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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Lamia

  1. Lamia


    I saved Hlinspjalda from that bullet This is extremely familar, and I can't figure out what other BPAL this smells like. I think I have officially Tried Too Many BPAL and can't keep them all straight in my head, even with spreadsheets Jasmine and I normally get along fine, but I think this is jasmine and magnolia, a thick sweetness under the heavier notes of patchouli and opium. Not my #1 favorite, but definately red and sensual and delicious. Must remember to NOT stick my nose against my wrist and inhale deeply on this one, as I end up sneezing LOL
  2. Lamia


    My word... no WONDER this is so desperately sought after! This has aged enough that I picked up the cardamom as cinnamon, and there was no dermal reaction. This scent is delightfully dirty, and it's just ... Dayum. It does fade away to become less HOT DAMN, but it's still delectable. My thanks to Hlinspjalda for the sniffie!
  3. Lamia

    E Pluribus Unum

    A lovely bright green/bright yellow floral. Very much not me, but I am thrilled to have been able to sample it.
  4. Lamia

    Hermes Trimegistus v2

    My thanks to Hlinspjalda for the half-imp of this. Wow. It took a while for me to figure this one out. Sure, lavender-ish punches to the face while wet, but there's something musky and deep in the bakground. After a while, I realized that this reminded me a lot of a fantastic tea-tree and bergamot shampoo I scored in a hotel, and which I begged housekeeping to get me extra bottles of. With raw frankincense thrown in for good measure. This is just ... wow.
  5. Lamia

    Silas Ruthyn

    Oh my. This starts off masculine cologne, and turns to thin leather and machine lubricant. I thought that perhaps I'd applied Edward Hyde by mistake. Vetiver starts to shove to the fore after about 2 hours. This reminds me a lot of ...? (not Toad) It smells like a Gaslight Fantasy gentleman who spends a lot of time tinkering in his laboratory. Husband first said it smelled of "nothing", and then on second sniff he offered "Cinnamon and pepper". I think he's nuts LOL Boycat likes this too. Throw is lovely.
  6. Lamia


    The voting tablet. Herbs and flowers that represent democracy, justice, leadership, and power: olive blossom, frankincense, tobacco flower, benzoin, Little John, bergamot, galangal, angelica, fig, sage, and ginger. I can't figure this out. Wet, it's got a green-ness to it, a fleshy leafed green, rather than a cheerful spring green or a newly-mowed green. Drydown it thickens. I presume that to be a combination of the fig and tobacco. But there's something myrrh-ish as well, plus the round scent of bergamot. Can't figure this one out, but I like it very very much.
  7. Lamia

    Lilith and the Jarocho

    This started lime-ish on me, very citrus, with something thick in the background. Because I do not check ingredients before testing, I have no preconceived notions. So when it turned to lime and morning breath, I was pretty bummed. DAMN YOU, DORIAN!
  8. Lamia

    Pumpkin Smash

    This is the best pumpkin spice cake ever made, woof! The exquisite foody scent does die back after about an hour, leaving the honey sweetness of beeswax. I get no smoke or asphalt or beer. Damn good, I just wish it could stay as amazing as when it's wet.
  9. Lamia


    Sweet fresh soapy sccent. Very nice, just not my kind of scent. Trade bag, as this will quickly find a happy and beloved home.
  10. Lamia

    MVJBA: Pancake Breakfast

    BEST!! PANCAKES!! EVARRRR!!! Thank you, jewelbug, for this decant *rolls around in the delciousness*
  11. Lamia

    Crimson Christmas

    Dirty mint and hotel soap. It feels hot, but isn't creating redness on my skin. Yeah, dryer sheets, laundry detergent, hot forest death by animals. Husband says that it reminds him of some sort of household cleanser from his youth. Gah, trade bag big time, unless it morphs a LOT and soon!
  12. Lamia


    I was blessed by tartchef with a frimp. I desperately wanted this to work, as it smelled so magnificently in the bottle. Nice to know that my nose isn't crazy - I applied this without checking the ingredients and thought "Poison, with a touch of lemon". Ah well. As I was blessed, so will I share the mojo, and find someone who wants to love this.
  13. Lamia

    Season of the Inundation

    This is Ol' Roswell Cemetery but with myrrh instead of magnolias. ALL WET SOIL, ALL THE TIME! WHEEEE! I like Ol' Roswell Cemetery better. Trade bag.
  14. Lamia

