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Posts posted by norman74

  1. On my skin: I definitely pick up the tobacco right away and then it gets a little bit smokier and within fifteen minutes this disappears. :P Oh, but wait, it's like the second coming...only super musky...and starting to turn powdery.


    I think this scent surprised me a little...I didn't expect to like it, but I kinda do. I may keep this one around and use it in an oil burner or a candle, but I don't see myself wearing it again.

  2. Mmmm... This is fantastic! In the bottle: BUTTER. Maybe a little bit of caramel. When I put it on the mint pops(just enough- I can't smell it in the bottle at all) and it turns a little less sweet. I used to love foody scents but the last few I 've tried have really not worked for me; this may bring me back around. This might sound wierd but this is what I would imagine butterbeer, from Harry Potter, to smell like. I get the comparison to Spooky... but I can't smell the coconut on me at all, which is unusual. And like Spooky, this one fades fast. But mmm.

  3. The essence of pleasure heightened by pain: the raw scent of leather.

    Mmmm. I so didn't think I would like this, but holy hell it smells good. Scourge is right, smells kind of like sweat, but sexy sweat, not gross BO.

  4. This is very fresh and clear, not overpowering. The description is right on, however...I think this is not for me...maybe home fragrance. I dunno- I like it a lot I just don't see myself wearing it. But glad I got to try it.

  5. I've always wished I could try Rose Red, but this is everything I could want in a rose scent. I was a little disappointed with my first sniff from the bottle, but as soon as I put it on, I fell in love. It IS a little sweet, but not in an offensive way. I LOVE it.

  6. I really wanted this to work on me(three-bottle-want), but there's something in it that makes me ill. I have this similar, weird reaction to ylang-ylang, that makes me wonder if there's any in this at all...my nose is super-sensitive to it, and for some reason, that's all that I can smell, no fruitiness at all. I was hoping that it was just in the bottle and that if I wore it I could pick up on the fruits that made me buy it in the first place, but it smelled the same on as it did in the bottle...the other surprising thing was that it faded VERY quickly on me. I'll hang onto it and try it a couple more times over the next few weeks to see if maybe its just weird hormonal, body chemistry, but I am definitely going to have to set the other two bottles free. :P


    ETA: I tried one of the other bottles and the fruit is definitely more prevalent...but there's still that something that I can't quite stomach.


    Edited Again: Extra bottles have found new homes

  7. So. Crisp. I got this as a freebie (another that I wouldn't have picked for myself, but I'm so glad the lab thought better) and I hadn't read the description. As soon as I put it on I thought of biting into a green apple or pear. The pear stays pretty strong on me, but overall the scent fades pretty quickly. Definitely ordering in a large bottle.

  8. Mmmmm...this is heaven on me...definitely going to be a big bottle purchase. I loved this one from the minute I put it on...I'm not sure if I smell it because my skin loves it or because my nose loves it, but the osmanthus pops on me. Very clean, but I don't get the fruitiness that other people describe. This is the type of fragrance I love. It's a good thing.

    :P :D :D

  9. This one keeps morphing on me...I hated it as soon as I put it on, but after a bit it softened into a nice floral....but now its been about an hour and the lilies smell like feet on my skin. I love it in the bottle, so I think that this one may become a candle.

  10. In the bottle I get the Thin Mint smell that everyone talks about, but as soon as it hits my skin its like a Dirty Coconut Explosion. In the best way ever. If that makes any sense at all. The chocolate and mint blend becomes so subtle, that if you didn't know what it was you probably couldn't identify it. I cannot get enough Spooky. I only wish it lasted longer on my skin; some scents I can smell for days, but I can't make this last longer than a couple of hours.


    First Impression:  Sweet tea.


    Second Impression:  Oh. My. God.  This is like having a cup of strong but sweet tea laced with a hint of lemon in a posh Victorian parlor whilst sitting opposite a very civilised Victoran gentleman.  And as soon as the maid serving the tea is gone, this proper Victoran gentleman fucks you six ways from Sunday.


    Final Analysis:  Very sexy and sexual but at first sniff, oh so proper.  This blend is gorgeous, a must try.  Not too masculine that a woman couldn't pull off.  Wear this and you will feel sexy. 


    Oh. My. God. Dorian makes me want to die. This is the best thing I have ever smelled. It smells like the best boy that ever was...with a little something extra. I think Andra says it perfectly.
