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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by misfitroxy

  1. misfitroxy

    House of Night

    From the imp, I’m receiving a strong herbal note from this. It’s sinus-clearing, almost like spearmint. But it smells more like thyme. It becomes even more herbal once on my wrist, leaning towards a fresh pine needle kind of crispness. Upon my next sniff, it’s starting to turn sweeter. The florals are dominant now, though no single flower is jumping out at me. They’re fruity florals as opposed to heady ones. Definitely more reminiscent of a bouquet as opposed to a garden or hothouse. Unfortunately, it appears to be moving into a baby powder phase as it warms. It’s not unpleasant, but not something I’d scramble to smell like. It’s a pretty smell, maybe slightly melancholy but more like the sun shining through a tree’s branches as opposed to night for me. The herbal elements are trying to push back through, complicating the powder. But it’s not going to be a wearable fragrance for me, sadly enough.
  2. misfitroxy

    Lady MacBeth

    Wet, this blend absolutely screams red wine. But it’s a very fresh/new wine scent, berry-like and juicy. It turns very grape-y once applied to my wrist. While sweet, it retains a darkness almost like a deep floral instead of smelling like artificial grape candy or the like. I believe the currant is what grounds it and makes it so lush. This is a blackened purple kind of scent to me. Somewhat regal yet still light, even “playful” as others have described it. Very flavorful with just a slight herbal complexity. Personally, I’d want to layer this with something spicy as it’s too fruity sweet for my own tastes. But it’s nice and rich for people who enjoy BPAL wine notes or berry fruit notes. Delicious, even.
  3. The Lampades comparison was probably me. Hunter Moon is my absolute favorite BPAL so anything that comes anywhere near it is a must-own for me. Unfortunately, I think there's something in Lampades that tweaks my allergies in a bad way, so I can't wear it regularly in the same way as I can HM. The only other thing that's reminded me of it as of late is one drydown phase of Baba Yaga (which is unreleased as of this date. I just happened to catch an imp of it from the ultra generous Lab with my last order). It doesn't really stay there, though, as it continues to morph so it wouldn't be an exact replacement by any stretch. As I wrote in my review of B.Y.: "The faint woodsy incense is there along the sweet, wine-like fruit that keeps it from being too dark. It's like a lighter, less smoke-intense version [of Hunter Moon]. LOVE!" But after about an hour, that phase was gone. (though I still can't wait to order a full bottle of Baba Yaga because I love it in and of itself) I've had Arachne suggested recently as a potential HM-alike, so that's one I'm keen to try. I believe I also read on the Forums that Ra evoked a few elements of Hunter Moon on certain individuals' skins. I've tested many of the blends containing wine notes, so far with mixed results (though I enjoy almost all of them in and of themself. But insofar of having them compare directly to HM, I'm still at a loss). My skin pretty much ate Madrid and left behind nothing by a Play-Dough/grey ABC gum type smell. Lady Macbeth is nice, but much sweeter than HM. Ditto with Bordello. And Blood Rose is more floral on my skin, instead of fruit or wine-like. Blood Kiss is more smoke-y (and thus much closer than the rest) but so heavy on the clove that I miss out on the red wine element almost entirely. Still, you might at least want to give them a try since everyone's chemistry is different. Eventually, I'm going to attempt to layer a few of them with something like Three Witches (once the new formulation is out) or Wrath to see if I can get closer to the incense/spice blended with the deep sweetness that Hunter Moon provides. Though, obviously, they'll all be pale comparisons to the original, I'm sure. You're not alone in your search, though, for what it's worth. And while I know it's not in the plans for this upcoming Autumn's Lunacy blends, I'm all for a "Bring Back Hunter Moon for 2006, PLEASE!" petition should the opportunity arise. ;}
  4. misfitroxy


    In the imp, the blend strikes me as very sharply citrus. It’s fresh and “zing”-y. Quite the eye-opener. On my skin, it goes very warm rather quickly. However, that warmth is reminiscent of Lemon Pledge (as others have mentioned) on me mixed with a super sour lemon candy. I’m not really getting any ginger from this, at least not in a spicy sense. A bit of a white-blossom floral does emerge after a while. It’s pretty, but not something I’d gravitate towards. I think “clean” and “white” (with just a hint of pastel "yellow") describe Kumiho very well. But even after it’s dried down a bit, it’s giving me flashbacks to having to meticulously dust my family’s many polished wooden tables as a child performing her weekly chores. It’s simply not meant as the oil for me.
  5. misfitroxy

