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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by tativa

  1. tativa

    Insupportable Misery

    Misery starts off very abrasive... and settles down to be sharp and powdery at the same time! I get the lemon tea and lilac that lycanthrope did... the lavender is supporting it, subtlely. Not something I am used to lavender being. Nice and refreshing. But not my type of scent.
  2. tativa

    A Companion Of The Same Nature

    Okay... if I didn't have such a trusted decanter I'd almost question this one after smelling it and reading the description. I'm starting to read some of the notes after some concentration... but to be honest the first thing I smelled when I put it on was sugared tea. Like a deeper Dorian with rose. I'm guessing my nose is reading linen as tea, as they both are clean notes. If I try really hard I can smell the leaves and the carnation... but everything blends together into the smell of a tea party on an early spring day. I can smell the sweetness of the child with a pastry in hand, weaved in with the perfume of her mother, and the plant smells the breeze carries along. Then as the scent is on the skin longer, it starts to smell like embalming oil and the linen of wrapping a body for burial, and the flowers being brought to mourn. All in all, its a lovely scent, but so evocative it creeps me out a bit. I'll keep it around for contemplation, but there is very much a circle of life feel to it. Even after being on the skin a bit it maintains a freshness to it... its only the morphing of the sweetness that really indicates the passing of time.
  3. tativa

    Pumpkin Masala Rooibos

    Mmmm the perfect holiday spice scent. At first the licorice was a bit much, but tamed down nicely. Mom thought it smelled a bit like flowers... I think she was registering the tea I never found. It gets more pumpkin and spice as it dries... though much sassier tha pumpkin pie. The coconut makes it a touch creamy. I love it!
  4. tativa


    I don't know how hard it would be to find on the forum... but my go to lilac scent is Needlework from Lupercalia. Oolong tea, lilac, sheer musk, crushed ginger, wisteria, delphinium, and lavender.
  5. tativa

    Golden Champa

    I recently got a sample of Golden Champa Absolute from Nature's Gift (as one of my... ooo this is fancy and out of my budget, I'd like to experience it once in my life) and normally thats the end of story. But no... not this... this was that fantastic jasmine/ honeysuckle smell of my dreams. A day of googling later, and I can't find any affordable bits of it online. So am resorting to what would normally have been my first instinct... find a BPAL that smells like this. Do you guys have any suggestions for a light, almost tea like, floral that is high pitched but deep at the same time? That floral component of nag champa without the heavy hippee parts?
  6. tativa

    Golden Champa

    Ooo thats good to know! Thank you everyone! <3 I need to try and get my hands on some khajuraho now. Thought about it a few times, but if thats what it smells like... Off to search the reviews
  7. tativa

    Brood XIX

    I just had a dream about cicadas last night, so was quite happy to have this in the mail to try today! It starts off very cereally and corny and everything I was dreading... and then turns into... eau de adult toy cleaner. Don't get me wrong... I love how the one I have smells, its very comforting. But the resemblance I am getting is uncanny... I was sure for the longest time today I had spilled the cleaner, until I realized that was the cicadas. I can't wait to see how this ages! Edit: I just realized I was lacking further description of the scent itself. On me it actually turns into an earthy floral (? I keep looking for the note causing that, thinking the almond blossom, rice, and moss are combining into that). I can smell the acorn and hay wafting over the whole scent
  8. tativa

    Incensy Florals

    err I love spellbound for an incensey floral... but that is rose The grindhouse was another <3 and thats more iris and other things. Also found tabula smaragdina to be an incensey floral, even tho just incense is listed
  9. tativa

