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Everything posted by laochodia

  1. laochodia

    Fire Eater

    I put a teensy tiny drop on my wrist...and still got knocked over by red flowers. Poppies, carnations and soap. Not for me.
  2. laochodia

    Snake Charmer

    Amber, vanilla and spices. Unfortunately, it goes through the same 'guh' amber phase that Snake Oil does on me. Sweet and spicy with amber sliding through the background, not whomping me. A lovely scent, but I'm gonna have to think about keeping the bottle thats coming to me.
  3. laochodia


    How to describe Numb? I can't distinguish a scent from it. In a way, it is almost a cooling absence of scent. Have you ever been in a crowded area, and there there is no way to make space for yourself, and you hum under your breath and the note you hum seems to fill the area and mute everyone, even though they are talking? This is the scent to go along with that note. This mutes the heat around it, but it's still hot out. A masterful scent that baffles and intrigues the senses. (my senses, at least )
  4. laochodia


    This is cool chai tea, made with fresh spices and utterly addicting. Cinnamon and honey are the top notes, with juuuust enough clove and pepper to keep it from being too sweet and a base of musk/leaves. It lasts forever and, if anything, gets stronger. Yum!
  5. laochodia

    Black Opal

    Sweet, rich, creamy, with a teensy hint of spice and musk--just enough to make you inhale deeply and get whomped with the vanilla. This is both a comfort scent and a seduction scent. It starts slow and soft, and before you realize it, your wrist keeps returning to your nose and strangers are drawn to you like a moth to a flame. This is wonderful. (It's really hard to type with one hand glued to nose.)
  6. laochodia

    Chaos Theory II : The Butterfly Effect

    CT2 VIII (sorry for double posting, but I'm going to do 2 at a time until I catch up on my backlog) In the imp- Mint and...something. This reminds me of a marshmallow plant. Wet- Mint. A very green mint, not a cool white mint. This reminds me of the wintergreen altoids. Mmm. Dry- Sill mint. Very clean and long lasting. (Last reviewed by Penance.)
  7. laochodia

    Chaos Theory II : The Butterfly Effect

    CT2 DXVI- Got this in a swap (I really don't remember with who. I barely remember my namein this horrendous heat.). Its blue. A very lovely blue (that doesn't show on my skin, thank goodness) In the vial- Mint. Wet- Pineapple? Strong pineapple. Lasts for aout 45 seconds- 1 min before changing. I can't quite identify it. Slightly floral, sweet and minty. Dry- Leaves, mint, flowers, honey and a slight hint of coconut....if this was a tea I'd be in tea heaven. A lovely, lovely scent. Very cooling. (Last reviewed by OriginalWacky.)
  8. laochodia

    Helping Hand

    I have a tiny tiny amount of this thanks to a lovely forumite (whose name escapes me right now)who threw it in as a gimp during a swap. This scent is a-freaking-mazing. I get pennyroyal and a bit of spearmint from this. As to what it does, well, I put it on as soon as I saw it (and after I finished sniffing everything else), and all of my worries sorted themselves out. My going on 5-day headache dissapeared. I resolved my questions about dogsitting (most of them. I'm still not sure about some of the finer points, but who ever is?). I'm calmer about calling for jury duty. My bird is a fluffy burr on my lap. This is amazing and calming and a tiny bit goes a LONG way. I put a teensy drop on and its filling the space around me.
  9. laochodia


    Cinnamon, sandalwood and clove. A dry red, if that makes sense. Very powerful feeling, like the scent is making itself known. This feels like Sol plus Bloodlust to me. Strong, spicy, dominant. I *really* want to smell this on a guy. Aside from that, you'll have to pry this imp from my cold dead fingers. This scent is helping me snap into focus, lay out plans for the future and right now I sound like a drill sergeant snapping off orders which various people and animals are obeying. This is amazing.
  10. laochodia

    Miskatonic University

    In the bottle- Strong, sweet coffee. Wet- Carmel coffee and light cream with a hint of ink and bookbindings. Dry- Still strong, sweet coffee with a hint of freshly-printed books (am I the only one who loves the smell of a new book?) and a subtle suggestoin of strong whiskey. I am in heaven. If Irish coffee tastes like this, I'm going to have to badger my parents into making me one. or two. or 5. This is absolutely wonderous.
  11. laochodia

    Thirteen (13)

