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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by anaethema_x

  1. Agreed! definitely a yummy honey noet...and im getting an almost fizzy candy feel from it, but not as strong as in Candy Phoenix. god this is some good blueberry.... honeyed musky blueberry decadence...its sweet, but not gag me sweet. Soft, relaxed, sitting in the summer sun with a pint of blueberries and a boyfriend.


    :) yummy.



    Aagh! First poster and I hope I do it justice.


    In the bottle: Musky, figgy honey. (DS described it as "cat pee" but what does he know?)


    Wet: Musk and blueberries...oh, I'm liking this one.


    Dry: still there after two hours. Sun warmed berries, slightly tart with some figgy goodness in the background. I need to go nom my arm now.



  2. bottle: WHOA!!!!!!! storng...very very very thick, and sweet as hell


    wet: hazelnuts...in thick, heavy sickeningly sweet syrup. i am fighting the urge to wash it off...


    dry: i have to wash it off. it didnt change...just got slightly less strong.


    too bad...sounded yummy!


    off to swaps

  3. bottle: lilacs...pure lilacs...now im a bit nervous. im not too into flowers


    wet: hmmm.....lilac infused something...its mellow. darker, deeper.


    dry: this morphed! I dont get lilac at all now, after a half hour....i get limes and a white musk, and something else i cant place....its blended to gether really nicely so it swirls around me like a cloak. its unobtrustive and delicate. very nice

  4. omg....this smell made me remember something i had forgotten...a summer long ago in California, underneath the lush darkness of the Magnolia trees in the side yard. It was where i was told that Darius (a friend from school) had been killed in a drive by shooting that day. He was one of my only friends when I lived there.


    Its a sweet, sad scent for me. Im so keeping it to not forget him again.

  5. bottle: evil bubblegum. not that bubblegum is evil...but that this would be the alignment of it this scent...evil.


    wet: cloying, candylike...less gummy.


    dry: smoky, dark, enchanting. took anout 45 mintues to get here, but it was well worth the wait! Its like feeling something watching you from the darkness.

  6. Bottle: Flowery...sweet flowers kinda yummy


    Wet: girly in a good way. I wasnt repelled like I am with GIRLY GIRL scents at all. This is good stuff


    Dry: didnt turn to powder on me, so thats good. its a light, candied violet, slightly incensy. Very nice!

  7. bottle: WHOA!!!!!! alcohol, or something seriously boozy!


    wet: thank god that went away...im supposed to go to AA in a lil while...lol. now its a smogasbord of scents...i get the patchouli, the vetiver, the pine...i think clove...


    dry: mmm....sweet and smoky. like dark vanilla clove musk. i like this...its like the shadows just beyond the the edges of a bonfires light...



    omgomgomg I like it! i didnt think i would like it so much...but I do..I DO I DO I DO!

  8. bottle: smelles leather like, and incensy


    wet: wow! this is powerful! alomost gave me a headache but its calming down abit. Strong, resinous incense


    dry: hot leather, and smoky air....i can definitely picture a Luis Royo or Boris Vallejo print of Loviatar in a wicked black leather dom outfit, surrounded by fire, brimstone and bodies writhing in agony. My goddess. Ill keep the imp for devotional purposes, but ill not be gettting a big one.

  9. :P baby powder.....and oh how i love these..all of these notes!! maybe its my chemistry this time...but i fear I may swap this. The idea and story are beautiful...and I am jealous!! lol.

  10. Wet: it smelled sickly sweet...almost medicinal. something sharp


    Dry: White gold. Pure, warm white gold. I get a soft peach, not sweet, definitly amber...no patchouli though....its becoming kinda powdery on me.


    Ill definitely use my imp of Imp..hehehe...dunno if ill get a larger bottle.

  11. Lush, velvet-red blooms born from the blood shed in the eternal battle between Set and Horus the Avenger. Inspired by Tammy Roth.

    bottle: thick, sweet...like syrup

    wet: smoky bubblegum?! its a really sweet smoky bubblegum smell...im thinking about washing it off.

    dry: the bubblegumminess has faded a bit to a sweetness. the scents blended a bit more and its tolerable but still to sweet for me. Its really hard for me to pick out scents in this one.

  12. mmm..yummy.


    bottle: strong, sort of leather like


    wet: smoky leather and deep vanilla rum swirled with expensive tobacco.


    dry: the smokiness is still there, the vanilla more prominent and the tobacco and rum in the background. I smell the leather like Im wearing an old broken in jacket.


    Its a really yummy, comforting scent

  13. Bottle: Spicy and dark...my kinda scent!


    Wet: Wow...this morphed! in a good way...its soft, deep and dark, fruity (cranberries) musk must have mellowed it from becoming overpowering. not spicy...its so beautiful. its blended so well.


    dry: this is sooooo pretty! lightly floral, lightly fruity, light spicy lightly musky....its a perfect combinati0on of all of them. i cant wait to get a large bottle. it blends into my skin making it seem like its a part of me.

  14. Bottle: a chilly patchouli scent, which is odd, cuz i always associated patchouli with summer and fall time...


    wet: this is sweet! kinda heavy, almost musky....im definitly smelling the lavender, fig, cypress and still patchouli


    drydown: this is lovely....its a really mellow, deep scent. not sweet in a food/candy way. the fig mellows the patchouli alot...blends it nicely. I smell other things everytime i move my hands it seems, but i dont know what they are....



  15. Bottle: Lightly floral, some kind of herbal scent....description sounded lovely!


    Wet: Soap. Dial Liquid Hand soap, the original kind my mom use to wash my mouth out with...lol :P


    Drydown: It toned down on the heavy soap scent, but it still smells like flowery soap and is giving me a headache...sigh.


    I wonder what it was that didnt agree with me? My friend tried it, and it smelled light and airy on her...pout. Oh well. Ill find it a good home!

  16. :P I feel like...like...a junkie needing a fix baaaaad. My palms are sweaty, my heart is pounding, my fight or flight mechanish seems to be turned on....hehehehe...um, yeah. Kinda like when you were younger and doing something so wrong, but you couldnt stop.


    I got four scents with this package from the lovely Sibyl. I didnt even read the tag yet...all i did was smell the bottle...and I started laughing...a really deep disturbing laugh I havent had...well, in a long time.


    Depraved is DEFINTIELY a good name for this one. Damn it, addicted already... :D


    BOTTLE: deep, musky..kinda sweet


    WET ON MY SKIN: Oh My Bloody God!!!! Visuals...so many visuals...some not so good, but thats ok now... it reminds me of this apricot face scrub i used to use that would scent my skin lightly afterwards, then the smells of the loamy, slightly wet, moldy ground of the cemetery where ALOT :D of things happened. God its making my heart pound so hard...like reliving things or something.


    DRYDOWN: The apricot is ALOT mellower, like the darkness tore the bright sparkling innocence of it away, leaving a memory behind. The majority of the dark note isnt *gone* kinda mixed in, stained I guess would be appropriate. Tainted.


    Gods above and below I have to get me a huge bottle of this scent!!

    Its amazing how they can bottle experiences like this.
