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Everything posted by jizatt

  1. jizatt


    I didn't expect to like this one, I tried it mainly because I try all the imps that cross my path. I thought I might like the wood note, but expected this to be too masculine and dry. I was so shocked when I sniffed, I had to go look up the notes. White Cedar, blue sage, and bay leaf? So why do I smell lilacs and rain? I get the woody undertone, but this is so so fresh and appealing and unusual that it is currently residing in a place of honor on my wrists. I may put off testing today in order to wear this beauty by itself. Gorgeous. Definitely bottle worthy, and that will have to be a lab purchase because I rarely see imps much less bottles up for swap on this one =)
  2. retesting a bit of what I had, so I knew I at least liked it -- Eros is close to what I'm wanting, and maybe Leanan Sidhe -- any further suggestions from there? (eta: Eros wet, but not Eros dry)
  3. Ok I'm looking for a floral to love. I don't like rose really, and definitely not violet. I don't want a fruity floral, but I'm okay with watery. I want something light, not cloying or heavy. (I love Defututa, but it doesn't match my desires here). I thought I loved Lune Noire, but its not working on me right now. I did the East, but traded it off for some reason. I have some florals, but they are too heavy for what I'm craving right now. I want almost ethereal, without treading into old fashioned. (basically I'm potentially moving somewhere very very hot and would like to find a light floral that will still be pleasing!)
  4. jizatt

    Tobacco Flower?

    Lady on the Grey - Ethereal, opalescent, and radiant: pearly sandalwood, white amber, tobacco flower, orris, castoreum bouquet, soft resins, and pale petals. just tested this today, it has that same strong tobacco flower that Smoky Moon does, but is less.... um smoky? hehe eta: thats what I get for not reading the thread very thoroughly -- obviously this has already been suggested!
  5. jizatt

    Which Orisha blend should I buy

    I know I like Olokun (sweet fresh aquatic) but going to retest before commiting. I really WANT to like Elegba (coconut, tobacco and sweet, sugared rum), Obatala (milk, coconut meat, shea butter and cool, refreshing water), Ochosi (shea, herbal, sprucewood). I dont think I've tried Ochosi, but Elegba and Obatala I want to say were all suntan lotion on me =( WHich is a shame because I WANT coconut, tobacco and sugared rum! and shea, milk, coconut and water sounds heavenly!
  6. jizatt

    Nuclear Winter

    Annihilation. The ice, desolation and barrenness of nuclear devastation shot through by a beam of radioactive mints. There's a nice creamy sweetness hiding under the initially harsh scent. The first time I tried it, I didnt make it past the first applied wet stage. What a shame! This is surprisingly pretty for such a concept and a nice addition to the snow box =)
  7. jizatt

    Tobacco Flower?

    Isnt nicotiania tobacco blossom? If it is, I HIGHLY recommend Smoky Moon. If not, well then, disregard =)
  8. jizatt

    Snow Scents!

    edited to add a few in, and to reorganize =)
  9. jizatt

    Juke Joint

    The mint burns off pretty quickly, and I wish more of it would stay behind. But what's left is still nice -- slightly boozy, woody and sweet. I had to come double check the notes, and I'm a little surprised theres no wood listed.
  10. jizatt

    The Ghosts of the Arroyo Seco Bridge

    I get a gorgeous grassy aquatic from this =) I can maybe smell lily, some clean floral, but a definite dry grassy note as well. I can see this being a foggy scent, because its not ocean to me. This goes up there with my favorite aquatics, and is a definite bottle-keeper for me!
  11. jizatt

    Crib Girls

    I tried this simply because I try everything that passes my way. I'm not a lemon lover, so that will definitely color this review. Wet, its so intense that I get the pucker and salivate response! I persevered though, and waited for it to dry =) I still get that lemon, less intensely and definitely spicy. Spicy lemon and something sharp that I can't place. This isn't a scent for me, but it is intriguing.
  12. jizatt


