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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by slave1

  1. slave1


    The name caught me right away. I mean this scent’s description is one of the best. It is quite an exotic scent. The myrrh and incsnse give dark smoky notes, the benzoin sweetens it up, the rose and tomb moss give nice floral and earthy notes and the sandalwood remains the strong key note. Fans of Zombi and Graveyard dirt might like this for it’s creepy earthiness… it’s a little more elegant though which is what I love about it. It is unique and catches attention, I can’t wait to wear this one out.
  2. slave1


    In Bottle: Vanilla and floral On Skin: The vanilla is sweet but overshadowed by the dominant orchid. I love vanilla scents but this one doesn’t seem to stand out to me. It’s pretty, but not really unique. There is a bit of a honey note which I love, but I’d rather wear a scent with that note being dominant, like “O”. I will keep my imp, but I don’t think I’ll order a bottle.
  3. slave1


    In Bottle: Honey and Clove On Skin: YUM! This is so sweet. My favorite note, honey, comes forward at once. The clove, cinnamon and ginger spice it up but compliment the honey’s sweetness. Pepper is usually a bit bitter to me and I don’t smell it yet. Wow, I love how sweet it is and the super spicyness of the cinnamon burns my nose lightly if I take a deep whiff. This is so nice, and so intriguing, seductive and spicy. This will make someone lean in a lot closer to you, it really does capture attention. Sadly, the honey is fading quickly. I may try layering this over the “O” alcohol spray I made to see if it adds to the sweetness and staying power.
  4. slave1


    In Bottle: Lily On Skin: Very strong and sweet, almost like a Lily or Honeysuckle... very bright and white. It seems almost too feminine at first, but then the is a darker stronger note that surfaces that makes it a bit “tougher” and masculine, also kind of minty. Very interesting. Beautiful and distinct, but I am not a big fan of florals so I think I’ll be swapping this one.
  5. slave1


    In Bottle: Yuck! Athlete’s Food medication! On Skin: It seriously smells like Athlete’s Foot medication, I remember when my brother had Athlete's Foot and had to use a cream to get rid of it, it smelled exactly like this. I have never disliked a BPAL scent as much as I do this one, sorry Beth. I guess it was time for me to dislike one of your scents. LOL! As it dries down it turns into the spray powder version of Athlete’s Foot medication. It does have a cool, numbing minty scent, but I think the medication did too since it was supposed to cool off enflamed toes. There is also a light floral, violet or lavender. This one is off to the swaps… so sad because I was so excited for it.
  6. slave1

    Fruit Moon

    In Bottle: Fruity gum On Skin: The tropical fruits seem strongest: guava, mango, papya, it smells like a tropical Starburst candy. Wow, yeah this is the fruitiest scent I’ve ever smelled, I am craving a big fresh fruit salad. It is quite busy and complex, very sweet but the scents seem to meld together making it hard to identify single notes. Super fresh, super sweet and super strong. Mmm… there’s the melon and peach… I love this. I’m a little worried to wear it as a scent in the Fall since it’s so Spring/Summer like, but I think it would be a nice pick-me-up room scent.
  7. slave1

    Buck Moon

    In Bottle: Sweet outdoors. On Skin: Interesting!!! First off, this isn’t very animalistic at all. It reminds me of fallen leaves on the forest floor, a bit wet still, dirty, woody and mossy. Sweet yet dark and musty. I really like it since I grow up in the mountains and it reminds me of when I would get lost in the woods following my favorite deer. There is no scent like this, so complex and unique. It isn’t really femine though, I think I might like it better on my husband. After about 20 minutes, the musk shines through and is a bit strong for me...
  8. slave1


    In Bottle: Violet and mint. On Skin: The violet stands out the strongest. I think the mint is actually the ozone note from the muguet. This is a pretty feminine scent, with the florals as the dominant notes. The tea rose calla lily and geranium blend well together. The autumn leaves give a little depth and a darker note. All in all, it is too much of a floral for me and kind of reminds me of an old ladies perfume.
  9. slave1

    Love in the Asylum

    In Bottle: Floral and perm solution. On Skin: Ok, the floral is very strong. Rose and carnation, wow! I was hoping the Tonka and vanilla would be stronger but they are washed out by the extreme floral notes. The balsam and tobacco give a background green note. This scent is very crisp. It’s pretty, but I’m not sure it’s me. Rose this strong never really works on me.
  10. slave1

    The Black Tower

    In Bottle: Throat Lozenge On Skin: At first it is minty… maybe menthol. Then I smell the ivy and the wine. It does smell very cold, “chill wind” is a good description. This is a beautiful haunting scent! I really want to smell it on my husband as well. There are so many notes listed, but I don’t smell most of them individually, they all meld into one beautiful scent. I especially do not smell the leather or burnt grasses, this is a very light, shiny metalic scent… not dark or woody. So complex!!!
  11. slave1

    Black Opal

    In Bottle: Sweet vanilla. YUM! On Skin: All I smell is vanilla. I’ve read others reviews and I don’t smell any citrus or other notes they mention. It is pure sweet vanilla. It is very light though… it reminds me of a few of the DSH vanillas. I like it since it’s pretty and soft, but it fades quite quickly. I’m not sure the description fits it either, fire? I don’t smell fire at all.
  12. slave1


    In Bottle: Light floral and spices. On Skin: I expected this scent to be heavy and strong. It’s atually quite pretty and light. The sandalwood and musk give it a deep masculine edge, but then the rose seeps through and makes it have a feminine side as well. The amber is soft and sexy, while the saffron and nutmeg give a warm spice. I don’t really smell the mandarin or bergamot. After about ten minutes something weird starts showing itself. It does not agree with my skin, it’s a animalistic musky note that just seems too pungent. It reminds me of a wet dog.
  13. slave1


