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Everything posted by slave1

  1. slave1

    Midnight Mass

    ... This perfume is a traditional Roman Catholic sacramental incense, most often used during a Solemn Mass. Traditionally, five tears of this incense, each encased individually in wax that has been fashioned into the shape of a nail, are inserted into the paschal candle. This is, of course, represents the Five Wounds of Our Risen Savior. Symbolically, the burning of the incense signifies spiritual fervor, the fragrance itself inspires virtue, and the rising smoke carries our prayers to God. In Bottle: Incense On Skin: Incense for sure… but not too smoky… more of a resin note. There is a sweet woody note, maybe cedar or something. It smells like when you freshly cut wood and it has that warm beautiful scent. I think this is so pretty, and it does remind me of my Catholic school days and going to mass all the time. I wouldn’t wear it as a perfume, but maybe a room scent. It fades quite a bit which is actually nice since I prefer lighter incense blends.
  2. slave1

    Rose Red

    In Bottle: Rose On Skin: This is a fresh cut rose, pure and simple. There don’t seem to be any other notes. This is for the person looking for a pure rose scent with no complications. And it’s a red rose for sure… not yellow, white or any other color. There is even a bit of that “dirt” fragrance I always smell when I smell fresh roses. Very strong, bold and elegant. Beth has created the perfect rose scent.
  3. slave1

    Lick It

    In Bottle: Vanilla and mint On Skin: This is a super sweet candy cane. Yum! It reminds me of a scratch-n-sniff sticker I used to have, and also the Strawberry Shortcake doll named “Mint Tulip”. It is so sugary and pepperminty, not sharp which is what I was worried about. If I smell this for too long I may start licking my wrist. No wonder it’s called Lick It!! What a great holiday scent!
  4. slave1


    In Bottle: Lavender extreme On Skin: This scent is so sharp and strong… it almost smells noxious. After drying a bit, it turns a bit medicinal. It smells like lavender and mint. I am not a fan of these dream formulas sadly, I can’t get past their sharp notes. It does fade a bit, maybe if I put it in a sachet and kept it a distance from my head while sleeping I could handle it. I’m curious to see if it works for it’s intended purpose. It does clear my sinuses that’s for sure!
  5. slave1

    Bearded Lady

    In Bottle: Lily On Skin: This is so pretty, not what comes to mind when I think of a bearded lady, that’s for sure! The florals are so light and sweet, not tart like rose usually turns on me the vanilla must be softening the edge on them. I also smell fruit, maybe kiwi or star fruit? This scent starts strong but it’s throw fades quickly. The amber gives a nice resin base that keeps the flowers from drowning you. It is flirty but also has a deeper sexiness to it.
  6. slave1


    In Bottle: Sweet ozone On Skin: This is a beautiful ozone scent that doesn’t smell like soap right away like most ozone scents do on me. It is a pretty rain… a little sister to Storm Moon. Fresh but not invigorating, more relaxing and quiet. Very clean and springlike. I do eventually start getting a soapy note, but nothing too overpowering. I think I would like this as a room scent as well…
  7. slave1


    In Bottle: Clove and cinnamon On Skin: The cinnamon jumps out. It’s spicy and wet. This isn’t me sadly, most scents with cinnamon aren’t. The clove and cinnamon create a sweet spice, while the orange and peach offer a juicy base but still can’t cool off the spices. The patchouli and incense are dark and this scent just becomes too overpowering for me. Dark and spicy to an extreme, it burns my nose. It reminds me of Three Witches a little, which I also didn’t like. Oh well, off to the swaps!
  8. slave1

    Al Azif

    In Bottle: Smoky wood On Skin: This is a dark incense scent. Very pretty and there is a sweet resin note in the background. It smells very thick and sticky and also woody... maybe cedar? It seems light, barely there… but when you do catch a whiff it is do deep and delicious. A great scent for someone who likes mysterious, dark resin scents. It doesn’t have much throw though or I think I’d wear it. It fades in about 10 minutes sadly.
  9. slave1


