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Everything posted by Seadreamer

  1. Seadreamer

    Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues

    This is absolutely gorgeous, and my new BPAL favorite. I'm still not having a lot of success at picking out individual notes, but here are my general impressions: In the imp: GREEN!! Sparkling lime, citrus with a bite. How appropriate. Wet: Clean, fresh and still sparkling like mad. Drying: Now becoming more complex. There's a richness behind all that fruit that I've never encountered before. Maybe it's the green musk? Swirling herbs and *sniffs* is that the currant? Yum! Final: Soft and clean, but still green citrus. My only question is how many bottles I should stockpile.
  2. Seadreamer

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    OK guys, I hope you forgive me, but I started searching back though this topic, got about 10 pages in and gave up. I have a RAGING headache after using the Yule 2008 version of Midnight Mass. I have exactly the same reaction to it as I do Snake Oil, and since I don't know what the ingredients are in either of them, does anyone have a clue what I should be avoiding? I THINK I have it narrowed down to frankincense, hyssop, black patchouli, cardamom, tamarind, rosemary, oakmoss or cypress. And yes, those are most of the notes of Nephilim, which gives me the exact same scent-morph and blazing headache. If I can ask the lab, can you tell me if any of those notes are in either Midnight Mass or Snake Oil? Because I have GOT to stay away from them. I just took migraine strength meds, and I'm still squinting at the computer. (Another reason I gave up on the topic search.) To make a long plea short... help?
  3. Seadreamer

    Midnight Mass

    Version: Yule 2008 In the Imp: Smokey resinous incense, sweet, gorgeous and deep. Wet: Much the same as the imp. Maybe this will be one of these rich, dark perfums I can actually wear. Drying: Oh. OH. Noooooo... What IS that? My skin is doing something awful to this scent. *sighs* There is something in here that is in Snake Oil. I don't know what it is, but after it dries it has that same smell. Oh well. Since I honestly ordered this for a friend who is devoutly Catholic and once told me, "I love the smell of Christmas mass" I think it's OK. In fact, it's beautiful on her. It doesn't morph from the bottle scent, and keeps that same lovely incense smell. She's thrilled. And I'm happy if she's happy. Maybe Midnight Mass has birthed another BPAL convert. ***Edited because I can't spell. Or type.
  4. Seadreamer

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    This is the most bipolar perfume I've ever encountered, and I don't mean that in a bad way. Straight out of the bottle I get crushed berries dusted with sugar. About 30 seconds later, it totally changes into that melted marshmallow, vanilla, pound-cakey smell everyone mentions. I like it, but it totally caught me off guard. I felt like I was walking down the street, minding my own business, and 30 seconds later BOOM! I wake up tied to a chair saying, "My name is Henry! Who is Edward?"*** Yeah. I absolutely love this. It was COMPLETELY unexpected. I've never had a scent do such a abrupt change, in which I can't even detect the first notes after it morphs. I can't see wearing it ALL the time, but I'll definitely wear it. Awesome! ***Yes, that's a reference to "My Own Worst Enemy." I think it's my favorite new show. Not favorite show, but favorite new.
  5. Seadreamer

    Dragon Moon 2008

    This was my first Lunacy. I can't believe I haven't worn it again since I got it! Before anything: I haven't smelled Dragon's Blood incense by itself, so that is limiting me here, I know. That being said: In the bottle: Red! Yummy, juicy, spicy (but not overly so) and warm. Wet on skin: More of the same as above, but I don't really get lavender, cedar or peppermint. Peppermint? Really? *tries again* Nope. This just smells... red. It's the most intense smell/color association I've ever had. It's not berries or fruits, although it is fruitful, somehow, if that makes ANY sense at all. Drydown: After 4 hours (yes, really. 4 HOURS) I finally get a whiff of lavender. And maaaaaybe mint, but I might just be wanting it too much. It's softer now, but still lovely. It's a scent that makes me think of velvets and brocade. Really luxe, in other words. I absolutely adore it. I think I'd be more prone to wear it in the cooler months, because it would be overpowering to me in the heat. But now, in November? Oh, perfect timing. This ones goes on the "Keeper" chart.
  6. Seadreamer


    Source: A Pay It Forward Imp In the bottle: Fresh berries crushed into just-cut grass. Yum! Wet: Gorgeous ripe fruit and fresh green grass with just a hint of herb. Still Yum! Dry: Absolutely beautiful for the half hour it lasted. *sighs* I adore it, but it disappears more quickly than any other scent I've tried. I'd HAVE to get a big bottle if I wanted to wear it, just to keep reapplying it. Although... it might just be worth it. It IS delicious. Definitely in the "like" section. And now I want to eat strawberries. In November. Just my luck.
  7. Seadreamer


    As the other reviewers have said already, this is a lovely golden floral. I adore it, and am at that "want to gnaw off my arm because it smells so good" stage. Maybe I'm a more traditional girl than I thought, because this is just awesome. Not a very original review, but an honest one. ETA at 11:45ish: OK, so I applied Hymn at about 8:30 am, and posted just at 10:30. I thought it had done what it was going to do. But in the hour and a quarter since then, ROSES have exploded from my wrists and the bends of my arms. Not roses, but ROSES. Or ROSES!!! even. Good GRIEF. I don't like it nearly as much now as I did an hour ago. I'll have to see what happens next, I guess. I need it to become that complex golden floral again, not just Death By Roses.
  8. Seadreamer

