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Everything posted by slave1

  1. slave1


    A profound, complex scent that encapsulates the joy one finds in another’s pain. Ylang ylang, clove, Indonesian red patchouli, and dark myrrh. In Bottle: Myrrh and patchouli On Skin: I’m a sucker for myrrh so I was excited for this scent. The myrrh is beautiful! It grabs me right away. The ylang ylang provides a nice spark of brightness in an otherwise dark scent. Sadly the patchouli and clove start to dominate and patchouli never does well on me. After about 10 minutes it turns very powdery and that is a trait I don’t like in a scent. Sorry.
  2. slave1

    Santa Eularia Des Riu

    In Bottle: Minty orange. On Skin: Wow, an eye opener for sure. Want something to wake you up in the morning? Take a quick whiff of this. Very energizing! The citrus is strong but dry, the herbs are minty and fragrant. The lavender and jasmine play second fiddle compared to the other notes. An interesting and complex scent even though there are just a few notes in it. It is very outdoorsy. I would love to be in a villa in the Mediterranean and wake up to this scent in the air.
  3. slave1


    In Bottle: Moss and florals. On Skin: Very white, the musk is soft and overshadowed by the jasmine, rose and moss. Very dainty and feminine. The incense is also faint which I like, it isn’t a smoky scent at all. Very bright and clear. I think it is very pretty but it doesn’t stand out to me. It’s more of a soft comforting smell to wear alone on a cloudless night. It reminds me of the stars and moon, so bright in a dark sky.
  4. slave1


    In Bottle: Strong woods and spices. On Skin: Straight off, this is NOT me. The woods are so strong they’re almost medicinal. Smoky and spicy, it is just too much at once. I usually love sandalwood but mixed with the incense and spices it just gets muddy and murky. Not my kind of scent, sorry. Someone looking for an exotic woody scent should try this one out…
  5. slave1


    In Bottle: Musk and civet. On Skin: A feral scent which may bug some people. The civet seems to be top note. I am thinking it’s a little too animalistic and primal. I’m afraid my cat may hump my wrist (sorry for the visual). There is a little cinnamon or something sweet and spicy like cloves. This is a masculine scent for sure, not gender neutral at all. After a while it goes kind of foul. I’m not even wanting my husband to try this, it’s a little creepy smelling like a wild animal…
  6. slave1

    Santa Muerte

    In Bottle: Super sweet floral On Skin: I get a sweet citrus note right away… I think it’s the cactus flower. A lot of people have mentioned chocolate which I don’t smell in the slightest. It’s very pretty but I’m not digging how floral it is… I like it but I think I’ll let it go to someone who appreciates florals more than me.
  7. slave1

    Dragon's Hide

    In Bottle: Dragon’s blood with a dark note On Skin: I’m not too fond of Dragon’s Blood resin… I think it’s because my husband doesn’t like it and he’s rubbed off on me. But I love leather scents… This one is just a bit too mishmashed for me. The sweetness with the smoke makes me kind of sick. This is going off to the swap pile.
  8. slave1


    In Bottle: Leather On Skin: Wow! This is sexy! I love this scent, it is so rich and unique. It does “slap” you in the face! I like it better than Whip, it’s more elegant in a weird way. I love amber and musk and the myrrh adds even more rich depth. This is sultry and seductive. I can’t imagine anyone not liking this scent… A keeper for sure! I even like it more than Wanda and that’s saying a lot!!
  9. slave1


    Samhain 05 In Bottle: Spices and fir. On Skin: The fir and spices are strongest. This is a strong scent, it bowls me over. It’s not something I’d like to wear… but I’d love it as a room fragrance. The spoces are very comforting and warm. The pine and woods give a earthy quality like you just walked in from the outdoors into a bustling kitchen. But the spices are more fall like, not winter at all. After about 5 minutes the woods seem even stronger… wet leaves and dirt. A very interesting scent with many levels.
  10. slave1


    Sol '05 In Bottle: Sharp citrus and metalic On Skin: Lemon incense. Or something sour yet darkened with a resin or incense. Someone mentioned lemongrass and I think I’d agree with that. It’s bright, but the darker note behind it, it feels like late afternoon, the sun has been a it’s brightest but is now setting. It’s still warm but not hot out. A yellowy orange scent, not red… I’m actually not sure why I ordered this scent, but looking at it’s intent, I think I will try and use it to see if it works.
  11. slave1

    Snow White

    SNOW WHITE 05 In Bottle: Berries and ice. On Skin: I love this scent and it’s almost identical to last years version (or at least the imps I have, I’m not sure if they’re 03 or 04). So beautiful… one of Beth’s prettiest scents by far. It is so unique, there is nothing like it. There is a faint berry scent, a little of that almond cherry note, and a soft floral. A cold scent, but with warmness blanketed underneathe. I think of holly berries that have fallen into the snow, or still hanging from the tree with ice forming on them. I ADORE this scent.
  12. slave1


    In Bottle: Nuts and pine. On Skin: Very different than last years version. Which is a good thing. Last years smelled purely like pipe tobacco. This years is sweet and foody. The chesnuts are the strongest note. I can taste them almost, their buttery brown sugar coating… Yes, it smells exactly like “chesnuts roasting over an open fire”. WOW! The pine and cedar are light enough, just background notes to give the fireplace smell. I think this is a perfect holiday room scent.
  13. slave1


    Pure pipe tobacco. It's a comfortung scent, but not something I'd like to smell like. It's very warm and hugs you like a soft blanket. A perfect "memory" scent to remind you of childhhos by the fire. My dad smoked a pipe and this smells exactly like it.
  14. slave1

