y to you in that. Usually there's licorice or anise.
  5. Hmmm.... Maybe try Baobhan Sith? Probably not really what you're going for but it's mostly tea/grapefruit. (And I realize grapefruit isn't even close to being bergamot) I'd love this combo as well.
  6. darklorelei

    BPAL and pregnancy

    No pennyroyal, but that's easy enough to avoid. Umm. There's more, but I'm just waking up right now.
  7. I was sortof curious about the ginger note as well. I adore ginger root as food, flavor, and EO, but Beth's blends with it have been kindof...not gingery. I know she doesn't like it, but I don't want to get Sudha Segara if it's the same "ginger" as Siren or Vixen.
  8. Carnation definately IS carnation. Smells like the inside of a florist's cooler, than straight to clove. Yum.
  9. darklorelei


    Despite my deep and abiding love for Baobhan Sith, I may have a new favorite in Megaera. This will most definitely become my first big bottle. I really have to say that this is a supremely *balanced* scent with real lasting power. It's a nice plummy scent with an acid kick. The base note of black amber is ideal: it nicely gives way to the other notes, lending its lending power and sweetness, allowing the perfume to keep constancy. The amber does not overpower, and does not add the plastic-y afterscent I find in many of the blends w/amber. Megaera is a very dark fruity scent, unlike Bordello, etc. Dark and spicy. The lum is not cloying, and the citrus and the orris nicely balance the fruit. Lastly, I adore the combination of the bergamot and grapefruit. It adds a real kick to the scent, and while the grapefruit fades quickly as a top note, the bergamot keeps continuity.
  10. darklorelei

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I find that the extra-dry is really, really loose. Not thick at ALL. I get minorly bit by almost anything. I haven't had any major reactions *knock on wood*, but everything gives me a little burn.
  11. But do remember the state. For it to work, you need to wear it for study and for the test.
  12. darklorelei

    1 hour, 11 minutes til upload.

    Rebecca? *swoon* Damn, I need to go through that list again! Eris! And Medea! And Nemesis! And the Graeae?! It's gonna be a lean winter, folks!
  13. darklorelei


    When I did mine the new price hadn't gone up for the imps
  14. darklorelei


    Awesome job with the update. I'm so excited about the scents. While I'm still working on getting my comp to tolerate CC Now, I was able to use my roommate's computer for ordering. Woot! Relax, enjoy your wine, and prepare for the deluge!
  15. darklorelei

    1 hour, 11 minutes til upload.

    *shrugs* no clue. I just get the generic "IE can't find the page" spiel.
  16. darklorelei

    1 hour, 11 minutes til upload.

    I tried again, but no luck. Perhaps I'm cursed? I emailed Nella...
  17. darklorelei

    1 hour, 11 minutes til upload.

    Umm. Not to cause any freak outs or anything, but CC_Now is definately not working for me...When I try to go to secure checkout it does an error...hopefully it's just me! (the new stuff looks great by the way...I can't wait to get my hands on the Eumenides!)
  18. darklorelei

    Preview of the June 1st Update

    The Kindly-Ones must be MINE! Megaera sounds absolutely divine. The Eumenides is such an awesome idea! (Now to the Norns/Fates! j/k...sortof)
  19. darklorelei

    Astrology Recommendations

    I got Taurus and Aries w/my first order. (as I said above, Mercury and Venus in Aries, sun in Taurus) I didn't like either of them. Aries was cause I really don't like sweet stuff, and for some reason, anything at all sweet goes completely sweet on me. Taurus was....odd. I don't really remember it, But I remember intensely disliking it. It may have been too green with the dirty? I don't know. But I think I may order Libra or Venus next time. Venus sounds like it'll be great on me, even if I don't like it that much, and Libra might be ok, though I seem to remember it having musk.
  20. darklorelei

    When your favorite GC blends are discontinued

    I got Morella as a freebie, too. I don't love it, but I think that if you do, you'll really, really like Veil. You should try it.
  21. darklorelei

    Astrology Recommendations

    So, uh. Sun in Taurus, Moon and rising Libra...Venus all the way, huh! I'll probably try Mars sometime...I have 2 in Aries.
  22. darklorelei

    Order Shipped Emails???

    If you DO get an email from USPS then your package is very, very forthcoming.
  23. darklorelei

    Sniffs similar to Clean and D&G Sicily

    I haven't smelled those, Malanna. But I think Old Shanghai is an awesome clean scent---and not laundry either! A lot of the other ones tend to be, at least for me.
  24. darklorelei


    So, I'd been back and forth for a while with this one, and I've decided that I love it! While I don't really see myself as a floral girl, this shows that I can be, given proper balance. This one doesn't so much fade fast as assimilate. I can still vaguely smell it hours later, which is good. On me it smells just like freshly washed me, scrubbed and fresh. This is CLEAN, but not like soap/antiseptic...what you'd normally think of as clean/fresh. I don't really get the lemon verbena so much, but I can definately tell that there's something there tempering the other floral notes, particularly the tea, which is often overwhelming in many perfumes. Yay.
  25. darklorelei


    More than anything, this scent reminds me of bergamot. Note, there is no bergamot here. (that we know.) I also get the vague piney sensation as well. I don't love it. EEp! I just reallized what this reminds me of. Lemon jolly ranchers. I like 'em, so that's ok. It had just been bothering me, cause it smellt familiar.