    Jezirat Al Tennyn

    In the bottle: Sea water. I swear. There's something almost seaweed smelling here. Mixed with the sharp sap of crushed leaves. Wet: As if I had taken a handfull of crushed leaves and rubbed them on my arm. It's not herbs, but green, sappy leaves. And there's something deep and dark behind it. Dry: It's.... gone. *sniffs deeply* Well, it's almost gone, with just a trace of sort of a generic "perfume" smell left after about half an hour. This one confounds me a little. I don't love it, but I don't hate it. I like it better in the bottle than on my skin, but it's not bad, per se, just... different. I tried it two days in a row and can't come up with a more definitive description or decision as to whether or not I want to keep it. I think I probably will, unless I see it on someone's "must have" list. If they love it, who am I to keep it and be unsure about it?
  9. Seadreamer

    La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente

    This was a PIF Imp from schackjj. In the bottle: Wow, lovely fruit and flowers. Gotta try that! Wet: Lush! That's the first thing that came to mind. A ladies bower strewn with fruit and flowers, enticing, gentle, seductive. After 30 minutes: There's something with a bit more backbone there. Something almost like crushed herbs, mellow with age. Almost as if you're smelling the branches and brambles that those fruit and flowers sprang from. After an hour: God, this just gets better and better. It's now smooth and deep, and one of those scents that turns your head when you get just a wiff of it. It makes you come back and say, "What IS that?" Absolutely beautiful. I'm adding this one to my "get a bottle" list. Possibly my second favorite after The Hesperides.
  10. Seadreamer


    Oh, there are my apples! I just adore this! I tried it first in the heat of summer, and then again today in November. It's just perfect. To me, the herbs and amber keep the apple from becoming too sweet and too overpowering. It's a perfect blend, and my only complaint is that I have to reapply it every couple of hours, because it fades on me. Just to be sure, I checked witha co-worker, who replied, "What perfume?" But given how wonderful Verdandi is, I'm certainly willing to put it on repeatedly. This one goes on the "Big Bottle" list.
  11. Seadreamer

    To Autumn

    Mist and mellow fruitfulness: mist-swirled, moss-covered bark and dry red leaves, apple pulp and knotty galangal, with poppy juice and nutmeat. I wanted to love this. It has apples, and ripe apple (not green, sour apple) is shaping up to be one of my favorite notes. Unfortunately, something in here just doesn't agree with me. I bought the bottle unsniffed, before I found out about decant circles. The description just seduced me. In the bottle: lush, spicy, dark. Yum!! Wet: Ooooooh! Like! Spicy leaf smoke, sweet apples! More yum! My puppy-girl adores it too, and actually rolls on my wrist, so she can share. *lol* After about 15 minutes: Oh... why am I a little queasy? The scent can't be doing it! *inhales it like I'm dying for air* After 30 minutes: *green* Um... Maybe it is the scent... Is that a migraine I feel? Nooooooooo! After I washed it off my nausea went away. I would say I was just getting a migraine, which does cause me to be terribly queasy, but since it never developed.... Maybe I was just sniffing too much of it. I'll probably try it again, with a lighter application and not so much intense sniffing. But if I get the same result, it will have to go onto the Swaps pile. Oddly enough, I was lying in bed when I tried this. My sheets smelled of it this morning and it was glorious, with no nausea. We'll just have to see. ::edited to add lab description.
  12. Seadreamer

    How to remove scents from your skin

    LOL!! I think there's a coffee pot upstairs, but I can't climb, on doctor's orders. I don't know if they actually use it, because I see a lot of people coming in with Starbucks cups. (I take my caffiene cold... aaaaaaah, Coke!) Unfortunately the Snakeoil won again around lunch and I dashed home, scrubbed, and finally tried the deodorant trick. I STILL smell it, but it's bearable now. Wow! Strong stuff!
  13. Seadreamer

    How to remove scents from your skin

    Unfortunately, no access to a coffee pot. Ugh! But thank you so much for trying. I'm currently hiding in a corner. *lol* Edited to add: I had baby wipes in my car, for muddy dog feet. It worked!!! YAY!!! Thank you guys SO much for the help, and the link to the correct thread. That's what I was looking for when I searched. Whew!Back to work......
  14. Seadreamer

    How to remove scents from your skin

    I did a quick search, but I'm at work, and NOT supposed to be on the internet. Also, I'm really sorry if I shouldn't post here, but I'm kind of desperate. I did a stupid thing. *sighs* I put on a perfume at work without a pre-test, and now I'm dying. It's Snake Oil, and it went overpoweringly alcohol with only a mini-swipe on each wrist. My coworkers are complaining. I've tried washing with regular ladies-room soap and with hand sanitizer and I can't get it off. In short, I REEK. Please help!! How do I remove the scent, or at least get SOME of it off, because so far, no success at ALL. Thanks guys!!
  15. Seadreamer


    OK - after 26 BPAL scents, I think I finally have the guts for a review. *lol* I received Alecto as a freebie in my Halloweenie order, and to be honest, at first I didn't like it. I am totally hopeless at picking out individual notes, but here is my best impression: In the bottle: Oh... dry? What IS that? Oops... on my fingers now, so I'll be wearing it today. Wet: Still dry-ish, but somehow sweet too. Sweet and woody, and I'm still not sure I acutally like it. After a couple of hours: I think I've changed my mind. It's MUCH more mellow now, and somehow softer. I does remind me of being in the woods, but I don't get an overwhelming cedar scent from it. What I think is the vetiver has calmed down, and the whole thing has gone deep and smooth, like a really good red wine. Yay! I think I like it after all. Whooo! That wasn't as tough as I thought it would be. Maybe I should do more.