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    VULVA OBLIVION!!! Just keeping it relevant Yeah I'm not sure how that happened! I blame it on being my first post ever. No... I want it to stay here. I find that really interesting.
  10. tativa

    spring sw ?s

    If someone were attending Disney on Ice (Toy Story 3) with a bunch of Girl Scouts, would you want a patch/souvenir?: Yes, if it were uber cute. Because I keep thinking I want to make a messenger bag with all breeds of cool decor. Baked Goods? Yea Nay? If not Baked goods and you are changing eating habits..a book of recipes perhaps that will help the new eating lifestyle?: I'm trying to go on a diet that gets the insides more alkaline, so am trying to cut back on carbs and refined food. But in the end, I am a stressed out college student, so would very very much appreciate small amounts of any kinda home cooked goodies. Yummm! I am not above indulging and LOVE homemade baked goods. What level of nudity are you fine with on items?: The human form is a beautiful thing. I am a fan of any level of depiction, as long as its not grotesque. Horror images freak me the eff out. Would you like other kinds of gently used items that may have come from a garage sale?: Lol, thats all my mom buys us these days, after discovering antiquing. New, used... it doesn't matter as long as I love the object. Unless its undies o.O or tissues. If you were to make an order RIGHT NOW, what would you order?: Illustrated woman, sleeping nymphs and satyr, red lace, kitty, ninon, spanked, nymphia, and/or standing female nude. If I coulda made an order back when yule's were still up I'd have gotten some Snow White for me and some more Rose Red for my sister (thats the only perfume she will wear, so I was all pleased when I tried snow white recently and liked it... bc its great for playing up our sister thing). Do you like cooking seasonings, like the kind you can get in ounces sizes?: I lack a kitchen one can really cook anything in... so prefer things that come pretty much ready to eat. Would you rather have HUGE list of things your witchee wants to try or just a highlight list?: The more ideas the better ^.~ mixed cds: Yes please!!! I still listen to the one my former witch unlaced gave to me all the time! Tim Tams? Yes or no? Chocolate Creme, Caramel, or Dark Chocolate? mmmm Caramel and dark chocolate... mmmm tim tams... Is there any "classic" literature (Hemingway, Dickens, Elliot, Bronte, Hugo, Wilde, etc.) that you would like to add to your collection? ooo yes! especially the spiffy looking leather barnes and noble ones they did for the holidays. Candles and/or aroma melts: yay or nay? Yes! Especially candles. Especially strong smelly candles to make my house smell younger. So how does everyone feel about receiving ebooks? I don't have an e-reader. Though one of these days I prob will break down and buy an ipad or something of the type Astrological charts and interpretation/ reports? Ooo. Especially synastry ones. Or some unusual kind. Booze? Yay or Nay? what kinds? Mmmm wine or beer or whiskey are favs. St. Germaine always has a home here too. Do you like those little crocheted dolls? You know the ones! They have a Japanese name! GAH! If so, who needs to be emulated as one? Sounds cute, but not sure what I'd do with them. Pirates vs Ninjas vs Zombies - who wins? Which do you love most? Pirates. Have the most personality. Steampunk inspired items? Yay or nay? Ooo fun! If you were able to get a vintage or prototype bottle from the upcoming West Coast Will Call, which one would you want? Half elf or halfling or chaotic (OMG soooo psyched about the rpg line!!!) or underpants, bc it has saffron which is love. Edit 3/21: OMG ELF vs 4 is love!!! It smells exactly like... idk something from my childhood. But I can't stop sniffing my sniffie!!! DVDs, Blu-Ray, both, neither? I don't have a TV. But I know I can run most DvDs in my computer. Unsure about blueray. Do you like wearing things in your hair? If so, what kind (snap clips, scrunchie, headband, etc), how big & crazy (lowkey, bigger the better), and colors. The classic flowers in the hair always gets me Mostly just use scruntchies, but am open to anything. I need serious help in the cute assessory department. Also anything turquoise pops like crazy against the strawberry blonde. What's your favorite animal? Or is there one that's particularly significant to you? Penguins, before they were hip. I still have a whole assortment of penguins stuff in my house since I determined at age 3 that I wanted to live in Antartica with them (had my grandpa all talked into it and everything before his stroke). I'm also a fan of bears and killer whales. Especially the native northern indian's dipictions of the killer whales. Chocolate. With stuff in it? Are you more a plain chocolate lover, a chocolate and normal items lover (normal items being nuts, fruit, caramel) or do you like weird stuff in your chocolate? (weird stuff being curry, chilis, balsamic vinegar, floraly things) I love chocolate. I love dark chocolate especially. And the more weird exotic random stuff it has in it, the better. Cept bugs, they kinda freak me out. For those who like lipgloss, lipstick, tinted balms, etc, what colors do you wear (and warm? cool?) and do you prefer something sheer or more opaque? How do you feel about shimmer?: Ahhhh IDK! I like all colors! About all I can't wear are really cool pinks and magenta. I like shimmer and matte Soaps? Be specific: if there are BPAL soaps you want to try or are dying for more of, tell all here! Also, any other companies people like or love? Villainess, maybe? Or Lush? What flavors??? Ooo BPAL soaps would be fun. I love arcana