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Everything posted by slave1

  1. slave1


    In Bottle: Buttery vanilla mint On Skin: A pretty basic description that fits the scent completely. This is a beautiful vanilla mint, with a heavily buttered base. So many people have compared this to those buttercreme mints and I whole heartedly agree. I used to use my allowance to buy a box of those a week and I am instantly trnsported back in time to greedily digging into a box. They way they’d disolve in my mouth and leave a little of a greasy feeling from the butter. They were so good!! I usually don’t like minty scents, but this one works so well on me. I would love to wear it during the holidays, it’s so festive! It’s delicious! A minty version of Milk Moon, I’d love to have a bottle!
  2. slave1

    Snow Angel

    In Bottle: Minty lemon On Skin: I get a very mentholy note from this one and I don’t see a note that would explain that. The lemon is obvious, pretty and tart. The peach is lighter and more dry, not juicy. The spun sugar is very soft, not an overwhelming sweet note at all, quite nice. I was so excited for a cotton candy scent, but this really isn’t one. It’s fruitier and the menthol makes it a little cold… just like a Snow Angel. The tea gives it a slight herbal edge which is the only solution I can find to the menthol note… but that doesn’t even fit right to me. It smells like Beth’s “snow” note she’s used in several of the Yule blends. The peach comes out a little stronger as the scent develops. Overall, a pretty scent. Quite girly and innocent, like a girly version of Skadi or Snow Bunny. The scent is light, with a light throw. It fades quite quickly.
  3. slave1

    Lump of Coal

    In Bottle: Fudge On Skin: YUM! Yes, yum… but “would I wear this as a perfume” yum? Not really. I have an old bottle of a scent called “Kisses” made by some random company, which smells like Hershey’s Kisses. My husband HATES when I wear it, because it just makes him want chocolate and it annoys the heck out of him since it’s such a tease. Anyway, this is pure sticky ooey-gooey brownies. It even smells warm like they just came out of the oven. It is truly decadent. I also think it would be a good scent for layering. For instance… I have Snowblind on my wrist and Lump of Coal inside my elbow… when I blend them together it’s a lot like Spooky. Very nice!! Or maybe mix it with Kabuki and have chocolate covered cherries! Anyway, a great scent I wouldn’t mind keeping an imp of for special occasions. As it dries down, it does get a bit powdery and not as ooey-gooey.
  4. slave1


    Mars Revisited: Dynamic Energy - Lust - Enthusiasm - Resolution - Courage - Physical Strength - Mental Acuity - Comraderie - Engineering - Any Work With Metals - Victory - Conquest - War - Power - Domination - Military Matters - Daring Deeds In Bottle: Woody On Skin: It smells like fresh cut wood at first. I look back at past reviews and all these people mention cinnamon, a note that almost never works on me, and I don’t smell it in this blend at all… Was my bottle mislabled? I mean seriously, I don’t smell cinnamon or a spice in any shape or form. I can get a slight resin feel from it, maybe Dragon’s Blood, but primarily it is sweet and woody. After about 10 minutes I get a little spice, maybe clove? But nothing overwhelming or overly “spicy”. I get a red feel from this scent from the resin and wood notes, maybe it’s cherrywood? It’s very sweet and I can even smell a little cherry I think. I am excited to try this scent for it’s intended purposes. I need some energy and strength right now. I hope it works!
  5. slave1


    In Bottle: Funky wine On Skin: Ick, in the bottle this was like wine that was “off”. After I put it on my skin, I still get the wine note, but something super medicinal as well. I swear it smells like cough syrup. It is super fruity, but there is something making it quite funky and isn’t really working for me. It is super boozy and I feel a bit drunk just smelling it. It’s a lot more sweet and syrupy than wine now… it’s like a cherry cordial but without the crème. After a drydown of about 15 minutes… it mellows out a bit, but it still quite sickly sweet. I saw the above comparison to Hearth, and in a way I can see that, the cherry tobacco note maybe… but this scent isn’t as woody to me. Right now I’m not left with a great impression of this scent, but I may try it again later to see if maybe my mind will change.
  6. slave1

