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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by thezander

  1. *Hugs* I owe you a long catch-up message very soon! Been a busy week for me, but good! Hope things are good with you right now too. Love ya babe! <3

  2. That photo is too cute. You are hilarious! Wish u were here <3

  3. Welcome back, and happy birthday-week! Thanks for your mass-wishing on meteors, and for thinking of us BPAL-ers. I wish good things for you as well.

  4. Aw, miss you too sweets! Don't worry, I'll be back and work and online again all day soon, LOL. Hope your day's going well. :)

  5. Oh BTW lovie, I forgot to mention I received my hilarious duck magnet, LOL. You are too funny. It now has the perfect place on my fridge (covering up something I don't like :P)!

  6. Aughh, I just saw the D*C thread. I would totally go Disco dancing with you! XD That sounds fun.


  8. I just remembered what day it was for you, LOL! =D Good luck this week! *hugs*

  9. I'm thinking good thoughts!!! Boa Sorte!

  10. You seem awesome, and win at Halloween, therefore I'm friending you! ^^

  11. Hey, it is your birthday! Happy birthday, BirthdayGirl. Hehe.

  12. WOOT! Yay! <3 But you have to promise me you'll also do something fun tomorrow too. =D

  13. Thank you so much, kind lady! <3 Hope you're having a good day. ^^

  14. Just a general high-five to you!

  15. I miss you too! If you move here, you'll probably have to sleep in a closet in a house full of roommates (srsly, this is what everyone does in sf), or you can have my (tiny, uncomfortable) couch and stay with me! And we'll become hugely fat together and eat ALL the vegan foodz. It'll be great.

  16. AAAAHHHHHHH OMG!!!!! *HUGS* Congratulations, lovie!

  17. Squeak squeak *CHOMP*!

  18. I know, me too! Same thing, LOL. And now I'm doing it to you again :P Sorry!

  19. Miss you too sweetie pie! Look forward to catching up over your break. ;) XOXO

  20. Love ya hun, smooches!

  21. Well hi! Thanks for the add!

  22. *HUGS* Hope you'll be feeling better soon, sweets.

  23. I must tell you, I am still completely salivating over all your amazing wardrobe additions - SO fab! Maybe one of these days, we'll get to see you post a picture of your beautiful self all decked out!

  24. Drive by *HUGS*! Heart you!
