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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by GeorgeJr

  1. I can give you a small list of one's that I ( a guy ) find to be pretty empowering . Umbra , Czernobog , Troll , Villain , The Great He-Goat , Lucifer , Mort de Cesar , Wulric the Wolfman & Death Adder are all blends that make me feel better about myself . At the very least . Umbra , Lucifer , & Mort de Cesar are my power scents . I feel the need for back up , they are going on my skin .
  2. GeorgeJr


    Add me to the bummed out list . In the bottle it smells much nicer than on me . On me it almost immediately turns into soapy lemon . And mostly soap , not much lemon at all . I don't understand it , because I love all the other notes & usually they like me . I shall see if the GF likes it .
  3. GeorgeJr


    Shockingly , I love this Sarcasm doesn't always travel across the netz well , so I'll just say I'm kidding about the shocking part . I totally am in love with the labs black musk note . Add tobacco , fir & clove and it becomes a big love fest on my skin for my nose . I really like the touch of citrus too , adds a classy note to the blend indeed . When I read the description , I was a little worried that it might be a little too busy for my tastes . And it is quite a mix of scents for sure . But , my god do they go well together .
  4. GeorgeJr


    I don't know , I like it . Got it as a frimp with a order , & it being Lovecraft based I had to try it . It is seriously aquatic . I'm not really getting the eucalyptus at all . Mostly the bergamot for me . Not that this is a bad thing , as far as I'm concerned . I will go along with the others before me & say if you enjoy other BPAL aquatics , then you'll more then likely enjoy this . It has quite the throw on me .
  5. GeorgeJr

    Danse Macabre

    Ooooh , ah likez thiz one This is very woodsy indeed , but not in a piney kind of way . It's very much like being out in a damp woods , probably around fall , or early spring before everything has awoken & started growing anew . The oakmoss is really wonderful in this blend . Much more in the forefront then others I've tried . I honestly don't consider this a " dark " blend though . Maybe because I love the scent of the woods during the dormant periods . I'm also getting something besides the cypress & moss , a ever so slight sharpness in the back . Maybe a little citrus , but just barely so . All in all , very much a winner in my book .
  6. GeorgeJr

    Blood Kiss

    Lush, creamy vanilla and the honey of the sweetest kiss smeared with the vital throb of husky clove, swollen red cherries, but darkened with the vampiric sensuality of vetiver, soporific poppy and blood red wine, and a skin-light pulse of feral musk. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect with this . I'm not a big fan of cherry scents . All I can think of is cough drops when I smell it in a scent . And upon opening the frimp ( THANKS LABBIES !!! ) the cherry was the main thing I was getting up my nose . But , it wasn't overpoweringly sweet , so I went ahead & applied some . Really glad I did now , as through some combination of the cherry , vetiver , clove & wine this has turned into the most lovely cherry tobacco I've smelled in quite a while . At least until I get my nose right over the spot I applied it , then I can sort out things . But from a slight distance , it's really wonderful pipe dreams Needless to say , I'm impressed .
  7. Reading back through the Salon Masterpieces thread made me realize that I am very unhappy to have missed the Dogs Playing Poker series . I wasn't around then . So , this leads to the obvious question . Are there any available scents out there ( I'll even settle for current LE's in this case ) that are close to any of the puppies ? I know I see them once in a while on EBay , but they always go for way more then I can realistically pay . So , any help for me out there at all ?
  8. GeorgeJr

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Good call , very nice cooler weather scent indeed . Mine would be Bonfire Night . I had high hopes for Samhain , but it's just a little too spicy / potpourri for me . But Bonfire Night is just a really great fall scent . Really fits the spirit of the season .
  9. I love Wulric & I love vetiver , but without reading the list of notes in Wulric I never would have thought vetiver was even in it . Honestly , maybe because it's " bourbon vetiver " ? It just seems very mellow , not the typical vetiver I've gotten used to at all . It's much more cocoa / leather with just a hint of floral behind it to me . But of course , your mileage may vary .
  10. GeorgeJr

    Wulric, the Wolfman (2006)

    Putting on Wulric today made me wonder " did I ever review that " ? Obviously not , so here it goes . Wulric is one of the few BPALs I have with a chocolate note in it . Mainly because I think it blends so well with the other notes in this bottle . I do get the vanilla & lavender , but both are behind the cocoa . Initially , at least . As this drys , it becomes a warm , leathery scent with a bit of smoke & cocoa . Sweet , but not very at all . Just enough . Wulric came to me in I believe was the second order I made . It was this amazing scent that made me want to look deeper into the Carnival . Because I was very up in the air about even ordering it . It just didn't strike me as something I'd like . Because I was afraid that the cocoa would over power all other notes , & me smelling like a cupcake isn't in the mix . But much to my enjoyment , Wulric was quite the surprise . And it's been BPAL love ever since .
  11. GeorgeJr

    Golden Priapus

    This needs to be back on the first page . Make it so ensign ! In the bottle , it is very sweet indeed . Much sweeter than I would prefer , personally . However , once applied the vanilla is knocked back a bit by the other notes . Most noticeably the pine / juniper / woodsy notes . They all blend well together making this quite a hit on my skin . It almost is like a more laid back Snake Oil to me . Some of the same notes are there , just in a slightly different way . Not sure how " sexual " this one makes me feel . It does make me feel pretty comfortable in my own skin though , and that's a great thing all by itself .
  12. ^^^ That is just sad NixieCakes . Today I put some on first thing out of the shower from a bottle I've had maybe a month or two . It was very nice , a little woody with some smoky vanilla mixed in . Later in the day , I was sitting here at my desk , where I have a imp holder . I have a imp of AM in it , so I figure " maybe I could stand to reload a bit " . The imp is at least 6 months old , maybe 8 . Why am I typing this ? The oil in the imp is a LOT stronger smelling . The not so old bottle is nice , but the throw is pretty laid back . The older imp , let's just say I don't have to bring my wrist up to my nose to smell it . This is such a wonder wood scent , not really green wood , but wood sitting out to build thing out of . The tobacco is further back in the older stuff too , & while there is some vanilla it too is being pushed away by the wood . Not that I mind
  13. GeorgeJr