    Enraged Orangutan Musk

    In Bottle: Thick musk On Skin: This oil is even thick in consistancy, very nice. Super potent musk, a bit animalistic. Very dark and at first quite masculine. The black amber makes it even darker but also gives it a softening edge. The orange peel does not stand out, it’s a slightly tart note hidden in the background. As the scent dries down and develops, it actually becomes a bit more feminine and pretty. There is a clean note as well, a bit soapy. I was scared this scent would be overpowering and full on “animal” but it actually lightens as the scent progresses and has a medium throw that doesn’t overwhelm at all. I sense a skin musk since it does settle into and compliment the skin so well. Gorgeous! Not at all what I expected, I wish I had ordered two!!! Some people have compared this to Smut, but it isn’t very similar at all. It isn’t as sweet and it doesn’t have that dirty note that Smut has. This is much more clean and fresh smelling. Sadly it does fade pretty quick on me, but while I can smell it I love it.
  7. slave1

    Sleepy Moon

    In Bottle: Chamomile and bamboo On Skin: Very fresh, this is nice and uplifting. The last several Lunacies have been that way for me, quite bright and crisp. The bamboo seems strongest at first, freshly cut, nice and green and super fragrant with a tad bit of clean ozone to it. The clean ozone may be the white sandalwood? The poppy, lavender and ylang ylang are soft flroals, not competing with the bamboo too much… more of a compliment actually. As the scent progresses and dries down, the bamboo isn’t as bright and I get the “sleepy” feel… The lavender and chamomile also blend together nice and provide that comforting winding down note. This is a beautiful unique Lunacy, not one I’d wear every day, but I will be keeping my bottle by my bed to help me and relax me when I sleep. It has quite a strong throw, so instead of wearing it, I may make a sachet and scent it with Sleepy Moon to keep by my bed.
  8. slave1

    The Masque

    In Bottle: Sweet carnation On Skin: I smell carnation right off the bat, it is the dominant note and remains that way after hours of wear. A red one to be precise, this scent screams color. Carnation is usually powdery and bitter on me, but the honey in this scent very nicely sweetens it and makes it quite wearable for me. I really like it, which I thought I wouldn’t. I would like to compare it side by side to Alice since I haven’t smelled that scent in a while, but I remember Alice being carnation, but not as sweet as this scent. The clove provides another sweet, but spicy note in the background… it’s not to strong luckily. The incense is another strong note, pretty and warm but not too smoky. This scent has so many levels it’s very hard to describe! I can a little of the patchouli/tobacco/labdanum mix and it gives the scent a heavy headier feel which really works and contrasts the brighter crisper florals. Overall, I get a red/golden feel to this scent, firey indeed but not cinnamon firey, more of a sweet decadent feel. I am in love with this scent and must get another bottle. It’s so unique and complex, a perfect blend again Beth!!!! Sadly... it completely fades after an hour leaving not a trace... I wish it lasted longer...
  9. slave1

    White Light

    In Bottle: Clean and sweet On Skin: This seems like a floral scent, but very sweet and clean. Not cloying flowers. I also smell a very slight spice. I have been using this scent a lot this week because I’m dealing with some very hard times. It has helped clear my mind and keep me grounded. It has also helped keep me optimistic and hopeful. It is a white floral, and although it is light and does fade fairly quickly, while it does last it has a great throw. It is warm and comfortinf and is blended so well it really is hard to pick out specific notes. This has to be one of Beths best scents ever since it works so well and smells so nice while it’s working. I need bottles of this, I am a true believer.
  10. slave1


    In Bottle: Honey floral On Skin: Yay! Honey is the dominant note! I LOVE BPAL honey, it’s my favorite note by far. Here it takes the lead and is sweetened even further by the lotus. The florals are light but compliment the scent well, giving a more feminine feel overall. This scent is sweet but not cloying, a perfect balance. This is what I wanted Honey Moon to be like, but Honey Moon had the herbals which took it one notch down for me. Al-Araaf is so gorgeous, I need more. I don’t love it as much as O or Honey single note, but more than Honey Moon so it’s my 3rd favorite honey scent. After about 15 minutes, there is a slight herbal scent but not as strong as Honey Moon. I wonder where it’s coming from though? The throw is very light (I wish it was tronger darn it), but the staying power is medium.
  11. slave1

