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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by twistygirl

  1. Oh, god, this smelled DEADLY on me when I first put it on... I could smell neither orange nor patchouli, I smelled like metallic dead meat or something. But now it is a very lovely smell, I can detect the orange more than the patchouli... it does remind me of Karma's sexy older sister, although I think I'd prefer a bit less orange and a bit more patchouli... or something like musk or amber to quiet the orange down a bit. I'm funny with orange. In some blends it smells wonderful on me, in some blends it's not bad but not quite great... I'd put this somewhere in the middle.


    Wait! I just got a whiff of baby aspirin! That can NEVER be a bad thing! I think I'm liking this more than I had thought just a few minutes ago (I've had it on about an hour).

  2. This dries down to an extremely soft, very lovely scent. When I first put it on I was overwhelmed by the lilac and I thought "I can never wear this"... not because I dislike lilac, but because it brought back such sensory memories of being a little girl playing in my grandparents' yard which was loaded with lilac bushes, and it made me so sad that they aren't here anymore. But now that it has dried down, it's something I could definitely wear during the day. I too LOOOOOVE Haunted, and I do prefer the Haunted because it's much longer-lasting (on me, anyhow) and richer.

  3. Of all the BPAL rose-based scents, I think this one is definitely the one I will go with in the long run. It is very sophisticated, and dries down to an amazingly soft rose/amber/musk blend that is just the perfect balance of all three notes. Yes, this definitely goes on my list of fragrances to buy big bottles of once I get a damn job.

  4. Oh, Haunted, Haunted, could you possibly be my favorite BPAL so far? My dear Miss Polexia gave me a bit of this from her imp's ear because I adored it so much on her and I adore it even more on myself (if for no other reason than it's less embarrassing to continually smell one's OWN arm than it is to grab the arm of a friend in public and yell "LET ME SMELL YOU AGAIN!"). It reminds me of being wrapped in a soft, soft piece of rich antique golden brown velvet. Ah, amber, how I love you so. It is the teensiest bit powdery when it dries down but it's that wistful, womanly powdery smell, not the overwhelming fakey powder smell. This is glorious.

  5. This is most certainly a great olifactory capture of the feeling of lust :P It dries down very softly and subtly but makes me feel incredibly sexy at the same time. It's warm, soft, and spicy, with a hint of mystery... Doesn't seem to last too long on my skin, but it could be my chemistry. I'd say I smell the patchouli and the myrrh most of all, although everything blends together so beautifully that I can't really pinpoint any one scent. It smells like naughty adult candy.

  6. This most definitely captures the aura of a Pisces... it's very ethereal, very light, a watery-flowery soft, soft scent. Unfortunately, just like Neptune, it is also very illusory, because it disappears very quickly. I couldn't smell it at all 15 minutes after I put it on. This is too lovely of a scent to ignore just because it may need frequent touch-ups (it also could be my body chemistry). I can't make out a single thing in it, I am anxiously awaiting the update to the Celestials descriptions so I can decipher what it is that makes this so lovely.

  7. OOOOOH, I love this one! It is indeed a very, very soft green, a very watery fragrance. VERY soothing. I was feeling rather wretched before I put this on, and my mood has definitely been calmed down by this scent.


    This could be a "green" fragrance for people who don't like "greens." It's so gentle and calming. I close my eyes and think of lily pads on a beautiful immaculate pond.

  8. When I first put this on, all I could smell was smoke. I've never experienced that in a fragrance before, so I wasn't hoping for much for the dry-down. However, it has dried down into something very nice, very complex, sweet and incensey. Really lovely and probably, of all the BPALs I've tried, the one that changed the most from first application to dry-down.

  9. Draws influential, powerful people into your life. Helps make your wishes and desires into a reality.

    This is a very strong, unusual scent. It was quite spicy and overpowering at first, it has dried down to something much more wearable. I can't quite pick out what the dominant smell is - cinnamon? It kind of smells like Red Hots to me. A combination of Red Hots and the Catholic Church. That's the only way I can describe it


    PLEASE NOTE: This review topic is for the former Voodoo Blend, now discontinued, named French Creole. If you're looking for the Twilight Alchemy Lab oil of the same name, those reviews are here. --Shollin

  10. This is indeed a very gentle, lovely, compassionate scent. It smells like what I would imagine angel's tears to smell like. Very soft and comforting, but at the same time there is something a bit melancholy about it. As I smell it, I keep thinking about my mother, who died three years ago, and it's bringing tears to my eyes. I don't know that I'd wear it in public, because I think it could definitely arouse some tearful moments, but if you're feeling sad and you want the feeling of loving ethereal arms wrapped around you, this is one to try. I think the best word I can think of to describe this is "precious," and that's not meant in a smarmy way...

  11. Nyx

    This is a really lovely jasmine-rose blend, neither too jasmine-y or too rose-y. The myrrh definitely adds subtlety and mystery to this blend. It's soft and very feminine in a sophisticated way.

  12. Yes, this is a lazy, indolent, indulgent scent... I've never been to New Orleans (shame on me!) and therefore have no idea if this truly conjures up the mood of the French Quarter. The jasmine and honeysuckle give it that southern sweetness, but on my skin, they dried down rather quickly, leaving a delicious spicy smell that does make me think of midnight juju.

  13. I agree with Lizzie Borden... this is one COMPLICATED scent. It's green, but it's not "green"... it's floral-y, but it's dark and woody and mossy... in other words, it is exactly what I would expect The Caterpillar's domain to smell like. If you are looking for a deep, mysterious, complex scent that smells good and will smell like nothing you've ever smelled before, give this one a try!

  14. I haven't had much luck with the winey scents, but this one is different... the wine is very subtle, it smells like deep rich maroon velvet to me. As it dries down, I can pick up just a *hint* of the amaretto. This is quite a sexy smell.

  15. Aaah, this is quite lovely and soft on me... definitely appropriate for daytime or hot-weather wear. It is softly floral with a hint of a dark mysterious underside... there's something almost-but-not-quite-green on me, I can't pick out any of the individual scents, but they're a divine blend.

  16. Just when I think I've found my favorite BPAL scent, I try another one, and... such is the case with Fae. This is amazingly lovely. Soft - fruity, floral without being too much of either. I imagine sweet impish fairies sprinkling this during the first days of spring. It's innocent but not childish - there is definitely an air of mischief about this one!

  17. Polexia is my friend and believe me, her boyfriend doesn't like ANYTHING, which should be testimony enough for this scent.


    This could be my favorite BPAL scent so far. It is sophisticated and complex and utterly intoxicating. It does smell a bit powdery on me but not at all baby-powderish, more of a lush woodsy powder with a soft floral kiss. It's definitely more woodsy than floral on me.

  18. This is very soft and pretty but not one of my favorites thus far. I kept smelling something that was just a little odd and lo and behold it is the fig. I want to love fig on me because I really like Lush's Figs and Leaves soap, but I've tried a few figgy scents and none of them work on me in the long run. Of all the figgys I've tried, though, this one is by far the nicest. If you like fig, you will love this scent.

  19. This is very pretty, but more of a traditional sort of "green" than Love Oil #20 is... it is very clean smelling, soft and subtle. It is a little soapy but in a good way, not like Clean (which I know is one of the trendy fragrances of the moment but I just don't get it - if people want to wear a fragrance that smells like you just showered, they should be buying THIS).