    Yum! This is pure white chocolate, sweet and light in the bottle. Once on skin, this stays chocolate while adding a bit of a light sweet orange scent- probably the tangerine. After a tiny bit, the chocolate fades to a background note and the tangerine takes over but with a red note which, after reading the description, I realized was currants. Tea and currants push themselves for a tiny bit, and thena hint of dry flowers joins them. After about 5 minutes it turns back into white chocolate, mandarin, currants and tea all blended wonderfully. This isn't foody- the chocolate smells more like essence of white chocolate (which, if I remember correctly, is an aphrodesiac), the tangerine/mandarin smells less like, say, orange juice and more what you get when you first cut into a fruit. This is a lovely, lovely scent that I wish I had gotten more than 1 bottle of.
  12. laochodia


    This is a snowstorm in the middle of July, covering the flowers in a layer of chill. This may very well be the one floral I like. This smells like a mock orange blossom that has been covered in a thin layer of water and quickly frozen, lightly dusted with sugar and put in a glass bowl of cool, clear water. (Weird freakin visual, I know, but that's what I get from this.) The only thing I don't like about this is trying to remember the spelling so I can put it into the search engine
  13. laochodia

    Danse Macabre

    An allegorical expression of the ineffable, indisputable triumph of death, generally expressed in medieval artwork as a violin or flute-wielding skeleton leading a procession of dancers to their graves. Black cypress with oakmoss, frankincense, oude, and a sliver of toasted hazelnut. Mossy and woodsy; a gorgeous scent, full of woods and earthy scents. Too masculine for me, this overpowered me and lingered for a good 3 hours after a thorough scrub. Yeek!
  14. laochodia

    White Rabbit

    White rabbit went from a glorious tea party to a faint linen scent to nothing in a matter of minutes on my skin. While it lasted, it was pure honey, tea and vanilla with an undertone of sharpness (I'm guessing the pepper) that made me think of picnics in the sun.
  15. laochodia


    All I got from this was ginger; the kind of ginger that rapes your nostrils. (It certianly bloody felt like it. Not to malign any of Beths work but..this blend didn't like me.) I got a hint of a dark amber but all I could smell was ginger, ginger and a hint of lemongrass (don't ask. I don't know where it came from).
  16. laochodia

    Queen of Clubs

    In the bottle- Deep. Pomegranate, myrrh and...something. Roses and vanilla? I smell my grandma (good grandma smell, not creepy old lady smell. My grandma could break you in half by looking at you. Tough little old lady.) Wet- This scent is making me cry, because all I get is my grandma. A woman who is graceful, beautiful, confident and will love and accept you without reservations and destroy anyone who tries to hurt you is who this scent evokes in my mind. A gorgeous scent- I do get Earth, but not dirt. A slight sweet/tart note I'm guessing is the red currant, the kind of incense that both clears your mind but fills the room with its scent for weeks, a very soft and lush vanilla, a few roses which adds to the earth feeling, and a few notes that are there but hard to seperate. Dry- This is a warm, loving scent. Very deep, memory evoking (at least for me) and sophisticated. Very hard to pick out individual notes because everything is blended together seamlessly. Like Macha said, all I want to do is glue my nose to my wrist, inhale and sigh happily.
  17. laochodia

    Chaos Theory II : The Butterfly Effect

    Chaos Theory CXX (120? L is for 50, C is for 100, right?) In the bottle- Citrus (light), musk and light green Wet- Almond? The citrus went away but a gorgeous deep nutty scent mixed with vanilla and smoke is emerging. This smells like roasting chestnuts over an open fire while wearing Dorian (although not quite) Dry- Less smoke, more incense. This is the child of Dorian and Snake oil. This keeps warping wonderfully. :inhales wrist: ETA: Wearing it again today, and it smells totally different. The musk from Dorian, a light version of the incense from Snake Oil, the freshness of Szepasszony and a tiny, tiny hint of honeysuckle. Beth? I you. I'll post my other bottle when I have a clean spot to try it on I couldn't wait, cause the other bottle smelled so damn good. Chaos Theory II LXXVIII (78. I think.) In the bottle- Frankincense? Myrrh? This smells masculine and religious. I'm almsot reluctant to try it on. Wet- Whoa. Total warp. It went from heavy and dark to light and airy. Sweet, slightly dark nutty. Vanilla...maybe this is tonka? Its vanilla but more. Jasmine? I'll come back to this when my nose is a bit more clear. ETA: Wearing it again, I realize the strong scent that never went away and was nagging at my brain was...cinnamon. At least on me. -sigh- While it is amazing, it makes me sneeze a little too much...I think I'll keep my imp and swap the bottle.
  18. laochodia

