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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by thezander

  1. Miss you too sweetie pie! Look forward to catching up over your break. ;) XOXO

  2. No rest for the weary. Or the wicked. Or the stinky.

  3. Occupying foreclosures? Brilliant.

  4. Oh BTW lovie, I forgot to mention I received my hilarious duck magnet, LOL. You are too funny. It now has the perfect place on my fridge (covering up something I don't like :P)!

  5. Oh, I forgot all about that, teehee. Happy Solstice and holidays to you too, lovey! xoxox

  6. OhhhMG. You are awesome. *dying* I'll have to look out for an equally adorable GIF to send you back.

  7. OK, we needs must be friends I think! :D

  8. OMG your signature icon XD

    1. Fuhrankie


      Christopher Walken needs more! ;) Thanks!

  9. OMG, my mood status has truthfully been "burnt out" for way too long. =(

  10. Ooh, I just noticed you're a Twin Peaks fan. You are awesome! =D

  11. Pirate skulls and bones...

    1. thezander


      Sticks and stones and weed and bombs.

  12. PS, you have the best interests list ever!!! Hope you don't mind if I "friend" you! =)

  13. RIP Roger Ebert! You're already missed.

  14. Say the words Jenny Lewis to me and we can be BFF! <3 SO. OBSESSED.

  15. Seriously, have I mentioned how awesome you are (in addition to all the other reasons) for having TROLL 2 in your interests list?!?! Have you seen the documentary?

  16. So happy you liked everything, love! You are such a sweetheart as always. Hope you have a great week!

  17. Spamming up yr profile page w/more hugs! *HUG* Love ya babe!


    1. thezander



  19. Squeak squeak *CHOMP*!

  20. SQUEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. SRSLY - *chompchompchomp*

  22. Switch Witch Switch Witch SWITCH WITCH!!!

    1. thezander


      Let the *gnawing* begin!

    2. Glambie


      Your witchee is gonna be so lucky!!! <3

    3. loubric


      Do you have any extra chew toys???

  23. Thank you my dear, you too and hope you get some time to relax this evening. I'm not enjoying RDJ's hotness quite yet, as we seem to have lost our netflick! >.< I hope to soon locate it, so that we may bask in the glory that is Tony Stark.