    The Ides of March 2005

    In Bottle: Sour herbal On Skin: A very regal blend. I smell elegance and haughtyness right away. The rosemary is the dominant scent, followed by the florals. The vervain strengthens the herbal note. It has a soapy feel at first, clean and bright. The lemon rind is tart and the benzoin helps soften and sweeten it a bit. I’m happy that the lemon hasn’t turned Pledge-like like it normally does, it stays a nice natural citrus and is complimented by the bergamot. The cardamom offers a spicy sharp note. The costus is a light ginger that offers a nice golden contrast to this heavily green scent. The gray amber (also called Ambergris) offers a stable deep base to the scent as a whole. The scent is so well blended and evokes a feeling of Roman times in my mind. I can’t help but feel the luxury of wearing it. A little more masculine than I’d like, but still beautiful. I’m going to try talking my husband into wearing it.
  12. slave1

    Frost Moon

    In Bottle: An aquatic mint On Skin: Oh goody, this seems very unique. I get an instant refreshing pick me up from the first whiff, that’s the eucalyptus and mint. I normally am not a fan of minty scents, but mixed with the sweet lotus they become almost candied mints here. I love this, oh yes, I must find a bottle. It reminds me of peppermint gum since it’s sharp and minty, but also so very sweet and even a little creamy. This scent would smell good on anyone I think, and is gender neutral for sure. It does evoke a chilly and frosty mood, but nothing overwhelming like Vicks Vapor Rub or medicinal at all thankfully (like Numb). It is also very clean smelling and has a slight floral/aquatic note but I can’t pin down the notes that might be causing that. I do smell the traditional lunar oils that I can usually pick out in the Lunacy blends. They seem comforting and soft… Lunacy scents do seem to be my favorite comfort scents and the one thing they almost all have in common are the “lunar oils” so I’m assuming they are ones responsible for that wonderful feeling. This scent is a hit for me, and unlike any other scents I wear often so I like the change. Bravo Beth!
  13. slave1

    Cold Moon

    In Bottle: Sweet candied snow and pine On Skin: What a beautfiul scent! It does slightly remind me of Snow White (which I adore), but it’s a bit more delicate and light. Snow White is a bit more strongly feminine and in your face, where this is a perfect “soft breeze” that just whisps by you and you need to concentrate on it to truly appreciate it. The fern gives a light green tint that makes the scent more alive and bright than a dead of winter scent. There is a pine note as well and some beautiful white florals… and also a hint of berry. The throw is very light and sadly it doesn’t last long on me at all. But it is close enough to Snow White, Ice Queen, Skadi and Snow Bunny that I think I can get the almost the same feeling from those scents in this winter family.
  14. slave1

    Flower Moon 2005

    In Bottle: Floral (shocker!) On Skin: I smell the spring tulip and daffodil right away. Beautiful and bright! Juicy and covered in dew. The violet and daisy provide a softer and more playful side to the scent. Obviously, this is a floral scent. I am reminded of room freshener, candles and bouquets. I think that it goes without saying that for lovers of floral scents, this one is a must. If you mixed this scent with it's sister scent, Milk Moon, I believe ir would form a scent very similar to Chaste Moon and that I would love. On it's own it doesn’t really stand out to me, it’s just kind of a basic floral scent and doesn’t do much for me, but I’m not a big fan of florals either…
  15. slave1

