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Everything posted by GeorgeJr
This is very nicely blended . All the notes are there , but no one really dominates the others on me . It's a bit sweet / berry-ish , but not in a bad way at all . Definitely very green scent . I like it quite a bit , not sure if it's enough to make me order a bottle though .
Another winner from the Brews section . I really love Brimstone . When I first tried it over a year ago , I had a " get that away from me ! " kind of reaction to it . But as I've hung around the forums & learned how to appreciate notes I wouldn't have back then , I came to realize I am actually a fan of the labs smoky blends . This is for folks who don't like Djinn or Umbra due to the cedar being too strong . It has a lot of the same kind of notes as those two , but in a much more backseat kind of way . This really is about the feel of heat & smell of hot minerals . It captures the theme so well that you'd be hard pressed to think of anything else after trying it .
More then anything , I get incense out of this . Very spicy & fairly sweet , but not overly so . I honestly am not getting much of anything else form it . Maybe as the day progresses it'll morph . If it does I edit later to let y'all know . EDIT - After about a hour the sweetness left ( thank god , it was almost kind of fruity smelling ) & this was very nice indeed . Never did get much out of it then the incense though . It is very nice incense .
A gentlemen's lavender-citron cologne unhinged by the feral pungence of black musk and a paroxysm of pennyroyal. I swear that I get a amazing zing of peppermint when I first open this / apply it . Maybe it's the penny royal ? After I've had it on for awhile , it does settle down into a really wonderful cologne with musk & lavender that is really quite lovely . The penny royal has settled down to act as a counter balance between everything . This has really grown on me from when I first sniffed it & rushed to put the lid back on I like this quite a lot & will be looking forward to getting a bottle in the near future .
Djinn is one of those scents , that for me at least , has shown how my nose has grown . The first time I smelled Djinn was shortly after I smelled Brimstone . At the time I believe my response to it was " At least it's not as strong as Brimstone ! " . Now of course I have bottles of both & enjoy wearing them , mainly when the weather cools down . This is somewhat similar to one of my favorites , Umbra . It has some of the cedar smell , but not as much . And it has patchouli , of course . But Djinn is much more " fiery " then Umbra , probably has some spices in it to make it so . So , if you like either Umbra or Brimstone , you'll more then likely enjoy this as well . If you enjoy patchouli & hot smelling spices , this will also be right up your whazoo . It is seriously not as over the top with the wood smell or even the patchouli . It's much more evenly blended , with the spices giving the scent less of a " I'm going to beat you around the head & shoulders all day & you're not going to have any say about it " kind of vibe . Just amazingly well balanced for you fire lovers out there .
May I suggest you try a imp of Hemlock ? I've got both Hemlock & Wolfsbane & enjoy them both , but Hemlock definitely has a bit of mint going on in it .
I have imps of most of the Arkham scents , & think that as far as the aquatic one's go I prefer Y'ha-nthlei . A great undersea metropolis located below Devil's Reef. A swirling, lightless, effervescent scent: the deepest marine notes with bergamot, eucalyptus and foamy ambergris. Also , if you can older releases like Black Moon or Penumbra , those may fulfill you interest in something both dark & unisex with slight female undertones . I also highly recommend Loviatar & suggest you look through the Excolo section . You may be surprised at what you find . I know it's become one of my favorite lines of BPAL .
After reading so many folks saying this reminded them of chai tea , I had to try this . And I do suppose that it is somewhat like a very milky chai . But it is neither as spicy as the chai I've drank , & it is also much sweeter smelling as well . When I first put it on , I was bummed out by just how sweet it was . Eventually ( hours later ) the sweetness calmed down & what was left was quite nice . I suppose I'll be giving this imp away to someone who will enjoy it more then me .
A light, pure scent: white musk, green tea, aloe and lemon. This is a excellent warm weather scent to wear . I really get the tea & lemon up front upon application . After a few minutes , the musk is there as well . Trow id ecent if not strong , but i would have to re-apply this throughout the day if I wanted to notice it . It lasted about 3-4 hours on me before doing a slow fade out . I think this will be a bottle purchase down the line .
The pinnacle of power, poisoned by sin and indulgence - this is our homage to Classical Roman debauch. Rosemary, bay, pine and a touch of lemon. Mmmmm , rosemary & bay over everything when first applied . Those are two scents I really love , so that's a good thing . The lemon & pine are lingering in the back ground . This is quite nice , very herbal , but not heavy or dark like some others I've tried . As it dries the lemon fades more & the pine comes out a bit more . Not enough to cover the two other notes , but it noticeable . Overall I like this very much . Not sure I'd make it a immediate favorite , but it's very close .
