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Everything posted by slave1

  1. slave1

    Red Devil

    In Bottle: Sweet orange On Skin: I smell orange right away… and then Dragon’s Blood resin? There is also a bit of spice… very light though, maybe gnger? It smells a little soapy as the scent develops. Not bad but not very fragrance like to me… more like a cleanser and not something I would ever want to wear as a perfume. The scent overall is very light with minimal throw and lifespan. I really want to try this out around my husband and see if it works the way it’s intended to. Hopefully he’ll like it more than I do.
  2. slave1


    In Bottle: Industrial cleaner On Skin: The lilac screams at me. The other florals are a bit more subtle. Although there are 3 strong woods in this, they play smaller roles and don’t overtake the scent. The orchid offers a nice elegant floral note and the bergamot is a little bitter and dry. The red musk is light as well, but is softly warming the scent. I like th combination, it was quite sharp and pungent at first, but after five minutes the scents blend together and create something quite pretty. I can see this being gender neutral but would prefer it on a man. Not a bad scent at all but it doesn’t have anything that sticks out about it enough to warrant it as a keeper in my book.
  3. slave1


    In Bottle: Chocolate dirt On Skin: The cocoa is the dominant note with patchouli following close behind. The patchouli gives a “dirt” scent that I don’t really like with the cocoa. I don’t smell leather or florals, but the incense is a bit smokey. This scent is very powdery and dry, also slightly sweet. A bit masculine as well. It’s not a scent I like for myself personally. A bit too dry and the patchouli is too strong for me.
  4. slave1


    In Bottle: Spicy rose On Skin: Well hello rose! And cinnamon! There is no hiding these notes, they are in your face! The cinnamon burns my nose right away, I am so sensitive to it! And the rose, it’s super tart and sharp... all 3 of them! Sexual dreams? Not so sure about that, I don’t think I can even wear this to ty it out. These are two of my least favorite notes, and together I dislike them even more. I would have to say, this is one of my least favortie scents yet. Sorry Beth.
  5. slave1


    In Bottle: Sweet floral On Skin: The rose stands out first, white and elegant. The heliotrope has it’s usual sweet bubblegum note, but not sickly sweet since the other florals are a bit tart and they compliment each other and help make a even scent. Very clean, like a fresh bouquet of flowers. This scent reminds me of another of Beth’s florals, but I can’t think of which one… I just know I’ve smelled it before. It’s pretty and super floral, and I’m not exactly a floral blend girl so I think I’ll swap this one.
  6. slave1


    In Bottle: Dirt and gum On Skin: There is a dirty note… not really soil, more dusty than that. Also a sweet note, very powdery but pretty... hmm… I smell a little honey too I think. Also a minty note, something herbal and a bit medicinal. I would love it if it weren’t for that minty note, it kind of gets in the way. There is also a dark note, maybe a light musk? So complex and interesting, I need to try this one out for it’s purpose for sure.
  7. slave1


    A strong, willful blend with a soft, utterly lovely soul: white musk with a trickle of bright, sharp apricot and orange blossom. In Bottle: Apricot soda On Skin: I love this! I usally like apricot more than peach because it’s softer and more innocent. This fragrance is fun in that it is so juciy and drinkable! It seriously smells like an apricot soda. It’s not syrupy sickly sweet like Depraved, it’s a lot lighter and mellow. The orange offers a very subtle citrus note and the musk is light and offers a velver base for the fruits to lie on unbruised. This is a feminine scent that is innocent and cheerful. Not too girly and not overwhelming either. It’s throw is medium but sadly it’s soaks into my skin right away and lasts only about 10 minutes. Darn it!
  8. slave1


    In Bottle: Feral musk On Skin: Hi there civet, you aren’t shy are you? Egads this one bowls you over with the feral civet note. Yes, this is heady, they weren’t joking in the description. The civet combined with the very deep musk and taken even further into the dark by the opium makes you feel like you’re being smothered in something quite naughty. As much as I love dark scents, and opium especially, this one is a bit too raw for me. Civet has the unfortunate habit of turning into “baby diapers” on me and I don’t see that changing here. Too bad, because the description made me fall in love with it.
  9. slave1

    Leanan Sidhe

    In Bottle: Soap On Skin: Wow… Irish Spring? Not trying to be funny, but it is quite soapy on me. And very masculine. An ozone scent with a green feel. The florals mix with the herbs well, I can’t pick out a specific note at all. I love that I can envision a misty Irish moor (sp?) in the early evening just as the sun has finished setting. It is pretty and fits the description well, but it is not me at all. I would like to smell it on a man maybe.
  10. slave1


    On Bottle: Floral extreme On Skin: Soap… very, very soapy. Rose soap to be exact. This scent fits it’s description well. I ca totally see a stuck up, older plastic surgery obsessed woman wearing this. 100% pure vanity. It is very sharp, the rose isn’t sweet at all. Rose is one of my least favorite floral scents so this one just isn’t me… so much so I need to rinse it off. It makes my eyes water it is so pungent.
  11. slave1


