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Everything posted by slave1

  1. slave1

    Chaos Theory II : The Butterfly Effect

    CHAOS THEORY XIV In Bottle: Floral baby lotion On Skin: At first this smells like Johnson and Johnson Baby lotion with a light floral mixed in. Then the florals become much stronger. I get a bit of honeysuckle and jasmine. I also smell a light herbal note in the background that gives a green feel to the already very colorful scent. The herb may be mint since it’s crisp and fresh, but it is a background note and the florals overwhelm it. There is something very faintly resin or musky in the background as well, just soft enough to give it a bit of a sweet base. This stays pretty consistant through the dry down. Floral baby lotion. It’s not really me, but I don’t dislike it either. The throw is light as is the lasting power… it faded within an hour. Previously reviewed by Aurelius. CHAOS THEORY II The Butterfly Effect CCXXVII In Bottle: Fruit and nuts On Skin: This has a sweet fruity note, melon I think. There is also a nutty tone, something very autumn like. It’s an interesting mix, I usually get a spring or summer feel from melon, but here it is like fall, darker and mellow. I also smell a floral although it’s light, lily maybe? This is so neat! It’s not like any BPAL scent I’ve smelled before. Sweet and pretty with a dark undertone. The throw is VERY light and it also fades quickly. Too bad, because I love this scent! CHAOS THEORY II: The Butterfly Effect CCXCI In Bottle: Sweet overly ripe fruit On Skin: First notes I get: berries, tea and cake. This is a sweet foody blend, yum! I smell a mix of berries and a light tea note, almost like an iced berry tea drink. There is also a heavier foody note in the background, I say cake because it does feel edible, fluffy and soft. This scent is so light, I have to slather it on because I love it and really want to smell it. The notes are mixed together so well it really is hard to pick them out each individually, so I just say it’s a fruity dessert cake. Maybe even with a little homemade whipped cream on top. Beautiful! As the scent develops I get a stronger vanilla feel, and even a VERY faint Milk Moon undertone… not buttery at all, just milky creamy. I LOVE this scent!!! I wish I had a bottle! Wear length is light to average.
  2. slave1

    Temple: Celtic

    In Bottle: Beautiful aquatic floral On Skin: This is a gorgeous scent right off the bat. I get a bit of sweet melon, something green and fresh maybe cucumber, and also a watery ozone note. This does remind me a bit of Blue Moon but not as sweet. As the scent develops it becomes a nice healthy floral. Robust and blooming but not overwhelming. The perfect amount of fresh flowers. In the background I get a little of a herbal minty note that makes it even more fresh. This scent has a very blue-green feel. I really love this scent, I would love a bottle. I’m adding it to my wishlist. Average throw and average wear length.
  3. slave1

    Nine Mysteries

    In Bottle: Minty and fruity On Skin: Peppermint right away, very crisp and clears my sinuses. I get the after-dinner-mint thing too. There seems to be a tart citrus note as well, but it's in the backgound and very light, but it ads to the clean and sharp feel of this scent. This is so interesting! This is a scent that really wakes me up and invigorates. It is also a bit sweet. I get a soft floral, nothing sickly sweet or cloying at all. After the scent develops, I get a very light lilac or violet note that other people on the forum have mentioned as well. It’s not really my kind of scent, but I’d love to use it as aromatherapy because it really does pep me up and clear my sinuses. Throw is strong, wear length is average.
  4. slave1

    Graveyard Dirt

    In Bottle: Pure dirt On Skin: Like Zombi, I get fishtank water from this. Dirt and ozone. After about 5 minutes, it turns into pure dusty dirt. That’s it. Super earthy, slightly moist but also crumbly and dusty. I feel like I’ve been gardening. I like the smell, but it’s nothing I’d ever wear as a fragrance or use as a room scent. I actually don’t know what I’d use it for, as a novelty I guess. It’s simple and straightforward. Dirt. I get a very *slight* whiff of the moss, it makes the dirt a little fresher if that makes any sense. An interesting scent, average throw and short wear length.
  5. slave1

    June Gloom 2004

    In Bottle: Tart citrus On Skin: Very lemon Pledge at first. Sweet yet also tart but sadly quite artificial smelling... Now it’s more like LemonDrops, not chemically like Pledge (yay, happy that phase passed quickly). If I inhale too long it does give me a headache though. The throw is very strong at first. This is so very NOT gloomy, I find that quite fun. It’s one of my favorite descriptions ever. I don’t really get mist or rain from it, I don’t smell anything wet or ozoney at all. There is a light floral in the background as well. It’s pretty, but not me at all. The throw is strong and wear length is pretty good.
  6. slave1

