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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by thezander

  1. Yes, and all the land shall rejoice... :P XD

  2. Aren't you just the sweetest thing ever? *HUG* We will just have a monster belated "celebrate all the things ever" festival sometime this year! Wish you were here too tho. Muah! :*

  3. Oh noes! Hope the vaccinations aren't too scary.

    You've heard that Mercury is retro right now, right? I'll blame your message wipe on that, I hate that! LOL

  4. Happy birthday to you!

  5. SQUEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Want to karaoke... must... karaoke...

    1. thezander
    2. Glambie


      Give me enough tequila and I'll join you!! It's been waaaaay too long, and I have a hankerin to belt out Queen's "Somebody to Love." =)

    3. thezander



  7. You are so sweet my little Southern Belle! Good thoughts for you and yours! <3

  8. In an ornery mood, so I am playing punk rock in my office. Hope no one notices or minds... how punk of me...

  9. Spamming up yr profile page w/more hugs! *HUG* Love ya babe!

  10. I do hope we get to see pics of your amazing decorating job when it is all finished! <3

  11. *Hugs for the day* Hope things go a little better today!

  12. Where's that box of chew toys from Switch Witch? Must be around here somewhere...

  13. Thank you my dear, you too and hope you get some time to relax this evening. I'm not enjoying RDJ's hotness quite yet, as we seem to have lost our netflick! >.< I hope to soon locate it, so that we may bask in the glory that is Tony Stark.

  14. Hope you're having a good day, love! I'm thinking about you! <3

  15. Happy birthday to you!

  16. Ooh, I just noticed you're a Twin Peaks fan. You are awesome! =D

  17. They got a cherry pie there, that'll kill ya...

    1. Glambie


      And a damn fine cup of coffee!! ;)

  18. Glambie is my sunshine! <3

    1. Glambie


      OMG!! Seeing this totally made my day! lol (And you, my dear, are my happy Snoopy Dance!) :o)

  19. Pirate skulls and bones...

    1. thezander


      Sticks and stones and weed and bombs.

  20. *HUGS* Hope you are having a wonderful day, sweetness!

  21. Tofu bibimbap with black rice, we have a serious lunch date.

  22. We built this city on rock and roll.