    Wolf Moon 2004

    In Bottle: Light musk On Skin: This scent is so light I can barely smell it! It has a very soft musk and something slightly aquatic, a clean aquatic (not deterngent clean though) since there is not much “scent” to it.. It smells grey or a light blue to me, kind of like the color of a wolves eyes. This scent is quite the shock to me. I imagined something feral and animalistic. But it does fit the winter feel, icy and stark… quiet and still. I love how soft this is, it is a beautiful scent that doesn’t overwhelm in any way shape or form. It has the stature of a wolf, that deserves your respect. A lot of people have mentioned pine, and I do get a very slight pine undertone but nothing that stands out, I wouldn’t call this a woodsy scent. While it is quite pretty, it has little throw and I think I’ll save it for alone time since I don’t think would really be able to smell this on me. I wish it was stronger…
  16. slave1


    In Bottle: Grape and patchouli On Skin: Wowsers the Muscadine grape in this is strong! Very nice! But why oh why does the patchouli have to sneak in and ruin it for me? Both the patchoulis are dark and strong… dirty and raw… a sharp contrast to the sweet and juicy grape. It reminds me of Kali a bit, but a little more dirty. The cereus provides a waxy and slightly sappy floral note, pretty but light. And the nag champa mixes with the patchouli creating the smoky incensey note that finally dominates the scent. The grape remains in second, but turns a little more sour, like wine. An interesting scent. But not quite for me because of the patchouli.
  17. slave1

    The Star

    In Bottle: Sweet and coconutty On Skin: Citrus and coconut. This smells good enough to eat. It smells like and orangey lemon-lime flavored coconut cookie! Or maybe a fruity Pina-Colada! There is a nice green minty note in this as well that is quite invigorating. So bright and sweet! Wow! I would love to know the meaning behind this scent, I don’t remember much about Tartot… This scent is so comforting and inspiring at the same time! It’s like a beautiful scent hug that relaxes me, but then then gives me a push to get off my bum and do something. This is a great scent for the spring or summer that will seem to quench your scent thirst. I need a bottle for sure. And I love that so many of us thought of the Lime in the coke-you-nut sillyness.
  18. slave1

    Red Moon 2004

    In Bottle: Sweet orange On Skin: Oh…my…god… I LOVE THIS SCENT! I seem to always fall for Lunacy blends… Milk Moon is my favorite, followed by Chaste Moon and now Red Moon is beating out Beaver Moon for third. This scent is so bright and juicy. I love that the Dragon’s Blood is noticable but not enough to make this a “Dragon’s Blood scent”. The orange is juicy and tart but sweetened up by the delicious heliotrope. The herbs are fresh but not medicinal, very nice, balanced buy the soft and slightly spicy amber. The florals are also light and complement without interfering. A beauitful red scent, but red in a warm and innocent way, not evil or firelike… Sadly it is a little light in throw, but I still want more of this scent. Anyone have any they want to swap or sell?
  19. slave1


    In Bottle: Cinnamon and musk On Skin: First off it reminds me of Blood Moon. The cinnamon note is actually cardamom and it seems to be the strongest note… I know because as usual, it makes my nose tickle and burn like crazy. I also smell a wicked leather note, very nice. The patchouli provides a dark and drty background but luckily doesn’t over power the scent. The bourbon is light as well, a note that just barely sweeps the scent in a sweet rinse. I do like this scent, like most leather scents, but I really wish the cardamom wasn’t so strong. It really irritates my nose. I’m curiuos to see how others like this on me, and then I can tell them I’m wearing “Spanked”… almost as much fun as “Smut”….
  20. slave1


    In Bottle: Cypress and herbs On Skin: This is quite elegant, the orchid commands it. The currant gives a beautiful slightly fruity note and the myrtle leaf gives a soft herbal veil. The cypress and myrrh give an exotic and colorful feel. This is not an ordinary “womanly” scent. It is sexy uber-femme but very bold with jewel toned overtones. I feel dark purple and dark greek with splashes of gold. The labdanum and poppy further the exotic tone and also make it quite deep and “naughty”. This is what I want to wear when I want to feel elegant and like a full blooded woman. I NEED a bottle of this. ADDED April 21: In Bottle: Orchid floral On Skin: This starts off pure orchid, extreme and quite perfumey. It has a slight plastic note to it… hmm… I’m not sure what floral is causing that. The notes are very sweet, and dark. I feel like in a garden at night, it’s summertime, very hot and humid and the blooms are all open around me. The myrrh gives a nice soft depth and helps make it not “just a floral” blend... the incense feel is so warm and beautiful. This is a pure feminine blend, not masculine in the slightest. The currant is there, but not dominant, it just adds a sweet yet tart fruity note that trickles in and out. I’m not a huge fan of florals, but if I was to wear a floral blend I might wear this one. It’s another I’ll keep my imp of but probably won’t buy a bottle.
  21. slave1


