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Everything posted by kikithepirate

  1. kikithepirate

    Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v7

    #659 One of the faintest, lightest BPAL oils I've ever gotten! It's so faint, I've lathered it all over my wrist in my attempt to really figure out what in the deuce it actually smells like. Very light vanilla and... maybe a bit of musk? White musk, probably? It fades so quickly, I seriously have no idea -- and I'm usually pretty damn good at picking out notes. It's slightly feminine, though not overwhelmingly girly. Huh. I'll come back and edit if I ever reach a conclusion. I LIKE how it smells on my arm, I just have no idea WHAT it smells like.
  2. kikithepirate

    Tiki Princess

    Snow White? Really? I'm so glad I didn't read the reviews before buying a bottle, because I absolutely hated Snow White, but I love Tiki Princess! I actually get a sort of menthol-coconut smell out of this -- the tropical flowers are just there as a pleasant afterthought. Definitely a perfect summer scent. Very soft and feminine, lightly sweetened and creamy.
  3. kikithepirate

    Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v2

    CCI? LCI? Something like that, the label is smeared -- just bought this from someone over on LJ. This is very heavy on the amber, and I can barely pick up any vanilla at all. The honey is far in the background, and doesn't smell at all similar to other honey blends (or to regular O). There is definitely musk, and a really beautiful resin (I think it's frankincense?) that gives it a really gorgeous, incense/spicy quality. It's actually quite FIZZY even, and reminds me a bit of coca cola. I really, really love this.
  4. kikithepirate

    Lawn Gnome

    Hellooooo, patchouli. This is such an interesting combination -- a very earthy patchouli with a sugary sweetness. On first application, it goes somewhat sour, but once dry this is actually a pretty simple sugared patchouli. I sort of think that Lawn Gnome is Hope & Faith's hippie sister. The vanilla is there, but on me it's definitely overpowered by the patchouli and moss... I don't think that anyone would ever sniff me and say, "hey, you smell like vanilla!" I tend to like sweeter scents, but I've always been searching for a patchouli scent that I can actually wear when I want to feel like a San Francisco hippie, and this just might be it!
  5. kikithepirate


    The "dry leaves" in this make it go uber-sharp on my skin, which is sad. There is a buttery smell behind it, but that sharp, acidic smell takes over the entire thing. Almost no rose.
  6. kikithepirate


    Hmm. So I do really like this, I just wish it was something other than black cherries. This is one of those that I like at first sniff, but after I try it out for a bit, it sort of loses its wow factor. The cherries remind me of cough syrup or an artificially sweetened candy -- maybe like cherry coke, actually? Which I love, don't get me wrong, it's just not my favorite thing to wear as a perfume.
  7. kikithepirate


    I liked this a lot more than I thought that I would, because I really dislike lime. Instead, this is a crisp, sweet green tea (that doesn't smell like lemons, yay!) loaded with pears. It's actually really, really beautiful -- simultaneously pretty and refreshing. Very very sweet, though, so if you don't like sugary scents, I suggest that you stay clear.
  8. kikithepirate

    Great Grey Witch

    Orris root, Roman chamomile, white sugar, ambergris accord, and cimarrón. To me, this is just sort of a generic sweet/herbal/citrus scent. It's nice enough, but nothing special.
  9. kikithepirate

    Paper Kite

    I am so torn on the issue of whether or not to get a bottle of this. On application, the black pepper overwhelms me a little bit, but it fades into a really awesome spicy coconut. I love coconut (and I love sun tan-y smelling things, too) so I'm digging it. It's not a perfect coconut scent by any means, but it is really nice. I think it'd be a great "hanging out at the beach" scent, when you want to smell sexier than normal.
  10. kikithepirate

    Rosy Maple

    This one is too sweet for me (which is saying something, because I love sweet scents) and something sharp in the background makes it just smell a bit "off." I think maybe it's the lemon blossom -- I absolutely hate lemon.
  11. kikithepirate

    Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v6

    #42 I won this partial from a fairy on LJ. I think maybe some other people out there might have decants of it, so I'd be interested to hear their thoughts! I don't tend to be a big resins girl, but am starting to like them a little bit more, so I wanted to at least try one Frankincense blend. This one is really interesting! Definitely super resiny, but more of a wet resin than the "incense" type. There is something very, very slightly floral about this after it's dry -- maybe just the slightest hint of violet? I get hints of cinnamon too, but I'm not sure if there's actually cinnamon in here or whether it's just the sweet floral + slightly spicy resin playing a trick on my nose. My skin tends to be pretty sensitive to cinnamon and isn't reacting to this oil at all, so if it IS in here, it's definitely only a tiny tiny bit. The oil gets sweeter and slightly more floral after it has been on my skin for a while. It's a very light, pleasant scent. I don't know if I'll really end up wearing this because it might be a little too generically nice for me, but we'll see!
  12. kikithepirate

    When the Winter Chrysanthemums Go

    Damn, I knew I should have bought a bottle of this while it was live. This is what I wanted Flowering Chrysanthemums to be -- while the latter was overly powdery, this is light and bright. It's definitely minty as it goes on, but the mint fades away leaving a light floral scent. It's a bit aquatic, though normally I don't care for aquatic smells and I love this. It is truly gorgeous.
  13. kikithepirate

