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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by thezander

  1. RIP Roger Ebert! You're already missed.

  2. Happy birthday dear Holly! Happy birthday to you!

  3. OMG, my mood status has truthfully been "burnt out" for way too long. =(

  4. YES! Can you write me in there somewhere? :P

  5. I had a prophetic dream the other night that the cat puked. I hope that's not going to be the only dream of mine that comes true in the foreseeable future...

  6. Happy New Year! Here's to new beginnings. And drunkenness.

  7. Oh, I forgot all about that, teehee. Happy Solstice and holidays to you too, lovey! xoxox

  8. OhhhMG. You are awesome. *dying* I'll have to look out for an equally adorable GIF to send you back.

  9. Too much coffee to focus, not enough coffee to get work done. How does that happen.

  10. Miss you too sweetie pie! Look forward to catching up over your break. ;) XOXO

  11. <3 Awesomeness ahoy! You rock!!! XOXO

    Also, how hilarious is Billy the cat? LOL.

  12. OK, we needs must be friends I think! :D

  13. Drive-by XOXOXOXOXOXOXO! <3 ya!

  14. Drive by *HUGS*! Heart you!

  15. I must tell you, I am still completely salivating over all your amazing wardrobe additions - SO fab! Maybe one of these days, we'll get to see you post a picture of your beautiful self all decked out!

  16. *HUGS* Hope you'll be feeling better soon, sweets.

  17. Thanks! I'm doing really good. I love -your- profile pick!

  18. Well hi! Thanks for the add!

  19. Love ya hun, smooches!
