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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Shollin

  1. There are some reviews that are just really dang hard to find -- usually because of a typo on a Lab label or an accent mark in the name. So here's a list of the unsearchables, in alphabetical order.

    If I've left something out of either category, or if a link doesn't work, please PM me and I'll fix it. :P With the changes to the search engine in the past few months, even the shortest names (O, I'm looking at you) are searchable. Yay! So I've taken those off the list.

    Label Typos/Misspellings

    Other Common Misspellings

    Unsearchable or Difficult-to-Search Names

    Hope this helps!

  2. First sniff: Cold, metallic dragon’s blood.


    Wearing: This is a gorgeous, richly deep-red scent, with just a hint of the smoky. I’m trying to remember why I didn’t order a bottle… the description isn’t terribly inviting, to be sure, but dragon’s blood is almost always stunning on me and I’m very grateful to Bagfish for swapping me this imp. :P I’m annoyed that it faded so quickly – I’ll put more on next time.

  3. First sniff: Based on the scent description, it’s very much a toss-up as to whether Lenore will work on me at all. And the vial-scent seems to be all the notes that don’t: vetiver and smoke, and even the patchouli is a bit too dirty.


    Wearing: Ooh, that’s better. The aura is all white musk and lemon. However, it developed a bizarre cedary note as it dried, and the end result was decidedly not me.

  4. First sniff: A cool splash of fresh greenness. This was a winter release, of course, but I’m betting it’ll be an awesome cooling scent for summer, and now I’m glad for my overly Virgonian review system that’s kept me from trying it on until July. It’s cool and green and a little bit tart, like there’s a bit of secret citrus lurking under the listed notes.


    Wearing: Just glorious. And quite a bit stronger than I expected. Very green and very tea.

  5. First sniff: Soft, sweet, wet floral. Very gentle and quiet.


    Wearing: Al-Araaf reminds me quite a bit of Tiger Lily, with a little something extra that smells a lot like tea. It’s really gorgeous – and no soapy lilies! Woo!

  6. First sniff: Absolutely frigid. Bone-cold and blindingly white. This is the mint at the end of the world. (And therefore quite possibly the after-dinner mints they serve at Milliways.)


    Wearing: So. very. cold. Perfect for late-June weather.

  7. First sniff: Dark forest, dry wood, eerieness.


    Wearing: Talvikuu reminds me quite a bit of Yew-Trees, right down to the unexpected nuttiness of the drydown. I’ll have to hold a sniff-off between them someday, because I don’t think I need both, but for now I’ll hang onto this one.

  8. First sniff: Stardust is… weird. The initial sniff is very much hairspray. After that, it’s a little bit floral, a little bit boozey, and a whole lot quirky.


    Wearing: It totally smells like I sprayed my wrist with White Rain hairspray. And it dries down to hairspray. It smells like the evil hairspray of doom that my mom used to plaster my bangs with when I was in middle school. So why do I like it so much?

  9. First sniff: Sharp. Very sharp. There’s something in here my nose doesn’t like even in the vial. Ooh – I bet it’s rosemary. I don’t think I’ve liked a rosemary blend yet (which is weird, because I do like the scent of the actual herb… but in the oils it’s apparently just too sharp).


    Wearing: Mondo rosemary! Quickly swallowed up in white flowers. It’s too sharp at first and too sweet after that. Pity.

  10. First sniff: Decidedly aquatic. I’m not getting a whole lot of darkness, though.


    Wearing: Mr. Bloated Corpulence is surprisingly fresh and breezey. :P And, alas, not distinct enough from the several other aquatics I already love. I’ll send His Tentacular Ickiness off to torment some other soul.

  11. First sniff: Much sweeter than I expected… but rather than being headachey-sweet, it smells like The World’s Best Honey over warm skin, with incense burning somewhere in the background.


