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Everything posted by gingersnapp

  1. gingersnapp


    Mmmm... I really love the Lab's fig blends. This one just might be my new favorite. It's a "dirty" fig... very earthy. I would guess that that's the black herbs. It's a sensual, rich fruit smell... not particularly sweet, but very sticky and very rich. Absolutely gorgeous!
  2. gingersnapp


    Mmmm. A very sweet vanilla was most dominant at first, but as it's dried, there is a spicy muskiness that has taken over. I would love to smell this on a man. It's very elegant, but commanding. Very proper, but dead sexy.
  3. gingersnapp

    Cobra Lily

    This smells like Dragon's Blood on my skin. It has the same sweetness to it.
  4. gingersnapp


    rosemary, orange flower, grape spirit, five rose variants, lemon peel, and mint. When I first put this on, I was surprised by how strong the grape spirit was. It was like I had just spilled a little bit of Dimetapp on my skin. As it dried, the rosemary became the most dominant note, but I can still smell quite a bit of the grape. It's soft and powdery and sweet. Unfortunately, I can't identify many of the other notes. It's still very nice, though!
  5. gingersnapp

    Antique Lace

    This is just beautiful. It reminds me very much of a perfume I used to wear before I discovered BPAL - Stila's Creme Bouquet. It's sweet vanilla and soft florals. Nice throw. Seems to be growing more intense as it dries, so I imagine this will last a decent amount of time. I'm glad this was resurrected so that I could get a chance to try it.
  6. gingersnapp

    Three Witches

    Hmm, I'm going to need to let this one age a while, I think. The imp I have of the discontinued version is more...blended? I don't really know how to say it. The 2005 revisited version I'm wearing now is straight up cinnamon with very little clove and white pepper. I love cinnamon, but in the old version, it's playing a little nicer with the other notes and seems a bit more mellow and smooth. In the new version, it's very spiky and sharp. I know in time I will love it, though.
  7. gingersnapp


    Upon first applying this blend, my immediate reaction was, "Oh no! Another one that smells exactly like Snow Bunny and Snow Moon! I don't need three oils!" But as it dried, the juniper and berry and snow scent faded into the background and let the crisp dryness of the woods come into the forefront. This is really beautiful, and a perfect winter blend.
  8. gingersnapp

    Sugar Skull

    This smells like maple syrup. Very sticky and sugary. I didn't think I'd like it, but it's very soothing and calming. So there ya go.
  9. gingersnapp


    This is a floral with a bit of bite. And a lot of androgyny. I think I'd love this just as much on a man as I do on myself. Strongest notes are white musk and ylang ylang. It's definitely floral, but the musk gives it depth and one of the other florals is making it a bit... peppery? It's spicy but soft. I don't really get the "hair spray" thing, but maybe I was just never lucky enough to have hair spray that smells like this. This is hot.
  10. gingersnapp

    Spirits of the Dead

    Whoa, this is very soapy. I thought there must be some ylang ylang in the blend before I read the list of components because this is what that turns into on my skin. If I had to take a stab in the dark at what the dominant note it, I'd say it's probably the dry tea leaf. There is a slight tea smell to the soapiness. But other than that, I can't pick out any of the other notes. I know what orris smells like, but I can't find it anywhere in this blend. Sweet and soapy. Not really my thing.
  11. gingersnapp

    Snow Moon

    This smells exactly like Snow Bunny on me - juniper and berries, and a cold ozone "snow" scent. I can't decide if I really need to keep both bottles because they are identical, but having to decide which one to part with is a tough call!
  12. gingersnapp


    This blend confuses me, and I'm having a very hard time pinpointing any of the notes. It's creamy and spicy and citrusy. There is a spice I've cooked with that smells very similar to this, but I cannot for the life of me put my finger on what it is. Cardamom? Coriander? It's more fruity than spicy, but also sweet. All in all, it's very pretty and uplifting, albeit a little too fast fading.
  13. gingersnapp

    Snow Bunny

    This is chilly juniper and berries, dominated by a translucent snowy ozone scent. I don't usually like the "snow" blends, but because of the fresh green from the juniper (or pine or whatever it really is), I enjoyed it a lot. A great winter blend.
  14. gingersnapp

    The Sleeper

    Usually I am thrilled to see oakmoss as a component, but something went really wrong with this blend. At first, it was all calla lily... a very creamy floral. But as it dried it wreaked havoc on my sinuses and allergies. I think that's the crypt musk. It's a very... moldy, sharp, greeen smell, and it's very, very strong on my skin. I can tell the oakmoss is in there a little, and the lily is still somewhat evident, but that mold smell is driving me crazy. Too bad.
  15. gingersnapp