    Sugar Cookie

    Sugar Cookie 05 In Bottle: Sweet rum? On Skin: It seems a lot of the sweeter scents I’ve smelled recently smell boozy at first… Sugar Skull, Trick or Treat and now Sugar Cookie. This years version of the scent is less spicy. I remember last years with a bit of a cinnamon note. It smells delicious but starts fading fairly quickly. I do like it better than last years version…
  15. slave1

    Jacob's Ladder

    In Bottle: Swet sweet sweet! On Skin: This is beautiful. Oh my god! I had no idea it would smell like this. The amber is bold but not heavy. The tonka sweetens it just right. This scent is not cloying, the sweetness is measured perfectly. The other notes don’t stand out, they meld in nicely and help the overall balance. I think I have found another favorite. Why did I buy only one bottle?
  16. slave1

    Snow Bunny

    In Bottle: Pine On Skin: Very much like Skadi. Wow, so similar… It’s beautiful and fresh. The pine is the strongest note, but there’s a bit of sweetness too… berries maybe? It does remind me of winter. Cold and bright… very white… I am worried this may not be a great body scent though since the pine is so strong. But I think I’ll be using this as my room scent for the Holidays.
  17. slave1

    All Saints'

    ALL SAINTS 05 Based on a venerable French pontifical incense blend: monastic frankincense and myrrh, Damascus rose, Russian gardenia, cassia, and lily of the valley wafting on a chill Autumn wind. A celebration of the glory and suffering of the saints and matryrs of the Church. In Bottle: Rose and incense. On Skin: A beautiful dark rose blend. This is not old lady rose perfume, it is a bit more spooky and aged, not stuffy and elegant. This does remind me of church, and Fall nights. Pretty and with depth. If I had to wear a rose scent, I think this would be it since it is not pure floral.
  18. slave1

    Dia de los Muertos

    DIA DE LOS MUERTOS 05 In Bottle: Sweet Floral On Skin: The florals are the most obvious notes. There is something that is a bit minty and medicinal. The leaves and smoke are gentle but add a dark backnote, very Fall-like. The chocolate is also soft, not foody at all. This scent reminds me of decaying nature, the middle of Autumn… the leaves are already on the ground, breaking down or being burnt. The BPAL description of the scent is perfect.
  19. slave1

    The Peacock Queen

    In Bottle: Strong Rose On Skin: I’m not really a fan of rose so I’m not sure why I got this. The picture on the bottle is beautiful by the way… I love Snow White, so maybe that’s what caught me. Anyway, this is pure, strong rose, plain and simple. Very elegant and heady. Anyone who wants a rose scent NEEDS to try this one. It smells a fresh bouquet sitting on the table. Crisp, fresh and wet. Beautiful.
  20. slave1

    Beaver Moon 2005

    In Bottle: Buttercream Frosting. On Skin: It smells like cake, sweet rich cake and frosting. I LOVE it! This could be my favorite lunar yet… As it develops there is a sweet spice to it and it loses a little of it’s buttery fullness. I like it in the bottle more than on my skin, but it’s still a DELICIOUS scent.
  21. slave1

    Trick or Treat

    In Bottle: Sweet candy On Skin: This is sweet… very sweet. At first it reminded me of Grog. That sweet caramel rum scent… but Trick or Treat has a more brown sugar note to it. I don’t know what candy corns smell exactly like, but from memory this scent seems pretty darn close. I love this as a Fall scent, especially for Halloween, but I smelled so sweet people thought I had candy on me… so maybe it would be best as a room scent?
  22. slave1

    Sugar Skull

    I had to do another review for the 2005 version since it is a bit different than last years: In Bottle: Candied fruit On Skin: This seems much fruitier than the Sugar Skull imp I have from last year. I like it, but it almost seems a bit boozy! Like Trick Or Treat above, it is so sweet that it makes people wonder what you’ve been eating. I think it smells like those gummy fruit candies that have the crystalized sugar coating. A perfect Halloween scent that puts you in the mood for Trick or Treating.
  23. slave1

    Devil's Night

    In Bottle: Brown sugar and mulled spices. On Skin: This scent doesn’t seem as boozy as the other 2 Halloween scents I have yet it actually has “boozy” in the description… hmm… The scent is very sweet spicey, brown sugar and mulled Fall spices. I think the musk is what is making it so spicy. This scent is warm and comforting, a good room scent perfect for cuddling up under a blanket with a Jack-o-lantern in the window and a mug of hit cider in your hands. Sadly, later as the scent develops, a smoky note surfaces and overwhelms the scent. I don’t do well with smoky scents…
  24. slave1

    The Haunted Palace

    The rose comes to head first, with a very sweet background note… I’m thinking the vanilla? I’m not much of a rose fan, but this is so elegant and commanding. This scent screams royalty and elegance. The Tunisian Amber (one of my favorite notes) gives a beautiful warm bed for the other notes to lie on. The orange is soft, not too ripe. The heliotrope gives it’s trademark sweetness and tames the tartness of the rose and gardenia. A very beautiful scent.
  25. slave1


    This scent is a beautiful bright green honeydew. So juicy and strong it is a bit overwhelming. Of course, melon is one of my favorite scents so this one is perfect for me. Very spring/summer like, a bit odd to wear in November that’s for sure. There seems to be a bit of a floral in the background… maybe honeysuckle or something sweet like that. This scent is so beautiful and calming… I can’t imagine anyone not liking the comfort it brings. As it dries, it does change a bit… it gets a little darker and bit less sweet… Hmmm… not likeing the drydown stage as much…