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Posts posted by jtb2008

  1. In the bottle, it smells 'cold'. I can't describe it. It isn't minty or anything like that.


    On the skin, there is a slight mint note. And again, I smell 'cold'. It isn't a really strong scent either. But I like it.

    This is my curse, really great scents work really well on me, but they do not last long.

  2. In the imp, I don't get much of anything.

    When first applied, I get a pretty strong mint and sandalwood.

    As it dried, the mint and sandalwood became less pronounced. I'm left with a slightly minty, slightly smokey scent. Its not bad, but doesn't have much throw.

  3. I found my imp of this again. :P

    I get a whole lot of hazelnut once this is applied. Its really strong.

    As it dries, it becomes almost peanut-like. And I don't like peanuts. Don't like the smell or the taste. Nothing else stands out at ALL. Hardcore peanuts...


    I wanted to love this. From the description, it sounds EPIC. But on the skin, not so much. :(

    This might go back with the rest of the imps/decants or onto the swap pile...

  4. Another one of those 'Damn, why couldn't I have known about BPAL back when this was live!?!?' scents... I have a lot like that. :huh?:


    I get a sort of cologne-y scent with this. There is an almost citrus scent in the background (lemon?). There is a very profound aquatic note here, too. God this is SO good... :wub2:


    I wish I had more than my half an imp. :cry2:

  5. I found an imp of this in the ol' imp box the other day, and I'm glad I did!

    On the skin, I get cypress and snow, not much in the way of berries. Its also got an ozone type smell to it. I'm liking this. This goes in my box, not the swap pile.

  6. Upon the Sea of Glass, glowing with the perfection of spiritual union and the radiance of true wisdom, rests the throne of God. A scent of inimitable purity, crystalline grace, and limitless light.

    In the imp and on the skin, I get a sharp ozone-y scent. As it dries, it becomes slightly floral and has almost a sweat pea sort of smell to it. I think I like it. This might make it onto my wishlist.

  7. This is probably one of my favorite lunacies. I don't know why it doesn't get more love.


    I almost can't smell anything in the bottle.


    On the skin it has an almost floral note (the wind?) to it. I get almost no smoke, which is a good thing. It is hard to describe this oil. Its a very light scent and a definate winner.

  8. 09 version.

    In the bottle and on the skin, it smells a lot like Nuclear Winter. To me, at least. There MAY be a little of what makes Snow White Snow White. Know what I mean? Just like Nuclear Winter, it doesn't last too long. Not bad, but not what I was expecting.

  9. This is SO much like my beloved Fearful Pleasure, it isn't funny. The only discernable difference is a clear dairy note.


    The dairy becomes less noticable on the skin and the spice is sharp. This is really good.


  10. This is one of my favorite oils EVER. Definatly the jewel of the 08 Halloween scents. The first bottle I ever completely finished was Fearful Pleasure... Good times.


    In the bottle, I get apples and spice. I can't really identify the spice. Cinnamon?

    On the skin, its still apples and spice. The spice becomes a little stronger. It doesn't last too long, but thats fine. I loves it so much, it can do no wrong.


    Winner winner, chicken dinner.

  11. In the bottle, I get a sharp, almost spicy scent. As it dries, the cedar (?) becomes pretty strong. Not much dust or anything else really. I can't describe what I smell. Its amazing.


    This reminds me of chocolate Necco wafers that my grandfather used to buy for me as a kid. :yum:



  12. Black Lace is one of my favorite oils, although it doesn't get worn a lot due to not having much.

    I get a lot of tobacco and incense in the bottle and on the skin. Not much of the vanilla in either. It becomes a lot 'heavier' as it dries and the incense and musk come out more.


    I so wish I had more of this. I :heart: it a LOT.

  13. Got this as a frimp in our most recent order.


    In the imp it is a very strong peppermint, not much ozone or eucalyptus.


    On the skin, the mint isn't as strong and I get a little ozone. The passionflower (?) comes out later as it dries further.


    Its a really great scent. I think I need a bottle of this eventually.

  14. This is my ABSOLUTE favorite of the 08 Yules. I should have gotten two bottles...


    In the bottle, I get a mix of incense and dust, not a lot of rain.

    After it dries, the incense and dust become so strong. I don't get a lot of rain, I wish I did. Literally just a *touch* of rain would be perfect. But despite that, it is a beautiful scent. Perfect for a cold and rainy day like today. :thud:

  15. I can't really pick out any specific notes in TKO, but that doesn't matter. My initial thought when I first put it on was 'urinal cake'. :lol: Even after it dried down, urinal cake stayed with me. But this has to be the best smelling urinal cake EVER.

    It didn't really help me sleep at all, but it smells AWESOME.

    Urinal cake FTW!

  16. Finally got mah bottles in the mail today. I was so excited to smell this, and then I did, and the excitement was gone. The most dominate scent I get is, I believe, the musk, which does not work on me. Its been in the warm house now for 7+ hours, but I'm going to let it acclimate some more before I pass it off as a bad job. And I wanted it to work so much, too.


    ETA: A day later, and not much better.
