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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by thezander

  1. <3 Awesomeness ahoy! You rock!!! XOXO

    Also, how hilarious is Billy the cat? LOL.

  2. Oh noes! Hope the vaccinations aren't too scary.

    You've heard that Mercury is retro right now, right? I'll blame your message wipe on that, I hate that! LOL

  3. ...Down in Fraggle Rock...

  4. “You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.”

    1. thezander
    2. artemisia


      "Jax no longer cried when he woke up from naps. Now, he squawked, like a bitter chicken." -- from Some Assembly Required: A Journal of My Son's First Son

  5. *Hugs for the day* Hope things go a little better today!

  6. *HUGS* Hope you are having a wonderful day, sweetness!

  7. *HUGS* Hope you'll be feeling better soon, sweets.

  8. *Hugs* I owe you a long catch-up message very soon! Been a busy week for me, but good! Hope things are good with you right now too. Love ya babe! <3

  9. *Throws even more glitter, confetti and cupcakes* HAPPY DAY!!!! :D

  10. *wave wave* Hi! How are ya?

  11. AAAAHHHHHHH OMG!!!!! *HUGS* Congratulations, lovie!

  12. Aren't you just the sweetest thing ever? *HUG* We will just have a monster belated "celebrate all the things ever" festival sometime this year! Wish you were here too tho. Muah! :*

  13. Aughh, I just saw the D*C thread. I would totally go Disco dancing with you! XD That sounds fun.

  14. Aw, miss you too sweets! Don't worry, I'll be back and work and online again all day soon, LOL. Hope your day's going well. :)

  15. Aw, yay! I'm glad you're enjoying the shinies. ^^ When I heard you say you had waist length hair and no hair doodads, I knew what I had to do! LOL

  16. Big hugs, sweetest lady!

  17. Bob's Burgers is funny.

  18. Drive by *HUGS*! Heart you!

  19. Drive-by *HUGS* for my Glambie! Mwah!