    On Bottle: Icy mint On Skin: Now this is what I wanted Numb to smell like. This scent is a pure chill. How does Beth do this? There is the obvious fir and birch notes, but they are completely covered in snow and ice. This scent is so cold and desolate… it’s kind of creepy. But I also think it is beautiful, because it sparkles. Another amazing creation. I like this as a “tree” scent because it isn’t too sharp… there is something in there softening it… that must be the “snow” note. It is similar to Skadi, but not as sweet or feminine.
  10. slave1


    2005 Revisited In Bottle: Pine On Skin: Holy Christmas Tree Batman! I wish I had had this scent for Christmas, because we have a fake tree and all that was missing was the scent of a fir tree… this would have been the perfect room scent. I’ll save this imp for next year for sure. I’ve never smelled real mistletoe, but this smells like a fresh cut pine or fir tree… super strong but also sweet. I can’t even begin to imagine someone wearing this as a perfume though, unless they’re prepared for a bunch of X-Mas tree comments.
  11. slave1


    In Bottle: Mint and berries On Skin: This smells exactly like a Christmas candle… spicy and sweet. The berries are different, not like Midwinters Eve or Kali or anything like that… not juicy or winey at all. These are more minty and dry. I think there is cinnamon in here? Something very spicy. This is a smell that encourages me to snuggle. So many of these Yule scents are perfect room scents for the season… you could just switch from day to day and always keep your house in a festive Holiday mood!
  12. slave1

    Herr Drosselmeyer

    In Bottle: Sweet, smokey wood. On Skin: This is a bit like what Hearth was last year, the pipe tobacco being much more obvious. It’s sweet, but dark. Very soft and comforting… this isn’t a strong scent at all. It’s also quite masculine and I’d love to smell this on my husband. I do picture a little old man in a toy-shop… working away on wodden toys. This scent is so complex and tells such a great story. Kudos to Beth!!!
  13. slave1

    Gingerbread Poppet

    In Bottle: Um… gingerbread On Skin: This is the definition of a foody scent. It smells exactly like you’ve just baked a dozen gingerbread cookies and they’re warming on the counter. The sweet spices all stand out. I don’t exactly want to smell like this, but this is a great room scent for the fall and winter. People will come knocking at your door if they even catch a whiff. Very warm and inviting.
  14. slave1

    Midwinter's Eve

    2005 version In Bottle: Berries and plum On Skin: This is a lot jucier than 04’s version. Last years turned into a dry powdery scent, whereas this one oozes with fruity juice. The florals are light and don’t compete with the plum. It is so sweet! Yum! Still the same notes though with the nostalgic feelings of the holidays. I would love to have candles in this scent all over my house for the holidays, it inspires the perfect festive mood. After a 20 minute drydown, it does indeed have the powdery effect last years had.
  15. slave1


    In Bottle: Strong “perfume” On Skin: This is as perfumey as a scent can be. VERY floral… there’s so much going on though it’s hard to pick put the single notes. Everyone keeps saying it reminds them of an exisiting perfume. I think it may be one of Estee Lauders because it’s the first name that came to mind when I smelled it. It smells good, but not me at all. Very glam and overpowering. A very “white/yellow” and “bright” scent. Wow! I’ll keep the imp because of how fun the scent is and because of the Bowie name… but I don’t think I’ll be wearing it unless I have the occasion that perfectly calls for it.
  16. slave1

    Santo Domingo

    In Bottle: Tobacco and some type of resin. On Skin: This is a strong heady scent. It seems more masculine to me. The tobacco and bay rum remind me of another men’s cologne I’ve smelled before, but blossoms begin to develop and it becomes more festive. The rum isn’t too boozy which is nice. If I wore Blood Pearl, I’d love my husband to wear this, they’d go great together. Seriously, perfect vacation scents that transport you right to the islands.
  17. slave1