    OPHELIA: Wistful and vulnerable: lotus, water blossom ivy, stargazer lily and white rose. In Bottle: Floral beauty! On Skin: A bright wet white scent. Again, another scent I could see at a wedding. It is very strong and so feminine. I actually love this scent, which is a big step for me since I shy away from florals. It is so sweet and innocent, the sweetness makes it not become too formal. I see a huge bouquet of fresh cut flowers with beautiful green ivy. A perfect scent for a spring day…
  14. slave1

    Grandmother of Ghosts

    In Bottle: Woody floral. On Skin: Interesting… The woods seem dominant but then the lily shines through. Almost like a ray of sun in a dark forest just filtering through the leaves. The musk and pepper give a inticing soft spice, while the laurel gives a pretty clean green note. The madarin is light, barely noticable. I am intrigued by this scent and would love to smell it on a man.
  15. slave1


    In Bottle: Violet. On Skin: The violet and violet leaf are in front. The red sandalwood gives a nice woody incensey note. The waterlily and jasmine begin to stand out, beautful fresh white notes. The lemon is also becoming more pronounced and it’s tartness is a nice compliment. The rose and wisteria are lighter and not as noticable. I don’t smell the red currant at all. This is such a complex scent but overall it’s a strong floral with a lemon edge.
  16. slave1


    In Bottle: Very green and herbal. On Skin: Very, very herby. This scent screams green and foresty. The rose adds a sweetness to the scent but still, the medicinal edge of the herbs is a bit too strong for my taste. For lovers of outdoorsy and herbal scents, this is a must have.
  17. slave1


    An infusion of incalculable power and irresistible temptation. Truly an exercise in megalomania and self-gratification: frankincense and cinnamon, darkened by violet. In Bottle: Incense and floral. On Skin: The frankincense leads this scent with a powerful powdery note. The cinnamon gives a warm spice and the violet actually sweetens it up a bit. The incense is too strong for me though, and it is also a very masculine scent, so it’s not for me. This is a dark spicy scent, very sinister and brooding.
  18. slave1


    In Bottle: Minty Dragon’s Blood. On Skin: Dragon’s blood, and the color also gives that away. The clove and cinnamon sweeten it a bit and the pepper makes it extra hot and spicy. After a few minutes, I realize what it reminds me of. The smell of the glue when you lick envelopes... maybe after you had been eating Red Hots. Not good…
  19. slave1


    In Bottle: Sweet incense. On Skin: It is the very essence of Egyptian incense. There is also a sweet fruity note in the background. It’s light and fades quickly to just a plain soft incense note. Sadly it didn’t do too much for me… I prefer Nefertiti and Anubis.
  20. slave1


    In Bottle: Smoke. On Skin: I was thinking something more elegant when I saw the name… but then I reread the description and saw it’s supposed to be a smokey scent. It does remind me of church and all the candles and incense they light. Very “solemn”, perfect description. It’s also a scent that reminds me of winter… it smells like being outside and smelling the smoke from a chimney nearby.
  21. slave1

    Black Rose

    In Bottle: Rose. On Skin: I’m not a big fan of roses, but this has a few more layers. The musk and amber give a dark depth and a sticky resin note. The rose is very haevy and pungent, it reminds me of those rosarys made from rosewood. Very seductive yet sad… a very “goth” scent.
  22. slave1


    In Bottle: Dark aquatic floral. On Skin: This is one of the first aquatics I’m smelled that is more dark than bright. It is still crisp and wet, but a bit spooky and full of shadows. The florals are clean and white, and not sweet at all. The ozone note turns a bit soapy on me. I am actually going to try wearing this one out, I’ve never seen what impression ozone notes on me give to others and I’d like to hear some feedback. My final impression of it is a garden at night near the sea after a rainstorm.
  23. slave1

    French Love

    In Bottle: Soft floral. On Skin: This is such a delicate scent. It reminds me of French lingerie, just laundered in an expensive rinse. There seems to be some Dragon’s Blood resin in this… that sweet powdery note. Also vanilla and maybe a dainty floral like violet or lavender. I can see the comparison to Dragon’s Milk but it doesn’t have that sickly sweet artificial note.
  24. slave1


    In Bottle: Holy sweetness batman! On Skin: This is beyond sweet, wow! The honeyed almond milk hits me first and the coconut as well. Very tropical. The sandalwood gives it a beautiful woody depth while the fig is both tart and sweet. The fig leaf gives a minty green note and is also kind of a sap scent, a very nice contrast to all the sweetness. It dries to a very light powdery green earthy scent losing most of the fruity notes. I ordered this as a 5ml without ever even smelling it since the description grabbed me. I’m glad I did, this is a beautiful complex scent.
  25. slave1

    Thirteen (13)

    In Bottle: Chocolate orange. On Skin: Well, I’m a bit sad since I was beyond excited for this scent. But I don’t like chocolate scents or orange for that matter so I’m not sure why I expected to love it. The chocolate is strongest and it smells a bit nutty. The orange/mandarin is the second strongest note. It gives a tart contrast to the deep sweetness of the chocolate. The tea is there as well, making the scent more proper then just gluttony. The iris is a soft floral in the background just barely peeking out. The chocolate does soften and fade. It is an interesting scent, I’ll give it that. Just not my style. I’ll probably be swapping imps of it.