    Red Phoenix

    I don't really know what it is that I'm smelling, but I know that I like it. There is another BPAL blend that smells very similar to this, but for the life of me I can't recall what it is. It's definitely a spicy oriental blend, as others have mentioned. But it's blended so well, I can't identify individual notes. I know there's the cassia/cinnamon in there, and red musk, but other than that, it's just so gorgeously harmonious I can't pick them out on their own. Beautiful. Strong. Powerful. I love it.
  16. gingersnapp

    The Rat King

    When I first applied this, I hated it. It was very sharp and biting. But as it's dried, it takes on a very perfumic aspect. It reminds me very much of some perfume my mother used to wear when I was a child. There is something in it that reminds me of one of her Chanels or perhaps Emeraude? I'm not sure. It's still somewhat biting and very, very animalic, but then there is a creaminess that underlies everything. I am keeping this for nostalgic reasons. And because it is very unique and beautiful.
  17. gingersnapp

    Pumpkin Patch V (2005, 2006)

    I was most excited about this blend because I love the woods aspect of it. I'm very fond of Yggdrasil, so I was hoping this was Jack + Yggdrasil. It is, in a way, but it's also... sweetened (?)... or maybe it's deepened... by the English ivy, which lends a nice shot of green to the blend. I don't know enough about galangal to be able to identify it. This is dry and green and wonderful.
  18. gingersnapp

    Pumpkin Patch IV (2005, 2006)

    It's really amazing to me with the pumpkin patch blends, how each smells almost entirely of pumpkin in the bottle and then really "blooms" with all the other notes once applied to the skin. I thought I'd like maybe one or two of these, but I've ended up loving all five. That aside, this is mostly pumpkin when wet, but as it dries the dusty, "berry growing wild on the vine" scent of orris pops out and really takes control. I don't smell too much of the sandalwood, and while I was hoping that was going to be the most dominant note, I don't really mind too much. This is a soft, dry scent.
  19. gingersnapp

    Pumpkin Patch III (2005, 2006)

    In the bottle, I was confused because it smelled very much like Jack, with a nutty twist. I didn't get the pomegranate at all. When I applied it, at first, it still smelled like Jack, but as it dried, the pomegranate has taken over this blend. It's a big, fat, ripe, lucious pom and I really like the way it is grounded by the pumpkin. There's a little bit of spiciness to it, and a little bit of that nuttiness I smelled in the bottle. Very pretty.
  20. gingersnapp

    Pink Phoenix

    This is definitely a sweet blend. I wore it over sweet pea body cream so that is the note I pick out the most, but in the bottle it was more vanilla. So perhaps this would have a different dominant note if I changed what cream I'm using. I don't get much strawberry, thankfully, as pink moon did not work on me at all. There is a little bit of the plastic note that I get when I wear predominantly fruit blends, but not enough to turn me off to this. It smells very candy-like. At first, like a pink SweetTart. That might have to do with the sugared pear. I'm not sure. I just know that I like it. It's a very happy, uplifting blend. ADDED 2/3/07: In the bottle and on my skin when I first applied this, it smelled remarkably similar to Pink Moon, which I wore yesterday. Now that it's dry, it's more vanilla sugar... very sweet and gritty smelling. There's also something that's turning to freshly juiced carrots and I have no idea what that is or why that's what comes to mind, but there it is.
  21. gingersnapp


    My skin loves roses, so the rose otto was the most prominent note in the blend, followed shortly (and deliciously) by the sandalwood and lavender. It was very soft and warm and comforting, which is the exact opposite of what I would think of a blend called "Despair," but now I can at least think of it as a blend to wear when I am despairing to help me feel a little better. This was a really beautiful blend and I'm glad it was re-released long enough for me to get to try it this time around.
  22. gingersnapp


    This is the one that I desperately wanted. I literally shouted when I tore open the box and found it inside. It definitely lives up to my expectations, too. There are so many notes in this blend that agree with my chemistry that it was a winning situation. It's a smoky, spicy, sweet floral. The strongest notes are the carnation, oakmoss and white tea. I'd say there's a sweetness from the vanilla and honeydew, possibly even the lychee, and I think I'm getting a little bit of the sunflower too. It's absolutely perfect!
  23. gingersnapp

    Pumpkin Patch II (2005, 2006)

    In the bottle and on my skin, the hazelnut is the most dominant. This is very much like Gluttony with a little something extra. I know it's pumpkin because I've read the description, but smelling it doesn't really remind me of pumpkin so much as just some sort of mellow spice undertone. Very warm and cozy smelling.
  24. gingersnapp

    Pumpkin Patch I (2005, 2006)

    Upon application, the mulling spices are the strongest component of the blend. It's a very warm, cozy scent. After an hour or so, the cider peeks out a bit along with the pumpkin. The spices are still dominant, but nowhere near as strong as when wet. This is a very comforting blend. It makes me think of autumn, which is by far my favorite season. Just lovely.
  25. gingersnapp

    The Peacock Queen

    This is a more mature, sophisticated Rose Red. Very heady, very perfectly rose. I love it!