In the bottle , the cloves aren't as noticeable . However , upon application , look out for cloves beating you up for your lunch money . I do really love this scent , as it does wind down a bit to be this wonderful smell almost like spiced wine . As other have said , the throw is quite strong . Try just a little at first before slathering . This is a great scent that captures the feel of it's name quite well . Maybe a bit more masculine , but that could just be me .
The hollow scent of a vast antediluvian civilization, now frozen and buried, smothered by a thick sheet of ice and trapped deep beneath the ocean. Thick incense, clay, stone, and hothouse blooms with a spike of frost, a hint of decay, and heavy, dolorous aquatic notes. I'm afraid all I'm getting from this is the lab's snow note & not much else . Maybe just a tiny bit of some sort of evergreen in there , but the entire scent is fading fast on me as well . I do like the snow note , but I have other bottles with it I like more then this .
Further proof I shouldn't ask my GF what I smell like . She sniffs & says " baby powder " . I say " you need to stay away from babies " . So , my review is a totally different opinion than hers . I immediately get the leather more then anything out of this . Unusual for me as usually I get other notes first in anything with the BPAL leather note in it . As it dries I am getting leather mixed with vetiver . I'm really liking this now . I'm hoping that eventually I'll be able to pick out the musk , but am not noticing it yet . I may be back to update this review after work today , but as of now I can see a bottle of this coming my way in the near future . And a quick add on to my review . On my long daily drive to work today , the leather pretty much went away all together . Leaving me with a lovely combo of vetiver & musk . Even later at work , I swear Iago took on a almost vanilla kind of note . Very sweet , but not really sugary . I really was digging it when that happened . So I still feel I'm going to be ordering a bottle of this in the near future .
I'll start off by saying this is easily the most bizarre scent I have yet to review . So be warned . Of course , if you've been reading the other reviews of Jezirat al Tennyn , you may understand why mine will be possibly confused as well . I can sum it up in one way , for a quick , easy to read review . I can say that this is a very element heavy scent . To the point that I have gotten all 4 elements in my nose a various ( and sometimes the same ) times since applying it . It remains a smoky scent , but it also has a strange mix of ozone & aquatic going on that is both strange & wonderful . And the smokiness is much like it is blowing off of hot rocks indeed . But it never overpowers the other notes at all . I will also say that I too thought of Laudanum when I first smelled it , but that is only because it has something in it that is similar . It has a little bit of that sassafras note to it , but I almost hate saying that because this really is so much more then a 1 note scent . This is a incredible balancing act of a scent .
Dark, decadent and incomparably exotic: the rich scent of buttered rum flavored with almond, bay, clove and sassafras. Yet another frimp I've had forever . Didn't put anything on today , so I figured I'd give something new a try . And boy am I glad I did . On me I mainly get the rum , clove & sassafras . Maybe a bit of bay & almond , but not in the forefront . This is the kind of blend I could easily wear most any day , warm or cold . Yummy isn't a strong enough description . Sexy also applies . Don't want to say it's masculine alone , but I'd say it trends that way . I'd love to smell it on the right woman as well .
I swear I'm getting something like vetiver from this . Could be me though , as in my body has been having some kind of rash the last couple of days ( no idea what from ) & it may be affecting how this smells too me . When I first got this as a frimp it was all cherries & lovely shiny wood . Now though I am getting something of a smokiness that is bringing to mind vetiver . Maybe I should wait to try this out again later when I'm done going through whatever is causing my issues . It's not a bad smell , but it really doesn't smell anything like I remember it the first time I tried it out .
This does have some of the pine - like notes in it , but more then those I get the musk , amber & tonka . This is wonderful indeed . It's not a screaming , hit you over the head kind of scent . More subtle than that . It is slightly sweet . The musk keeps it from getting too sweet or letting the trees run away with the scent . This is a scent to make you want to cuddle . Or lay on the rug with you dog & give him a good scritching .
Given my history with rose , this could be a mistake . But dammit , I intend to live up to my BPAL Explorers shirt So , why did I buy a bottle of this , knowing my issues ? At the time , I was unaware of how bad my rose amping tendencies were . And I do like the scent of rose , just not how when it's in a blend it covers everything else in it . So I've applied some of The C & the P to the back of my hand . And as usual , it's all rose all the time . Really saddening me as I love the way it smells in the bottle . I'm a big fan of the labs patchouli & enjoy the blends I have that have a cedar-y scent to them as well . I'll let this dry down & see if it morphs at all , but I have serious doubts .
