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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by slave1

  1. slave1


    In Bottle: Soapy floral tea On Skin: Soapy… very soapy. A floral dainty feminine soap. I get rose after a few minutes which is one of those notes that hardly ever works on me. Especially this rose, it’s a very tart and sour tea rose. Eeek… super old lady. This is one of the only scents I’ve ever had to wash off, it really just made me wince. Sorry.
  2. slave1


    In Bottle: Woody musk On Skin: Very deep cherry and a woody musk. The almond gives the entire scent a cherry feel, very sweet. The red sandalwood gives a nice warm woody note while the Egyptian musk coats the scent with a soft velvety layer. The oakmoss is lightest but does allow for a nice fresh note that brightens the scent a bit. The almond fades the quickest allowing the sandalwood and jasmine to come forward more. Very nice and clean. The jasmine actually takes over as the dominant note, a sweet thick floral. This is so beautiful! I would wear this for sure, it feels so feminine, even with the darker notes. You have to like jasmine to wear this though because the jasmine trumps the entire scent, but luckily it has so many layers that it isn’t “just jasmine”.
  3. slave1

    Blue Moon 2004

    In Bottle: Sweet florals and cucumber On Skin: First off, thank you to Kellerbl for this sniffer. I am in love with this scent! Cucumber is the dominant note, yay! It’s one of my favorite notes so I’m a happy camper. I also get sweet florals that sweeten the slightly bitterness of the cucumber. This reminds me of my old favorite Victoria Secret lotion “Tranquil Breezes”. I grew up with that lotion and then it was discontinued right after I got into college. It came back for a while but it’s never been the same. After about 15 minutes, the cucumber starts to fade a little. I smell the aloe coming forward, fresh and crisp. The florals are still standing on their own, gorgeous as can be. I want gallons of this scent, seriously… right now. It reminds me of being a teenager and I loved that scent… cucmbers are just so refreshing and crisp. It’s a perfect spring and summer scent. I hope when Blue Moon comes back in 2007 it will be this same formulation.
  4. slave1

    Sed Non Satiata

    In Bottle: Holy musk and patchouli Batman! On Skin: This is one of the darkest scents I’ve ever smelled. The musk and patchouli are very dominant and smoky. I can smell the honey, the main reason I got this scent… and although it is sweet, it’s like it’s stickiness has snared the musk and patchouli and won’t let them go. They just sit there on top. The tuberrose is light but provides a tart floral note in the background. The cognac is slightly boozy but compliments the honey nicely… sweet and almost syrupy. The description of this scent is perfect… It feels overwhelmingly passionate and sexual… to the point where it’s almost “wrong”. As it develops, yay! The patchouli fades some while the musk covers it. I hated this scent at first, but now I am loving it! For some reason… the scent reminds me of a “darker and spicier” version of La Fee Verte… I smell something sweet and tart in it that is similar, but of course this is a super dark scent compared to the bright green feel of La Fee Verte. I really like this scent, but sadly it fades SUPER quick. Within 20 minutes it’s completely gone. I want to get a bottle, I guess I’ll just have to slather… PS: I didn’t get anything peanut buttery from this…
  5. slave1


    In Bottle: Spicy honey On Skin: In my quest to smell all honey blends, I have come to Athens finally. I do smell the honey right away… and the myrrh. The myrrh really darkens and spices the scent up. This is not the syrupy sweetness of O or Al-Araaf… this is a more soft honey covered in a velvet blanket of myrrh. The red wine also gives it a slight tart note… making it actually quite elegant. The florals are very subtle, so much so that I can’t pick out specific notes. To me this is like a mulled honey wine… not anything I’m too crazy about. I prefer the sweeter more obviously honey, honey blends. I do like it, and will keep my imp, but don’t think I’ll order a bottle.
  6. slave1


    In Bottle: Floral fruity pee On Skin: Yes, you read that right. I smell flowers and sweet fruit and I smell… urine. Not bitter cat pee, but human pee. Scary, yes, but I’ve had a few other scents do this on me and I’ve yet to determine which note is going wonky on me. There is also a sweetness, almost like lotus or heliotrope… that bubblegummy note. The fruits I would guess are plum and maybe melon? I’m sad it’s not working, but I have Yemaya for my melon fix when I need it. It’s very light over all… minimal throw and staying power. I thought I’d love this, but the “pee” note is not going away. It’s off to the swaps.
  7. slave1