soaps too, not tried many scents (damn you queen crossbones for leaving me) but I like the texture. And on a daily basis use zum soap, frankincense and lavender, or clove mint. I like any kinda soap that smells good and doesn't strip too much moisture. Hey, how do folks feel about little e-goodies, like links to stuff your witchee likes? (articles online, pix, fic, etc): Sure. I love any interesting info, and can get stuck in those sites for hours. Would you want an invite to a site that is invite-only ex. Diaspora, Demonoid, etc. If so, what? Sure if my witch knows a cool place. I don't know any off hand. Pillows? What size/designs/colors would most interest you? Bed sized ones are always great. Never sure what to do with decorative ones, but they are cute! purses? bags? What style/colors? Ooo I could always use another purse. I get in the bad habit of buying one a year and using it until its dead, then being in purse purgatory for a bit. Anything thats big enough to hold stuff. So not like super small, but anything a medium and up works well. I like ones that I can carry on my shoulder, if not over the shoulder (bag of holding style). I don't really know that much about purse fashion, so will trust your instincts. But I like pretty much anything that at least has one unique feature. Decorative scarves for hair and/or creative accessorizing? What colors? Again, not too smart with accessorizing, but would find some way to use the pretty! Would you like anything from Starring Fragrances. They make awesome hair stuff, natural deoderant, and home fragrance (and a ton of other stuff, those are just my favs)? I will look them up later. Just on quickly now between symposium things. Since I felt behind. Do you like poetry? Thats a rather broad question. I like types of it. I like writing it sometimes. But its a rather broad category to love unconditionally. What types of scents do you like to scent your home? Which do you totally avoid? I like my house to smell foodie, like I actually know how to bake. I like the atmospheric type as well... I'm not great at specifying. But for example I LOVE how the leaves candle from bath and body works smells, also the vanilla ginger one from fall '09. As well as BPTP room sprays like nutcrack night. Erebos is a bedroom fav. Stuff that smells good, but not too perfumey. What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? I'd be open to being introduced to them, as they seem like something I'd like. How do you feel about nail polish? What colors do you like? Sparkles? Nail polish is nice I suck at doing my own nails... but love slightly funky colors that I can still get away with in professional clothing. Household/kitchen goods/gadgets? Things that make me magically able to cook? Would a cabana boy chef count as a kitchen good? Ok geek check - what sort of geeky things do you do? Do you read comics/graphic novels? Are you obsessed with something (a TV show maybe?) Do you work in a geeky field? Do you play rpgs like Dungeons and Dragons? Would you like gifts related to any of these? Yes. Love a wide variety of geeky things. Do you have a favorite fabric? If someone were to make you a fabric item, would you prefer it be out of any fabric? e.g. velvet, satin, silk, cotton, bamboo??? Would this change if it were an article of clothing vs. a bag/pillow/blanket/somethingelse I like naturally occurring fabrics when possible. Linen, silk, cotton ect... but have a weakness for brocades and velvets as well. Anything with the Worm Moon update that you're already lusting after? The BPTP roomspray, and been eyeing KTM surprising a fox ghost. If your Witch lived near you, would you be happy or creeped out to get a "coupon" for a service like cleaning help or babysitting or dogwalking or coffee out with your Witch or something like that? Would you be creeped out if a local minion personally delivered a package to your house from a far-away Witch? Ooo. Meeting fellow forumites is always fun! (My family is still creeped out that I know people at the whole foods in Roswell whenever we go. but I love it!) Let's say I have a pair of something you collect, would you like one of them and we have matching things? Cute! What three things are you craving right now? True love (though I'd settle for a nice, intelligent and loyal man who loves me the way I am), a hot snow white bath oil bath to clear up my lungs (at which point I'd like loyal man to come into the picture tehe), and vacation to somewhere new and exciting. paper goods, anyone need? including resume paper, and formal stationery as well as casual cards. Sounds cute, but not sure how much I would actually use them. I do most things electronically. What is a scent that you've been trying to find even a sample of for a very long time to no avail? (What bottle would you die to get your hands on - even a partial?) *blank stare* I really don't spend too much of my time lusting after HTFs. I do love my bottles of le pere fouttard and fairy market that I will be sad when they go though. Always wanted to try Yvaine. And I am positively in love with my sniffie of Elf v 4 I got yesterday, though I'm trying to do what I did with skadi and bury it deep in my imp box so I don't think about it and can enjoy it every now and then. Is there anything in your life that you'd like advice or a "selfhelp" book for?: (ie finances, eating healthier, meal planning) I really really want to lose weight. But I feel like I've read all sorts of things already and have ideas. I would however use a recipe/ recipe book for cheap healthy quick meals though. I know the information for most things I need help with, its just having the tools to implement that knowledge I lack.
  11. tativa

