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Posts posted by shadowsong

  1. this smells exactly like some of the other scents i've tried that have gone powdery on me, but i can't remember what. spellbound maybe, and penitence.


    vaguely scented baby powder. i think i can smell amber and patchouli, and maybe sandalwood. mostly just powder, though.

  2. i have a bottle of evening primrose talcum powder. very good for the skin, with a little bit of floral sweetness to it.


    penitence smells exactly like it. either frankincense or myrrh or both turn to powder on my skin. i'll have to look through the other scents that happened to and see which scent they had in common.


    it's a very nice scent, as talcum powder goes.

  3. a land-bound anne bonney. the same spiced sandalwood that i love, but more dry woody incense, a little bit of sweetness, and no saltwater. morocco without the vanilla kicking all the other notes' butts - my skin gets a little amp-happy with anything sweet or flowery. i'll keep this one for when i need to feel comforting instead of kickass.

  4. this smelled a lot like the lion, but without the amber note that went all sour on my skin. musky and spicy and sun-warmed fur. i didn't *dislike* the scent, it smelled very nice - but i don't like smelling musky.

  5. i think i'm just not good with sweet scents. instead of smelling like tea with honey, this smells like someone forgot which substance they were supposed to be spooning into what container.


    it smells like a jar of honey with a spoonful of tea in it. very nice, if you like honey - kind of like a spicier version of lush's honey products. not my thing, though.

  6. i was hoping for a more complex version of three witches. on me, three witches smells like a stick of cinnamon bark. i was expecting bengal to smell like a blend of spices.


    unfortunately (even in the bottle, but more so on my skin) it smells more like a scented candle that's supposed to smell like a spice blend. very... waxy. i think it might be the honey - the sweeter a scent is supposed to be, the more waxy and fake-candle-scent it ends up being on me.

  7. blood amber went powdery on me, but not in a baby powder sort of way. it smelled like a chunk of old amber that rubs powder off on your skin when you picked it up. very dry and resiny.


    the lion is nice and spicy amber. unfortunately it's also a different kind of amber that turns to sour milk on me. if you haven't tried amber scents before, you might want to watch out for that reaction - i'm not the only one it happens to, but it only happens to me with some amber scents.

  8. not my thing, unfortunately. it started off smelling kind of like gardening - green and dirt. i like gardening, but i don't like smelling like it.

    as it dried, the garden went away and it ended up smelling like vicks vapo-rub, all mentho-lyptus-y. again, i appreciate the mentholyptus, but i don't really want to smell like it.


    back into the swap rounds it goes.

  9. i really wanted to like this one, on the name alone. i was hoping for middle eastern spices, and possibly the smell of raw silk.


    what i got was floral and sweet, with a tiiiiiny bit of spice. not *bad*, but not worth keeping.

  10. dirty diapers and baby powder.


    i don't know if it's the leather or the vetiver or the combination of the two or what... highwayman did the same thing to me with the dirty diapers. djinn has vetiver and it didn't do that, jolly roger and tintagel have leather and they didn't do that (although they didn't work for other reasons).

  11. well, i'm not very good at picking out notes, and especially not florals, so i could be completely off.


    but this smells *exactly* like my mother's lily of the valley perfume.


    i don't know if she wears perfume any more... might send it on to her anyway. it's pretty, but definitely not my thing.

  12. this smells like someone made cinnamon toast (the way i like it, drowned in cinnamon sugar) and didn't clean up the counters afterwards.


    well, at least it does for the first half hour or so. then my boyfriend says, "you smell strange. like baby powder."



    granted, it smells like baby powder with a tiiiiiny bit of cinnamon (it's probably the carnation i'm smelling) and a little bit of cream tea, but still. definitely baby powder.


    second one in a row that's done that to me!

  13. wet, this smelled very piney. as it dried down the pine backed off and i got woods with a little bit of green and a little bit of sweetness. then, BAM! baby powder.


    it starts off so nicely, too, but it turns to baby powder about half an hour in.

  14. i got nothing but the weird sour milk note that was an undercurrent to the lion with a little honey and vanilla sweetness... so maybe more like sour vanilla soy milk. :P thanks to penance, i have discovered that it's probably my skin reacting badly to fresh amber. i'll try this one again in a few more months and hope the amber behaves itself.

  15. this started off very similar to storm moon to me - very floral. i got a little bit of tang and sweetness from this, but mostly it was white flowers. i hoped it would dry off the same way storm moon did, and let the rain come out, but it stayed flowers till the whole scent was gone. very strange. i wonder if my nose and/or skin interprets ozone as floral or something.

  16. mm. smells like three witches to me, but sweeter and wetter. it reminds me of cinnamon and clove hard candies, or mulling spices (am i the only one who puts cinnamon in my mulling spices) without the mulling liquid.

  17. wet, this screamed I AM A FLORAL PERFUME! since i don't like florals, and i don't really like smelling like i'm wearing perfume, i figured this wasn't for me.


    an hour later, it's dried off and faded a little, and suddenly it smells like rain. the florals are still there but juuuust barely - instead of smelling like FLOWERS, it smells like there are flowers way over there somewhere that have been bruised by the storm.


    i think i like this one... i'll just have to remember to put it on way in advance of going somewhere to give it time to smell like what i want.

  18. this smelled like expensive flowers (i thought lily, but i'm not really clear on what lilies smell like) and berry flavored bubble gum (halfway between the perfumey blackberries of glasgow and the bubblegum in tintagel). i didn't really smell woods or greens in this at all.


    i'm sure it's good for someone who likes perfumes that smell like flowers and, well, actual perfume... but i was hoping for something with a little more wolf to it. :P

  19. argh, bubblegum! some other people mentioned smelling that, and it overwhelmed the rest of the scent. if it's the right time of the month and i concentrate really hard, i can smell the mulling spices and woods and the sharpness of the juniper. but mostly, bubblegum. ::cries::
