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BPAL Madness!


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About hellogeri

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    casual sniffer


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    Nothing Selected
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  1. Hi all, I'm new to BPAL and I haven't even placed my first order for a set of Imps yet, but I certainly plan on doing so ASAP... I noticed a similar thread a good few pages back, but it was related more to song scents than scents that remind you of a band as a whole. I'm a HUGE fan of The Cure and I'm going to my very first show next month. I'm one of those people that strongly links memory with certain scents, so naturally it makes sense for me to wear something special that will help me remember the whole experience years down the road. I'm aware that it's possible that I won't receive my order in time (especially since I'm in Canada), but I'm going to try my luck anyways! I also know this is an impossible question, as The Cure's music varies from one extreme to another. But generally, my overall impression is one of dreaminess. Of course, I wouldn't mind having a scent more on par with their dark side, either. And I know that Robert Smith's lipstick really smells like vanilla, and I know that he likes vanilla, so that's another scent that I tend to associate with them. I'm also aware of The Caterpillar scent, and I'll probably pick up an imp of that just because... Fire away! I don't want anything TOO masculine, by the way. But nothing over the top girly, either. Maybe that will help narrow the choices.