    Rose Cross

    Wet, this oil is very light. Like juicy rose petals, powdered but not dry. Once applied to my wrist, I catch the rose right off. Since I enjoy rose blends and have tried several from the Lab already, I’m surprised at how different the floral that pops out at me is. It’s a heavy rose – more a perfume than a garden scent but not overtly artificial. It does remind me of my grandmother’s favorite dusting powders, though (she, for the record, never smelled “old lady like” or whathaveyou to me, so I’m not intending to imply that that’s the case with Rose Cross. Instead, it’s more of a classic scent. It reminds me a lot of LUSH’s Fever massage bar in this way, in fact). The kind of rose one would expect from a large bowl of crushed petals, perhaps. It becomes sweeter as it warms. I believe I’m starting to detect the resin, but I can’t be certain yet. It still smells very rose-y to me, but in the best possible way. Well, I stand corrected. Even after sitting with it for a while, it doesn’t seem to be budging past the initial rose stage. That’s fine by me, though. In fact, I think this is not only the purest BPAL rose I’ve tried so far (ever-true to its description), but also my favorite out of the bunch. I’m sure it will layer gorgeously or stand alone as the ultimate feminine beauty scent (in my opinion, at least).
  6. misfitroxy


    Ouija smells very floral and wet straight from the imp. More like damp green leaves, though, instead of the petals themselves. The rose jumps out first once it’s on my wrist. It’s a very fresh rose, a garden rose in the summer hot from the sun and in full bloom. Yet there’s a dusty dried rose behind it mingling slightly. As it warms, I start to catch traces of the lilac. I think these two florals blend together nicely. One does get the impression of sitting in a parlor and catching whiffs of the blooms in their respective vases perched upon various table tops. I don’t know that this blend is one I would personally choose to wear. But I’d love to have my house smell this way. There is truly a kind of spiritualist imprint on the oil, and I can’t escape images of people sitting in a darkened room meditating on those who’ve gone before them. Very true to its name and its description.
  7. misfitroxy


    In the imp, Vixen has a honey-ed, candied fruit sort of smell with maybe a touch of smoke behind it. Once applied, it turns to a deep blood orange kind of smell. The one you’d find in dark chocolate with orange confections (I’m thinking specifically of Green and Black’s Maya Gold bars). There’s a subtle spice lingering over it which must be from the ginger. It makes the scent very warm yet mysterious. The kind you’d expect to smell on a woman who walks past you and then turns back to give you an all-knowing stare. The patchouli is also present but not incense-y and heady as it can tend to be. Instead, it only further complicates the blend, giving it and added depth and allure. The fruit of the oranges helps stabilize the overall effect and keeps the patchouli veering on the lighter side. I think this blend is a very loud one, a “come and get me” scent which doesn’t quite align with my personal tastes. However, I don’t think I can bring myself to part with it just yet. It’s nice for times when I’m feeling more sensual and beguiling. And it absolutely suits its name to a T.
  8. misfitroxy

    Blood Kiss

    Wet, this is a dark smoky fruit syrup kind of scent, strong and sweet. It leaps straight to cherry on my skin yet with a candied fruit background that lends an almost alcoholic air. Hints of the vanilla and clove are both coming through now making the cherry spicy and more complex. The blend does indeed ‘have teeth’ as I’m envisioning fruit with spines and spikes piercing the fingers of would-be devourers. As a wearable oil, I’m not quire sure what to make of it. I think it might be too dark for me as the clove is sharp and heady almost like cigarettes made from the flower buds. I’m inclined to hang onto it, though, in case some imaginative future use should arrive. Blood Kiss is warm yet dangerous, inviting but with a kick. Definitely unique and gother-than-thou is the most well-intended use of that phrase.
  9. misfitroxy

    Mata Hari

    Directly from the imp this is like sticking my face into a vat of wet jasmine. While I enjoy jasmine as a complimentary element in blends, this might be a bit too much. On my wrist it’s still very jasmine though it smells almost burnt around the edges. It’s not necessarily smoky but more like the charcoal smell you get when you’re grilling food. Still mixed with jasmine. I’m waiting for something to take the predominant white floral away but so far no dice. The jasmine is mellowing but still pretty much the only thing I smell. Since the initial phase(s) can’t seem to get past all that jasmine, I’m going to have to declare Mata Hari as not for me. She has a fascinating history and a lot of potential as a blend (if your skin doesn’t soak up everything except for jasmine like mine!), but off to the swaps she goes.
  10. misfitroxy