    Stargazer Lily

    In Bottle: Sweet lily On Skin: This is gorgeous. I love the smell of lilies, they’re one of my favorite flowers. While I’m not a big fan of florals, I seem to like most scents with lily. This lily is deep, sticky sweet, very clean and white. It smells quite feminine and elegant. After about 10 minutes the scent turns a little, there is a slight tart sourness. I think it brings a bit of green to the scent. This does smell very realistic, like there’s a big vase of lilies in the room. I do prefer it in blends though, it’s not a scent I’d wear often on it’s own. It does remind me just slightly of Black Lily, but I love the sweet creaminess of Black Lily that this one doesn’t have. Fairly strong throw and average wear length.
  7. slave1

    D'Anjou Pear

    In Bottle: Pear candy On Skin: This is the single note I’ve been most excited about. But… it doesn’t really smell like pear to me, it smells like pear candy. You know how cherry candy never really smells like real cherries, or banana candy never smells like real bananas? That’s the case here. This is really sweet, it almost smells like there’s vanilla in it. There is a slight tart pear peel note to it, but it’s overpowered by the sweeter note. But… as the scent develops (insert happy grin here) it actually starts to smell like a real pear!!! Yes!!! Now I can get that scent triggered “taste” in my mouth, perfect! I love it! I’m so happy it morphed!! It’s so unique, I can’t think of any perfume that has this as it’s dominant note… Beth, could I beg you for a STRONG pear scent blend? Very light throw and short wear length.
  8. slave1


    In Bottle: Freshly cut pineapple On Skin: This is the most realistic SN I’ve smelled I think! Well, at least it was in the bottle. When I smell it on my skin, it turns a little softer and… creamy. Yes, creamy which is not what I would expect from pineapple. It started tart and acidic, but then it sweetens up and becomes more deep and creamy, like a pineapple pudding. After about 10 minutes, it starts turning a little plastic on me. That is so weird, and sadly is really ruining the scent. I can smell the pineapple but the plastic mote makes it really artificial. And it doesn’t smell like the pineapple in Baba Yaga… odd. A medium throw and short wear length.
  9. slave1


    In Bottle: Sweet and powdery On Skin: I am so excited for this one. Wow! Fig actually reminds me of pomegranate just not as juicy and a bit darker whereas pomegranate is bright. This one is instantly powdery, but very sweet and yummy. It also seems to have a very slight spice. It also smells like a fruity chapstick or lipgloss, slightly artificial sadly. This single note doesn’t wow me like most of Beth’s SN’s do. It’s kind of… blah. Sorry! I do recognize the note from several other BPAL scents though, so it’s neat to have this imp since it really defines the fig in other blends now. The throw on this is super light and the scent fades very quickly.
  10. slave1


    In Bottle: Sweet fall fruits On Skin: I get sweet wine and berries right off… hmmm… cherries I think since I get a bit of that almond extract note as well. There is a beautiful rich spice in the background, not overwhelming though luckily. I’ve seen comparisons to Alice which I don’t understand at all. This is sweet and fruity whereas Alice is pure carnation on me. I also get a tea note… like a fruit tea. After a little more dry down, I get a dark mulled apple cider. Yum! I love how this morphs, I would LOVE to have more of this, what a treat!! I also start to get the sweet grains, reminding me of Dana Oshee in an odd way, but darker and deeper. I also get a very slight soft incense note, beautiful!!! A great blend!! Light throw, average wear length.
  11. slave1


    In bottle: Sweet fruit On skin: This is so sweet and delicious, oh my! It’s very candy like, not the tart ripe scent I expected. It’s also juicy and syrupy… like a pomegranate reduction. This is one of my favorite fruit scents yet. I can pick this note out of Swank even easier now.As it dries down, it takes on a powdery tone, but I still love it. I would really love a bottle of this… but the two imps I have will have to do for now. By the way, this layered with Apricot SN is to die for…. I made my own blend!
  12. slave1


    In Bottle: Cold aquatic rose On Skin: The first thing I smell is rose… yellow rose. There is also a brisk cold aquatic note, I wish I knew exactly what it was. This scent has a very sour and upsetting feel to it. I also get white, light yellow and icy blue tones from this. While at first the scent doesn’t seem cruel to me, the description did bias me and I am starting to get a negative feel. The roses turn more sour and bitter as the scent dries down. This is not a scent I’d wear… mainly because I don’t really like rose fragrances, but also because it just feels like a tainted scent from the description. There is no warmth here, there is no happiness… it is a scent of sadness and loss. There is a very light herbal note in the background that helps add to it’s crisp iciness. I think if you’re a rose fan you must try this since it is quite different from Beth’s other rose blends. Throw is strong and so is the wear length.
  13. slave1