    In Bottle: A Jamba Juice smoothie On Skin: I smell the coconut right away… very sweet. Next up is the red apple, I can even smell the peels!! So fresh and crisp! The pineapple and banana jump out too, very tropical and very drinkable! I don’t smell the pomegranate yet, sadly, because I love that note. The sugar cane offers a sweet note as well, but also it has a slight watery note that helps even things out and prevents the scent from being to syrupy. The chili pepper gives a little hello from the back, it’s spicy but not enough to make me sneeze, just enough to give the scent a little more depth and slight warmth. This scent reminds me of the smoothie bar I practically lived at in Cozumel. So juicy and fresh… I must have a smoothie right now!!! And joy, about 20 minutes into the drydown, I smell the pomegranate!!!! Yep, that’s it… right out of Swank. Very nice!!!
  8. slave1


    In Bottle: Super melon! On Skin: I am comparing this to the TAL bottle of Yemaya I have… They both are super sweet honeydew melon, but the Excolo version seems to morph into a less sweet melon with a cucumbery note… sort of herbal. Might that be the mosses? The grapes make it a little more tart, they’re still sweet but have that bite that grapes sometimes do right before they’re perfectly ripe. Also a bit winey… from the grapes of course. I love this scent, so sweet and fruity… it’s making me crave honeydew bigtime! I would love to drink this… Average throw and staying power.
  9. slave1


    In Bottle: Spicy, minty melon On Skin: Interesting! I smell the sweet melon right away, one of my favorite notes ever. I also smell something slightly soapy… hmm… The honey sweetens the mintyness of the gin and juniper but it isn’t overwhelmingly sweet… it’s not that pure honey note I get from O and other honey scents. The chili pepper is there, but very far in the back just adding a tiny pinch of spice. I’m shocked the tobacco isn’t very noticable… usually it becomes a dominant note but here it is very light and doesn’t cast a shadow in the scent at all, it just makes it a little deeper. A beautiful scent and a nice compliment to Yemaya. Very light throw and minimal staying power sadly… it fades within a half hour.
  10. slave1


    In Bottle: Wild fresh rose On Skin: This completely reminds me of my mothers rose gardens she had when I was young and lived at home. It’s not so much a perfumey rose, but the scent of real, fresh roses out in the soil. Earthy and sweet. Quite beautiful… I’d love to use it as a room scent to make me feel like we have fresh roses all the time. Very dry and woody, yet sweet and powdery. Light throw and kind of a short life on my skin. I usually hate rose, but this scent is so sentimental to me, I wouldn’t mind smelling it often. Beautiful work Beth!!
  11. slave1


    In Bottle: Herbal plum On Skin: The plum is quite sweet and seems to be surrounded by some soft florals… maybe cherry blossom. I also get a cherry almondy note from this… I like that it remains quite fruity and doesn’t have spices messing with the mix. There is a bit of a minty herbal note, but it’s so light it just makes the scent a little more refreshing and bright. Overall it is sweet fruit, purple and red in color. The throw is very light and it’s staying power is sadly weak, but I really like this scent. I’d also love it as a candle or room scent. For some reason I always think of plum scents for the house… it’s such a comforting and welcoming scent.
  12. slave1


    In Bottle: Ozoney smoothie smell On Skin: This is quite tasty… I get a very dominant ozone note and also a sweet fruit complimenting note. I smell the Shea from Obatala and I love that… I think maybe that’s what made Obatala so creamy yet refreshing as well. But it isn’t real milky like Obatala, it’s more soapy and slightly woody. Maybe sandalwood? I usually get a sweet soapy note from sandalwood. The herbs are not medicinal, they’re more fresh and bright. This is so nice… if you don’t like how milky Obatala is, this would be your perfect option. They seem to be related quite well… maybe Obatala is the feminine choice and Ochosi is the masculine choice.
  13. slave1


    In Bottle: Dirty plants On Skin: At first I smelled a greenhouse. Moist dirt and plants. I get a slight orange citrus note that brightens and sweetens the scent up nicely. The woods and patchouli are giving the dominant earthy, woody, dirt note. At first I thought it was moist scent, but now the scent turns quite dry and powdery. I think that has to do with the parchment, but also the lavender which always turns powdery on me. Hmmm… the dirt and powder combined just don’t work with my skin. Most patchouli blends just go ick on me, this one included. It’s off to the swaps.
  14. slave1