    In Bottle: Berry candy On Skin: Oh… I like this. At first it reminds me of the candies Smarties and Sweet-tarts. That has to be the heliotrope and berry notes. The berry is dry and powdery, not drippy and overripe. The carnation is also in the front, a note I generally don’t like, but here the other notes sweeten it so I can handle it. During the drydown, the amber and musk come forward and darken this girly candy coated scent. Very interesting and it fits the lab description so well. It’s all happiness, cute and sweet and then the dark corruption lies at the base. Personally, I liked it better before the darkness but it was also a more generic scent at that point. Now it has many more levels and intrigue, but it doesn’t quite go with my chemistry as well. The carnation also develops more, which is bad for me. Yes, loved it at first but I think the carnation has ruined it for me.
  22. slave1

    The Sleeper

    In Bottle: Minty jasmine On Skin: Hello jasmine!! An extreme jasmine blend with the second most dominant note being the sharp minty rosemary. The lily is a complementing floral that brightens the scent and gives it a little more of a drippy sweet feel. After about 10 minutes into the drydown, the oakmoss gives a beautiful green but earthy note and the crypt musk is so soft and fuzzy I want to nuzzle it. I love how this scent develops, at first an obvious bright floral then it turns into a blanket of dark velvet blossoms. This is a seductive and slightly naughty floral blend. I think I would wear this whenever I was feeling “darker”. Beautiful!
  23. slave1


    In Bottle: Cinnamon On Skin: This is spicy, it burns my nose right away… I think that is the cardamom even though it seems to have a hint of cinnamon. This scent smells quite exotic and has an Indian feel. The muguet is light, so it doesn’t seem like a floral scent at all, I don’t smell the gardenia either. The sandalwood provides a deep woody base that gives this scent it’s full power. The angelica gives an earth herbal note and the patchouli adds to that of course. I like that the patchouli isn’t too dirty smelling or strong. I don’t smell the mandarin. Overall, a dark scent with a warm overtone. Not really for me but quite interesting nonetheless.
  24. slave1


    The shadowy, fitful scent of nightmare, rife with ill-omen: osmanthus and tuberose over pulsating, heated skin musk, spiked carnation, night phlox and vesper iris. In Bottle: Soft sweet floral On Skin: I love this. A floral I actually am completely falling for, write that down. I was so scared of the tuberose and carnation since both notes generally don’t work on me, but something is sweetening them up. The musk gives it a beautiful depth that makes this “not just another floral”. It has that beautiful sexy raw note musk tends to turn into on me, especially skin musk. So delicious and naughty. While the florals are strong, they don’t drown you are come across too perfumey. This is a scent that will get attention and I’m guessing people will be asking you what you are wearing. I love it, and how even though there is a slighty darker “evil” side to this scent, I don’t feel nightmares or omens from it… it’s too pretty! It also has a slight tropical note to it… something creamy and sweet. I would love to have more of this scent.
  25. slave1

    The City in the Sea

    In Bottle: Tart aquatic. On Skin: Extreme soapy aquatic. It smells like washing your hands with a strong perfumey soap. At first I thought it was quite masculine, that cologne soapy note that make me think “man”, but as it develops it becomes a little more perfumey and feminine, but just slightly. So it is quite gender neutral… The violet and ivy give it an almost magical feel, like an enchanted sea that has you’re not sure what quite lies beneathe the surface. Nothing bad though, this scent is innocent and pretty, not dark or menacing at all like the description would have me believe. It’s also comforting, like clean scents usually seem to be to me. A beautiful crisp aquatic scent that wakes you up but hugs you at the same time.