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Everything posted by slave1

  1. slave1

    The Agony of Heartache

    THE AGONY OF HEARTACHE In Bottle: Medicinal and fruity On Skin: Wow, this one is strong. The sage comes to the front, very minty and a bit medicinal in feel. The patchouli also offers an earthy planty feel. The lemon blossom and lime rind are tart and meet the sharpness of the sage headon and battle for the top spot. Sage wins. Very interesting scent, but there’s one catch that kills it for me. Blackberry. It seems blackberry and blackcurrant love to turn super funky on me… and that super funk is the smell of cat pee. So again, here it happens as usual. The scent has completely turned to cat pee on me. It crushes me, but at least I know what notes to always avoid. Super strong throw and long wearlength.
  2. slave1

    The Agony of Longing

    THE AGONY OF LONGING In Bottle: Fruity rose On Skin: I am very excited for the pear in this but very worried about the rose. The sharp and sour rose is strongest by far. It screams out so those of you who love rose, this should be to your liking. The pear is sweet but very light in the background. It’s sweeteness melts with the violet and I like their mix. The other florals are also faint in comparison. It is also slightly earthy. Overall this is a floral scent for sure and very heavy in the rose department which means it doesn’t work on me. Rose just makes me feel like I smell like an old lady and I hate that… Still, I am happy I got to try this scent. Heavy throw and long wearlength.
  3. slave1

    The Ecstasy of True Love

    THE ECSTASY OF TRUE LOVE In Bottle: Dirty floral On Skin: The patchouli comes out full force in this and it’s the patchouli that is not my friend (not the type of patchouli that’s in Schwarzer Mond that works on me). This is the patchouli that smells like dirt on me. Second in line is the florals, they’re heavy and sweet which luckily help balance the dry dirty tone of the patchouli. The mandarin is a light orangey note, not too strong. I finally start smelling the peach blossom and that is my favorite part, so sweet and fresh! But sadly the peach blossom is trumped by the carnation which finally along with the patchouli take over the scent. Carnation is very bitter on me and combined with the dirtlike patchouli, this scent just doesn’t do it for me. Medium throw and average to long wearlength.
  4. slave1

    The Ecstasy of Passion

    THE ECSTASY OF PASSION In Bottle: Spicy and musky On Skin: Yum… reminds me of Smut right away. This wa the one blend I was hoping most for and couldn’t wait to review. I smell the red musk most, very dominant followed by clove which isn’t one of my favorite notes, but I like the spice it adds here. I also smell the gorgeous resins… some of my favorite notes in scent blends. The Bourbon vanilla is creamy and sweet but at first gives a slightly plastic scent, but luckily fades into pure sweetness that helps balance the spice. If you like Smut, you will love this scent. It’s a little more spicy and not as full on musk as Smut, but it’s in the same ballpark. Very sexy, very dark and very beautiful. I’d wear this for sure and hope that when my Inquisition arrives that I do indeed get Passion. It has a pretty heavy throw and long wearlength.
  5. slave1

    The Ecstasy of Infatuation

    The Ecstasy of Infactuation In Bottle: Citrus Floral On Skin: I was first worried about this scent, citrus and florals are usually not my favorite. But this scent is beautiful! I can smell the grapefruit right away, it dominates but the black cherry sweetens it. The florals are soft and and also help meloow out the scent. The lemon verbena remains in check which is very good since it usually amps on me. The white musk is clean and velvety. I swear I smell a bit of tea too. This scent has a very light pink and yellow feel. Warm but subtle. It is very feminine and pretty. My only complaint is that it is too light and fades in just minutes. Still a gorgeous scent that I keep leaning in to sniff on myself. Light throw and very short wearlength.
  6. slave1

    Dark Delicacies

    DARK DELICACIES In Bottle: Dark floral On Skin: First off, I’m not the biggest fan of florals. But this one is GORGEOUS! Oh my, it really is a perfect scent for me. Dark, elegant, womanly… it is a drop dead sexy scent. I love it! And it came in this cute little BPAL bag. Ok, the notes… I smell the orchid right away very regal and in command. The smoky resins give it the dar edge but are not overwhelming at all. It’s the perfect balance. The patchouli even works on me which is another happy surprise. The tonka is the right amount of sweetenss and the coconut is not rich and creamy, it’s more subtle but still gives a slightly exotic tropical note that compliments with the orchid beautifully. I am in love with this scent and it will be the first one I reach for when I’m in a floral mood. For other scared of florals, give this one a try. It’s such a sinister floral scent, not the typical overly perfumey kind you might be frightened of. The resins and frutiness of the scent tame the florals and keep them in check. It has a strong throw at first but mellows out a bit and a medium wearlength.
  7. slave1