    In Bottle: Floral ozone On Skin: Now this is pretty. It is so delicate and the lovely water note reminds me of elegance and purity. It smells so clean and bright white, a little soapy though and a bit sharp on the nose. Not exactly what I think of when I think of Amsterdam… giggle. The florals are light and sweet. The grasses are dominated by the ozone note, I wouldn’t call this a planty or grassy scent. I think this scent should just be called Holland because I think more of the countryside with this scent than of the Red Light district that comes to mind when I hear Amsterdam.
  12. slave1


    In Bottle: Vanilla Floral On Skin: Wow! I did not think I’d like this, rose and florals are not my thing. But this is so sweet and creamy! Wait… I spoke too soon. Plastic, yes plastic. Sadly it has completely morphed into an articial plastic smell. That was fast, within a minute of putting it on. The florals are melted into the vanilla and something has gummed them up, not sure what but it’s not working on me. Too bad because it smelled divine in the bottle and on my skin for the first 30 seconds…
  13. slave1


    In Bottle: Tea On Skin: I don’t know tea too well, but I thought it smelled like green tea. Maybe it’s the citrus in it. This is a very bright juicy scent that reminds me a lot of Holiday Moon and Shanghai. The ginger is soft, it doesn’t scream out but still echos throughout the scent. A beautiful warm spring scent, again making me think of tea houses and aisian themes. I love the green feel it gives and how vibrant it is. A little tart and extreme for me, but a gorgeous scent nonetheless.
  14. slave1

    The Raven

    In Bottle: Violet On Skin: The violet is the dominant note, very pretty and purple. The sandalwood is coming in second. It gives a nice clean woody note that to me seems a little more masculine than normal. The iris is very light, the violet pretty much owns the iris here. The musk is also light and hides in the back ground but shows itself enough to deepen the scent and give it a solid base. Overall, not my kind of scent, but quite beautiful. I love the mood it creates and it does remind me of a sleek jet black raven. Beth is amazing once again.
  15. slave1


    In Bottle: Lemon water On Skin: A very light lemon/lime, not too yellow, green or juicy. More like when you drink a glass of lemon water, a little tart but very refreshing. It reminds me of laundry, maybe a fabric softener… yes that’s it. Lavender fabric softener. I normally don’t like lavender but I know it does help me sleep if I difuse a little of it in the air. It’s nice and it does feel relaxing in small doses, maybe I could scent a sachet with it. If I breathe it in too deeply it’s a little artificial and not as nice. I’ve smelled a few other Panacea blends lately and they really are growing on me. I’m going to use this tonight before I go to sleep and see if it aids in my rest.
  16. slave1

    Silentium Amoris

    In Bottle: Rose On Skin: While in the bottle the rose seems strongest, on my skin the ylang ylang amps up right away. The rose is super tart and the ylang ylang fades into a lighter, sweeter base note. I think it’s either a white or yellow rose and very fresh. It gives off a green/white note. For fans of rose and rose blends, this is a perfect scent. It is discontinued though I just found out. The throw is quite strong, you will have people thinking there is a rose bouquet in the room somewhere. I see this as a more formal and elegant scent since it stands so straight up and makes itself known. Not a soft rose at all. I don’t like rose scents personlly since they go all “old-lady” on me, so I think I may to pass this one on.
  17. slave1


    In Bottle: Floral and spicy On Skin: I smell cinnamon right off the bat, it gives me the “nose-burn” like it always does. I also smell a bitter floral… others have said lavender, but it doesn’t smell sweet enough to me. I smell hebs again, another medicinal note. I see this as a good scent for inspiration and keeping alert. It is very potent and makes my eyes water a bit. I can say for sure that even though I like the intent of this oil, the actual scent is too much of a turn off. I really, REALLY don’t want to smell like this. Yeah… hmmm… must wash off…
  18. slave1


    In Bottle: Bitter floral On Skin: Rose pure and strong. I’m thinking a pink or yellow rose. Somewhat herbal as well, I smell a medicinal note... quite sharp and minty. I really like the uses for this scent so I may keep an imp of it just for days I need a little “help”, but it’s not a scent I really like the scent of and would wear as a normal perfume. Extreme feminine scent, I can’t picture this on a man at all. Very, VERY strong with quite a bit of throw.
  19. slave1

    Budding Moon

    In Bottle: Floral ginger On Skin: Whew! At first it is super strong and sour. An extreme bright white/yellow scent. This is a floral scent to an extreme. I’m not really into florals so I’m a bit scared off by this Lunacy but I’m going to wait and see how it develops. The notes in this scent I don’t know individually very well, so I can’t really pick out what is dominating other than a floral note. I don’t smell plum, but plum blossom is quite different than the fruit I’m sure. After about 10 minutes, the musk comes forward which helps take the sharpness of the scent down a notch which is very nice. The ginger gives a nice spice and also helps contarts the extreme floral. I am reminded of a florists shop, lots of flowers grouped together and fancy bouquets. The florals are more white and airy though, not thick and syrupy like some flowers like honeysuckle and such can be. A very feminine scent, I don’t see this on a man at all.
  20. slave1