    Snow White Bath Oil

    I'm in love with this... The oil isn't scented very strongly :/ which was a bit of a disappointment. Compared to any of the others I can smell well putting half the amount in, and not need perfume after. BUT... what I am smelling is GOOD (and made me seek out some snow white perfume finally) and has my nose glued to my arm Also 2 nights in a row with bath oils (did SOBO + lavender the night before) my uggg winter skin is finally back soft and touchable. I love love love the new bath oil formula. Its a miracle worker.
  12. tativa

    Snake Oil Bath Oil

    omg why did I wait so long to try this? *kitten eyes* I hope it sticks around forever and ever... because I can't stop wearing it. Amazing texture, amazing smell. Its not quite snake oil... its creamier and more cookie like. More foodie than the perfume oil. Made my skin that was chapped from the cold weather soft again. I love it.
  13. tativa

    A Game Called Yes & No

    strangely addictive fruit punch... If I sit around I can dissect the beverage from the marzipan... but just sitting around smelling it, it smells like fruit punch star bursts! *noms arm*
  14. tativa

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    Well since its missing its infernal component, this one would just be 'lover' Or Dough Boy Lover... for both the 'play dough' associations some people had, or in my mind the fact it smells like components in a baked good. It smells like shortbread cookie dough to me (now that its had some time to settle), so I could imagine this is what a baker would smell like being naughty in the kitchen with his skin heating up the dough on his skin a little.
  15. tativa

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    I just figured that they are sending a replacement because its missing components. They didn't really tell me why, but I'm glad I'm getting the real Infernal Lover now. It would seem that way. I kinda figure with how few of us there are, they likely don't have any of the mistake left in the lab, so we prob will never know for sure. With all of our reports though, it seems to me that the missing component is most likely, because other than Boo I don't know of a sweet cream dominated scent (and its missing the linen note, I tried them side by side) that is out right now. And I think if it was an Infernal Lover proto, it would have had a different label to it, like the ones from the will call/ NYCC pics? Idk open to anyone elses thoughts on this mystery too, I am very happy to be getting the real one (and perhaps comparing the two will shed light on the mystery) but still insanely curious what blend we have.
  16. tativa