    In Bottle: Strong perfumey On Skin: Extremely extravagant floral, bright but with a base of darkness. I love it! Very sexy! It is slightly sour… in the floral notes, but the copal, labdanum and tonka sweeten it right up and give it the perfect base. This is very perfumey, not a light or subtle scent at all. The heliotrope gives a very *slight* bubblegummy note, but nothing sickly sweet. I think this blend is gorgeous. I put this in the same family as Venom, Perversion and Voodoo Queen… dark but also slightly sour and heady. Not incensey at all like Voodoo Queen… but that beautiful pungent beginning that screams seductive woman. It morphs into it’s own scent which means I need a bottle of this as well. Strong throw but it does fade quicker than I’d like…
  15. slave1


    In Bottle: Foody musk On Skin: At first, this reminds me of “Sugar Cookie meets Smut”. It is foody, but a bit less sweet than Sugar Cookie. As it dries it becomes a bit yeasty, it reminds me of bread. I smell something smoky… I’m going to have to agree with Sarah (above) that some of the notes must be tobacco, vanilla, and musk. I smell the musk from Smut… very dark and resinous. The vanilla sweetens it up and the tobacco gives it that gritty smoky note. Hmmm… another morphing moment. I’m getting root beer… actually… a rootbeer float! Maybe ginger beer? That could be it... because I do get that ginger feel. Interesting! I think there might be some leather in this scent as well… and also cocoa… but not overly chocolate, just that sweet powdery note I can smell in other cocoa scents. The rootbeer moment goes away and it becomes a nice cocoa/musky/vanilla scent with a slightly dirty incensey background note. It’s foody but not overly sweet. I like it, but still think Voodoo Queen is my favorite. 2 hours later: Much sweeter, there has to be vanilla in this and it has come to the front. I still get an echo of the “rootbeer float”. Delicious, I love this even more as it progresses.
  16. slave1

    Doc Buzzard

    In Bottle: Dark and woody On Skin: This is the darkest scent I have ever smelled. It’s very masculine and woody… most woody scents scream “man” to me. The wood is a dry and piney type, not sweet and soft at all. I also smell a sharp herbal note… maybe mint or something fresh like that. I also smell a spicy incense and something smoky… this would actually make a very nice incense scent. I love that although it is dark, the herbal note provides a beam of light refreshment that cuts right through… very interesting! This has a very strong throw, a little goes a long way. Also, I agree with Sheldoo, this is the counterpart to Voodoo Queen, they work together perfectly!! To me they’re a masculine and feminine pair… I’ll wear Voodoo Queen and my hubby can wear Doc. A gorgeous blend once again!! 2 hours later: The wood has lightened up and softened suprisingly, and I get a slight soapy feel… I’m thinking there may be sandalwood in this? Still a beautiful incense note that blankets the scent perfectly.
  17. slave1

    Voodoo Queen

    In Bottle: Slightly pickle-esque On Skin: Oh yeah… this reminds me of Venom slightly… which reminds me of Dior Poison. I LOVE this!!!! Venom was one of my favorite BPAL blends and I was so sad when it was discontinued. This isn’t exactly Venom… but in that family. Only musk darker and spicier. It has a dark incense or resin base… very deep and slightly dirty… maybe a type of patchouli? The scent is very dry and powdery which I usually don’t like, but here it works perfectly. It also has a nice velvety soft note in the background, a very good base. I also think I catch a hint of clove which again, I normally don't like but it works here. I love the name of this… I was looking forward to this one the most of the Convergence blends. This scent is amazing… I must have more!! Sexy Voodoo Queen!!! 2 hours later: A sexy, exotic resinous blend with a touch of incense. Next day realization: I also think this scent reminds me of Perversion… wheras Perversion turns more leathery, Voodoo Queen turns more incensey. But they both start with the beautiful perfumey almost pickley note.
  18. slave1


    In Bottle: Soapy incense On Skin: This is quite interesting… I do get a hot desert, isolated and stumbling amongst ruins. Elegant and foreign, alone and overwhelmed. Very masculine, but freaking gorgeous. I am demanding my husband try this scent. I love how powerful it is, so regal. A scent for the king of the desert. The incense is light, not dominant at all. I get a more woody ozoney note as the front man. It’s also quite perfumey… or since it’s masculine… cologne like. It’s beautiful, if my husband likes it, I’m buying him a bottle.
  19. slave1


    In Bottle: Woody musk On Skin: The elm bark is the dominant note. It’s a very earthy wood, not clean or soft… more sharp and dirty. The amaranth is slightly nutty and the herbs are spicy but soft. The musk is quite nice and probably my favorite note in the scent. It’s a velvety musk, not harsh and it helps soften the elm bark. Overall, this scent seems more masculine to me than feminine so I don’t think I’d wear it, but it is quite pleasant to smell. An interesting scent to place with Odin, I love Beth’s representations.
  20. slave1