    In Bottle: Spicy carnation On Skin: This smells exactly like a carnation. I am transported back to grade school where we would have an event that was a party of some sort, and the only flowers they would have on the tables were carnations. Of course we took them home afterwards and the flowers would last forever. They were always dyed silly colors like green for St Patricks Day. This is a dead on scent, wow. It also reminds me of the carnation scratch and sniff stickers I had when I collected them. Remember the round scratch n’ sniff stickers? I remember clearly having one in my piano book because I got them for good lessons. Anyway, back to the point… this has the clove sweet and spicy carnation trademark. Carnations are probably one of my least favorite flowers and I’m not fond of anything spicy, so this scent doesn’t do much for me, but again I like to collect SN’s to use as reference when I review other blends. The throw on this is strong at first but fades lightning quickly. Wear length is fairly short.
  14. slave1

    Hymn to Proserpine

    In Bottle: Honey fruit On Skin: This is so dark and delicious… the beautiful deep resinous golden feel of the amber, sweetend by overly ripe fruit. I’m thinking berries and apples. So delicious and such a different feel for fruit! This is not a smoothie drink scent or a garden of fruit, or anything like that… this is a dark room with velvet drapes and comforters and a big plate of fruit that’s been waiting to be eaten for a while… a little overly sweet and ripe but still edible and not spoiled. I really like it for the most part, but after about a half hour of drydown, I get something a little “off”… kind of like “wet dog”. Not sure what’s causing that but luckily this scent fades pretty quick and leaves behind just a resinous fruity aftertone. Light throw and short wear length.
  15. slave1


    In Bottle: Lemon and herbal floral On Skin: This is beautiful, a very feminine perfumey blend. I picture all the flowers and a cute little bat sucking nectar from them… all while a beautiful woman watches. This is so pretty, and normally I’m not a huge fan of florals. But the way they belnd together so perfectly in this scent is beyond amazing. Wow, I wish I had gotten a bottle of this. The lemon is just tart enough to help balance the heavy sweetness of the honeysuckle. The herbs give a very fresh twist and the evening flowers bring a slight duskiness to the scent, so beautiful and not too bright. This is a feminine scent without a doubt, perfect to wear to a formal event or even a nice date out on the swingset. Light throw and sadly, a fairly short wear length.
  16. slave1

    Sweet Clove

    In Bottle: Pure potent clove On Skin: Spicy and very sweet, I’m instantly reminded of the holidays. My mother cooks a lot with cloves and this reminds me of a German Saurbraten she makes with a gravy heavily spiced with cloves. It smells pleasant enough, but I’m not a big fan of clove, it’s a bit overwhelming and I don’t like it as a fragrance. But still, I’m collecting the Single Notes to help identify each note in Beth’s beautiful blends so it was great to try this one.
  17. slave1


    In Bottle: Fruity Pebbles cereal On Skin: This completely smells like Fruity Pebbles or Trix cereal. It has an artificial sweet fruity note that screams those cereals at me. The orange blossom is strongest folowed by the white tea which gives a tart zing to the scent. The pepper is there for sure, it made me wrinkle my nose like it always does, how funny. The kumquat… well… um… ok, I’ve never smelled a kumquat so I have no idea if I smell it or not in this scent. Overall, this scent is perfect as Tweedledee, it’s so frisky and cute. It’s a very different blend for Beth and it’s fun to see her traveling down new roads. I would wear this at a party or somewhere fun since I know it would spark conversation. Average throw and wear length.
  18. slave1

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    In Bottle: Heaven! Er… I mean vanilla and sweet pea On Skin: First off, someone at the lab loves me, they upgraded my 5ml to a 10ml, so I thank whatever sweetheart did that!!!! This scent is GORGEOUS! So innocent and girly, a light baby pink. It reminds me slightly of Juliet but the sandalwood gives it a clean woody note and the vanilla gives it sweet depth. The amber also helps give it a velvet resinous feel, oh my it really is heaven. This is so comforting, I feel instantly cute and girly, like I should be wearing a little frilly dress with corkscrew curls in my hair. Like Juliet, it also has a *slight* Love’s Baby Soft feel to it… but so much better and deeper. I almost always like vanilla scents, and sweet pea generally makes me squishy inside as well… top that off with amber and sandalwood and no wonder I LOVE this scent. I’m so happy I have a 10ml of it, it will be going to good use for sure!! Average throw and wear length.
  19. slave1