At first I get mostly the fougere , then a bit of the tea comes through . Now it's starting to settle down a bit into more of a steady tea scent . And i do love the labs tea notes . Especially the blends with a really strong tea note . I am getting a little of the musk as well , I believe white musk is one of the lighter musk descriptions , as far as getting noticed in a blend goes . But mainly this is Early Grey & that's not a bad thing at all in my book . I find this scent to be a bit of a turn on , but I tend to feel that way about the tea blends as well
This one was quite the pleasant surprise for me . It's just a lovely , crisp kind of scent . I swear it has a peppery note to it , & I don't know what it is but I love it mixed in with the other notes . I know this isn't described as a fougere , but I think it compares quite nicely with the others that the lab has out there . This is honestly a hard scent to nail down . I swear it's got a citrus note in there , but I think the plum , coconut & fig are keeping it in check . The funny thing is that no one of those notes really jumps out at me in this blend . This is just a really nice scent that I would probably list as leaning towards the masculine side , slightly . It will be really nice come the warmer weather I think .
Thin, dark, and shadowed. A scent that offers no sustenance, comfort or satiety: lemon peel, white sage, frankincense, lavender fougere, sandalwood, vetiver and labdanum. And to sum up my Come & See reviews , here's The Scales . I think I saved this for last because sadly my skin seems to gulp up the scent almost as soon as it hits . I have to really huff at my wrist to get anything , but what's there is very nice . I will admit , that if not hovering directly over it , I do get a vague smell of something . But it's nothing strong enough that I can describe it other than as a perfumy kind of thing going on . Scents like this are the reason I wish I could find a scent locket that did appeal to me . I do like the smell of this in the bottle , very strong with resins & slightly sweet / citrusy . I'll hang onto it & see how things age / my body changes .
<div class="bpal" style="background-color:transparent; border: 1px dotted #000033; color: #000099; padding: 5px; width: 90%; align:center;margin:0 auto 0 auto">Unleash the bawdy, unrestrained passion of the satyr! A ferociously masculine scent: sexual, vigorous, and truly wild.</div> This slightly reminds me of Carceri d'Invenzione , slightly . It definitely has the redness of it going on in it . I agree with others , I think red musk is involved here . However , where it differs in my nose is the sweetness level . Where the Salon scent is dry & woody , Satyr is very sweet & thick smelling . It is also slightly spicy . The thing I don't get from it is sex . It's about the last thing I'd relate it's scent to . I don't know , maybe I'm hung up on sex = leather in my BPAL pickings . Edited on 22AUG09 . Now that my bottle has aged somewhat , it has knocked down the sweetness some . And I notice a peppery spiciness to it I didn't before . It still has a very RED feel to it , red musk , redwood . Nice but I still don't know if I'd say it = sexy for me . Better wear it to work & see what the ladies I work around think . And hey , another edit June 2010 . This is really just freaking fantastic now . So much spicy / peppery goodness that I can hardly stand it . The sweetness I used to loath in this is now a wonderful balancing note to the spices . It no longer overwhelms everything
Very much eucalyptus at first . Maybe some forest in behind it , but on me the eucalyptus is battling it back into the far background . I'm slightly bummed by this , not that I don't care for the smell of eucalyptus . I really want this to blend better . I have a bottle of this & hardly wear it , & now I think I know why . I have way too many others that I love much more then this . I'd file this under " not bad , but I have found much better " .
Ok , I'll start this off with what my GF tells me every time I wear it . " Who would have ever guessed a Troll would smell so good " ? And I have to agree . This is one of my favorite " power " scents . Very in your face , but in a good way . I think the vetiver is balanced out nicely by the other notes . I do get a bit of the pine pitch , but get the smoky notes stronger yet . And that is a good thing , as I love the labs smoke filled scents . I'm also generally a musk fan as well , so it's all good . If I color coded this , it would be a very dark shade of green , maybe with black shot through it .
Oh yeah , this is nice . In the bottle it's slightly more chocolate then anything else . But on the skin it evens out quite nicely . Dying out pretty quickly on me though . Only had it on a couple of hours now & have to hold my skin very close to the nose to notice it . But while it's there it's a real winner .