    The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil

    In Bottle: Boozy caramel On Skin: YUM!!! Oh my goddess, this is beyond droolworthy. It is led by the caramel, so swet and delicious but not overwhelming or sickly. It loves my skin and becomes a favorite scent right away. You have a hit here Beth, yum… yum and more yum! It’s like a sexier version of Misk U or a more subtle version of Red Lantern. It’s not as boozy as Red Lantern and seems to be more seductive where Red Lantern is more sleazy (in the most wodnerful way of course… I love Red Lantern). The other notes come out and keeps this from being a foody scent. Yeah that sounds weird, but seriously it doesn’t seem all that foody to me. Yes it’s strong with caramel, but the other notes tame it and give it so many levels. The patchouli gives a dark resinous base with gorgeous sandalwood creating a woody mix. The carnation and iris, two notes which usually don’t work on me, are sweetened up by the caramel, vanilla and benzoin. It is actually a very sexy and exotic scent and makes me want to lean in and smell myself over and over again. The notes seem strong at first, but the blend actually mellows out quite quickly and becomes soft and subtle on me. So I’d say it has average throw and short to average wearlength. I LOVE this scent!!!
  8. slave1


    CHINTAMANI-DHUPA In Bottle: Woody incense On Skin: This is earthy and very much incensey. I’s a ligth incense, nothing dark and overwhelming and it is very Indian in feel for sure. The honey sweetens the scent but does not give off the signature BPAL honey SN scent. This scent may be a little too earthy for me, mixed with the woody pine and bark it just seems very outdoorsy to me. The sandalwood offers a nice clean note that makes the scent a little masculine to me. All in all it smells like incense to me. I’d love it as a room scent but I don’t it’s one I’d really wear myself and I don’t think it feels sexy at all so sadly it doesn’t quite fit the description for me. It has a light to medium throw and average wearlength.
  9. slave1

    Death Adder

    DEATH ADDER In Bottle: Vetiver On Skin: Let me start off by saying Snake Oil is one of my favorite scents ever. I was very excited for all the notes in this blend except the vetiver. Sadly, the vetiver amps like crazy on me. I get an overwhelming earthy dirt note from this, wow. It just overtakes the scent on me. I get a little bit of a Schwarzer Mond feel from this scent (yay opoponax!!) after about 10 minutes and my attitude improves because I adore that scent. The sweet resins start to come more forward and I can finally smell a bit of coconut. The coconut is very much black coconut, not sweet or caramelized coconut like some people might expect. It has that fresh coconut meaty smell, not very sweet at all. The vanilla comes out and helps even the scent out. I don’t really like this scent until about 15 minutes into drydown and then it just gets better and better. It’s a scent I want to try and age for sure since my aged Snake Oil is one of my prized scents. It starts out with a very, very, very strong throw and long wearlength although the scent becomes much more light and tame after about a half hour.
  10. slave1


    VASAKASAJJA In Bottle: Sexy floral On Skin: The orchid stands out the most on me. Regal and freaking gorgeous. I love orchids and they are one of my favorite flowers. This scent is very feminine and very sweet. It is almost cloying, but never steps over that line, yay! The skin musk is soft and velvety and makes me want to nuzzle my wrist as usual… it always has that effect on me. The vanilla mixed with the orchid gives almost a gardenia feel to me, that beautiful milky floral. The scent has a tropical feel to it, lush florals that for some reason work on me. I’m not generally a floral fan, but the sweetness of the other notes cut any sort of sharp or sour tang that florals can have on me, I love this scent and will wear it often. It does make me feel like lounging in a bed of silk sheets with florals weaving a blanket over me. Very nice… Medium to strong throw with an average wearlength.
  11. slave1

    Hunger Moon

    HUNGER MOON In Bottle: Lemon pine On Skin: I LOVE the bottle!!! Damn, I should have gotten a shirt. I get a piney scent right away. I don’t see pine listed as a note so it must be how notes are reacting to each other. The woodiness is sandalwood and the oakmoss adds to that great earthy feel. The scent is cold for sure, I get chilled and feel like a window is open. It also clears my sinuses. I think that comes from the beautiful herbal sage mixing with fresly cut verbena. The verbena does seem more woody planty lemon than extreme citrus like it sometimes becomes on me. The amber is soft but adds depth and acts as a great base. All in all it seems like one of the Aisian themed lunacies… maybe in the lines of Snow Moon. It is a very pretty scent but not really one I’d wear. It’s a bit too sharp for me. It has a strong throw and long wearlength.
  12. slave1