    Wearing: Honeyed skin – the smokiness has vanished, and I can’t smell the musk as a separate entity at all; it’s just melded with my skin. Simply glorious. The aura reminds me very much of O. I’ll see if it has a similar effect on my guy… and if so, it’ll have to go in the “not for wearing in public” pile. :P

  12. First sniff: Thin wood, bone-dry, and dried, withered herbs. Dry dry dry. It reminds me of photos from drought-stricken lands, hard cracked earth where a pond used to be.


    Wearing: Parched bare trees clawing frantically at the sky. I know the Scales represent Famine, but I’m getting a sense of powerful thirst here, rather than hunger. (The two are linked, of course; no water means no crops will grow… but this dryness is very specifically thirst. And I’m chugging ice water now just because I can.)

  13. First sniff: Wow. This scent is cold, hollow, and freaky. It’s vaguely fruit, but ice-cold fruit, and fruit that probably isn’t particularly good for you. It smells menacing.


    Wearing: I don’t think I’ve had this kind of visceral reaction to a scent since Havisham. That one made me all melancholy; this one seriously creeps me out. Verdict: I'll find it another home where it can creep someone else out.

  14. I don’t really have a first sniff for this one, as I swiped this on in a hurry after realising I’d gone through half my workday smelling like JustMe.


    Wearing: Holy… er, unholy, I suppose… blast, now I’ve lost my train of thought. Anyway, this scent is amazing. White musk and lavender, warmed by vanilla. I must try this on my guy and then glue my nose to his neck. But he’s not getting my imp, ’cause by the time it dries all the way, it reminds me of Dorian – only BETTER. I swear. It’s Dorian’s vanillagoodness with a spectacular white-musk shimmer and no distracting sugar.

  15. First sniff: This is one of the oddest rose scents I’ve ever smelled. The adjective I keep thinking of is hyper.


    Wearing: The rose wafts, the lemon clings, and the apple is in hiding. It’s the old-lady variety of rose, unfortunately.

  16. First sniff: Powdery floral. Drat.


    Wearing: O Iris, why do you taunt me so? I love to look at you, but you turn everything you touch to powder. And yet… the powder seems to be only in the wet stage (wet powder? hrm)… when it dries, it’s awfully pretty, a jasminey sweetness that isn’t screamingly headachey. Verdict: It’s earned another testing, at very least.

  17. First sniff: Seriously bright, sunny, happy citrus yumminess. Juicy, sweet and intensely yellow.


    Wearing: This is one of the most gorgeous bright fruit scents EVER. It’s pure cheerful sunshine after weeks and weeks of overcast winter skies. And living in Central Washington, I know whereof I speak. Verdict: Ohellyeah.

  18. First sniff: Mmmm. Another “inhale until my chest hurts” scent. Terpsichore is boldspicysweetfloral in brilliant colors – no pale pink tutu and pointe shoes for her; she’s more into the jewel-toned unitards, or maybe hot pink leg warmers and an electric blue sweatband.


    Wearing: Flashdance is this scent’s soundtrack! (And I happen to really like that song, so it’s a good thing.) It’s flashy and strutty and just plain awesome. Take your passion and make it happen, baby!

  19. First sniff: Red spice and ripe heavy fruit. It’s way cinnamon (cassia, whatever) in the bottle… I’m a little afraid of what my skin will do to it.


    Wearing: The wrist-scent is a lot brighter than I expected, very red and still mostly spice. Sadly, all the other wonderful stuff never really showed up, so I pretty much smelled like cinnamon gum all day. Verdict: Reluctant swappage. No luck yet with the two Phoenixes I’ve tried – maybe the Pink will like me more.

  20. First sniff: Sharp and cold and sad. Frozen flowers over a tentative base of pale musk or aloe.


    Wearing: It’s so very cold. This is the scent of someone who has withdrawn into an icy shell for fear of being hurt again by someone he loves… Vanyel Ashkevron before the thaw. Verdict: Not an everyday scent, but a keeper for certain moods.

  21. First sniff: Aaaaaaaaaamberlujah! With a wee touch of soft flower petals around the outsides.


    Wearing: Uh-oh. It’s rosier than I expected, and the amber seems to be going a little powdery. It was a bit more me-ish in the drydown… I think I need to try it again.
