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Everything posted by jizatt

  1. jizatt

    Notes of Love

    BPAL Relationship Status: my best scents, family-wise gourmands (not straight foody), fruity+something, sweet woods, musks orientals One True Love notes: vanillas, ambers, musks Lover notes: woods: teak/oak/cedar, red/golden sandalwoodozone, linen/cotton, clean/soap, snow, glass, sugar, champagne fruit (apple, black currant, peach, pear) palm, ferns, green/dry grasses, oakmoss white/green/red/black tea, tobacco, fur, benzoin, ambergris orris, saffron, tonka, beeswax, almond/amaretto I seem to love all musks - animal, vanilla/warm/skin musks, white/pale musks, black/dark/brown musks florals (dandelion, lavender, lilac, olive blossom, poppy/opium Just Friends notes (I usually like): florals (carnation, magnolia, moonflower, narcissus, sweetpea)white/black/pink pepper, leaves, bergamot, opoponax, patchouli, pine/juniper, sweet mints, orris, sweet herbal notes, cucumber fruits (apricot, lime, plum, pomegranate, strawberry) red musk Acquaintance notes (work in some blends, but not others): rock/stone notes, aquatics, metallics, leatherpastry/biscuit/cookie/cake, cream, honey, wine, cocoa florals (cherry blossom, heliotrope, honeysuckle, hyacinth, iris, lily, magnolia, myrtle, orange blossom, orchid, osmanthus, plumeria, rose, ylang ylang) fruit (berry, black cherry, blackberry, cherry) mahogany/rosewood Passing Stranger notes (rarely work on me): dirt, fruits (citrus, fig, grapefruit, orange, cranberry)incense, coconut, white sandalwood floral (champaca, gardenia, hibiscus, hyssop, linden blossom, jasmine, lotus, peony, tobacco flower) booze, labdanum, myrrh, palmarosa, dragon's blood, balsam, milk, frankincense, sugar cane, bamboo, ho wood, vetiver spices (cinnamon/clove/nutmeg/ginger) Mortal Enemy notes (mutually despised): violet, heavy lemon/verbena, goat's milk, rum, smoky
  2. jizatt

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I just got my decant circle shipment in the mail yesterday; haven't had time to take photos yet. I'll take some and get them up soon! All of the yules (obviously not Nutcracker or Christmas Carol) that I received are the same label except, of course, for the perfume name. It's a beautiful design! yay! I reordered this year's specifically hoping for a beautiful Yule label. I wasn't a fan of last year's labels, and wanted something different for my Snow White. Now, here's hoping that the oil is the same in this year's batch!
  3. jizatt

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    have we seen the label for this year's Snow White?
  4. jizatt

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    [quote name='VioletFemme' timestamp='1291349741' I feel the same way sometimes. I have tried pretty much all of those you have listed plus some (notable absences from your list are Antique Lace, MB: Underpants, Love's Philosophy, Joyful Moon, Morocco (not super vanilla-like but has that feeling), Tombstone, Hellhound on my Trail, and Cake Smash- I know most of these are super hard to find, but you may want to try), and I still feel like I'm looking for that vanilla holy grail. Love's Philosophy is probably the most VANILLA scent of them all that I've come across. I have found some vanillas that I really, really like, but none enough to end my searching. Some scents that other people get vanilla from- Liz, Boo, O, Detestable Putrescence, Black Opal, Lyonesse, Sachs, Gypsy, Banshee Beat, Pink Snowballs, Antikythera...okay a LOT of scents that other people find a lot of vanilla in just don't work with my skin chemistry. My skin sucks in sweetness and creaminess and amps pretty much everything else..so a scent has to scream vanilla for me to smell it on my skin. I would say not to give up and to keep trying- I felt like it took me awhile to find the scents that are really "me" and that I want to wear regularly. My vanilla favorites are Love's Philosophy, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, Dorian, Snake Oil, Joyful Moon, Cake Smash, Hellhound on my Trail, CC:Female, Morocco, Antique Lace, and Under the Harvest Moon (which doesn't read vanilla on my skin at all but is beautiful nonetheless). I recently was super disappointed with The First of the Three Spirits- it lists "voluminous vanilla" as a component, but on my wacky skin there was none to be found. I personally find three types of vanillas (at least)- the "creamy" Snake Oil/Tombstone/Hellhound/CC: Female/Love's Philosophy kind, the "sugary" Antique Lace/Dorian kind, and the more "watery/aquatic" type like Sachs/Lyonesse/Pink Snowballs. what.an.awesome.breakdown. /bow /bow eta: and to make my post a bit more USEFUL, I would like to suggest O if you like amber as well. I get a sexy lustful vanilla there. My best vanillas: Black Opal/Mouse's Long and Sad Tale/Morocco/CC: Female/Love's Philosophy/Antique Lace/Dorian/Sachs/Lyonesse
  5. jizatt

    Scent for Halloween?

    I wore Egg Nog Latte for the morning, and Pumpkin Cheesecake for the afternoon. I snuck in some EggNog for the latenight.
  6. jizatt

    Fast food/carnival food-ish scents?

    between the three caramel/candy apples -- find Creepy to be the strongest in caramel and weakest in apple. My impresion of the other two is very similar, but thats based on a recent test of Candy Corn coated and an ancient test of Sugar Slathered =) (eta:) I should mention that Creepy feels very different from the other two still -- the rum/coconut makes it stand out. The apple is still there, but stronger in the other two for me. Sticky Pillowcase - This one is very much a sticky candy, but mroe intersting than most, due to the linen/lint note under the candy Geek Goth is all lemon-lime soda to me =) the others I hadnt tried though....
  7. jizatt

    A Fit of Artistic Enthusiasm

    this starts out as a salty sweet acquatic with a hint of woods behind it, but the dry down is mostly woods with a touch of salty/musk to it. I was on the fence about it, but the dry down convinced me AND the bottle hunt is on!
  8. jizatt

    Fast food/carnival food-ish scents?

