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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by gingersnapp

  1. gingersnapp


    This is a really lovely springtime scent. In the vial, it's all pears and lillies. This one dried interestingly on me, though. On my right wrist, it's all floral... especially the bois du rose and the lily. On my left wrist, it's juicy pear that is the dominant note. I love it!
  2. gingersnapp

    Rose Red

    This is the most gorgeous, pure rose scent I have ever encountered. It is big, full, red blooms and the green, dusty touch of stems, leaves, and thorns. I almost started crying when I smelled this because it is the exact scent of my bridal bouquet from my wedding in 2003 (18 red roses and 18 burgundy roses). Too beautiful to describe adequately. I only wish I had found BPAL and this scent sooner so that I could have bought myself a billion bottles.
  3. gingersnapp


    In the vial: Now this is a gorgeous spicy oil. I think it's the myrrh that is really catching my nose. So smoky and rich. Wet: MMMmmmm, there is a floral or something rising to the forefront. The myrrh is hanging back, but it is a very steady base though. This is a very sexy blend. After 30 minutes: This is such a sophisticated blend. I can't quite describe it. But it makes me feel... more... powerful? somehow. Hmm, power. Maybe not. I don't know, but this is a gorgeous blend. I love it. Very authoritative.
  4. gingersnapp


    In the vial: It initially smells like it will be too sweet to wear, but I really love the vanilla and almond jumping out at me. Brings back memories of Nutrition / Home Ec class in high school, making Snickerdoodle batter. Wet: Holy cow, almond! This is a gorgeous sweet scent, with a warm bite. I'm curious to see how it dries down because it is so sweet and almondy. After 30: Ouch! This burns on the skin quite a bit. I've worn cinnamon blends before and never with this effect. The skin has also turned quite pink. I'll have to be careful where I put this. Smell-wise, the almond is still the strongest note, but the vanilla is coming out a little, as is the heliotrope. While I definitely feel the cinnamon, I can't really smell it.
  5. gingersnapp


    In the vial: Like drinking the juice of a cherry Jolly Rancher out of the mouth of a smoker. Wet: Ooh, the musk is too strong. This stings my nose... I can't really smell the cherry at all. The anise is also really amplified on my skin. After 30: The anise is definitely in the forefront. The musk isn't as strong as it was in the bottle, but there isn't much in the way of cherry. Kind of smells like Sucrets sore throat lozenges - medicinal watered-down cherry.
  6. gingersnapp


    In the vial: Mmmmmm.... very sweet. It reminds me of those hard candies that have the sweet fruit-flavored gel inside, particularly the raspberry candies. I'm not really sure about the neroli... it adds a touch of... dustiness? But in a way, it reminds me of shopping in my favorite Goth clothing store years ago... wandering among the incense. Wet: My skin really amplifies the fruit, and the neroli is more hidden. I smell like I've been rolling naked in a patch of ripe huckleberries. After 30 minutes: This is drying kind of soapy on me. A juicy, fruity soap, but soapy nonetheless.