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Everything posted by jizatt

  1. jizatt


    My skin ate this completely. I can barely tell that there's a scent there, and it smells like maybe apple? maybe thats the lilac? The combination of vanilla tea, musk, and tobacco had me giddy- but I smell.... nothing.
  2. If I think that the name alone will elicit a negative response, I cover the label when I uncap it. Only AFTER they have told me how divine it smells, do I unleash the name So far Ivanushka and White Rabbit have received the most compliments for me, so the name thing hasn't actually been a problem except with samplers
  3. jizatt

    Sweet, sweet florals

    Eos and New Orleans =)
  4. jizatt


    on me this is extremely rich, buttery, heavy - more cake batter than cake. Every so often, I get a boozy whiff, nothing too not-safe-for-work. Its awfully cool, but I don't want to smell like cake batter. So I'm just not a fan of foody scents on my skin, but if you are, you should definitely try this one.
  5. I was looking for Karma-alikes, and here's what the thread has so far (yea I'm a little obsessive): Masquerade - well behaved Karma, less head shoppy, good spicy smells, more earthy Vixen - more sweet and orangey, less hippie shop Ravenous - sexier version, more fiery Sin Old Madrid Obeah - but maybe more like Amazonian Mantis - muskier, a bit darker and more complex. same bright orange-patchouli Lucifer - smelled a bit like Karma Dragon's Blood - complimentary Seraglio - complimentary Cockaigne - complimentary Any comments, cautions? Does Old Madrid mean that plain ol' Madrid isn't the same thing?
  6. jizatt

    notes listed according to their percentage?

    what I found out in my searches: the top notes you smell first and maybe strongest, but they burn off quickest. The middle notes and base notes stay longest, the base is what you smell at the very end when everything else is gone (on me thats almost always vanilla) The base can also make some of the other notes last longer, hold the scent together a bit, warm it up, etc.
  7. jizatt

    Sweet, sweet florals

    Eos and New Orleans are supersweet on me too, but in a good way =) Shadow Witch Orchid was almost candy sweet on me, but it was too much... but you might love it!
  8. jizatt

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    Blood Amber might be good? Obsidian Widow was feminine, but mean and sharp to me. Sheol has that incensey touch to my nose. Black Rose was a dark, maybe incensey rose that might match. Hetairae was a skin scent, but with some bite (haha) I'm not great with notes, but those seem like they might be good matches =) (I've not tried Perversion, but would it work for this character? ALso havent tried, but Blood Garden?)
  9. One of the freshest roses I smelled was Blood Rose. I'm not sure where the blood went, but it just smelled like fresh cut rose to me. On the other hand, it smelled that way for about 30 minutes and then vanished.
  10. jizatt

    Mr. Jacquel

    How odd, on me this was very dry and white. I didn't go back and look at the notes, and was very surprised to find out it had amber. I could smell the embalming spices, but this was almost papery on me. Dry, crackly. It seemed very appropriate and I didn't even question it =) Er, I also don't plan to keep it, because while thats intriguing, its not what I would choose to smell like.
  11. jizatt

    Thirteen (13): June 2008

    This starts out all chocolate on me, but then goes through a variety of stages. I get the honeysuckle very distinctly at some points, with a cocoa undertone. The chocolate is still there now, but warm and soft under -- something that I can't quite describe. I do love this one though =) I'm wearing it in a locket for the more chocolaty smell now too -- my skin can't seem to hold on to that part.
  12. jizatt

    March Hare

    Tried this for the first time today. It went on VERY fruity, very apricot, which I happened to like. I could smell the clove kick too, but it wasn't scary. I was going to chalk this up to one of those fruits scents that I really like, but can't own every single one, until it dried. The dried version for me was apricot still, but baked tart as well. It definitely smells like tart. I really like it, although I haven't been woo about the foody smells so far. I loved the fruit stage, and I love the foody tart stage too =)
  13. jizatt

    Tiger Lily

    This smelled very realistically lily on me, very fresh, with a touch of sweetness (which I love). Nice fresh and clean smell, I just wish it had lasted longer!
  14. jizatt

    Rain Scents

    I've really been wanting to find that perfect - it smells like rain - scent. I tried Lightning, Tempest, Thunder Moon - so far Tempest is closest but still not perfect. I need to try Szepasszony and I'm wondering about June Gloom. I haven't actually read much on the notes/reviews, but it seems likely. Thunder Moon was too cologne for me. I do love Caliban, but its not rain.Anyone else have one that smells like - rain, storm, air, water, earth, grass, heat - I don't even know how you would do that... but if it can happen, I think it will happen at BPAL and I will buy it all /wicked =) If that perfect rain isn't out there yet, I sure hope to see it.
  15. jizatt