    In Bottle: Extreme aquatic ozone On Skin: Super soapy. I smell Irish Spring or something ovely soapy pungent like that. Don’t get me wrong, it’s very fresh and clean, but it’s a bit overwhelming for me. If you like aquatic or ozone scents, try this one for sure. Personally, they seem super masculine to me, so I think I’ll be swapping this one. This scent is very pretty, and the sharpness wakes me up. I would love to use it as a linen spray because it reminds me of dryer sheets a bit as well.
  21. slave1


    In Bottle: Soft incense On Skin: A beautiful soft and clean woody incense. I’m thinking sandalwood since it’s so sweet. It’s a light scent with very little throw. I like the description because it is so calming and mellow. I could see this as harmony and bliss very easily. I can’t really pull out many specific notes other than the sandalwood, there might be a light resin in here too because I’m getting that trademark velvety softness… maybe amber? I get a soft golden white feel from this, nothing dark or bright… muted actually. A beautiful soft scent to help you relax but sadly it only lasts a little while.
  22. slave1

    Frumious Bandersnatch

    In Bottle: Spicy plum bubblegum On Skin: Wow! This is spicy! A very sweet spice, the carnation I think. This is what sadly ruined Alice for me. Carnation always goes hogwild on my skin and it’s a note I don’t care for. I got this not only for the name and context, I am an Alice in Wonderland finatic… but for the plum, I LOVE plum. Like I said, it’s spicy and sweet… almost like a soft cinnamon bubblegum (not anything harsh like Big Red or Dentyne). The musk gives the scent a nice soft and warm bed to lie on, and the chrysanthemum adds to the dainty floral blend. The plum is there, but its light and very dry… a bit powdery, this isn’t a juicy plum at all. The scent has a deep purple feel, with a little burgandy. I also get a candle feel from this, I’d love to have this as a candle in my living room, it’s so comforting and warm. I wouldn’t wear this I don’t think, since it does really smell like a candle or potporri, but it’s still a nice fragrance.
  23. slave1

    The Mock Turtle's Lessons

    In Bottle: Apple martini On Skin: From the bottle to the skin a lot changes. It’s no longer an apple martini. The mint kicks in right away and along with the lime is very sharp and tart. I also get a strong tea note, which isn’t listed in the description. The scent is very light, I really have to breathe in to smell it. The aquatice are there, but not soapy, just a little watery that helps dilute the tea note I smell. The apple has faded into the back, it isn’t a fruity scent at all on me. There is also a soft musky note in the background, not standing out, but giving a nice base. I don’t smell the iris… hmm… Overall this is a sweet minty tea, very light… and it’s staying power is very minimal. It faded to almost nothing in about an hour.
  24. slave1


    In Bottle: Soapy floral On Skin: Wow! This is strong. I am looking at the description, and I have no idea why I ordered a full 5ml bottle. I’m not a big fan of florals, and the only thing I see in the description that might have grabbed me is “sticky, glowing golden, sweet and terminally inviting scent.” I guess I thought “Honey” right away from that… and this scent is not honey at all. It’s a super strong soapy floral, very clean and sharp and slightly citrusy… either lemon or grapefruit. It wakes me up right away, like a beautiful spring morning when your windows are open and the sun is streaming in and the flowers outside are opening and their dewy scent is filling the air. The scent is golden for sure, with a slightly green and white undertone… that’s the crisp part. I would love to use this as a linen spray or room scent. It’s not really something I’d wear, but I’d love to come home to it.
  25. slave1

    Peony Moon

    In Bottle: Soft floral On Skin: The peony is very strong, I thought this would be a lighter blend for some reason. The plum blossom offers a sweet compliment and the water reeds are a very watery and slightly aquatic note. I get no woods from this that I can detect. This is a very true floral blend, a little overwhelming for me. This is a great scent for Spring, or a garden party because you’ll blend in nicely with the fresh blooms around you. Very feminine, I could never picture this on a man. This is a pink scent… a floral pink, not a sweet candy pink. As it dries down, it becomes a bit like a floral soap. Both the throw and staying power and strong. It’s not really my thing though since I’m not crazy about strong florals, I may keep an imp and swap the rest. Also, a side note… are there Lunar Oils in this blend? I don’t seem to smell them and that’s usually my favorite part of the Lunacys.