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    I'd like some more black vanilla... its so nummy in banshee beat. But I have such scent ADD I don't think I should buy half a bazillion bottles of it. The only other lab scent I see off hand with black vanilla is the anti------ mechanism. Which I traded off ages ago because it smelled like wooden floor on me. Teak doesn't seem to play nice with me >< But with the new medication my skin no longer turns everything into vanilla... and being so used to that I'm going thro vanilla cravings all the time!
  17. tativa

    Odd Portents

    OMG this is like the hit of the weenies for me. Its that same gorgeous soft sweet lavender I love... with a dark fruity undertone. This is what I wanted On darkness, and more recently Pom III to be like... fruity yummy lavender It fades a little quick for my liking... but THIS is the weenie I am actually getting a bottle of this year. Its just so pretty and elegant, and I could see it as a blend I'd wear alot.
  18. tativa

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    There are two versions. I received a bottle from a swap and it was a honeyed cream scent, with the usual golden colored oil. The bottle I purchased from the Lab when the weenies were released is dark red oil, and smells like heavy red musk and honey. I have the same problem. My bottle of The Infernal Lover is lacking the red musk. I thought this morning when I tried it, maybe there was something wrong with skin chemistry etc, but after reading that this isn't specific to me, I'm really not happy that I ordered a red musk blend that doesn't seem to have any red musk in it! That's a rather extreme variation. Same... I emailed the lab about it 5 days ago or so and still haven't heard a response, because my mind was just like blown by the utter lack of red musk. Anyone heard back from the lab at all concerning infernal lover variations? Because meanwhile I am kinda morally meh on swapping it until we know more (I am very meh on cream/milk scents, but a red musk fiend), in case it is a mistake or missing a component. Because this seems like such an extreme scent difference :/ It really is like someone just forgot to add the red musk that would appear to be the main component in the original Obviously I haven't liked every single scent I have ever tried from the lab, but I've never been disappointed with an order and felt so mislead as with this blend. Because its not like I am imagining notes wrong or how they will go with my skin chemistry... like after reading the reviews of the original I feel like I was promised pizza, and given a sack of mozzarella cheese... yes its an ingredient in pizza... but it alone is nothing like pizza. With every other order I've ever had from the lab its been more like I ordered pizza, had no idea what toppings it would come with or how it would taste... but I always got the pizza I ordered whether it suited my personal tastes or not.
  19. tativa

    The Infernal Lover

    umm... I think this bottle must be mislabeled... Coconut cream pie o.o? And that was after I applied it 3 times because I was having a hard time smelling it... I'd think that my nose was broken... but the snake oil of this morning smelled normal... and the dawn maiden and liliths tea party scents I tested pre-shower smelled like what i'd expect. This... this smells like paper kite lite.
  20. tativa

    Dawn: Maiden

    I will update this review sometime in the next month once our lovely dawn has had some time to settle in... but I know everyone is curious right now in deciding whether to spring for a bottle, so thought I'd share some first impressions now. I should note, Alice has never worked on me unfortunately, and I think its the same milk note that has me on the fence right now. Also the same heliotrope that is in fae makes it appearance here. I was surprised how powdery the scent was, as normally rose and honeysuckle are wet and sweet on me. The olive, milk and heliotrope seem to be the dominate notes on my skin, especially the later two. The rose, honeysuckle and honey I was looking forward to are just kind of a floral sweetness on drydown, not distinct as I had hoped. Going to give her a little time to make herself at home, and see if the notes I was looking forward to show up, but as of right now the milk is ruining this for me.
  21. tativa

    Lilith's Tea Party

    mmm first impression out of the mail box (which I don't normally do, but this scent excited me)... is velvet unicorn meets the non cucumber aspect of tea time in roswell. Its a little plasticy right now, but I think a few days out of the mail box will remedy that! Its a lovely strawberry cake with tea!!! Same cake note as in roswell I loved, and gets better and better with wear. The tea note is a cross between that one and the one in dorian (a lil more sweet and a lil less bergamont), and the strawberry note reminds me of somewhere between strawberry moon and velvet unicorn. Yay to this combo of fav notes from blends!!! This is definitely one I might need a second of, because I can totally use this around kids. Alot of the blends I have are very overtly sexy blends, so if I wear them around kids I kinda feel the equivalent of hoochie shorts, so have been trying to find more foodie and bright blends for work. This falls into both of those categories, its a very bright and happy sweet smell. Only thing I am not crazy about is this blend seems to be fading really fast. I have only had it on 20 mins or so and its already taking a bit of work to smell. Going to let it rest a few days and re-review
  22. tativa

