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Everything posted by slave1

  1. slave1

    Harvest Moon 2004

    In Bottle: Berries and pumpkin. On Skin: I’m not sure about this one, I like the wine and berries, but the pumpkin is giving the scent a bit of an “off” feel for me. As the scent develops on my skin, it blends better and becomes more “fall” like. So many different notes in this one, hard to pick each one out. The florals are a little sour to me, and I hate to say it, but at one point smelled like pee to me. I hate to even write that, but seriously that’s what I smelled. This scent has so many levels and transitions on me, sometimes I like it, and other times I obviously do not. I’ll keep the imp, but this is not one of my favorite moons. ***EDIT for 2005 version*** I'm not sure why I ordered the 2005 version, since I didn't really love the previous one... but oh well! The 2005 version is a bit more spicy... I smell cinnamon or nutmeg. The wine and berries are out in front again, and the pumpkin isn't showing itself. It's also not very floral. I really like this scent compared to the 2004 version, but again, it's not really a scent I'd wear. I love it as a room fragrance though, especially for October and November.
  2. slave1

    Chaste Moon 2005

    In Bottle: Milky sweetness. On Skin: This scent is pure heaven. I LOVE milk scents. Chaste Moon has a super sweet creamy milk note that seems almost like honey on me. The florals are so soft and accompany the scent perfect. I would bathe in this every day if I could. I want gallons of this scent. It does have such an innocent and childlike feel to it. It is very light which is the only downside because it fades fast. I can only hope Honey Moon will be this good. I haven’t gotten to try Milk Moon yet, but I can’t imagine it being better than this. *Edit, I LOVE Milk Moon even more, wow!!*
  3. slave1


    In Bottle: Pine. On Skin: Ok, I don’t like pine, but this isn’t a Pine-Sol pine. It’s more more real and fresh. It reminds me of Christmas and getting our tree. Driving home and the snow on the trees and ground in the mountains we lived in. So pretty and festive. The berries are very light but sweeten the scent perfectly. This is a holiday scent for sure, I can’t imagine wearing it any other time… even wearing it may be a bit much, but it is a perfect room scent.
  4. slave1

    Snow White

    In Bottle: Light sweet floral. On Skin: So this is a winter scent as well, but far prettier and less extreme than Skadi. No pine, but beautiful soft florals and the light, crisp scent of snow. Very feminine and sparkly… entergetic… I love it! I wish snow really smelled this way. I think I smell a berry in there as well, or something sweet and fruity. Again, this is beautiful. I want a bottle of it.
  5. slave1

    Queen of Diamonds

    In Bottle: Soap On Skin: Very soapy clean scent. Very aquatic and fresh. This is so elegant and pretty but maybe a bit too ozoney for me. The floral stands out and I don’t smell the grapefruit at all. So pretty and I can imagine it mostly on a woman but would love to see what it would do with a man’s chemistry as well.
  6. slave1

    Egg Nog

    In Bottle: Egg nog… simple On Skin: Sweet and creamy. I don’t like to drink egg nog, but this smells so delicious. The cream and sugar are most obvious, but the deep brandy and rum darken it and make it almost drinkable. The nutmeg stands out and gives a nice complementing spice. Very foody and sweet.
  7. slave1


    In Bottle: Juniper and spice. On Skin: Very strong and masculine. The musk and juniper are the strongest notes. The fig and rum sweeten it and the walnut adds a beautiful nutty undertone. I don’t smell any chocolate… sadly. This is such an intersting complex scent. Wow!
  8. slave1

    Sugar Skull

    In Bottle: YUM! Sugar and cream! On Skin: Yes, this scent makes me want to eat my wrist. It is pure creamy sugar goodness. Not at all like spun sugar or cotton candy, more creamy and even a bit spicy. I am in love with this scent and want every imp and bottle I can get.
  9. slave1


    In Bottle: Fruity and floral. On Skin: So beautiful! Oh, the mango is strongest with the sage giving a clean spicy note. The musk and amber give such warmth, their red and golden notes shine! The lavender is soft ands a lot of femininity to the scent. I truly see this as a woman’s scent. I wish I had bought a bottle!!!
  10. slave1

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    In Bottle: Fruit and ginger On Skin: This is an odd scent obviously. I really like the fruits, they all blend well and smell like a tropical smoothie. The pineapple stands out the most. I feel like I’m on my honeymoon in Tahiti again. The scent is like a tropical getaway and reminds me nothing of brains. LOL! I don’t smell the pink pepper, there is nothing spicy to this scent that I can smell.
  11. slave1


    HONEY: Single Note In Bottle: Um…honey. On Skin: It smells like really strong “O” to me. I LOVE it considering O is my favorite scent. Yes, I could bathe in gallons of this. So sweet and warm, it is instant snuggle scent. I can’t imagine anyone not liking this scent. I think people would flock around you just catching a slight whiff of it.
  12. slave1


    In Bottle: London: Pure rose. Old London: Also pure rose. On Skin: I am not smelling and differences between the two… seriously. Very tea rose, and sadly… I'm not a fan of rose, it just screams old lady. I wanted to love this since London is my favorite city… but oh well. I don't think of roses when I think of London… England maybe but not London… so I would have made this scent differently but that's just me.
  13. slave1