    I'm not good at picking out notes or I could tell you more I'm sure. This is smoky, slightly spicy vanilla on me. It's dark, but very warm. I can say it was slightly foody towards the beginning, but I don't smell that now. edit: Oct 4th I traded my bottle off awhile back, because I never got that vanilla darkness again. What I mainly smell in this is the myrrh =( This is also very faint on me - but most of the ladies were.
  16. jizatt


    This starts out with a soapyness that I expected, but that dries out to a lovely, fresh, airy - hard to put your finger on what you're smelling - loveliness. It's a little sweet on me (most things are), but in a good, soft way. It's lasted about 2 hours on me so far, soft but still there. I will definitely be ordering a nice sized collection of this. Good summer scent. (does this maybe have Gardenia in it? I have a very similar smell between this one, Dirty, Fairy Market, and Veil of all things. So I'm trying to find something in common)
  17. jizatt


    Apparently I do not have a problem with jasmine amping. In the imp I thought I could pick out the olive blossom. I have an olive tree, and when it blooms I'm generally underneath it, sniffing the little yellow flowers. What's funny is they almost smell like cototn candy. So, I could smell that in here. On, though I smelled multiple floral, with a slight spicy kick and some definite vanilla. I like this vanilla too. No plastic, no fake, but also not the dark Lyonesse vanilla. Dried down and smelled frequently, what I smell is mostly creamy spicy vanilla, a little smoky maybe, with just a touch of floral behind it. I'd almost liken it to Bengal on my own wrist. What I wrote down was floral chai =) edited over a year later: I still love this one =) Im not sure I would still say floral chai though hehe: a thick golden floral without being floral really because of the smoky vanilla and slight spicyness. I love this better now than I did in summer, where it was almost too heavy.
  18. jizatt


    I was so sad about this one -- I wanted this complicated smell, and what I got was something very very VERY LIGHT, that seemed like it might be floral if I could smell it. I thought I smelled a hint of wine and sweetness, but I could barely smell it even with my nose pressed to my wrist. I waited a couple weeks and tried it again, but same thing. What I can smell seems like it would be gorgeous, although a great deal more floral than I had expected. I thought I was getting a dark, dangerous, complicated smell....
  19. jizatt

    Dana O'Shee

    I tried this the second time tonight - and I was right, I adore it. O didn't work on me, so it made me very happy that this one did. It must be a different honey here, because O and Alice both went bubblegum on me. -- I did write down the first time that this faded quick on me, but most of these do, so... I had, between the first and second tries, bought some new bath stuff called Skin Milk. It smells *exactly* like Dana O'Shee! This might be the one you were talking about?
  20. jizatt

    Beachy, Tropical Scents

    Obatala was extremely coconut/tanning lotion on me. It wasn't what I wanted, but it sounds like it might be for you! The tropical I am currently in love with is Caliban. Mmmmmm.
  21. jizatt

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I had the same exact prob, same oil. I had just taken a shower - so I'm going to try again later *when I feel brave.* What I couldnt' get washed off smelled so DIVINE it almost made me cry!
  22. jizatt

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    I used to love a perfume called English Waterlilys. I don't even have my bottle now as that was AGES ago, and I can't seem to find anything on the web about it. Does anyone remember this perfume, and maybe able to recommend a BPAL that would be similar? (edited to add:) I finally found some references, but can't find any of the fragrance notes. The only ones still out there ot purchase are tigerlily, callalily, and daylily - none of which I care about =)
  23. jizatt

    Shadow Witch Orchid

    on me - this wasn't subtle anything. It was like wearing hot pink. It screamed floral and candy. I tried waiting it out and toughed out abotu two hours before I gave up. It was fascinating in a disturbing way, but not a perfume I would wear *on purpose* if that makes sense. I will give it another shot later, see if it was just me. I had hoped so much for the soft, creamy floral that I read about...
  24. jizatt

    Bien Loin D'Ici

    I hated this when I put it on. It was so strong and it smelled like barfly left over in the morning. It was extremely boozy, and I was a bit concerned as I was wearing it to school today. It took two hours to calm down, at which point it smelled DIVINE! Apparently I love red musk, and the sweet and spice just made it even better. I've been wearing it since 7am now, and its 7:40 pm. Thats officially the longest lasting of any that I've tried. I'm not sure about those first two hours, but I'll try it again to see if it was me that was wonky =) This is the first one thats gone through major changes on my skin over time. final decision: love it, kind of impatient about the two hour wait
  25. jizatt

    Choosing a scent for an antique trunk

    I have one of these trunks too - and it stinks horribly inside. I haven't put anything in there because of the smell, but its a shame to waste the storage space. I like the idea of Seance, although I haven't smelled it yet. I may do a search on the woodsy types and see what comes up.