    This is gorgeous =) I really wanted to try this because I love the peach in Aglaea and Tamora and Belle Vinu. I dont recognize the floral, but its obviously magnolia -- its cool and almost night time over the sticky sweet peach. Neither is overwhelming, and the honey plays nice (not the powder or the bubblegum kind). The cool magnolia over the warm peach is intriguing and I keep getting the ghost of a spice somewhere.
  13. jizatt


    the jasmine is well behaved on me -- first fear conquered (yay!). It has a sharp almost herbal quality under the floral that made me think lavender, but I don't see it listed in the notes. I get jsut the hint of clove and wood, and only got honeysuckle while it was wet. Dry, it is so balanced I don't smell one particular note. I do like it though, sleeper hit!
  14. jizatt

    Tiki King

    This is tanning lotion coconut at first but, given a chance, it dries down to all musk and wood with only hints of coconut to sweeten it. I get just the barest whiff of lemon. I'm not sure this is something I would wear, but then again its January and maybe I should test it out on sunwarmed skin in the summer and see how it goes then! I can see it being very sexy warm.
  15. jizatt

    How to remove scents from your skin

    I tried the lemon juice after reading it here, and it really does work. My go-to combination for removing scents (either for testing days or for yuck, or in my case for baby time) is lemon juice, followed by Dawn soap. Vaseline rubbed over the oil area works pretty well too =)
  16. jizatt

    Scent for Halloween?

    Wearing Champagne and Roses for New Year's Eve (gah so pretty!) and planning to wear Van Van for New Years (should have been Has No Hanna, but Van Van sounds like a good choice too) =)
  17. jizatt

    For the boys...

    oh steamworks stuff of course! Ether maybe? AM was too strong on me to recommend for a child. And I havent tried the Caterpillar to know, but what an awesome name for a scent for a little boy Namewise, Snowball Fracas would also be cute, and might work scentwise too
  18. jizatt

    For the boys...

    Cheshire Cat - Schrodinger's Cat (no theme intended!) How Doth the Little Crocodile -- (i havent tried it, but it seems like it could be a fun kiddo scent too)
  19. jizatt

    Whirling Wind Moon

    I was so worried about this one, but I love musks, and I love the floral musk of Aeval, so I really wanted to try this one out. So hard to review, but let me start by saying on first test I Love It. There's a definite floral quality to it, but not in the guest soap, floral perfume kinda way. This is so pretty. I'm getting hints of other bpals I love -- dirty, aeval, ... and there's another one on the tip of my tongue (nose?) but I cant quite remember which one this points me to. Its sweet, airy and clean.
  20. jizatt


    wow - I cant believe I've never tried this one! This was a frimp to me, and I've never even really glanced at this in the catalog. I gave it a quick test tonight, and WOW. This has a beautiful complexity to it, I get the dark, nto exactly cocoa, and patchouli first, with bright deserty florals skimming over it. The leather is the sweet deep kind, and I think i get incense too. Dry, i get a sweet, dry leather and incense, with an almost opium touch to it. I REALLY like this one =)
  21. jizatt

    Slobbering Pine

    I had no plans to try this, but I do make a practice of trying every imp that comes my way, so on it went. Imagine my surprise Really, I should know by now not to trust a name on a BPAL. Slobbering Pine does NOT sound like it will wear well, and I was not figuring on enjoying a pine perfume. This however, is cold and sweet and wet and almost fruity. I smell sweet aquatic pine at first, stronger pine than aquatic. As it dries, I smell a fruity pear/melon type note. I decided to keep this and maybe even put it in the snow box with my other cold ones because of its similarities =)
  22. jizatt


    oh yes, I cant believe I didnt think of that one too! MMM, maybe I should go put that one on...
  23. jizatt


    leather and vanilla = Liz!
  24. jizatt

    Snow Angel

    I didn't get any snow from this at all (08 version) - but its GORGEOUS OMG. I get a sugar floral tea with a hint of peach, especially when its wet. I'm kind of sad about the missing snow, but its pretty enough to make up for it =)
  25. Crow Moon and Darkling Thrush are somewhat similar (I think someone has mentioned this before?? because the amber seems to be the only thing msising). On dry down, they are more smiilar, wet the Crow Moon is... thinner or colder maybe