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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Belease

  1. Almost smells like the warmth from a fire, which is very weird, but it does smell like clean hot clothes scented with flowers. It’s not my thing because I don’t like florals with ‘earthy’ green smells like patchouli. I can’t smell anything foody in there at all, for me it’s all about the rose and the patchouli.

    However, after I had put it on my nan came into the room and totally fell in love with the imp. So now she has it and she’s off to Morocco tomorrow to catch herself a man! I’ll let you know if it works!


    (EDIT: She came back and told me she didn't land a guy, but she did get mugged. Erk...)

  2. On wet it's very fresh, smells like freshly cut flowers. Then when it dries it suddenly smells like the boy’s toilets! The lightness and freshness completely disappears on me and I’m left with soapy wee-wee. I was totally loving it up til then! After a while it evens out and smells floral again, but with less freshness and bounce than before. Then it goes back to stale wee. Very bouncy, I’ll give it that! When it finally settles down, it’s very nice, but it takes too long for me, and it's also very faint by that stage as well.

  3. Really liked this - lovely fresh smelling, lemony scent with a hint of cool water behind it. However, it just disappeared on me and there was a stage at which it just smelt like washing up. Not washing up liquid, just the general washing up idea. Very strange how your mind works!

  4. On me it went like this: musty oranges, rotten oranges, bitter oranges, creamy oranges with a hint of bitter zest, all in about five minutes. Then, as it dries, it turns into musty oranges left in a loft for a few years. Not sure it makes me ravenous! It went powdery too – I don’t think my nose likes complex adult scents like this. Give me something with caramel any day. (I know, I’m a philistine!)

  5. Fresh on, it's clean pepper soap, can smell the cinnamon ever so gently in the background, but I’m not sure I like it being there even though I love cinnamon. Then it transforms to soapy cinnamon, which gave me another BPAL headache – it’s been a bad week! Has good staying power, but it’s too spicy for me. And the pepper disappears fast on my skin, too. Swap pile!

  6. Goes on exactly as it sounds, instantly gets transformed to sweet sherbet with a bitter edge to it, softened by a powdery sweet smell. A sharp, bitter note remains after a few minutes. Slowly disappears over the course of about ten mins, but a soft bitter note is still there and I don’t really like it! It’s not a bad scent, but I don’t think I really liked the martini edge. The fruit was beautiful, though.

  7. Sadly had to wash this one off - something in there is giving me a bad headache! Didn't smell any vanilla, no fig and definitely no coffee. This was just overpoweringly floral on me and I smelt like stale potpourri. Really, really disappointed because fig, vanilla and coffee sounded like a winner. Perhaps it's the jasmine, but I love jasmine in other things.


    Definite swap pile material.


    Reading the reviews above, is it possible the scent has been tweaked? No one else seems to be getting much coffee out of this recently!

  8. A bawdy, gleefully wicked and unruly scent: Kentucky Bourbon, sugar and a sprig of mint.

    I really wanted to like this scent, but on me there was no sweetness - just bitter mint and harsh alcohol. Luckily it dried to something completely different - unluckily that was powder. I hate powdery smells! It disappeared after a couple of hours though. Tried it on the boyfriend to see if I could bring out the sweet mint - powder on him as well. Never mind!

  9. This is a really beautiful scent that is so Christmassy it makes me want to eat my wrist. For some reason on me it's cinnamon and vanilla - creamy spicy deliciousness - and it lasts so well. This is, without hesitation, a 5ml purchase. And it definitely doesn't fit in with the scents I thought I liked - mostly light fruity smells or maybe very light toffee scents. I hated Lush's Skinny Dip, but I love this. Go figure! But I am so glad I got the chance to get this scent.

  10. I don't know about anything that has a real 'scientific' basis for working, but I do know that smelling 'Villian', which is the scent my boyfriend wears, when I'm bummed out and on my period, really helps me. I don't know if it's the association with him or something in the scent itself, though. (If it's the former that doesn't really help you!)


    I can't think of any BPAL scents that have a combination of those three scents in it - but I've not tried many so I'm not an expert. If anyone has any suggestions, I'll be interested to hear them, though. I can't go round smelling like my boyfriend for a week every month! :P