    BAKENEKO In Bottle: Spicy musk On Skin: I was worried about eh cinnamon and cardamom in this one and that the tea would amp on me, but it is gorgeous!!! Yay!! Monster Cat loves me!! The musk is most dominant and is so drop dead sexy… wowsers. The spices are second in line, soft and sweet. Not a heavy spice though, just warm enough to add to the sexiness and make the scent have some heat. They don’t burn my nose or make my eyes water or anything. The tea is also subtle, just a nice bitter note that balances the sweetness of the other notes. The tangerine is the faintest of all, just a nice squirt of citrus, perfect with the tea. The cherry blossom is also very light, a sweet floral that gives a little bit of femininity to the scent. Over all the scent is red in feel to me, but not blazing red… a more orangey/red tone. I don’t get mayhem from this scent, but I do get a sense of playfulness, just like a cat. It has a medium throw and long wearlength.
  13. slave1

    Lot and His Daughters

    In Bottle: Powdery fruit and spice On Skin: This smells like a spicy sweetart at first on me. The powdery candiness of it, with a gorgeous spicy background. The bourbon geranium offers a slight boozy note, the black patchouli seem to love me and offers a drop dead sexy feel that is heightened by the myrrh and the skin musk clings to my skin making me whimper a little. It’s all just so beautiful! I usually don’t like lemon, but the lemon peel just gives a nice slice of sourness to balance the sweetness of the other notes and compliments the tangering perfectly. The saffron creates the exotic spicy touch and brings the entire scent together. Another perfectly blended scent! I loove how this scent is sweet one moment, then sour then spicy! It morphs and creates a mood I can’t even explain. A keeper for sure! Light to moderate throw with an average wearlength on me.
  14. slave1

    The Lantern Ghost of Oiwa

    In Bottle: Soft, clean and minty On Skin: Ooo, a very soft and subtle scent. The mint is freaking gorgeous, not overwhelming, just a nice shiver of coldness cutting through the beautiful floral notes of the calla lily and cherry blossom. The tea is very friendly to me and for the first time does not amp itself like crazy like it normally does. I love how subtle this Asian themed scent is, so delicate and tranquil. The rice wine adds a sweet touch and the ho wood gives a very nice balance. This scent is beautiful, through and through. Very feminine and very soft. It has a light throw and average wearlength.
  15. slave1

    The Ecstacy of St. Theresa

    In Bottle: Soft and velvety On Skin: Wow! What an intriguing scent! It’s really hard to explain, the blending in this scent is so well done!! The florals mixing with the incense create a sweet almost fruity note. The resins give a full deep background that is soft as velvet. The gardenia is milky and sweet and tames the sharpness of the iris. I think it is quite unisex and would be gorgeous on most anyone. I really do get a sexy ecstacy feel from this, pure pleasure but also very innocent. Yes, the ecstacy of a saint…. This is a very lovely scent, but it is also very light. Light throw and short to average wearlength.
  16. slave1

    La Mort Qui Danse

    In Bottle: Extreme lily On Skin: This is a very strong floral. The lilies are bring and white with the pepper dancing in the background. The ginger also adds a nice spice and really creates a unique scent. The white giner is much more to my liking than the pungent red ginger I’ve smelled in a few scents that goes all crazy on me. This is a floral though, no question about it. While I like lilies this is a bit too perfumey and not really one I’d wear on a regular basis. It’s a very feminine scent as well. I’d say it has a medium throw and it actually lasts quite long on me.
  17. slave1


    MAIDEN In Bottle: Tea and rose On Skin: This is a very straight forward scent. I get tea right away followed by a very sour and sharp rose. The rose almost has a lemony feel to it it is so sour. The carnation offers a spicy, sharp and bitter floral as well. After about 15 minutes, the carnation is the dominant note. This smells like a carnation right under my nose, very realistic. Sadly, I don’t like tea, rose or carnation notes so this scent doesn’t work on me in the slightest. It has a loight to medium throw and an average to long wearlength.
  18. slave1


    OUIJA In Bottle: Dusty dry floral On Skin: This scent doesn’t work on me at all. It smells very dusty which cause my nose to twitch. It is very dry in tone, purely dried out roses that have been sitting in a potpourri bowl for years and have inches of dust covering them. The woody notes add to the dusty dry feel but give the scent it’s depth. This is a very light scent, I really have to lean in close and breathe in as deeply as I can to even begin to smell it. Not a scent for me at all. It has a super light throw and very short wearlength.
  19. slave1