    Creepy is rum and caramel apples - that might be a good one to try =)
  9. A new, but absolute favorite aquatic: Wild Swans at Coole
  10. jizatt

    lovin' the moss!

    Oh Ulalume of course. Also, Banded Sea Snake -- heavy on the moss, with a side of Snake Oil
  11. jizatt

    lovin' the moss!

    my moss recommendations, keeping an eye on autumnal scents in particular: Whoso List to Hunt (Sensual brown musk, rich amber, English rose, oak bark, and moss) Nocnitsa (Her scent is that of a lightless fir wood, nighttime air, wet forest mosses and upturned earth.) Robin Goodfellow (Dark musk, moss-covered wood, ragwort, heather, and sage. ) but do try Cathode (Ambergris, Spanish Moss, oakmoss and three electric mints) Its a gorgeous moss/mint, just not very autumn probably
  12. maybe pink plastic flamingo if you can find that one to test its very like Obsidian Widow on my skin -- I had already planned to test them together today -- Ill let you know! Agrat Bat Mahlaht. They are much different in the beginning, but the dry down is pretty similar =)
  13. jizatt

    The Obsidian Widow

    I shouldnt like this one really. While I do like some wine scents, I dont tend to like myrrh, jasmine, or rose. Somehow ... this is magic. This is dark and velvety and mysterious and dangerous. I see the Widow as being an evening scent. another fine reminder that bpal is more than the sum of its parts =)
  14. Im not going anywhere fancy or anything, but I'll be dressed up as a witch. Somewhat stylishly I'm weighing these scents: Samhain (layered with Punkie Night) Devil's Night (maybe layered with Boo) Pumpkin Cheesecake Haunted Grandmother of Ghosts Villainess: Cobwebs
  15. jizatt

    Creamy Spicy Florals, a/k/a Florientals

    all time favorite, warm spicy floral (I too love Morocco, though I wouldnt consider it floral) -- Defututa. its not really spicy on me, but definitely a warm, thick, sexy floral.
  16. jizatt


    I dont get rose or honey really - I do get the comparisons to Dorian though. Must be a similarity in the musk. This is a feminine Dorian without the heavy vanilla overtone, replaced by a light fruitiness.
  17. jizatt


    This does some crazy magic on my skin, because what I get is almost a perfect lilac with a hint of rain. What I WANTED from a Lear based scent was an ozone heavy, rainy, heavy green scent -- Lear standing in the lightning storm. But Ill keep my crazy lilacs =)
  18. jizatt

    Grass and Hay scents

    Halloween: San Francisco. Its wet and leafy, maybe grassy -- but also salty
  19. jizatt

    Mysterious Warning

    this is somehow sexy and comforting at the same time. Can blankets be sexy? Immediate application is ALL lavender, and I agree with the TKO comparisons but its darker and not the marshmallow feeling. As this dries though, I get more of the tea/amber side, with lavender moving into the supporting role. This is nice, smooth, gorgeous. I dont really get leather, but I think its part of the dark feeling that I get. I dont get floral, other than lavender and a vague sweetness. Love this =)
  20. jizatt


    I dont think I've reviewed this before.... This is a gorgeous caramel apple scent, but its a very sophisticated level of gourmand. The amber, teak and skin musk give this a depth that pure foodies just dont have for me. I dont smell cream or honey though... still, Love. Adore. The only of the ladies that worked for me too!
  21. jizatt

    Pumpkin Latte

    not as sweet as I was hoping, but defnitely sweeter than the pumpkin V last year. This goes on super strong coffee bean, very dark -- it lightens as it dries and the vanilla (bean, not the sweet kind) and creaminess come out a little more. The milk doesnt sour on me, the spices arent overwhelming. I get a bit of pumpkin, but this is all about the espresso. This is more like smelling a bag of coffee than drinking from the cup, if that helps =) (currently attempting to wear it layered with dana o shee to get closer to my creamy coffee dreams!)
  22. jizatt

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    I've been trying to find my perfect apple =) Ladon was close, but the dragon's blood was a touch too much for me. I think Punkie Night is my favorite so far. Its a little tart, but not like I was afraid of. It dries down to a cool outdoorsy apple! I wanted to love Hesperides SO BAD, but its all wintergreen on me, and then while the drydown is perfect and so exactly what I wanted, it doesnt last at all. Very sad about this one. Think it was a bottle batch issue? Is it worth trying again?
  23. jizatt

    Blue Pumpkin Floss

    I must not have read the willcalls and prototype reviews as well as I thought, because this was NOTHING like I expected. I thought I was getting fluffy, pumpkin cotton candy with a hint of blackberry. That said, I love.this. Has anyone smelled tobacco in the base notes, because I swear that what I get is a rich spicy pumpkin (not quite like the pumpkin patch pumpkin), something sweet but not fluffy at all, more than a hint of blackberry hehe, and a healthy dose of tobacco under it all. Hesitaters: yes its spicy, not its not overwhleming. This is a dark fall scent, maybe a gourmand, but not foody.
  24. jizatt

    Scent Recommendations By Hair Color?

    Im somewhere between brunette and brown -- I prefer warm, rich scents -- woody and sweet. I want to love the foodies, but I just dont. Generally they are too much for me. I do like the clean scents and the snow scents though =)