    Labores Solis

    This is the Labores Solis: the sun’s rays expressed through frankincense, amber, heliotrope, saffron, and chamomile, crossed with Luna’s Artemisias, manifesting in darkness. Frankincense first, surprisingly rough and gravelly. Then amber. Bah, foo, ptui. Trade bag. I should have known that if Wwindy loves it this much, that it WILL NOT WORK AT ALL on me Edited to add scent description.
  15. Lamia

    Nonae Caprotina

    You're welcome, tartchef This started smelling like a very nice high-end goat's milk soap. Very nummy, but as I stare at my backlog of scents yet to test, and my box of proven keepers, I wonder if there is room in my life (bathroom) for something that is a pleasant 3 out of 5? No, no, I will be magnanimous, and surprise a friend of mine with this. And then I started to smell it wafting about. The creaminess of the milk, and the sweet depth of the fig, and the richness of the myrrh, all combine to make a scent of surprising magnificence. On my skin, it smells cold, like milk fresh from the fridge, yet hot at the exact same time. Naturally, I had to check and see if my friend was actually looking for this? Oh! I had it confused, she's SELLING her Nonae Caprotina. Excellent, I can keep this imp without guilt!
  16. Lamia

    The Feast For The Greatly Revered Ones

    A real 60's-era hippie's birthday cake: zucchini bread, gluten-free, molasses instead of processed sugar, with extra carob chips. Ahhhh youth....
  17. Lamia

    Aries 2007

    This had a pleasant bite. Didn't last long, but was quite enjoyable while it lasted.
  18. Lamia


    I was very fortunate to test this today at a M&S. I'm a poopie head - I don't see what is so fantastic about it. Sure, it's pleasant, but it doesn't scream NOLA (one of my favorite cities!) or ZOMG MUST HUNT THIS DOWN NOW AIIIIEEEEE! at me. More for everyone else, I suppose
  19. Lamia

    Champagne and Cigars

    Wow - truth in advertising! This was very fizzy, and had amazing stamina - this lasted for HOURS. Underneath the fizzy champagne was a high-quality cigar - not a hooch cigar that is made of fail and gross, but a beautiful cigar that is enjoyed with expensive scotch in a beautiful room with windows overlooking an evening city skyline. I am so glad I got to test this
  20. Lamia

    Dr. John Seward

    This is elegant and subdued. It's a soft smoky wood, but... not. VERY briefly foody. Red berries try to push through, but are only detectable in the throw. Eventually, the buttery red berries come forth, but this is always a gentle scent which waits for you to notice it. Quick fade, sadly.
  21. Lamia

    Spinning Multicolored Metallic Pinwheel

    Fizzy indeed! Husband proclaimed "PEZ!", and I can accept that. My version is if SweeTarts worked like Alka Selzter, it's be like Spinning Multicolored Metallic Pinwheel.
  22. Lamia

    Plastic Pink Flamingo

    Why am I always different in my reviews? This is brutal. Fresh it is pure fluffy sugar with sugar coating and some sugar on top. And some sugar. I actually hestitated before applying it because it was so incredibly sweet. Nia above mentioned "synthetic" and I woulod tend to agree with her choice of word. It is soooooo sugary that I was vaguely nauseous for a while and consdered washing it off. After about half an hour, the powerful sugar is only throw (and what a throw, phew!), while sniffing skin reveals dandelion sap; but stale sticky dirty-fingered-child sap. This is going in the trade bag. Ah well, considering how incredibly exquisitely magnificent Lawn Gnome was yesterday, I guess this is paybacks!
  23. Lamia

    Lawn Gnome

    In the bottle: Cake? A brown sugar-based cake? Yes, brown sugar-ish. Applied to skin: Yep cake NO WAIT, WHOA! Er, a plant? green? (checks ingredients) AHA! That would be the molasses and moss. Immediately on skin: Moss, how bizarre, who knew there could be a moss perfume? Drydown, sniffing skin: Man, are we sure there is no vetiver in here? That's the butchest most bad-ass patchouli I have ever sniffed. Throw: Oh, my, there is the red currant. But it's throw only - sniffing my wrists it's the cranky patchouli. 10 minutes later: Walking in a cloud of currant, buttery cream, molasses and patchouli. Here is my expression = I ... I think I need more of this. This is AMAZING!!!
  24. Lamia

    The Festival of Anuket

    Piercingly clear aquatic scent. I want to say "blue" but I'd just be putting my preconceived notions onto the scent.
  25. Lamia

    Forbidden Fruit

    As expected, Bazooka bubblegum and bad breath. DAMN YOU AMBER!!! (shakes fist)