    Baba Yaga

    Wet, Baba Yaga is a deep sweetness with musk behind it. Candied fruits come to mind, but a darker variety without any outside sugar granule coating. On my wrist, as others have mentioned, I initially detect pineapple. But it transforms quickly as a (I believe it to be) white musk steps through. I can still catch glimpses of the fruity sweetness but it’s well overpowered by those darkening elements I picked up on before. It’s fading rather quickly on my wrist into a softer kind of floral musk. There’s nothing cloying or sickening about it (which is odd given my normal aversion to a great majority of musks). And the longer it dries, the more the musk settles into a warm, mild sort of spice that I find compelling and very pleasant (I’m suddenly taken to memories of incense in the Autumn air as I walk about the grounds of our local Renn Fest). The blend strikes me as adult and mature, though not “old lady like” or anything of the kind. I’m receiving very maternal tones from it, and it’s comforting and gently enveloping as may be expected with such a connotation. Even though it’s not the kind of blend I’d typically turn to for wearing out and representing “me”, I’m going to keep this one around. It makes me feel reflective and level-headed. I will note that after composing this I decided to read through the link that Rheliwen posted describing Baba Yaga’s history and known powers. It seems to fit that she’s a crone figure, though I don’t find her terrifying going by this scent alone. Instead I think the final sentence says it best: “Wild and untamable, she is a nature spirit bringing wisdom and death of ego, and through death, rebirth.” I do feel somewhat wiser while wearing this and I think it will be the perfect studying scent for those all-nighter (or at least many-houred) graduate moments. Second note: OMFG. Ultra dry this smells remarkably similar to my beloved Hunter Moon (I swear, I really don't indend to find it in other blends, but I'm always on the look out for a non-LE substitute so I can make my carefully hoarded bottles last. And no, my nose isn't going cloudy from hope, I promise). The faint woodsy incense is there along the sweet, wine-like fruit that keeps it from being too dark. It's like a lighter, less smoke-intense version. LOVE!
  11. misfitroxy


    Wet, this is a very intense artificial fruit smell. Like when you initially bite into a gum ball and catch that blend of sweeter than sweet fragrances as they hit your tongue. On my skin, I’m catching the grape soda that others have mentioned. But it warms quickly and the spices come through. It’s *very* light and I think my skin just ate most of it in a matter of 5 seconds. What remains is a spice (which doesn’t really strike me as clove as it’s not particularly vibrant. But I can't place it otherwise, so no further information from me there) and artificial grape blend. I think I’m understanding the reference to Play-Dough as that plastic (it also makes me think of A.B.C. gum when it’s been chewed down to a kind of grey tasteless mass) smells seems to overpower everything else. I’m not done with this one as I’d really like to see how the oil burns as a room scent. But it doesn’t seem to mix well with my chemistry.
  12. misfitroxy

    Chaste Moon 2005

    The bottle smells very foody and slightly alcoholic. In fact, Bailey’s Irish Cream comes to mind with maybe a bit of a nuttier (think raw coconut) edge. The butterscotch that others have pointed out is there very briefly, but it mutes almost immediately after touching my skin. The oil takes on a light, powdery quality that reminds me of a vanilla talcum blend. As it warms, the florals come to light. But they’re absolutely the stuff of baby’s breath and other unassuming flowers, slightly spicy in their newness as young petals tend to smell. Chaste Moon is foody without the gluttonous undercurrent. I almost feel like I’m wearing eau de candy corn without the sickeningly sweet sugar aspect. There’s something dark behind the more prominent notes that grounds this scent, taking it away from CandyLand and into sophisticated, yet playful adult world. Interestingly, it resembles one of my favorite non-BPAL perfumes (Jessica Simpson’s Taste “Delicious”) which is Tahitian vanilla, white chocolate, coconut cream, honey, and subtle spices, so it’s nice to have as a replacement for days when I’m loathe to be a mass-market-beauty whore. Plus, Chaste Moon is slightly darker, making it a more appropriate evening scent after a day of "Delicious". I think this would make a super comforting oil for burning or other house-scenting methods as well. It's warm and sensual and very friendly. I adore this blend to death and am so terribly pleased to have a bottle. Well done Beth!
  13. misfitroxy