    Melisande, The Puppet Mistress

    I have no idea why I ordered a decant of this... but tried it out today because it seemed to fit the dark purple dress I had on. Initially jasmine was the strongest note, but within 5 mins on me violet and vanilla have completely taken over. I liked it best when it was somewhere between JASMINE and Faith's less sweet older sister. I think I will def keep the decant for when I feel like something elegant and girly and clean... but its not different enough from, well anything I have ever tried on with violet in it, to spring right for a bottle. But who knows, she might grow on me with a little aging. Especially since it seems to be drying down after an hour to a dark musky vanilla that is sexy and sophisticated rather than overly sweet as most vanillas seem to go (which I like... but not all the time)
  23. tativa

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    I was thinking le vague too. Its a really yummy mix between the sweetness of the peach and the florals. I know TTP is doing a decant circle of the retail exclusives right now, so you might wanna check that out and see if there is still a spot there. Some of the GC salons have peach + florals too, but I'm not sure what they smell like, maybe read the reviews to: silence, the cup of death, cleopatra, cupid complaining to venus. Or even some of the asian themed ones might give a similar feel, like spirit of the komachi tree, which is florals paired with sandalwood and pear. I find that the salons seem to resemble the elegance I associate with some of the better commercial perfumes doing. For GC GC I can't recommend les bijoux enough for elegant sexy peach (but not overly fruity). I can't wear it anymore due to scent/event associations, but its still good enough it sits in my box and gets sniffed. titania has the florals + white peach/ grape like la vague. But I find the salons have a more subtle peach note, rather than the sweet juicy OP one that seems to be in the GCs, so for subtle fruit that is likely to be your best bet. I did however try peach moon briefly, and from what I remember it was pretty asian in feel, and not overly fruity. la vague just smelled more complex to me, and went better with skin chem Edit: ooo maybe try picture books and pleasure toys? (Pink rose, red musk, red sandalwood, oakmoss, vetiver, nectarine, black tea, ambrette, jasmine, and blackcurrant bud.) it has mixed reviews... but I really like it its not too flowery or fruity, and the subtle tea note lends a sophistication to the blend And to fieryredhead, I haven't smelled dark kiss yet, but the notes kinda make me think of the yule 'on darkness' An embrace: black poppy, lavender, thick black incense, black amber, rose geranium, Brazilian rosewood, and benzoin. I wonder if La Vague would come close? Or perhaps Peach Moon? Though, if its not really peachy given those notes... what would you characterize this scent as, floral musk? La Vague (White peach, lily of the valley, jasmine, rose, iris, osmanthus, tangerine, white wine grape, and cream accord.) Peach Moon (Dew-covered PEACH blossom, white tea, moonlit musk, night-blooming jasmine, ho wood, and chrysanthemum.) thsi would be the less fruity of the two IMO
  24. tativa

    Traipsing through the Crop Circles

    Wow... so I was encouraged to try some of this on today... and then spent the next 2 hours huffing at my wrist after I left whole foods trying to figure out what that "spicy bourbon vanilla", until the slightest bit of corn resurfaced. It smells like corn... and a perfume at the same time. Mind boggling truely. Wishing I had discovered this back when the black helicopters were up. Its so amazingly creative and paradoxal and delicious.
  25. tativa

    BPAL rec's for Non-BPALers?

    I find the salons to be fairly impressive, and also seem to be a bit more what I expected perfume to be before I got into bpal. And also of what your paying for there is the high quality materials used in the salons. So thinking you might check into getting some decants of those? Also the CD, especially the grindhouse & ladies. Maybe some of the snake pit?