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Everything posted by HappyLoveJoy

  1. HappyLoveJoy


    Ravenous- I'm getting a bottle of this! I love this straight away! It's like Grand Marnier and cream combined with something that reminds me of a freshly cracked coconut: the mild sweetness of the flesh and the rough, earthy husk of the shell. If I imagine it as I smell it, I could even add a tiny sprinkle of cocoa, much in the way you'd add tiny freckles of nutmeg to eggnog. Gosh, I'm deeply in love with this! It's a scent that lasts long on my skin and it's reminiscent of Lush's Sonic Death Monkey shower gel. ETA: I'm finding that my imps of Ravenous are varying a bit. I sometimes get an imp that has a band-aid undertone to it and sometimes I get a beautiful blend as I described above. I'm currently living off imps just in case I get a slightly off bottle.
  2. HappyLoveJoy

    Marquise de Merteuil

    Marquis de Merteuil- This goes on like a thick and fruity serum with a bitter flavor. It's not agreeing with me at all, even with the passage of time. The made up word that comes to mind is "zoingy". It's sharp and peppery. This would take quite a while to mellow into something agreeable. I envision a bruised peach with a tiny forest of benign mold inhabiting it.
  3. HappyLoveJoy


    Magdalene- This has that soft, musky roundedness to it. It's extremely sexy and seems to have a touch of honey in it. With only these three notes listed, I can't say for sure. All I know is that it smells so feminine and sultry. I think of seduction when I smell this and I really love this musky floral. The roses lend all their beauty without the usual outspoken need to be noticed.
  4. HappyLoveJoy

    Chaos Theory

    Chaos Theory LXXXIX- Just got this bottle from Stephanie. This one is oddly wonderful. Honestly, my first impression was puzzlement. I could not comprehend it at all. My brain was like, "Wha?" There's some kind of contrast here that one wouldn't quite expect. It's strongly fruity at first like the way that Hollywood Babylon is, but this goes much deeper underground. It's rich and dark, tart and tangy, fruity and sweet, musky and smoky, sexy and exotic. It's even savory and buttery! Somehow I'm getting buttery shortbread soaked in a fruity red syrup. There's the softest, sexiest musk imaginable surrounding it. I think of the velvety musk of Morrocco. And lastly, a smokiness that I would compare to burning driftwood. It's such a wisp of pure, white smoke, but it's there. Wouldn't be at all surprised if the sexy sweetness of honey was in there somewhere. It stays strong in presence , but becomes soft in it's existence. I am addicted to this smell!!!! I hope for another round of Chaos.
  5. HappyLoveJoy


    Goneril- I love the cedarwood in this. This is floral with attitude and even though it's not listed as such, I think it could be worn well by both genders. This gets pleasantly soft while retaining the woodsiness. Very nice.
  6. HappyLoveJoy


    Florence- If you love Black Pearl (and I do) you just might love Florence. It's deeply tart and so rich. Mouthwatering! The amber is clearly present and the spices are softspoken yet still have an impressive whisper. This has 5 ml possibilities, it's like a brighter and lighter cousin of Black Pearl. I can hardly do this one justice with my description. This one glows.
  7. HappyLoveJoy

    Fenris Wolf

    Fenris Wolf- Though traditionally masculine, it totally agrees with my chemistry. It's not overbearing and reminds me of the smell of an old and well-kept church. I mean that in a good way. I would definitely enjoy this on my guy. A perfect man scent.
  8. HappyLoveJoy


    Danube- Wow this is potent! It's initially off-putting if just for the sharp and bitter grapefruit-y scent. Gladly this turns into a more tolerable but still sharp scent. Why am I getting fruit out of this? I do smell the "coolness" of it and if I had to picture this oil in my mind, it would be a smoked-glass punchbowl filled with clear, chilled creek water, orange slices, peaches and melon balls with just a sprinkle of flower petals. I'd wear this on a scorching hot day. Not bad after all. Did I mention that this one is strong?
  9. HappyLoveJoy

    Belle Époque

    Belle Epoque- This doesn't sound like it would smell like a green scent but it does on me. It's a beautiful rich perfume with a leafy green fringe. It's probably the tartness of the mandarin that's making me think that. The vanilla and sandalwood round it off nicely, allowing it to be a little sweet and soft. Very beautiful.
  10. HappyLoveJoy

    'red' scents

    Hollywood Babylon makes me think of a fruity red and I envision a perfect strawberry swollen with juice. It becomes more and more swollen with it's own perfection until it bursts and continues to thrive in it's own growing puddle of sweet succulence. Such a deep, dark, sweet and juicy red for me. Love this one!