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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by twistygirl

  1. ... and skg promptly swapped it to me, and sadly, it doesn't work on me, either.


    I think it must be the civet. I so wanted to love this, but on me it smells like somebody peed on my arm. It does soften up quite a bit after about a half-hour, but I guess I have to add civet to my list of oils I can't wear. Damn, because I was really hoping to be able to wear something so animalistic. I always give BPALs a second try, though, and I will do so with this, because my body chemistry changes so damn much from day to day.

  2. Chris just sniffed it on me and said it smells like sea salt and old wood...

    ... and that is exactly what it smells like on me, too. This is a masterpiece in terms of invoking an image, because all I can think of is pirates or old ships at sea when I smell this. However, it's not something I see myself wearing, because I'm not sure I want to give off the scent of an old boat. I am anxious to try this as a room scent, though... I love the smell, just not as a fragrance on me.

  3. Oh, this is just gorgeous. The first time I wore it, it didn't seem to agree with me, but I have been wearing it today, giving it a second try, and today it is breathtaking. Soft, sweet, but not cloyingly so, and rich, rich, rich. It smells like rich golden brown. It's incredibly sexy, and I am adding this to my list of 5mls to order.

  4. I got notification from USPS that my order was supposed to be shipped out Thurs, but it hasn't updated at all yet. Is the USPS slow in updating, or is it possible it hasn't shipped yet?

    USPS is slow in updating. When I got my last order, it didn't update until the day it was delivered.

  5. We all need to take a deep breath and sing along with Guns 'n' Roses...


    :P All we need is just a little patience :D


    I'm in the can't-quite-afford-to-order-right-now group, so the waiting will make the new scents even that more tempting for me...

  6. This is by far the most difficult of the Aces for me to get a grasp of. It's so complex and changing, I can't get a good idea of WHAT this smells like to me. One whiff it's floraly, I can smell the lavendar, but then it's woodsy, then it's more soft spicy. Oh, the capriciousness of air. It's a GREAT encapsulation of the changeling aspect of the air signs. And it is an airy light scent. regardless of what note is showing up at any given moment. This is the perfect scent for somebody who has no idea what their mood is, because I'll bet you'll find it in here somewhere.

  7. This is Earth, alright. And I think it's totally gorgeous. VERY comforting. I normally don't like pine in my fragrances because I don't want to smell like the Pacific Northwest, but this is such a soft pine and blends so well with the other notes. This is very, very grounding, a masculine scent but not so masculine that a female couldn't wear it. There's a real power to the earthiness of this scent.

  8. Wow, this doesn't smell like cherry at all on me. It's not the least bit sweet on my skin, what it is is an unusual watery-deep floraly blend with perhaps an undertone of something woodsy/resiny to keep it from being sweet. The cups are related to the water signs, and therefore emotion, and I wondered why I started crying about a half hour after I put it on until I put these two things together. It's a very deep, mysterious fragrance. I like it a lot (crying excepted).

  9. Sweet and fiery, but not smoky-fiery and not cinnamon-fiery, more like just heat (although it doesn't feel hot, it feels "heat"). I'm picking up on the somewhat medicinal undertone and it smells sort of like camphor or eucalyptus on me. It's interesting how there's a battle going on my arm right now between the oils in this one. This is a warrior's scent. It almost reminds me of something that's spent some time in a smokehouse. Could there be tobacco in here? It's a bit masculine for me to wear as a scent but it's something I will use in my tarot studies.

  10. Because this is so complex, containing so many elements, it is the perfect embodiment of The World. It smells incredibly balanced and is indeed a very cheerful scent. I have never smelled a scent so complex and yet so whole and so harmonious. None of the notes battle with one another. This is something I will want to always have on hand, because I agree that it will suit virtually every mood I can imagine.

  11. This is a warm (not hot), happy, golden scent. It's a very proud, elegant scent. I can't make out any of the individual smells (I can't seem to do this very well with any of the Tarot oils), but it just smells warm and happy. This is the perfect fragrance for a rainy day, to bring a bit of sunshine into your life. It definitely smells like something somebody with a lot of monetary wealth would enjoy wearing, it's a very rich scent.

  12. Don't worry so much about us, Beth... you need to keep your health and your sanity in good shape. Good things come to those who wait.


    Although the ties are really lovely, if you would (even temporarily) need to suspend the idea of the ties to get through this deluge, I would agree that it would be a minor loss. The packaging is great, but the oils are what people love, IMO.


    All of you need to remember that we adore you and your creations and appreciate the fact that you keep us informed of delays and are doing the very best you can to keep your customers happy.


    Damn, I wish I still lived in LA, I'd come over and help you out.