    Wistful and vulnerable: lotus, water blossom ivy, stargazer lily and white rose. Wet, this is very fruity and sweet, almost like Juicy Fruit gum. It stays this way while wet on my wrist, though the florals begin to emerge gently. They’re not as heavy as most white florals tend to be. I get a lot of the lotus and lily, which are probably contributing to the fruit-y notes I’m picking up on as their petals can have a kind of strong, sweet plant fragrance when they’re newly in bloom. This is a very water-y kind of scent. Everything blends well together, so I don’t really detect one element over another. It takes on a kind of vanilla warmth after a while, which makes it all the more attractive, scent-wise. I didn’t know what exactly to expect with this one and was concerned that the florals would be too much for me. But I’m actually enjoying it and will definitely pull the imp out from time to time. Lovely, all-around.
  14. misfitroxy


    The scent of sexual obsession, slavery to sensual pleasure, and the undercurrent of innocence defiled utterly. Amber and honey with a touch of vanilla. The wet imp strikes me as very syrup-y, almost like a children’s cough medicine. Initially on my wrist, it’s the same. Very strong honey, to the point of being artificial. As it warms, the vanilla emerges, but the scent is still rather “spike-y” for lack of a better term. I’m not catching a lot of amber, though there is a musk in the background. But it doesn’t properly mellow out the ultra sweet syrup. This reminds me of a musk blend I used to wear when I was younger that I couldn’t ever manage to properly pull off. It was far too dark for me. O is like the dark battling with the light – musk with syrup (sorry to keep repeating the same terms over and over again, but there’s really no other way to describe it) – something that’s never meant to properly combine. All in all, it’s not for me in the least.
  15. misfitroxy


    In the imp, I’m catching the sweet apple mixed with a nuttiness that’s almost peanut-like in depth/richness (it doesn't smell like peanuts, but it's reminiscent of that kind of flavorful warmth). Once on, it reminds me of a caramel apple with nuts stuck to the outside. The fruit is more floral as opposed to juicy, which is probably the amber’s influence. It has the slightest bit of musk behind it, which heightens the apple’s lightness and keeps it at the forefront. As it warms, it smells all the more like a luscious caramel, though not sickeningly sweet by any stretch. This would make a great evening scent for individuals who enjoy fruity blends but want something a touch darker. Fully dry, it’s reminding me of a spiced/mulled cider candle that I own, and thus I think it would work great as a room scent as well. Very nice.
  16. misfitroxy


    In the imp, this is herbal and spicy. On my wrist, the herbs zing out extra strong. It’s very familiar, maybe sage-like and a bit of fresh rosemary. The blend is crisp and woodsy and reminds me of a cedar incense I used to own. Wolfsbane is cool as opposed to warm. It makes me think of a pine forest covered in snow, as there’s a bit of a lemony tone underneath all the herbs, from what I can detect. I’m glad I had the opportunity to try it out, but could never wear or burn it. It’s simply not a “me” scent. But it’s exceptionally unique and enjoyable. Useful if you need to keep the werewolves at bay.
  17. misfitroxy

    Storm Moon

    As many others have noted, this blend presents a very strong kind of dryer sheet floral at first. I would assume the aquatic undertones are a result of the ozone note, which I’m unfamiliar with and therefore am furiously trying to place. The scent is clean, but deep inhalations burn the back of my throat which is more than enough indication of its strength. It reminds me of products geared towards men with names like “Mountain Spring”. That being said, I don’t believe this to be an exclusively masculine blend. It’s unisex for certain. Unfortunately, it really couldn’t be less of a “me” scent, as I’m even allergic to most dryer sheet products and thus use the unscented if I pick any kind of softener at all. Combined with my stinging throat and watering eyes, I’m going to have to pass this on before even placing it on my skin. I’m certain it will find a happy home with someone who can appreciate it to the fullest extent.
  18. misfitroxy

    Moon Rose

    Wet, this smells of a very light but intense floral. It’s not really striking me as rose, but I can’t identify what else it might be (beyond the “moonflower” listed in the description, which I’m unfamiliar with). It’s definitely wet and “dewy”, not powdery in the least. Once on my wrist, it strikes me as a very classy, feminine perfume. Something in the blend makes me think of Anais Anais (which to me also smells like Hamadryad once it’s completely dry and has settled into the skin) with rose oil added to it. Moon Rose isn't too strong a scent – I can only really smell it when I sniff directly from my wrist – but given the blend’s intensity, I think it makes it more appealing to me as it would probably turn cloying or be overtly floral if it was heavier. Overall, I enjoy it. It’s not the traditional kind of scent that I’d pick out for myself, but it may make an appearance from time to time. Though I think the rose might be trying to turn soapy the longer I sit with it (crosses fingers that it's just my nose being tired from all the sniffing!). Still, it’s clean and pleasant enough to keep around.
  19. misfitroxy