    PARIS: Sensual, decadent, and enigmatic. Lavender, softly underscored by lotus and spice. In Bottle: Lotus. On Skin: Yes, very bubblegummy due to the lotus with a soft powdery lavender background note. I’m not sure what the spice is in this scent, if it’s there it’s very light. This is the most pure lotus scent I’ve smelled, so if you’re a lotus fan, this is the one to get. Very pretty and womanly… I see the colors lilac and baby pink when I smell this one.
  14. slave1

    Follow Me Boy

    In Bottle: Play dough On Skin: Yes, I am getting a major play-dough scent from this one. It also reminds me of Dragon’s Milk a bit… is there a blood resin in here? It’s sweet and creamy but a bit too cloying and artificial. I don't sense anyone wanting to follow anyone wearing this... but not sure how it works on others... It doesn't seem sexy to me, that's for sure. I’m not to fond of it… I don’t hate it either but I wouldn’t buy a bottle.
  15. slave1


    In Bottle: Orange and incense. On Skin: Yum! Almost like a creamsicle with spice. So sweet and orange… The plumeria adds to the juicy fruitiness. The incense gives a smoky spicy edge and the jungle blooms actually give it a tribal note. The description suits it perfectly… It is very light, my skin drank it up quickly. A beautiful unique scent.
  16. slave1


    In Bottle: BUBBLEGUM! On Skin: Ok, this is bubblegum… bunches of it. I am instantly transported back to gradeschool and the Bonne Belle lipgloss that was Bubble Gum flavored. So sucking a lollipop while wearing that lip balm… yes, that is exactly what this smells like. It is sickly sweet, I can’t imagine anyone wearing this as a scent other than as a joke. I’m hoping the drydown will redeem it. Drydown: Powdery and slightly floral… a bit spicy… cinnamon maybe?
  17. slave1

    March Hare

    In Bottle: Um… apricot of course. On Skin: I like this better than Depraved. Depraved is so sickly sweet and drippy, where as March Hare has the clove to make it deeper and prettier. This is beautiful! People may notice you’re quite fruity smelling, but it’s a nice comforting womanly smell. It would make me want to lean in closer to someone wearing it. As long as the clove stays in the background, I’d love to have more of this.
  18. slave1

    The Ghost

    In Bottle: Clean ozone, florals. On Skin: So clean and white! Soft and floral… I love the calla lily the best. The ivy also gives a light green note... This does remind me of a funeral, with all the flowers and a crisp starkness. Not depressing though, a celebration. I think it is very feminine and elegant… very formal. It is super light... barely any throw. This scent is a "ghost", transparent... you can barely tell it's there. It also fades very quickly sadly... I think I would have to slather this scent to get the kind of throw I like.
  19. slave1

    Dana O'Shee

    In Bottle: Honey and almond. On Skin: There seems to be a sweet scent that I thought was almond… Oh this is DELICIOUS! I’m ordering a big bottle in my next order without a doubt. It’s a sweeter more innocent version of “O”. I haven’t loved a scent from first whiff this much in a long time! Instant favorite! So warm… the milk isn’t sour at all. I’m not sure which grains are in it, but the combination is so lovely.
  20. slave1

    Dragon's Eye

    In Bottle: Lilac On Skin: This scent seems like it should be a violet color but it has the telltale red Dragon’s Blood resin tint. The lilac is strongest by far. Wow. But the Dragon’s Blood is right behind it… very resiny and powdery. The lily of the valley adds to the floral body, and the galbanum has a soft woody undertone. Very pretty and feminine.
  21. slave1

    The Hanging Gardens

    In Bottle: Fruit yumminess!!! On Skin: I have been waiting for a scent like this… Oh my.. the pear, the plum, the pomegranate… I can smell them right away. I’m not smelling the fir or florals yet. Slowly the florals make themselves known, but I’m happy the fruity notes stay prominent. I would love this as a candle scent, it is so warming and juicy.
  22. slave1


    In Bottle: Patchouli and orange On Skin: Interesting combination… I love the orange blossom, but as many people who read my reviews know, I hate patchouli. I get kind of a playdough note from this one… a little artificial smelling. I thought I would love it, Ravenous is one of my favorite words in the world. But the patchouli is too strong. This one isn’t for me.
  23. slave1

    House of Night

    In Bottle: Floral and earthy. On Skin: I like the dark woody smokiness that accompanies the greens. Very somber… The florals smell, dried not fresh… kind of powdery. This scent speaks of things that are old and hidden away… like going through an attic and finding flowers from long ago. Very pretty and original…
  24. slave1


    In Bottle: Sweet floral. On Skin: Very sweet almost watermelon scent… the florals are delicious! I actually love a scent with patcholui… probably because the florals drown it out. The amber is soft and quietly in the back ground. The tea gives a fresh crisp note. This scent is comforting and gentle… graceful and elegant. This is a floral I will keep and love for sure.
  25. slave1

    Queen Mab

    In Bottle: Wood and florals. On Skin: The sandalwood is strongest followed by the flowers… jasmine and orchid especially. The rose is light… and the musk is sweet and spicy. A beautiful but slightly wicked scent. I like the contradiction. Darker and less sweet than Iambe… like a wicked step-sister.