    In Bottle: Woody floral On Skin: The sandalwood jumps off my wrist followed by some extreme florals. This scent is quite strong at first. The rose is quite noticable, a bit tart. The honey is there, but sweetening the background, not the actual dominant notes. After 10 minutes, it still seems to be quite woody and floral, not really me. It also takes on a slightly green note which is pretty and lightens the scent up a bit. This is a very pretty feminine scent. It’s quite heady so I prefer small whiffs instead of breathing it in deeply.
  21. slave1

    Red Lantern

    In Bottle: A non-fruity Sugar Skull On Skin: Ok, so it smelled like a Non-fruity Sugar Skull in the bottle, but when I put it on, wow it morphs! The coconut is in the front and I think it smells a bit dirty, maybe that’s the difference between a normal and black coconut? The caremal sweetens it and makes the scent smell slightly toffee like. The tobacco is very, very light so if you’re worried about that being a strong note, it doesn’t seem to be at all on me. The spices are quite pretty and give a very exotic flair to this sweet scent. The amber provides a nice warm and golden base, holding the scents together but not overpowering them. Overall, an interesting scent but not one of my favorites. It’s a little too soft and subtle for me. I like the in-your-faceness of Smut better.
  22. slave1


    What a great freakin’ word. BPAL LOVES TEH SMUT! Three swarthy, smutty musks sweetened with sugar and woozy with dark booze notes. In Bottle: Sweet musk On Skin: Ok, I love musk and this just boils over with muskiness. Wow sex appeal! Anyone who smells this on you will be panting at your side. The musks are the leading notes for sure, but there is a pleasant warm sweetness as well. That’s the sugar I’m assuming but it’s so sweet it almost smells like a warm vanilla sugar. The booze note is luckily not too boozy. I was worried we were going to get the Sugar Skull 05 booze, but it’s not like that at all. It’s something darker and more mellow. Overall, I love this scent. There is one slight dirty note that I don’t like much, maybe a light patchouli? But it stays in the background so I don’t get to upset with it. After about 15 minutes, the sweetness subsides and it’s mainly just a beautiful skin musk. I can see comparisons to Snake Oil, but it doesn’t have the spiciness that Snake Oil has to me.
  23. slave1


    In Bottle: Toxic fumes On Skin: Yes, that’s a terrible way to start a review, and I hate to say anything like that about a blend of Beth’s… but what is that??? It smells like noxious chemicals to me. After a minute or two, the scent tames itself and a cherry note surfaces. This scent seems to be for so many purposes, and most sound pretty good. I’m going to try it out at work tomorrow and see what happens. As it develops, there is a strong floral, sweet and syrupy. Very pretty, and both golden and purple in feel. I have heard people say jasmine and ylang ylang and I’d have to agree with those guesses. A bit too floral for everyday wear, but like I said, I’m going to try it out for it’s true purpose and intent. EDIT: I wore it today and I didn’t have anything obvious happen to me… but people did seem to be a bit nicer and talkative.
  24. slave1

    La Fée Verte

    A variant on the absinthe theme. Sugared wormwood, hyssop and melissa with calamus, angelica and Dittany of Crete, blended with a Bohemian perfume of vanilla musk, honey absolute and Moroccan spices. In Bottle: A sweet yet sour drink On Skin: Hmmm… I am super excited for this one. I like the original Absinthe scent of Beth’s, but it was never a wearable scent for me. It just didn’t fit me, even though I like it on other people. This blend has the absinthe note, very green and sour… the florals bring an elegant feel, like drinking absinthe in a five star resteraunt. The honey sweetens it just the right amount, but still allows that trademark “tang” to poke through. The vanilla musk is sweet too, but offers a subtle musky base. Finally the spices, they seem more herby than sweet. I smell a bit of a soapy edge to this scent which I’m not to fond of. This is a complex scent and I love to sit here and smell and play with it, but I don’t think I’d wear it too often since it doesn’t quite fit my chemistry and personality. But it could be a special occasion or party scent, it would create great conversation. After an hour it develops into the most delicate and pretty scent. I really do love it. It’s nothing I’d wear every day, but I love how it’s such a different scent for me. I need it for my collection for sure.
  25. slave1


    In Bottle: Sweet patchouli On Skin: Oh no, the patchouli is taking over this one. My skin and patchouli always seem to be at battle. This patchouli is very dark. With the musk and sandalwood, there is a dark woody and smoky note. The plum helps sweeten it a little, but it doesn’t hide the telltale note of patchouli that bugs me. While it is an interesting scent, it’s not one I’d wear. But I do like the mood it creates. After about 15 minutes, the scent starts to melt into my skin better. The patchouli isn’t as strong, but is still more of an incensey blend. I’d really like my husband to try it if he can get past the initial strong patchouli. After an hour, it becomes a beautiful, warm soft scent. WOW! But it only lasts about another hour and vanishes. If this had better throw and longer staying power, I think I’d get a bottle.