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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Nisaba

  1. Nisaba


    *swoons* I think I'm in luuurrrrrrrrve... In the bottle I got sharp florals and sandalwood. Can detect lavender but there's more as well. On me - oooh, lovely sharp violet, then a slight woody scent, then lavender. Very complex; every sniff it changes! Whiffs of all sorts of lovely florals, mostly violet, some orris, others I just don't know enough to recognise. Eventually the sandalwood comes out, sandalwood and violets, and it fades to a lovely light sandalwood. In other words, pure yum, all the way through
  2. Nisaba


    I don't normally like coconut, at all, to eat or smell or anything. But man oh man, I don't know what it is about this scent - the tang of rum, the whiff of smoke, the creak of leather - but it's luscious. My experience with Perversion went something like this (taken from my spreadsheet notes): In the bottle - slightly coconutty, but a nice, alcoholic, malibu rum type coconut. Nice. On me - slightly rum-like, definitely interesting. It's already morphing into something ever so slightly sweeter and pipesmoke-like. After a time - oh my, unique, and gorgeous! Rich, deep, complex, sexy, sensual, fascinating. Possible 5ml? Try it on my boy too? Slather it everywhere?! Now I'm torn - I need to go shower to prepare for nightshift in about an hour, and I was going to try Wolf Moon tonight… but I don't want to wash Perversion off! If cleaniless is next to Godliness, then Perversion is sending my soul straight to Satan...
  3. Nisaba


    I get strong jasmine, followed closely by frangipani, straight out the bottle. On my skin the frangipani becomes stronger, and after living in the UK for 5 years I've forgotten how much I love the smell of frangipanis! Unfortunately the smell fades pretty quickly on me, but at the very least I think I'll always want this around to use on me or as a room scent for grey days when I'm feeling homesick.
  4. Nisaba

    Dana O'Shee

    I wanted to like this after all the good reviews, but I just can't get into foody smells. In the bottle this was sweet with extra sweet. On me my first thought was "Marzipan!" It continued on with the marzipan, with extra almonds, though the sweetness faded a little. Ended up as a very grains and honey type smell, which was nice but not what I want to smell like. Although I was glad to have the chance to meet Dana O'Shee, I swapped her in the end.
  5. Nisaba


    Oh Magdalene, how I love thee In the bottle - soft, warm, thick, sweet. On me - it's sharper, floral, slightly like Lush's Fever. Roses are blooming. After a time it grows deeper, slightly spicer, yummy. It lasts a long time too, fading into a smoky mellow softness. Love it. There will be a bottle of this in my future.
  6. Nisaba


    Grog is amazing if you love the smell of rich butterscotch. Unfortunately, I really really can't do foody scents. This is the only BPAL I've ever actually ended up washing off
  7. Nisaba

    Empyreal Mist

    I can't pick what notes are in here, but I'm so in love with this scent. It starts sweet without being cloying, and dries down to a lovely light sweetness with just a slight hint of spiciness. It's divine. I've worn it 3-4 times now and I still love it. I see a 5ml of this in my future...