    Social Anxiety Disorder

    Moxie oh-so-definitely works. It helped me when I had to meet with strangers without the backup of friends (eep). I suggest putting it somewhere where you can sniff it easily...after sniffing my wrist 10 times (and looking silly while doing so) I put a teensy tiny drop on my jade bea, which is on my necklace...and the scent stayed in my nostrils the entire time Any scent thats comforting to you is a good bet.
  19. laochodia

    Milk Moon 2005

    In the bottle, Milk Moon was intoxicating. I took one quick sniff, and then did a double take and went back for a second longer sniff, and my third sniff went on forever. Mmm. In the bottle- Complex. Cream, honey, marshmallow, and a little bit of toasted coconut. Wet- I applied too much, but this is bursting with cream (a thick heavy cream, in the stage right before it turns to whipped cream but is still liquid enough to glide across the skin and tongue smoothly[can you tell I've worked with a pastry chef?]), a sweet but heavy sugar that reminds me of marshmallows dipped in molasses. Dry- Still what was said above, with the addition of a creamy light coconut. If anyones ever had Vitasoy coconut flavor in the little drink boxes, it smells exactly like that. It's creamy and yummy and warm and welcoming and lovely. I won't ever use more than an imp and a half, but this is an amazing, wonderfully deep scent.
  20. laochodia


    All I smelled in the imp was mint, which made me leery, cause I normally have sneeze-attacks around mint, so I only dabbed a tiny bit on. Wet- This smells like the perfect relaxation mint tea that's been aged a little bit. Mmm. Dry- Slightly sweeter, it smells like mint tea with honey and a bit of dry tea...you know the taste your mouth gets after a big gulp of strong peppermint tea? This smells like that tastes (if that makes sense.) I normally hate mint but this mint serves as an energizer and cleanser. Yummy. On a side note, this not only completely energized me, but I wore it while healing my mom and was not only able to clear up a blockage, but instinctively drew a pattern on her and activated it (something I've never ever done before) on the air around the area, killing all her pain. This blend seems to put me in touch with past-life memories/instincts...I'm probably going to get a 10ml bottle (as soon as I have funds).
  21. laochodia


    In the imp- citrus and honey...I also get the barest hint of dried lavender/violets. Wet- pure, sweet lemon Dry- a pale ceylon with lemons and honey. On the aromatherapy part, this is helping me deal with everything in my life right now. I've been stuck in a rut for days, and this helped me get off my ass, do laundry, start cleaning my room, etc etc. I feel like I'm cleaning everything so I can start with a clean slate.
  22. laochodia


    I am going to hoard my imp like the precious it is. Oh.my.god...this is CITRUS...pure orange in all its stages. It goes from in your face orange to a sweet, creamy, slightly spiced orange (I get the image of an orange spiked with cloves made into a creamsicle). As to the effects- I wore this right before going to play volleyball, and once there...I took on 2 excellent players (my mom and some other tough lady) in a 2-on-1 game...and I won. I am going to get a bottle of this as soon as I have money.
  23. laochodia

    The Living Flame

    O.o If I knew this scent would react this well to my skin, I'd have bought a bottle instead of swapping for an imp. On me, this is vanilla, musk and very very light florals. Its more complex than that, but thats what I can identify. Someone mentioned the sky before fireworks- to me this is the sky after the fireworks. Warm, with sparks of heat floating around and a sense of satisfaction.
  24. laochodia


    To me, this smells like pineapple that's been in the fridge just long enough to make it sweet, juicy and cool. On my skin, it smells like what I imagine the Jolly Roger or Jelly Belly version of pineapple is like...sweet, juicy and a slight edge of sugar. Unfortunately, it makes me sneeze, sneeze and then (:shock:) sneeze.
  25. laochodia

    Wolf's Heart

    I couldn't identify it in the imp...I only knew that I liked it immediately. Wet- This smells exactly like Sol on me. Since I love Sol, this is wonderful! Dry- Sol and a light dusting of dragons blood. mmmm... I wore this today, because I knew it would be challenging...and my obstacles seemed to just disappear. I kicked ass today, and I know I couldn't have done it without this scent. This is oh-so-definitely going to be a 5ml or maybe even a 10ml purchase.