    From the imp to my skin, this is exceedingly floral. Once it starts to dry, it smells exactly like perming products to me. Very sour and almost glue-like. Clearly not a blend intended for my skin. Beyond that, the violet stands out above any rose notes. The florals aren’t dark or deep. If it weren’t for the chemical smell I’m getting, I’m sure this would be a light perfume that’s soft and pleasant, if not a tad naughty. Unfortunately, I need to wash it off as Marie and I weren’t meant to be friends.
  20. misfitroxy


    Directly from the imp, this is sweet and inviting. I can catch some of the neroli mixed with the apple and vanilla. Wet on my skin, this is very strong. It’s reminding me of artificial coconut. As the Lab says, it’s pretty dark. Despite its floral and fruity elements, this isn’t a pick-me-up blend to me. It’s deep and commanding. The vanilla is more a straight from the bean variety. The neroli prevents it from becoming powdery or overly girlie. I do like this, but could never wear it. It’s for a much louder presence than I, and too heavy for my tastes. Still, it’s unique and I’m sure would incite a bunch of compliments on others.
  21. misfitroxy


    A fiery Martial blend that embodies primal rage, lust for conquest, and all-encompassing desire. Dragon's blood essence, heavy red musk, Indonesian patchouli and swarthy vetiver with a drop of cinnamon. Upon my first sniff, I’m catching a lot of the patchouli with just a bit of the fruity Dragon’s blood behind it. On my skin, it’s very wood-y and deeply spicy. Like a battle between the musks and the cinnamon. It’s incredibly powerful and I could see this working as a guy’s scent. On me, it’s very angry and dark. Definitely suits its description, but not something I can wear. As the musks tone down, it turns to a kind of heady spice. Like sucking on a fresh stick of cinnamon. Still, it’s positively not me in the least. Maybe something to give a future paramour, but for now, it’s off to the swap pile.
  22. misfitroxy


    While wet, I’m picking up on a variety of aquatic-type notes with maybe just a hint of floral behind them. On my wrist, the florals pop out. But they’re combined with something almost minty (like fresh mint leaves, not the gum variety). I guess that could be the moss. After warming, a kind of lemon scent is coming out which resembles the smell of sour SweetTarts to me. I guess I should take this as a sign that aquatics aren’t my thing. It’s a highly inventive blend, but absolutely non-wearable on my skin.
  23. misfitroxy


    In the imp, this is a very candied almond type of scent. Syrupy sweet but not unpleasantly so. It warms up quickly on my wrist, and while it’s still very heavy on the almond a kind of additional sweetness appears. It reminds me of coconut, strangely enough, just a touch more spicy. Once it’s dried, it’s definitely very warm and golden, as others have noted. And thoroughly Egyptian, though I really can’t elaborate on what I mean by that. Let's just say that the resins are spot on. And I have visions of Egyptian cabaret dancers balancing swords on their foreheads. Beyond the spice, it’s almost buttery to the point of being food-like but I think the spices ground it well enough to keep it from classifying in that category. As much as I’m enjoying the blend, I can’t imagine ever wearing it or even burning it. It would definitely provoke compliments from me, it’s just not right for me.
  24. misfitroxy


    Wet this is jasmine, jasmine, and more jasmine. On my skin, it pretty much stays this way for a while, though once it warms, it deepens and the lighter blossom scents come through. It’s sweet very girlie-perfume-y. Would be too gorgeous on someone else, I'm sure. Unfortunately, my allergies detest white florals. I knew from the onset that this blend and I would more than likely not get along very well. And, sadly, I was all too correct in the matter.
  25. misfitroxy

    Silentium Amoris

    In the imp, this strikes me as a sweet floral. Definitely lots of ylang ylang, but not too overpowering. I have high hopes for it. On my wrist, it turns straight to rose. A rather powdery rose at that. And it just sits there, not morphing any further, content in its rose-iness. As it warms, it begins to turn soapy. The ylang ylang tries to re-surface but it's not strong enough to overcome the soap smell. This is obviously not a blend meant for my chemistry. It’s very pretty and I’m sure would smell divine on someone else. It’s just not for me.