    Fledgling Raptor Moon

    Unf, this is gorgeous. On my skin, the bay is what comes out the most, making this a slightly masculine scent. I can pick up the patchouli, but only if I really look for it. The woods are very present, but they're soft and subdued. After it has been on my skin for a while, then finally the carnation appears. That's really when this scent becomes perfect, for me. I'm hoping that the vanilla will amp up and the bay will quiet down over time. Of course, it's also fresh out of the mailbox, so if in a few days this changes, I'll be sure to come back and edit accordingly.
  14. kikithepirate

    Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v7

    #416 This is the first Chaos bottle with which I've had serious trouble identifying the notes. I think I've settled on the predominate note being either a white wine or a rice wine? There's something very similar to Hungry Ghost Moon here, and I think that may be it -- my first thought when sniffing my arm was that there was maybe a whiff of grapes, but the scent is much more wine than grapes -- and definitely nothing purple about this at all, this is not a red wine. It's sort of crystalline, very bright and pretty, with the warm vanilla base to ground it.
  15. kikithepirate


    WOW, here's one for your sinuses! I'd never wear this as a perfume, but I actually think I might keep around the imp to use in times of stress and/or headaches. It's mostly all mint on me, but I can sometimes catch a floral whiff in the background.
  16. kikithepirate


    On me, the lavender, mint, and lime are all very present, and they seem to balance each other evenly. It's a bit too herbal for me, though it has a bit of a perfumey note (maybe that's the lavender helping out) that keeps it from smelling TOO green. I never would have bought this for myself, but I actually do sort of like it.
  17. kikithepirate


    Wow, finally a tea scent that doesn't smell like lemons! This definitely smells like opening up a can of fruity tea leaves - it's really soft and gorgeous. The sage isn't dominant, it just provides a nice background note to the soft berries and tea. I really love this one!
  18. kikithepirate


    Spices of the Orient mingle with crystalline musk, midnight flowers and cereus, jasmine, primrose and vesper iris. To me, this is a good, fresh jasmine. Sometimes jasmine can get strong and overpowering in perfume blends, but this one is perfect. The musk is very quiet in the background, but it's still there. It does go a bit soapy on me, but it's a nice springtime floral.
  19. kikithepirate


    There's a bit of that Big Red chewing gum cinnamon smell in this. I do get some of the patchouli once it dries, but not much. It's a spicy, semi-citrus smell, and it actually smells very musky to me. Maybe that's just the combo if the incense with everything else. The Big Red smell fades after a while, making it just a bit sweet. This is nice, but not great -- it'd be a good unisex scent, if that's what you're after.
  20. kikithepirate

    Creature Feature

    LOL, this is horrible and I actually feel bad saying this, but Creature Feature reminds me of the flea collars we used to put on our pets when I was a kid. It's pretty much the only thing I can think of when I smell this oil. Which is sad, because I love musks and really wanted to love this bottle!
  21. kikithepirate


    Well hello there, copal. Scents like this perfectly epitomize the reason why I can't decide whether I categorically like or dislike resins. It's not HORRIBLE, and I keep sniffing at my wrist to get another whiff, but it's also not really GOOD, either. I think the patchouli goes a bit "wet dog," which is less than awesome. I don't think I'd really mind smelling like this if I was going to be, I don't know, camping or something, but in general I think I'll pass. There definitely aren't any "glittering" or "golden" notes on my skin, just dark resin and patchouli.
  22. kikithepirate

    Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v7

    #143: This one's a morpher -- I bought it off from someone who described it as buttery and foody. When I opened the bottle, I thought I was going to have a scentastic orgasm: it smells like pure, ultra-sweet, super rich butterscotch. However, when applied, this gets a burnt sugar/plastic smell -- I recognize it as the same one that I hated in Marshmallow Poof. This smells mostly identical (though maybe a bit better and less plasticy) than Marshmallow Poof when it's dry. I think that it's the extra kick of vanilla that saves it from becoming too horrible. As it is, it isn't BAD, it just isn't really my cup of tea. I wish it smelled on my skin the same way that it smells in the bottle! Conclusion: I'm going to let it age for a while to see if anything changes.
  23. kikithepirate

    Black Death

    Dark and the tiniest bit masculine, with a strong citrus component. I really didn't think this would be my thing, but I actually love it! The clove doesn't take over offensively, which is pretty awesome, and neither does the patchouli. Black Lace is still my favorite of the trio, but I honestly wouldn't mind a bottle of this.
  24. kikithepirate

    La Fée Verte

    Huh. There are so many different impressions of this! To me, it is primarily lemon. I can pick up a bit of sweet muskiness underneath, but mostly... yeah, lemon. :/
  25. kikithepirate

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    Ooh, I would definitely love a bottle of this. It's a perfect girly blend of fruity and flowery and the tiniest bit of spice. Sugar and spice and everything nice! Perfectly feminine.