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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Shollin

  1. So far my favourite orange scents are Ravenous and Carnal (Ravenous is sex in a bottle on me, Carnal's a bit more reserved). Lolita is also a bit orangey, but not as pronounced as those two.


    Phantasm is beautiful soft lemon, if you're looking for other kinds of citrus, and The Star (tarot oil) has a lemon-lime feel to it but is mostly coconut on top. Phantasm is my favourite lemony scent - it's a very soft misty lemon, not at all cleanery.


    Baobhan Sith is a new scent that reminds me of a grapefruit version of Phantasm. There's a bit of bite to it at first, but it softens nicely.

  2. Good on y'all for digging out from that mess. :P Must go look at links now!


    And I'm really hoping my stuff gets here today because I'm going out of town tomorrow to visit a recent convert and I want to take her some new stuff to sniff! :D


    (edit: No such luck, unfortunately - but the friend in question has a lot of scents I haven't smelled yet, so I get my fix tomorrow. And my package WILL be here when I get back on Tuesday, yes it will, it musst, preciousss...)

  3. you'll get a notice from me and, if it is a domestic order, from the USPS automated service when it goes out again.

    I've never gotten anything from the USPS about any of my orders - is this a new thing just for reshipments, or is it supposed to happen every time? Just curious.


    I can't believe all the insanity the bloody post office is putting y'all through. As if having the Evil Flu of Doom for weeks wasn't enough. :P

  4. First sniff: Endymion is the absolute smell, taste and texture of a perfectly ripe not-too-soft pear. Really gorgeous.


    Wearing: I can smell soft flowers immediately under the blanket of pear, a hint of rose and something else that makes it not just rosey. The aura is more flowers than pear, but it’s still definite pear if I sniff my wrist directly. Very pretty, even the rosey bits, and I’m not a rose person. After a few minutes it goes sweeter and I get the same sneezey feeling as with Old New Orleans. The pear disappears very fast once it dries – I wish it hung around more, it’s what makes this one unique.

  5. Bath Good! It's probably bad luck to wish Ted good luck if hockey works anything like theatre, but considering the sport, I don't want to risk wishing him broken limbs... :P


    Enjoy the break. And tell Brian not to be such a Virgo. (Yeah, like that ever works... :D )


    *joins the chant* When you get back, everything will be fine.

  6. It took me a while to build up the guts to open Puck's vial at all - every time I sniff it closed I smell animals in heat. Guess that’s the civet. Scary. :P


    First sniff: From far-ish away the grape is very nice, but there’s that thick black animal smell underneath if I get the wand anywhere near my nose. I’m trying it on and hoping for a miracle. In a posting at Bust, kebechet once referred to a couple of the guy scents (Satyr and Czernobog) as being “penis-oriented,” and that’s exactly what I’m getting from this one. (Sorry for the visual.)


    Wearing: Yup, I smell like a grape Popsicle in heat. Trying to give it a fair chance to develop, but at the moment... yeargh. (Only the second I've actively disliked of gods-know-how-many BP scents I've tried - still a damn good track record.) Swaps away!

  7. First sniff: I somehow can’t picture Othello as a man’s scent. (And I wrote that before reading paperdoll's review!) It’s soft, spiced roses – not hot-spicy, just flavor-spicy. There’s something warm too that makes it more than just rose. It’s beautifully clean and very reserved – doesn’t shout ROSE! like so many other rose perfumes do.


    Wearing: Someone mentioned clean bedsheets? Heck yeah. There’s a gentle dusting of powdery softness over pale yellow roses, which I can barely smell on my skin. This is just intriguing as heck. I’d probably be very confused by a guy in this scent… and at the same time very drawn to him, because this definitely isn’t a typical guy scent, but there’s something very comforting about it… in a clean-bedsheets sort of way, not the warm sort of comforting I usually think of with blankets by the fire. It’s being nine years old and waking up on a weekend in spring when you know you don’t have to go to school and fluffing your pale-blue bedsheet way up so it softly drifts back down over you. It’s very light – I dabbed a bit more on just a few minutes in so I could get a better feel for it.

  8. I'm trying to decide what would best keep me sane through the twelve-hour workday ahead... gotta be there from noon to midnight, give or take a bit.


    It'll probably either be Jester, 'cause it's the cheeriest scent I have, or Twilight, 'cause it's warm and soothing. Or possibly Spooky, which just rules all around.


    Any thoughts?

  9. Honestly, everyone's been so fabulous about following the review format that I haven't had any trouble at all keeping the place in order... I think a second mod there is fairly unnecessary.


    All the review threads have been sorted - if you see something out of place let me know. Hellfire is in Limited Editions at the moment just because it's unavailable - I'm moving it back under the main category as soon as I get mod access to the subforums. :P The other two that are left without a subforum are upcoming scents that aren't on the site yet and so don't have a category.


    The new place looks great - thanks so much!

  10. First sniff: Ooh, I like Seraglio. Slightly orangey and Christmas-spicy and sharp – not creamsicle orange, more like Orangina, maybe even Orangina with champagne (flashback to New Year’s Eve in Bordeaux…) It’s decidedly sweet-almondy too – took me a bit to place the scent, but it smells like my mom’s almond tea.


    Wearing: On first touch, same as the bottle. It’s still a bit sharp, almost sneezey, but overall really nice. I can picture a belly dancer sprinkling this scent in her scarves. After a moment the rose is peeking softly out, but it’s not screamingly rosey like Black Rose. Really gorgeous – just five minutes on and it’s a velvety rose wrapped in warmth and dusted with spice.

  11. Is there an appley bpal?


    Welcome, Skallywag! Jester is nothing but apples on me, but I think it's just my skin being weird, because there's no apple in the description. I haven't worn Eve yet, but it's apples and roses, with a drizzle of honey. Delirium has apple, rose and lemon (also haven't tried that one), and there's a single-note apple blossom oil that's probably worth a look.


    Hope this helps!