    This was a frimp I got from someone on EBay with a bottle I bought a while ago . Quite honestly , this isn't something I would have ordered for myself going by the ingredients . That and reading everyone saying ROOT BEER Not exactly something I want to smell like . So imagine my surprise when I tried it & actually like it ! If I hadn't read the notes , I would have guessed that patchouli might be involved . It makes me think light patchouli , with some sweetness thrown in for good measure . I will admit there is a slight root beeriness to it . But it's not in a bad way . It's not like all I smell is soda . All in all , a very nice surprise for me .
  14. I will be forced to push my favorite patchouli BPAL upon you all , and his name is Lucifer ! Behold his ingredients ! Patchouli, golden amber, deep woods, fig, and vetiver. This is one of the best smelling blends I have from the lab , period . The fact that patchouli is the main note is purely a coincidence , as it's not like patchouli is my favorite note of all time . It's not generally speaking ( I think the labs tea note is number one in my book at this time ) . But from the first time I sniffed it at will call & it almost knocked my head off , I've found myself entranced by Lucifer . If you can get a chance to sniff it , please do so . But be warned , it is not for the faint of heart .
  15. GeorgeJr

    Ars Moriendi recs

    How do you feel about green scents ? Like fir or pine ? Thanatopsis is one of my first buys & still one of my favorites . I also have a bottle of Danse Macabre that is quite , interesting . A bit hard to describe though .
  16. GeorgeJr


    This was a frimp from the lab . Over all , I'm kind of disappointed by this . It's much " lighter " then I had hoped it would be . I expected it to be floral , green & with a base of patchouli to keep it toned down a bit . However I get no patchouli at all from this . Not in the imp , not on skin . It's a lightly green floral , not herb-y at all . And I'm afraid it makes me think of soap . While I don't mind the smell of this , I don't see myself going out of my way to get more .
  17. GeorgeJr

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    Loviatar , mayhap ?
  18. GeorgeJr


    I'll start of by saying this is nice , but it's not going to supplant Dee as my go to leathery / smoky goodness scent . This is like Dee with some sweetness added . Not as smoky either . The sweetness is quite strong in my nose . I'm getting some leathers past it , but only if I really snort hard at my arm . Maybe it's the incense I'm getting ? Maybe . Don't get me wrong , this isn't bad . Not by a long shot . It just doesn't wow me like others have .
  19. GeorgeJr


    Got this as a frimp from the lab ( thanks lab ! ) . This one is very different , isn't it ? On one hand it is very woody , but it is much like a hard , polished wood . Not soft at all . Shiny . And there is just a bit of herb like note there too , I'll assume that's the berries . It's rather sweet this one . I'm not really getting a pine vibe from it at all . Wood yes , pine not so much . As compared to say Black Forest . Now that is some serious pine . But this is quite pleasant in it's way . Not much for hot weather I'd say , which is good as it's supposed to finally cool down here tonight . It'll be good to wear while cuddling with my snooky later this evening .
  20. GeorgeJr


    This was in the first order I ever got & I can't believe I've never reviewed it . I must make amends . I'll just start right off by saying I loved this the first time I smelled it . I was never a fan of colognes , so when I put this to my nose it was quite the revelation . Fortunately I do get all the notes from this , including a slight dose of the citrus ( mainly while it is still wet ) . This has a nice throw & good staying power on me . And this , this is the kind of floral I could wear any day . It is obviously there , but it doesn't hit you over the head with a bouquet yelling " Incoming mail " . I just love everything about this scent . I love the name & I love the ideal behind it . I can just imagine Snidely Whiplash smelling like this , or better yet my hero Vincent Price .
  21. GeorgeJr

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    Re-tried Two Monsters today . First time I tried it I was a bit turned off by it . But my nose has learned a few things since then to say the least . It's learned that I love vetiver & musk ( preferably dark musks ) , & that the oak moss really blends well with them on my skin . And as such , I would recommend it pretty highly for the men folks here .
  22. That really is quite spectacular :D indeed . I was wondering about the ability to split up the musk thread into being separate musk threads , but after seeing that I no longer am a doubter . I am a believer !!!
  23. I'm curious about something . Since we have Graveyard Dirt back again , how would folks say it compares to GC's like Burial or Deep in Earth ?
  24. GeorgeJr


    I love this scent . It continues my affair with BPALs tea note scents . When I first put it on , it's like a very strong lemon tea . Really black tea . As it dries , the lemon goes away & the tea really comes to the front . It's a very light , sweet scent . Not much throw , sadly . And not the longest lasting on me , maybe 4 hours tops . But I do love the way it smells on me . It's a very calming scent for me , makes me feel good about myself for some reason .
  25. GeorgeJr


    Dorian was one of the first frimps I got from the lab . It opened my eyes to the fact that I love smelling of tea But it goes way beyond that . It helped me realize that one of the problems I always had with typical colognes was the " I'm beating you & everyone else around you over the head with my scent " thing that so many of them have . This is great in that , I can smell it & others around me can smell it if close enough , but it's not aggressive in any way . It's just a lovely , clean scent . Tea , vanilla , the slightest hint of musk . Just beautiful Beth , your man must be very special indeed to have inspired such a scent from you .