    GLASYA In Bottle: Sweet, powdery and musky On Skin: I smell the musks right away, deep and full. The myrrh gives a powdery note and the dragon’s blood is very sweet and red in feel. The florals give a nice feminine edge while the patchouli and civet bring a raw and almost feral feel. This scent has so many levels. I like that the notes all seem to balance each other out and blend so well. This is a masterpiece of a scent. It has several notes I usually hate: civet, patchouli and rose, but it also has notes I love: musk and myrrh. With such strong notes, I thought it would be a strong scent, but on me it is quite light in throw. It does have a dark mood though, red and sexy. I do love this scent and will be wearing it for sure. Light to medium throw and average to long wearlength.
  20. slave1

    Feu Follet

    FEU FOLLET In Bottle: Jasmine extreme On Skin: Jasmine is the dominant note on me followed by the rose. This scent reminds me of a sweet soap. The jasmine is strongly floral and the sweet heliotrope does a great job of counteracting the sourness of the rose. It’s pretty, but not really me. It also has a slightly artificial scent to it. Very feminine and pink violet feel in tone. It’s a soft scent with light to medium throw and an average wearlength.
  21. slave1

    Moxie (fizzyBOOM)

    I hope this bomb was Moxie. It wasn't labeled except for the Black Phoenix logo. It's orange and has a beautiful orange color and smelled like Moxie to me. It turned the water a light orange. It moisturized very well without being overly oily or sticky like some oils in the bath can be. I loved how long the bomb fizzed... The fragrance is just right, and such a beautiful refreshing citrus. This scent wakes you up and leaves you feeling quite energized. To me this is for a wake up bath, not so much for a relaxing bath. As I've said about the other bombs, this one left no residue. The bathtub rinsed out nicely with just a few grains left on the floor. No oily residue which was very nice. I hate having to clean and scrub the bathtub right after I've taken a bath, you know? I love the feeling this bomb evoked, I want another!! Yay for Moxie!!!
  22. slave1

    Zazzle (fizzyBOOM)

    I'm hoping my bomb is a Zazzle, it didn't have a label other than "Chocolate". I normally am not a fan of chocolate scents, but this is DELISH!!! It completely reminds me of hot cocoa mix, the color, the scent, the mood. I love it!! The bath water turned light brown and the fizzyness was very nice. I used the whole bomb, I know some people like to cut theirs in half, but I prefer a full on decadent bath with extreme scent and luxury. The scent was perfect, not overwhelming or underwhelming. The water was very moisturizing and not oily or sticky at all. I felt lightly scented after I rinsed off and left the bath. There was only a little residue left in the bath, little sandy bits but not an oil residue that some bombs leave behind. That was super nice because I hate scrubbing the tub after a bath. I give the bombs a thumbs up for sure!!
  23. slave1


    NYX Named in honor of the primeval Greek Goddess of Night. A scent reflecting inky black skies and eternal desolation. Night-blooming jasmine, warmed by myrrh, lifted by the promise of rose. In Bottle: Myrrh On Skin: This is pure myrrh. I have Penitence on my other arm and they smell quite similar except Penitence has the smoky frankincense and Nyx has florals. Nyx is a bit sickly sweet due to the jasmine whick quickly overpowers the myrrh and becomes the dominant note. I don’t really smell the rose other than a slight sour echo in the background. Nyx is much more feminine than Penitence and it doesn’t please me as much. I think the jasmine is just too strong for me because it’s starting to give me a headache. It has a super strong throw and fades slowly so an average wearlength.
  24. slave1

    Black Hellebore

    BLACK HELLEBORE In Bottle: Sweet earthy floral On Skin: Not what I was expecting… it does have the rose note but there is also a sweet earthy note that darkens the scent and gives it weight. It’s also a bit fruity,,, hmm… green in feel… I love it! It’s actually quite hard to pin down what I’m smelling. I do still smell the slightly sour rose. The roots earthy scent is moist and not dusty dirt at all. The fruity note also has a kind of vegtable feel to it, maybe like sweet cucumber? Seriously, this scent is really confusing my nose. I smell the lily from Black Lily, that almost vanilla milky sweetness. It has an average thorw and short to average wearlength.
  25. slave1


    PENITENCE In Bottle: Wood On Skin: I smell cedar, like a sauna or fresh wood at a lumber yard. Very sweet… The myrrh is golden and absolutely royal. The frankincense is gorgeous as well, resinous and slightly smokey. It seems quite masculine to me. While it is a pretty scent, it isn’t really me. If you’re a fan of incense or scents like Midnight Mass, this one is for you. Very sweet and resinous and also quite strong, it’s not a subtle scent at all. Dark in feel with a golden center. I love how royal it feels, I think this scent stands on it’s own. Strong throw and long wearlength.