    New Orleans

    In Bottle: Overly ripe Flowers On Skin: The jasmine and honeysuckle are super strong. This is a floral scent without a doubt. There is cinnamon and something else sweet yet spicy. The “decay” they mention is also there… these flowers are past their prime and rotting in the humid hot weather. This is a great scent to feel like you’re in New Orleans, but not a scent I’d like to wear as a perfume even though it does have a sexy appeal but in a more raunchy way. Very interesting!
  18. slave1

    Blood Pearl

    In Bottle: Musk and coconut On Skin: The coconut is strong… I smell suntan lotion right away. Very tropical and vacation like. The musk gives a nice sexy depth and the orris leaves a nice clean note. I’m happy this scent doesn’t smell fakely sweet like most Dragon’s blood scents. I would actually wear this one on vacation or whenever I wanted to pretend I was in Tahiti again.
  19. slave1

    Embalming Fluid

    In Bottle: Bright green tea On Skin: This is a beautiful green tea scent. It is so light and bright… this would cheer most anyone up. The lemon is yellow and tart, the aloe is refreshing and the musk is soft yet warm. Not what I’d picture embalming fluid smelling like. I have actually smelled it before and it’s a very sour chemical smell. This is 1000 times prettier, don’t worry. I wouldn’t mind my body smelling like this when I was dead. Anyway, a beautiful scent that reminds me of the sun in spring.
  20. slave1

    Les Infortunes de la Vertu

    In Bottle: Leather and amber On Skin: Wow! This one is in your face. The leather is top note… very masculine and regal. The rose and florals give a nice sharp tone, very elegant. The amber darkens yet sweetens the scent at the same time. The incense provides a slight smoky note and I don’t really smell the orange blossom. This is a very manly scent. It does have a slight soapy/aftershave tone in it as well that enforce how masculine it is. I love this and am going to make my husband try it on for sure. The drydown continues to have leather as the dominant note with a soapy background.
  21. slave1


    In Bottle: Lavender On Skin: This is a sharp scent. Sadly, I haven’t been able to use any of the dream formulations because their scents just don’t appeal to me and I can’t sleep with pungent smells around me. I was hoping this one would be different, but no… the herbal notes overwhelm it with a medicinal smell. The sandalwood helps soften it a bit… maybe if I try diffusing it I could handle it.
  22. slave1

    Rose Cross

    In Bottle: Pure red rose On Skin: This is a dry red rose… taken even deeper with the beautiful note of frankincense. I generally don’t like rose scents, but this one is very beautiful. If someone around me had to wear rose, I’d ask them to wear this one. It is so full and lovely, and the incense sweetens and helps tame the tartness of the rose. All rose lovers must try this scent!
  23. slave1

    Baba Yaga

    In Bottle: Sweet fruit On Skin: Interesting! It’s a bit fruity and a bit soapy… very bright! I get a yellow tone from this. I like the scent, I don’t exactly picture it fitting with the Baba Yaga character… but it’s interesting to imagine. The fruit is a bit pineapple-ish, and the soapy ozone notes are coming from florals I think. I like that it is so clean smelling… but I generally like more sweet perfumey notes… If anyone wants a fresh soapy scent that is slightly floral and fruity, this would the perfect match!
  24. slave1

    Pumpkin Patch II (2005, 2006)

    In Bottle: Super sweet pumpkin and nutty On Skin: This smells just like dessert. The pumkin is sweet, but the cocoa deepens it even further. It smells delicious! The hazlenut and walnut are light but still showing themselves. This smells like pumpkin pie drizzled with chocolate syrup and nuts. Use this as a room scent if you want to fool people you’ve been cooking. Tasty!
  25. slave1

    Pumpkin Patch V (2005, 2006)

    In Bottle: Sharp woods On Skin: This scent wakes you up with it’s sharpness. The pumpkin’s sweetness helps soften it but I still feel the woods are overpowering. It’s like a fireplace while you’re having Thanksgiving dinner.