    Drink Me

    In Bottle: Fruit and cream On Skin: Food, it smells like a bunch of food, and they all meld together perfectly. It makes me hingry right away. I get butter right off the bat, then pineapple… the custard is thick and sweet, the toffee blends well with the butter… Yum! I smell it all, except the turkey which keeps me quite the happy camper. The pineapple comes more to the front, very juicy and slightly tart. This scent is so complex and keeps morphing, I have to say this is one of Beth’s most brilliant blends yet! While it isn’t something I’d like to smell like very often, it really does smell good and comforting. I think I’d love to use it as a room fragrance and as aromatherapy to help me feel “homey”. After the drydown, the toffee and toast are strongest. Sweet and buttery… so nice. Average throw and wear length.
  20. slave1

    Eat Me

    In Bottle: Angelfood Cake On Skin: YUM! Well of course it is, can a description be any more tasty? This is pure and simple cake. Not the frosting, but the actual cake which is why it reminds me of Angel’s Food since I usually eat that plain. The vanilla is strong and creamy, but I barely smell the currants. This is a great foody blend but it isn’t heavy or overwhelming, it’s so much more gentle and soft. The throw is VERY light, I think I will be slathering this scent, good thing I ordered a 10ml right off the bat without even a sniff test. The currants do come out more in the drydown… but even then they’re light, not juicy or syrupy at all. A gorgeous yummy scent, I just wish it had more throw and wear length.
  21. slave1

    Dragon Moon 2006

    In Bottle: Cherry blossom On Skin: Oh, this is sweet and springlike! The cherry blossom and tea lea are the dominant notes. A very bright, warm, and fresh floral! I think the tea and bamboo give it a very crisp clean feel, while the cherry blossom and Dragon’s Blood help sweeten it a bit. The sandalwood is so light, just enough to give it a clean woody base. This has a very Aisan feel to it, similar to Holiday Moon but with a red tone from the Dragon’s Blood. I’m happy the Dragon’s Blood isn’t stronger, it actually is much lighter than expected. The throw is vert strong and so is the staying power, a little goes a long way. This scent really wakesme up and is quite stimulating to the senses. I like how elegant it feels, I may wear this on special occasions. Edit: While wearing it again, I get a fresh citrus note as well... hmm... very pretty and bright.
  22. slave1

    Hymn to Pan

    In Bottle: Herbal cola On Skin: This kind of reminds me of the Lime in the Coke you nut… a tart citrus with a sweet syrupy cola note and a brisk herbal background. Very fresh, and it is a very unique scent that actually does seem to get my juices flowing. I sat up in my chair and felt more alert. I think I might wear this the next time I DJ and see what creativity hits me… I know it’s not supposed to be worn, but I can’t really have a candle in the DJ booth. I will also try it out here at home the next time I sit down to do some sewing and see where it takes me.
  23. slave1


    In Bottle: Floor cleaner On Skin: This smells quite noxious at first, eek! I smell industrial grade floor cleaner. Very bright, lemon or some citrus. Also a slighty deep spicier scent in the background. Also pine… very sharp and bright. This scent wakes you up, but gives me a headache in minutes. I’m not sure if I’d want a candle to scent my room with this, but…. I really want to see if it will help me tie up some loose ends in my life. Maybe end a few things so I can begin new things. We’ll see…
  24. slave1


    In Bottle: Clean powder. On Skin: This scent is super dry and powdery as well, but more clean than floral. There is a slight ozone note that gives it an outdoorsy and detergent-like scent. I get greenish white from this, alive and bright. Maybe a light pine as well? I really want to use this on a candle because I’ve been dealing with someone slandering and harassing me for over a year. Wouldn’t it be nice if an oil could make it stop? Either way, it’ll hopefully help me “shake off the negative effects of other’s peoples sniping” even if it doesn’t stop them from continuing to do it.
  25. slave1


    In Bottle: Sweet resinous floral On Skin: This scent is very powdery and I smell rose at first. There is also a resinous background, amber or myrrh. I like that it is sweet, but the slightly tart rose note does turn me off a bit. My husband doesn’t like rose scents either so I’m not sure if he’ll like this. It’s very feminine and I do think it’s pretty. I may annoint a candle with it and see if that helps… but on my skin the rose is just amped too much.